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will watch it today
do you have a geeklist account?
anyone know about php campusbook api?
hi there, unfortunately no
3 hours later…
I have a geeklist
should I use it?
Do you want an invite?
no I'm already there, wanted to ask you if you want an invitation :)
4 hours later…
room topic changed to NoSQL: When your data obey the CAP theorem [cassandra] [couchbase] [couchdb] [mongodb] [neo4j] [nosql] [orientdb] [redis] [riak]
All data obeys the CAP theorem :D
when you can do all three you solved a very difficult problem
when someone solves all three at the same time he will won a nobel prize for sure
I remember one great chapter from some book
it's even online I think
about nosql ecosystem
What are indexes?
4 hours later…
indexes are for example fields in table or document which are located in low latency storage (for example cached in RAM) in order to be quickly accessed for querying or other manipulation
for example in SQL world primary and foreign keys are also by default indexes because they are often used in where or join clause therefore they needs to be quickly accessed to speed up data traversal

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