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not a option, webrtc :(
no control over video
I see
Sounds reasonable then
@CSᵠ can't I pretend mathematical perfection?
@towc bigint
btw, i hope that translates (int) 7 into '7'
@CSᵠ seems interesting
but how would you solve periodic numbers with that?
it's not for everyday use
set a precision limit and then all equals
infinity precision?
@towc Decimal type
good luck with that
@copy ?
And to go one further symbolic computation
Look it up
i was just gonna roll my own, but then... revert to use and strip an already made lib
biginteger.js looks cool
I feel like there should be a model where 1/3 !== 0.333333333333333333, but it should remain 1/3 and not compute the answer unless requested
@towc That's decimal type
in bigint you'll have 333333333333333333333333333333
never a rounded end
@CSᵠ still, that's not actually equal to 1/3
i feel there should be a math notation
1/3 = 0.(3)
@CSᵠ they are actually not the same thing!
1117/13 = 85.(923076)
and the lib should handle > < accordingly
that's the computed value! Periodical numbers shouldn't match any fraction for all I know
not hard to implement
not sure if anything like that is there
they can be approximated to fractions
@copy you aware of something like rgar?>
@towc wait, what? why?
1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 === 1, right?
lol, yeah
0.(3) + 0.(3) + 0.(3) === 0.(9)
@CSᵠ It exists
0.(9) !== 1
and I shall kill whoever wants to approximate 0.(9) to 1, when you're requested to not approximate
why? ^
@towc That's wrong
1/3 === 0.(3) + epsilon
where epsilon is the infinitesimal value
0.(9) approximates to 1
@towc That's wrong
@CSᵠ That's wrong
it's not exactly or identical indeed
@copy terms
what's right then, @copy?
0.(9) == 1 but 0.(9) !== 1 meanwhile in math (1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1)
They're exactly the same
@CSᵠ that is because 1/3 !==0.(3)
.(9) === 1
In math, that is
Depends who you ask though
@towc yeah, but then... what would that be?
because 1/3 != 0.333333333333334
@CSᵠ just 1/3
Some mathematicians say they're not equal
because 0.333333333333334 +0.333333333333334+0.333333333333334 >1
it should be stored as 1/3
let's say E is the infinitesimal value:
1/3 = 0.(3) + E
and now... what tha fuck are we doing
3*(1/3) = 0.(9) + 3E
for the properties of the infinitesimal value 3E = E
it should be +E
so 1 = 0.(9) + E
it follows that 1 !== 0.(9)
at least, for my way of looking at it
what about 0.(9) to 1's E ?
@CSᵠ ?
what is E (theoretically speaking)
how much is it?
E = 0
There is no infinitesimally small number
it's the smallest positive real number
would Inf * E = 1 or 0
@towc There isn't one
@CSᵠ it would equal E
and that
E would be equal to 0 unless you want to get into infinitesimal calculus
@Meredith how not? If your argument is that you can find a smaller number by just doing (current E)/2, I'll tell you that the answer is still E
@Meredith what if I do?
then your 3E there is flawed, what i was meaning to explain @towc
If you do, then go get a masters degree in mathematics
because you would just add E or n * E and it would whole a number or not
yeah, didn't think about it
I've a quick and small question. Can someone kindly give me some advice please.

I have a javascript, and it formats a typical html-table into a search-table. I want the table to appear after it is ready (as in after the script are ran).

After some search, I found setTimeout and callback? It seems that it can be done with callback but I have not success. http://jsfiddle.net/b42vn2nh/92/
I am amazed at how I couldn't find anything in IE . I mean any code editor like chromium has that Zen Code Editor extension and scratchpad like FF
@Maki hide it first in css and activate it when something's foind
Hello. I'm having an issue with the Google Maps JavaScript API v3. I created an API key which I now use for a production environment. But upon loading, I get the error message that the key is invalid or the URL is not authorized. The referrer should be allowed, since it's in the list. And the API key is the correct one. Why is it giving me this error?
@CSᵠ what do you mean by when something is found? Because the table should be visible even if you are not searching. if keyup != toggle(show)....that is not possible
@CSᵠ at the moment, i can see it preparing (as in the table before javascript and css kicks in).
@EltonJamie Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
what you want with else — NoDownvotesPlz 9 mins ago
@Maki activate it whenever you need it then, but still hide it from css, inline even
@CSᵠ I understood the css part but don't get what you mean....
i will try to search more.
but @Maki it's simple, just hide it first, and show it whenever you need it via JS
@CSᵠ i'm not knowledge enough yet ><
thanks for the advice
I have to give a presentation on regular expression in 1 month :(
Its not that I dunno, but I don't know a lot
@argentum47 Put up a slide with xkcd.com/208 and leave the room :)
star this message as useful / interesting for the transcript
I have a list of divs $('.px'). They are bind with .on('click',function(){});. But when I create more <div class="px"></div>, the new ones does not have the click event. Is that supposed to happen?
hi guys
I got a call from someone.
and she was assuring me to get me the job in hcl
but she was asking for 2000 Rs as service charges.
she was telling me that she works in naukri.com
Sounds like a scam
Pay someone to get a job? Sounds like a huge scam.
I thaught so
so I told her to send me the mail from naukri.com site
and she sent me the mail but that was ordinary
and she called me again
because I don't know you
so I cant pay you
and she replied me that you are missing the opportunity of job .
she told that I need a job not she
send me 1500 Rs and I'll talk to her
@ivarni 1500 Rs for what?
but on a serious note, contact that company's HR and ask them what's going on
@Harish exactly. Don't pay random people on the internet for shady services :)
@ivarni I know that
@ivarni that's why I neglected her
I told her that I don't believe you
Is it possible in naukri.com?
Read this
is that the cool new way to do setImmediate or something ?
From a readability point of view, I don't think it looks very cool
setImmediate or setTimeout at least communicates some intent
@darkyen00 no, it's stupid
@FlorianMargaine thought so
1 hour later…
Wasssup. :)
Writing unit tests. Bored
Unit tests suck
But then you hate yourself even more when you don't do them
@Meredith yeah I'm playing catch up right now :(
just hit 70% of coverage on the server code.
obviously not a great metric, but it's quasi-gamified this way at least
the good thing about unit tests is you can just put on music and smash them out
I try to think of it like working out
Just put effort into it, get it done, then reap the benefits
Anyone working on anything interesting?
@phenomnomnominal I finished this. Not sure it qualifies as "interesting" though.
@phenomnomnominal not sure you saw it, but this is actually interesting :)
@FlorianMargaine both fucking cool.
Are you actually hosting your shopping list somewhere?
Oh man I need a good shopping list app
They're never as simple as they should be so i just use notepad most of the time
I just go to the supermarket and buy random shit.
@phenomnomnominal yeah
@phenomnomnominal I always forget half the shit I need to buy
@Meredith see previous link :)
I can help you set it up if you want.
Yeah I saw, it's really cool
And yeah I went without a shopping list this week and forgot so many things
I didnt even buy any fruit
@Meredith but yeah, that's the issue I had. I ended up using evernote.
so now I have this in a custom domain with http auth...
building up a demo site
Looking forward to it
3 days ... 3 days wasted just cause i wanted to use visual studio, I should off just used the cli :-(
@darkyen00 You did it wrong? ;-)
hi to all
@RoelvanUden Tried to update windows 8 -> 8.1
Messed up my 5 year old laptop :-/ now it lacks a gpu
then installing visual studio community edition was a long task on itself.
on a 5 year old machine the process took around 8 hours cause the machine kept re-starting due to overheating (which was caused by absense of gpu)
after all that is fixed, visual studio lags
is it possible filled circle disappeared when page loaded?
and for some reason every time I open systems settings or vs portal to get dev license they just close prematurely @RoelvanUden < any clue on this one
my MS user group of friend told me to re-install windows... I am certainly not doing that one more time.
You should know better than to try installing the latest Windows and VS on a 5 year old machine :P. If you've had interruptions installing, there is no guarantee the entire thing is installed correctly. Premature closing of VS may merely be one of many symptoms of a corrupted installation.
Ensure you're system isn't overheating first (fix the drivers?), then re-install VS.
Ugh, mocking event emitters
Just call the listener
@RoelvanUden I did not interuppt anything
9 mins ago, by darkyen00
on a 5 year old machine the process took around 8 hours cause the machine kept re-starting due to overheating (which was caused by absense of gpu)
yeah i took care of that at the end
with an external cooler (an air conditioner vent)
Did you reinstall VS from scratch after that?
@Meredith Only have a public interface to the socket - and that socket spawns a process. Emitters emitting emitters.
Not pretty, but it's working.
Hahahah so glad I'm not the one writing tests for that
    it('should spawn the "protractor" command when it receives a "connection" event', function () {
        var EventEmitter = require('events');
        var childProcess = require('child_process');
        var socketEmitter = new EventEmitter();
        var spawnEmitter = new EventEmitter();
        spawnEmitter.stdout = new EventEmitter();
        spawnEmitter.stderr = new EventEmitter();
        var sockets = {
            of: noop
        sinon.stub(sockets, 'of').returns(socketEmitter);
poor phenomnomnie
@Meredith (@phenomnomnominal) demo-groceries.margaine.com
@FlorianMargaine such responsive
@phenomnomnominal ikr
it's for mobile usage :P
y u no angular :P
oh yeah, there's no validation.
im mortified by the lack of jquery
I should add a "required"...
time to DDOS margaine.com
can anyone quickly help me. can't figure out why this form doesn't load: jsfiddle.net/9mwvufeg
@DropTheTable Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DropTheTable open the console.
Hi. Is this room active?
@hellboy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
And Node.js developers are here also?
i get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of undefined
@hellboy yes
@phenomnomnominal I'm guessing that getElementById() is returning null
I'm getting Uncaught ReferenceError: generateForm is not defined
^ huh, jsfiddle bug
Change the JS to be included in the <head>. It's one of the options on the left sidebar.
Nah it's just loading the html before the javascript
@Meredith go to my version, open dev tools and click add
it dumps out this:
@phenomnomnominal I made that change. I'm guessing it doesn;t like me storing the form in a var? I get the same error which I think is down to me calling the function in a JSP page like this: <script>generateForm(<% out.print(value); %></script>
{"error": "Shell form does not validate{'html_initial_name': u'initial-js_lib', 'form': <mooshell.forms.ShellForm object at 0x3aab110>, 'html_name': 'js_lib', 'html_initial_id': u'initial-id_js_lib', 'label': u'Js lib', 'field': <django.forms.models.ModelChoiceField object at 0x3aaf890>, 'help_text': '', 'name': 'js_lib'}{'html_initial_name': u'initial-js_wrap', 'form': <mooshell.forms.ShellForm object at 0x3aab110>,...
When I click the button
jsfiddle.net/cknf6rae is my updated version
i had the issue that my Wildfly server wasn't pushing the updated .js file. so my changes weren't being reflected
very odd
I'm trying to dynamically add rows of textbox pairs
He doesnt have heart
Others are good
no name-calling please
Ok sorry
XYZ persom
what's the point in ranting about the java room in here anyway?
coz i was kicked
nobody cares, nor should anyone care. If you have a problem with certain persons, tell them if you feel the need to, don't run around the whole SO chat to bitch about the Java room
hmmm ok
Hello!! I want to prove the Merge Sort is stable. To do that I thought to use an invariant.

For the Insetion Sort I used the following inveriant:
"At the beginning of each iteration of the for loop, if $A[a]=A[b],a<b\leq j−1$, then $A[a]$ origiannly appeared before $A[b]$."

Could you give me some hints how the statement of the invariant for the Merge Sort will look like??
@GNi33 Don't bother with him.
I don't get it, but I'm open to give him the benefit of a doubt
@ShaU poor you. He's a cool and nice guy
posted on March 11, 2015

During my research of modern input types such as email, date, and number I stumbled upon the Hello World JavaScript detection technique. After fairly extensive testing I concluded that it should be added to the customary type === 'text' detection, mostly in order to cater to Android WebKit, although it also solves a few other problems. Although my new script isn’t perfect, it gives be

heroku or openshift to host my files for a social network running on parse?
@HamZa I agree, and it seems ShaU got their punishment for saying that
I officially hate sourcetree. We've been having some git issues ever since our new guy started, and I finally found the source of the issue... sourcetree. Everyone should just use the gitbash terminal... geez.
My coworkers look at me like I'm a wizard when I push/pull/clone/commit/checkout/etc with the terminal lol
@NickDugger I have converted 4 of 7 developers to the console version in the company where I work now
@tereško The people here are too comfortable with what they're used to. I know git can be a painful learning curve, but I'm so much more efficient and make less mistakes because I understand what I'm doing
Most of the folks here use the one supplied with the IDE, which is generally Intellij or Eclipse
Though there are some using source tree.
Me and a few others are the only ones using the console
yeah .. nobody here used IDE's built in git
they not THAT dumb
dumb has nothing to do with it, in my opinion
it's more just laziness
@tereško to be fair, there's nothing wrong with the IDE's git plugin if all you ever do is commit, push and do some branching
The problem begins when you need more (read: rebase)
guys if $('.myClass') has an onclick event onDomReady, do newly created <div class="myClass"></div> not get the onclick event?
learn about even delegation
and about javascript, while you're at it
@NickDugger Not very helpful...
The helpful bit was given by someone else. I just wanted to add a snarky bit to the end of it lol
so how should I make them get the onclick event? (JQuery)
Are you adding the element with javascript? If so, then when you add it, add the event listener as well.
@SecondRikudo hates this script, but this jQuery version of my HTMLBuilder might be of interest: github.com/ndugger/jQuery.HTMLBuilder.js @Charly
the event listener is added with .on('click',function(){}). Should I repeat the whole function or there's some other ways to it?
5 mins ago, by tereško
learn about even delegation
store the function as it's own function, and then simply pass it in to the .on method
okay... *afk
Event delegation means adding an event only once on a common parent, and have it apply on all children matching your selector
jQuery can do this with the .on method
how can i slow down a loop, give the cpu a break
setInterval with a few ms doesn't seem to make much of a difference
break the loop into several parts?
Ahem Ahem!
5 hours ago, by Charly
I have a list of divs $('.px'). They are bind with .on('click',function(){});. But when I create more <div class="px"></div>, the new ones does not have the click event. Is that supposed to happen?
Why keep asking? The answer wont change
5 hours ago, by phenomnomnominal
@Charly http://learn.jquery.com/events/event-delegation/
dirty lies
I... I'm sorry.
What have I done!?
@CSᵠ give more ms
@FlorianMargaine aww
Forget stand-up desks. Our factory's “chairless chairs” let you sit, stand, or even moonwalk. http://audi.us/Chairs http://t.co/Py3CSkasIP
In MongoDB, is there an easy way to search for general text? Here is what I preliminarily have, but it's not filtering anything out.
var results = Meteor.users.find({
  roles: "admin"
}, {
  $text: { $search: t }
@BartekBanachewicz I remember reading about those last year. wonder why they are hyped again?
hmm... A collection can have at most one text index. That might be a problem.
hi to all
anyone know about svg animation
already i have svg circle image
when page loading time its appear clock wise rotating
is it possible?
With CSS transitions, I don't see why not
plz connect that one
right side have map svg
@corvid We're talking svg here, why not just use the animateTransform element?
i need to create animation when page loading time the map will appear clock wise rotating
@KarthiShan DNS Lookup for "jllux.ragedev" failed. System.Net.Sockets.SocketException No such host is known
Please provide an example on jsfiddle or jsbin
@Kippie ok let you know just a min
can you _ensureIndex on a nested key? Like { profile: { name: "text" } }
@Kippie please check this link - jsfiddle.net/wy3r5kjg
that svg only appear loading time clock wise rotating
I was writing a rails application. but I am facing a problem in javascript.
not like this rotating
rotating with apeareance also
this is the dom.
<select name="brands" id="brands" data-base-url="/brands/:brand/offers" class="form-control brand-filter">
  <option value="">All Brands</option>
  <option value="23-ab-inbev">AB Inbev</option>
  <option value="25-archer-daniels-midland">Archer Daniels Midland</option>
and js
  $(document).on('change', '.brand-filter', function() {
    var brand = $(this).find("option:selected").val();
    var url = $(this).data('base-url').replace(/:brand/, brand);
    if(brand != '')
when I click on a option its redirecting fine, but when I click the back button it goes to the previously selected brand show page rather than the brands index page. where the select drop down is
> The Location.replace()method replaces the current resource with the one at the provided URL. The difference from the assign() method is that after using replace() the current page will not be saved in session History, meaning the user won't be able to use the back button to navigate to it.
always read the docs first
isshh.. sorry.
thanks, for pointing in the direction of the error
after all this years(1.xy) I always seem to miss the small things.
@dystroy Location: Ireland.
you must forgive him, he's high as a kite right now
@rlemon lol
@rlemon Why ? It's not yet St Patrick ?
@KarthiShan jsfiddle.net/wy3r5kjg/1 Of course, in your page load event, you'll have to make sure to target and remove the animatetransform element
meh, people isn't following SO tour anymore ...
@KarelG what's that ?
@KarelG You're implying that they followed the tour sometime in the past
if you're a new member, you get linked to there
Why would anyone want to follow that? I don't need no stinking websites tellling me how to use them!
!!nudge 20
Is there a way to download windows / winjs documentation as pdf ?
@SecondRikudo That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@SecondRikudo Nudge #2 registered.
@Kippie thank you very much
but when loading first time appearing also clock wish rotating
the new mac book pro = retarded

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