@kuhanmuniam You could stop using Chatango, build a custom chat system(you can fork montreus-chat if you like Javascript, but I believe you'll prefer doing this with PHP) and then pull to production! (i.e. sell on the iOS App Store + Google Play)
Montreus Chat - v1.3.2 Available commands: /help - Display help commands /bot-say <message> - Give something for the bot to say! /broadcast <message> - Broadcast a message
@GabrielTomitsuka There seems to be a web socket problem, according to my console:
> The connection to ws://painless.montreus.com:3030/socket.io/?username=someone&room=100&EIO=3&transport=websocket&sid=d2dL-0ierC-GTPE5AAAZ was interrupted while the page was loading.
I think I'll start building a web crawler as a service and market it as Montreus Scalable Web Crawler(SWC).
There is a demand for this... It could be a registration via contact us form, I(and eventually someone I contract) will find the HTML element to parse and perform a few Regexes, and send to their server(or send an email) every x hours.
Yesterday's experiment was a sucess. Everything went as planned and I saved the data received on a MongoDB DB as planned. However there are 4 projects I am running right now(2 of them alone).
I am developing a chat(mountreus-chat and GitHub) in Node.js using Socket.io however my code looks awful. I'm starting to use commands and now it's even worser. Here's a code snippet(you can find every detail on the Github repo):
io.on('connection', function(socket){
I have a hierarchy of classes, class Base{}; class Object1 : public Base {}; class Object2 : public Base {}; and I want to pass any class inheriting from Base into a function.
Example of usage would be void addObject(Base o) {someVector.push(o)}; addObject(new Object1(asdf, initialization stuff)); addObject(new Object2(init stuff))
When I just do it the way I described, I get an error. error: cannot declare parameter 'o' to be of abstract type 'DEObject'
When I try to pass it as references, I get an error. I believe it's because I don't store the object in a variable.
The error when using references: error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type 'DEObject&' from an rvalue of type 'Sphere*'|error: in passing argument 1 of 'void addObject(DEObject&)'
And when I try to do addObject(&new Sphere(...)) I get error: lvalue required as unary '&' operand
I ran into a friggin problem with my Nav Bar on an XIB. I wanted it to take me back to my Main Menu of my app that is on the main.Storyboard, however it's being gay as tits.
My App has a lot going on with it, lol. On my Main Menu, if you click "Chat"
It will take you to the Chat XIB
If you look to the top left in the Navigation Bar I have something called "Main Menu". I want this to take me back to the Main Menu. My Main Menu is on the main.Storyboard. The ...
That took me to my Main Menu, but it's keeping the tabBar from the Chat, which is covering up my Main Menu tabBar. Is there a way to dismiss the tabBar from the chat?
@Mateon1 1. Flag weight contributes to +- flags/day. 2. Frequently getting declined flags indicate that you don't know what flagging is for (RTFM) and you may get flag-banned. 3. The amount of helpful flags is displayed on your stats in a moderator election as a matrix of how proactive you are.
Don't bother with (3) because you're expected to know the theory of moderation inside out when you do enrol in one.
When should I flag a comment?
When it will be shown to future readers but offers them nothing of value.
There are many different sorts of comments that qualify here, roughly categorized by the flagging dialogue itself:
rude or offensive comments should always be flagged. What you consider ...
I didn't say you were, nor to imply that it was, considering you asked an easily searchable question.
That post is for comments though. There are seperate aeticles about VLQ and close flags.