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Probably. But I'm doing direct SQL right now to test.
nvarchar(64) column yet not saving ANYTHING foreign.
@Tommo1977: Have you tried accessing the list through .DataSource as <Type>?
e.g. List<Person> persons = bindingSource.DataSource as List<Person>;
OK I'm not brain think right now. I go work and coffee time to fix brainbad.
Implies that it's to do with collation settings
"You didn't put the database in Blarglish mode, why would you expect it to work with Blarglish?"
Try that? ^
The literal may be getting mangled by the SQL interpreter
It's fucking stupid that that question gets half a dozen different answers, any of which might be right. SQL server is retarded in the number of stupid hoops you have to jump through to get it to behave sanely
@Sippy When I sort my ObservableCollection Items using DataContext = ItemCollection.OrderBy(x => x.Title); and I want to delete a selected ListViewItem, it won't delete it. If I just use DataContext = ItemCollection then it allows me to delete the item?
@RoelvanUden working?
@TomW That is fucking absurd and fucking genius at the same time. With my manual query that absolutely works.
Now I have to teach EF about that notation then :o
I'm using ItemCollection.Remove((sender as MenuFlyoutItem).DataContext as ItemProperties); to Delete selected item from ListView
@F4z What exactly are you wanting to do?
Sounds like you're confusing data with representation
@RoelvanUden guess: [ColumnAttribute(TypeName = "nvarchar(n)")]
@Sippy I can't remove selected ListViewItems when I use: DataContext = ItemCollection.OrderBy(x => x.Title);
maybe can't distinguish between nvarchar and varchar? Dunno.
Are you trying to remove items from the list or data from your context?
If I take out the .OrderBy... code and just use ItemCollection then I can delete items fine
what error does it give?
no error, just doesn't remove the item
Any wpf nerds wanna take this?
@F4z Can you pastebin related code?
if anyone could help me with this that be great!
@TomW Quite possibly. But it's generated from EDMX so I'm going to have to trick it.
not much to pastebin tbh, depends on what you need
Ah, edmx has a unicode field. How nice.
Since I'm using Linq to sort items, I think i might need to use Linq to remove items from ObservableCollection
@F4z That would make sense, I need to see how you're trying to remove items
@Sippy Like this :ItemCollection.Remove((sender as MenuFlyoutItem).DataContext as ItemProperties);
I'm assuming you're making a method call into the code behind again
good evening to all
That code makes next to no sense to me cos I can't see the rest :P
I mean the process of removing an item
I wanna see the whole process
    private void btn_Delete_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
 	ItemCollection.Remove((sender as MenuFlyoutItem).DataContext as ItemProperties);
just that, see I'm using a ContextMenu this the sender as MenuFlyoutItem
the delete event is generated from a context menu.
@Squiggle @TomW The solution: First ensure that you use nvarchar and not varchar. Second, queries you write yourself need a N prefix before a string to indicate Unicode. Third, an EDMX model-first approach requires the Unicode field flipped to true. Refreshes don't update this bit at all. End-result: I can finally save this shitty character.
hi all,
Thanks a lot for thinking w/ me Tom :-)
@F4z .Remove() is Linq as far as I'm aware.
What properties are sent to the button event with sender?
I am new in c# how to Learn the C# Programming Language which tutorial is best
@Sippy Let me further your awareness
@Ranjith google
@Ranjith If you google "Learn the C# Programming Language" that'd probably set you off.
@Ranjith Do you have programming experience?
hold on
yes php
@Ranjith Good. C# is nothing like PHP.
PHP? So essentially have you have none :P
Kidding aside, do you know OOP concepts from PHP?
Namespaces, OOP, type hinting?
You must learn the ways of the force from scratch, young one.
Type hinting huh? Hey @Roel, @Kendall likes Dutch guys ;)
@Sippy you just made that up
@KendallFrey Nuh uh!
@Ranjith how to integrate paypal in asp.net
No i done by "php"scripting language to check Paypal API
@Ranjith Namespaces, classes, type hinting, accessibility modifiers, etc?
yes all think different with
Before learning programming languages, consider learning the English language.
It helps to be able to comprehend books.
This guy is fun
He's like a search engine watch
@Ranjith how to write php search engine
He'd fail the turing test.
@Sippy I did it using this:
Q: Remove an item from an ObservableCollection in a CollectionChanged event handler

ebandersI'm hoping to be able to reject some items after they have been added to an ObservableCollection. I am not able to subclass the ObservableCollection or use any sort of view, so I seem to be limited to using the one event handler defined (CollectionChanged) to perform a .Remove() on the prohibite...

    var copy = new ObservableCollection<YourType>(collection)
foreach(var item in copy)
    if(item.Name == "Fred")

this let me delete an item from the collection whilst being sorted ^_^
@Sippy Thanks for everything! i gotta go
@F4z Wait how did you ..
How does that do anything? Do you bind copy to the element afterwards?
@RoelvanUden you're welcome :P
Yes I am week in English Language
He's pinging meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
damn it
@Ranjith Please don't ping people unless you're having a conversation with them. Pinging to beg for help is rude.
This is fantastically addictive.
I'm not even going to click that link. Is it like Tiny Tower?
It's a javascript code game
You have to ship people around in elevators which you code in JS
Happy Friday, you jolly mother fuckers
who here plays destiny
im wondering why i suck at pvp with every weapon except hand cannon
pew pew
(and sniper rifle but those bullets are far and few between)
or something
No time for Destiny. I'm too busy playing TF2.
isn't that from like... the 90s
or early 2k
yeah it's about 8 years old now. Still going strong!
Almost at 600hrs playtime
oh wow
you must be sick
if you've been playing for 8 years
like team fortress?
on-and-off for 8 years. I'm not great, but pretty good. It's just SO FUN.
@scheien yarp.
I got it with the Orange Box when it was in beta
@Steve My brother uses that charge rifle and uhhh
Some laser assault rifle or something
Prefire with charge rifle, switch to laser rifle and bone someone, rinse and repeat
Don't miss.
@Squiggle This worked for me by the way

new List<RoomDetail>((List<RoomDetail>)BindingSource_RoomDetail.List).Select(d => d.Day).ToList()
> bone someone, rinse and repeat
Destiny sounds...fun?
im addicted :(
i think about it all day at work
i think about it when i go to bed
i think about it when i wake up
i like blasting people in the face with the handcannon
Bukakke simulator eh?
!!google bukakke simulator
@Steve You would
i would what
google something that i've never heard of before? you're damned right i would, and you should too
@Tommo1977 nice. IT's not so pretty, though - am not a fan of the boxing, but I guess that's DataSources for you :)
probably more readable how I had it before
:) and probably just as performant
I love shiny new domains
@KendallFrey You're a fuck
I not even starring your lies!
Ooooh Rick Astley
I need something good to put behind it
I have nothing
Used to love his music
I should add a bunch of subdomains with redirects
woohoo, writing code for finding orphans
refactored code, realised my unit tests should have been specflow tests all along
specflow is pretty cool
I'm pretty cool
no u r sipy
I want a HoloLens yesterday.
what's a HoloLens?
Lol noty
When they can make holograms I don't need a ridiculous headset for
video not work
I'll be impressed
It's not really a hologram, is it?
You do not realize what this could mean, do you? :-/
hah - video is hosted on xboxlive.com, blocked by work
Look it up on youtube, or y'know, every news site out there?
what's what I'm doooing
they announced this what, 2 days ago?
Shut up and take my money
lol Nintendogs
so they've actually gotten the technology to work, aye?
Some ideas:
* Remote meetings with holograms in the same room.
* "Paintball-like" warfare with sci-fi guns in the real world, just because.
* Ditch TVs, LCDs and other interface devices for holographic screens.
* Hell, why bother decorating your house? Get furniture; decorate holograms.
* Remote assistance applications.
* Holographic porn videos. There, I said it.
* HUDs for cars and motorcycles.
* Learning to drive/fly an airplane in a holographic vehicle.
* Gaming applications.
* "Working from whole" got a lot more real.
tbh holographic porn would be amazeballs
VR has already done this
Unless it's widely affordable
Uhm. No. This is AR. There's a huge difference man.
Google Glass has already done this
AR/VR are similar in a lot of aspects.
Glass was just a mini HUD not full immersion overlays.
Glass was cancelled because it sucked
It did suck.
I maintain
Until they can render stuff using your brain
"Holograms" suck :D
If this works as advertized the era of regular computer screens is over. There are a ton of applications where mixing real world and the virtual is fantastic. I'm sad you can't see that.
I can just see it being really buggy, weird things will happen when you move your head
missed the beginning here, but have you tried them?
It won't work as advertised lol
If it were perfect then fine it'd be a cool idea
But it won't be :P
Sippy said so; must be true. A room full of geniuses can't go against Sippys world of law ;-)
If Glass worked as conceptualised it would've changed the world
But it sucked
Cos it didn't
You're missing the entire point.. oh well. Guess you'll learn later.
Google Glass was a really REALLY young technology
Not disputing that :P
they pulled it because they're working on something better
I saw a talk on precisely this concept by MS in 2009
they've been at it for a while
7 years, yes.
Only site on the whole internet that I can find that records the existence of that thing
I saw it in the 1997 Guinness Book of Records. I can't remember why it was in there. Maybe it broke records for sucking
BT invested in that?
Maybe it was "Worst return on investment in the history of computing."
Currently wearing my Galaxy Gear S.
I can read PDFs on it
srsly, if you're an Android user, go buy one. It's sweeeeet.
in C# 2013 there are no nice way to send a property name to a function right?
I'm a Windows Phone user; no wearables that make sense yet.
like void test(propertyname){var tmp = MyObject.propertyname;} or so
@Markus that would break type safety in so many ways, but similar things are probably achievable using delegates
Or reflection. But reflection is a bit meh.
wasn't that supposed to be one of the new features in C# 6?
(not reflections)
nameof() just gives a string from a property
it's not a way to set things
what are you trying to accomplish?
C# != JavaScript, thankfully
naeh... i'm trying to break out some common code, to a single function, but I had that dependency that kind of made things harder...
// ensure all dates are predictable
using (ShimsContext.Create())
    ShimDateTime.NowGet = () => new DateTime(2015, 2, 1);
me like
@Markus sounds like a job for lambdas!
Or interfaces.
Does Dynamic LINQ support DateTime values?
more or less
having trouble?
Default values are different between .Net and SQL Server though
well, just trying to figure out if I can have date literals or the equivalent
like, could I do new DateTime("1/1/2015")?
Date is not DateTime
Dear Snickers packagers: 2" is not a "fun size".
@Squiggle ur?
@KendallFrey store everything as DateTime, with the time set as 00:00:00
that's not my question
I want to get DLINQ to evaluate an expression as a DateTime
oh sorry I'm being dumb again
le deflate
My answer would be generally Yes. You should be able to compare DateTimes just fine in DLinq, however you declare them.
or at least I have had no problems doing so
I don't mean compare
I mean making a real DateTime
I've seen examples on how to compare, but they use strings
oh I don't knowwww. It's Friday :(
and I'm confused
in JavaScript, 23 secs ago, by Kendall Frey
damn you
welp, guess I gotta rig some sort of test
@JohanLarsson You've sent me a friend request on FB?
yeah I clicked
you showed up
Ok! Then I know it's you :D

Is answering dupes acceptable behavior now?
I'm known to answer and CV
... Anyone here adding me on Skype? Who the fuck is this...
@RoelvanUden Is it a sexy name?
First thought was a bot.
@RoelvanUden Not me
Listening to someone talk about cold caller strategies makes my head hurt.
"I think it's more the quality than the quantity of the leads that's important."
Step back everyone. Heavy heavy concepts being tossed around.
man, that's deep.
I know. Pretty technical concepts being discussed for the past 45 minutes.
Dunno how anybody is keeping up.
Your office sounds like a fun fun place to be
It's usually fine but right now I guess someone's being trained over the phone by a person really close to my cube.
Yeah haha
I have never and will never cube
@Squiggle - Do you have an office?
yeah. Open plan. It's curvy, too!
Normally I can ignore it but they're being super emphatic about what they're explaining today so I can't help but listen.
oh, and one of those desks that goes up and down
@Squiggle - Nice. This company I'm working for has some employees move closer to clients on a temporary basis so I'm hoping that'll happen with me.
Then it'll be a lot more remote work.
makes a nice change from the basement where I was working in my previous job
but then again we were just starting out. They've relocated to a new place now - they've even got a board room :o
OK - semantic REST interfaces.
@Squiggle implies my favourite silly acronym
I've got a sort of 'template' JSON object that I POST against a REST resource, and it creates a complex object using that data and returns a JSON object with a different schema
it doesn't feel right - the posted data is completely different from the retrieved data
but is there a pattern or strategy I'm missing? It feels like this is a problem that has been solved already
Sounds like you're using REST to do RPC
Does the post create a resource?
Yeah. SHould I redirect to the new resource?
@Squiggle thats not unusual
@CharlieBrown I guess not, but it feels dirty.
also it doesn't work with Angular's $resource
The issue to me is the response. The response to being asked to create a resource is "yeah ok"
Consider creating a new "Patient", you would POST { name: "Sterling Archer", DOB: "11/12/1979" } and get back 200 OK { id: 12, name: "Sterling Archer", DOB: "11/12/1979", History: [], SomeotherShit: [] }
@Squiggle - Doesn't matter if you get back a different structure than the one you send.
fair enough. That's me convinced :)
Hm. Am I the only person that thought REST was generally not supposed to return anything except a url to a POST?
'supposed' because there isn't really a right and a wrong way
same with /my-banking-history POST { daterange, searchcriteria } and you get back totally different stuff
@Squiggle - I have an example in production. There is a UI for staging setup, and when the user is done they serialize their staging, and the response that comes back is a forecast of their setup.
@TomW a url? You mean like a resource identifier?
@TomW I like that approach, it's semantic, but it's not that well supported by libraries IME
    id: 12,
    name: john
    groups: /employee/groups/14
How is everyone.
Made it to Friday! - start a new job Monday doing .net - MVC
@juanvan - Awesome!
mvc is teh bestest
I hope to learn a Lot
Very excited for the opportunity too
@juanvan Congratulations!
how do i use the immediate window to do a linq query on a collection X, while debugging
@TravisJ Yeah, I'm so tired.
@Steve Step 1. Go fuck yourself
okay, after i jerk off
There's no good way to do that
then what?
@Steve Um, that may not play out well.
Thanks @Greg - now I will have questions when I come to the room :)
@Steve I've only done basic stuff.
@Steve just type into it
@CharlieBrown LINQ is hard when you can't use lambdas
@juanvan I hear you, I went from backend to a shop that did all web development. So I had questions about Web-Forms / MVC. Still do-
i can't use lambdas in the immediate window?
ive never used that window before so i'm a total noob
oh right, 2015 only
> go fuck yourself - VS, 2013
@Steve I would just put code in your real code, like a temp variable or something
@TravisJ I'm looking into Dapper, become more familiar with it.
okay, that sucks, but i guess i'll just suck it up and use some tmp code
breakpoints are a bitch too
I find myself using temp variables for those
well i have a breakpoint set, but i'm trying to look through like 20k records, looking for 3 german ones to make sure the shits encoded right
[()] int x = 0;
and i've looked at like 100 of these things and they're all gb
Am I the only one that thinks that MyEnum.Default should ALWAYS be the default for an optional parameter?
@KendallFrey depends what Default means.
I'm saying it should mean exactly that
enum OptionalSomethingSpecified { NotKnown, Required, NotRequired };
me: 'hey billing provider, these files aren't encoded right'.
them: 'here you go, new files'
me: '.... you removed all the records out of the file that needed proper encoding'
You crazy SOB

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