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@AlexM. Why? Json != json
the json part looks lazily handwritten
@Xeo trolol
he otherwise copied the error message reasonably well
although the inconsistent quotation is suspicious...
I just do not understand how anyone bright enough to even begin to write software programs can think that question is acceptable
> There is no starvation in the US
@LightnessRacesinOrbit yeah yeah, just wait
soon he'll reply with "OMG ALEX THAT WORKED THANK YOU SO MUCH"
everyone agrees that I am the one and only god
the SO employees all send me swag
I am on the fence.
> A mass of 600 people stormed through central Leipzig on Thursday evening, attacking local government buildings, smashing shop windows, destroying police vehicles and spray painting anti-[fascist] slogans along the way.
Dafuq is wrong with them.
too much freedom
yes, but only if you tell us that you have a doubt instead of a query
let's try again
damn :(
People can't read.
London Has Fallen is an upcoming American action thriller film directed by Babak Najafi and written by Creighton Rothenberger, Katrin Benedikt, Christian Gudegast and Chad St. John. It is a sequel to Olympus Has Fallen. The film stars Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart and Morgan Freeman. Filming began on October 24, 2014, in London, a Christmas break started in November with filming set to resume in February 2015. London Has Fallen is set to be released on October 2, 2015, by Focus Features. == Plot == The story picks up in London, where the British Prime Minister has passed away under mysteri...
@AlexM. did you miss that he already thanked random other commenter before your comment?
@AlexM. :Thank you, and I find also can use Json::value::null — JTZS 1 min ago
haha, owned!
I'll go home and wait for my swag
Though he went the extra mile and tried your suggestion /as well/. I'm impressed
@AlexM. wut? this makes you happy? Easily pleased :)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit see, it was jsoncpp
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I offer my apologies on the behalf of my country for this appalling excuse for a film
@sehe when there's nothing to make you pleased atm
@ScarletAmaranth I'd call them miscarriages
it's nice to find pleasure in the small things
@AlexM. ow :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit USA saviors of the wooooorld!!!!111
I have a std::vector< Ptr<NetDevice> > that has 4 elements. Can someone explain me how can i access the 2 and 4th element. When I use the iterator and loop it between
I... tried to get a substring without checking if the starting pos is out of bounds first :(
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Olympus has fallen was fun movie.
lost ~30 mins because I had no idea why the thing was SIGABRT-ing
if exceptions are disabled I guess anything that would have thrown turns into UB
I have no problems using std::vector< Ptr<NetDevice> >::iterator iter;
for(iter= m_ports.begin ();iter != m_ports.end (); iter++)
holy shit dat new site CSS
@VáclavZeman Indeed. I loved it. Really quite gripping. Those terrists actually made me angry when they did some of the things they did, which is quite the accomplishment for a movie.
@AlexM. suppose so
@LightnessRacesinOrbit but when i try with size_type method in vectors, I am having issues
@AlexM. it's not really "UB" or anything else because it's not standard-compliant in the first place
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Scottish actor playing American citizen saving UK. How do you feel about it? :))
@VáclavZeman ;p
Don't really care tbh. London isn't UK
and Scotland doesn't want to be UK
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Hehe. I am just prodding. :)
@user2532296 "I am having issues" doesn't really tell me enough to be able to help you.
@user2532296 this is why we ask these questions on stackoverflow.com and not here
no it's not
such a question would be closed in a heartbeat
continue to ask here but actually give me some information :)
I'd guess everyone (besides me probably) already noticed that Vlad was sent to the penalty box until February :)
Yes, we noticed that some time ago.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit that makes sense
who do you think arranged it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit making you angry is an accomplishment now :)
@πάνταῥεῖ I hadn't, but it's good to know
@πάνταῥεῖ yes
Jan 12 at 14:46, by Xeo
> This account is temporarily suspended for voting irregularities. The suspension period ends on Feb 11 at 14:43. - Vlad from Moscow
It was for voting irregularities
Q: C++ container with deactivating elements

galvanizeI need to iterate through a container of elements and in some cases (when an event happens) I need to deactivate a certain element so that iteration through the container doesn't take into account such element. However, after some time this element is activated and it should appear in iteration. ...

Seriously man
Keep up
Vlad is locked in a prison cell with two more guys who are not allowed to drive
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Did he lose all of his rep as well?
@AndyProwl lol
@VáclavZeman Suspensions work by artificially dropping your rep to 1 (and locking it there, and prohibiting new posts) for the duration.
I often noted (very probably it was he), giving me subtle consciously chosen downvotes, after receiveing crtique from my side
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Ah, does that lock you out from doing things?
@VáclavZeman Well, you cannot chat, vote, edit, review or comment with only 1 rep. I guess Q&A posting must be prohibited by another piece of logic though
Lol. This must be the best ever kind of code
@VáclavZeman Yes. Been there seen that
Vlad the Moss Cow.
Meh a blog post on the rule of zero not quoting robot
@sehe GNU GCJ?
If they ever start to allow comments from new users it'll be interesting to see whether SO devs remember to migrate the suspension rule for commenting, or whether we'll end up with a ton of crappy comments from suspended users :)
@sehe holy shit which compiler supports that
@VáclavZeman bingo
@AndyProwl It's not like he invented it and nobody else could ever have invented it. It's a pretty natural evolution
@AndyProwl Sommerlad?
@sehe I have seen too much when I can recognize where is code coming from from few lines of it. :D
@sehe Not, yet another guy
3 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Ugh isocpp promoting people's course-selling articles.
Much worse, I think.
@VáclavZeman It /is/ pretty obvious. Few people remember GCJ, though
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah, I'm late - as usual
@R.MartinhoFernandes ew
Anyway, he's a "technical consultant" so he has to make it look like he came up with it on his own
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol, this is what I was just thinking. :D
I think he meant to link to whatever "whitepaper" he talks about at the start
@LightnessRacesinOrbit This, I believe blog.feabhas.com/2015/01/…
that's a blog post
I encountered a funny bug.
but he's a "technical consultant" so he has to call it a whitepaper
Methods call $lasagnascript$checkInvariants(this). However, if your class' invariants call methods on this, you get a stack overflow.
Code as pictures.
PIC clauses.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit AFAIK robot was the first to blog about it and/or come up with that name, so at least a reference would have been appropriate.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Besides as with sratch such sounds doomed to fail (No matter what the UML tool vendors are trying to tell us)
I should write another comment berating him for using software that misattributes text to me: I never wrote "Your comment is awaiting moderation."
@LightnessRacesinOrbit And then submit another one saying "Your comment is awaiting moderation."
a hoy hoy :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes yesssss
@thecoshman Hello knobhead
> SocketManager
@thecoshman hoy!
how do the poll results look like so far?
What would be an appropriate name for a module containing auxiliary functions of a module A, if I avoid putting them in module A directly in order to avoid circular dependencies?
Oh joy. '86 drop shadows and '96 "freehand" arrows http://i.imgur.com/5ZG28JR.png
The guy must be a fossile
I thought about A, A.Instances, A.Functions
"instances", "class" and "types" are common
@BartekBanachewicz A.Utils?
Nested try expressions are ugly.
@BartekBanachewicz what
Too beautiful not to share
I like it
Implement 'correct code'
I'd have also added doodles
@sehe gigidy
A <- A.Instances, A.Types, A.Code
A.Instances <- A.Types
A.Code <- A.Types, A.Instances
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think I got it right ^
Code is a great module name yes
@AlexM. we have /just/ the book for you then:
3 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
What would be an appropriate name for a module containing auxiliary functions of a module A, if I avoid putting them in module A directly in order to avoid circular dependencies?
As opposed to all the other modules that have no code
@sehe I know that book lol
I liked the drawings
I reckon
never bothered to read more than the first chapter tho
Your question is too generic too
I'm not very good at structuring modules, as we all saw recently.
You actually not very good at anything.
@CatPlusPlus So what you're saying that apart from "types" and "instances", multiple whatever-they-have-inside modules should be created under A.?
There's not much value in having a separate module for types and instances
A lot of libraries do that.
You should organise by semantics
That doesn't mean it makes sense
And I saw that this helps avoids problems with cross-module inclusion
@sehe I've been rendered speechless.
if I were the author of that book, I'd be very sad
an ability to just get types from another module allows me to do things otherwise impossible
if instances were mixed with them, I wouldn't be able to not import them
@AndyProwl I would ponder a suicide.
@ScarletAmaranth I believe you
Sep 1 '14 at 11:43, by sehe
You have either the patience or the attention span of a goldfish
> Oh, and also, it's probably worth the extra few bucks to pay for exclusive use of that cover photo.
@ScarletAmaranth a little bit of mass murder can do wonders
@ScarletAmaranth Good thing you can still write, then.
> Abyx from India said on Jan 16, 2015 08:54 AM: India
the fuck isocpp? why India?
My program worked.
and now I know what I'm going to call myself on 1st April
Vlad from Delhi
Lightness Races in India
the length of code needed to draw a triangle with Glisha right now is 24 LoC
Lightness Racist in India
@sehe patience mostly
I hope
Glisha sounds like a strong independent black woman who don't take no shit from anyone, including Bartek
@Abyx where does it say that?
never mind found it
@LightnessRacesinOrbit It's an old name, I renamed it.
Not used to using new one yet.
at least he's been required to sign the sex offenders' register, so other postbox families will be able to safeguard their children
> The woman left and Bennett lay down on a bench in the precinct and started to shout, before sitting up sand exposing himself by pulling his trousers down
IRTA "shitting up sand"
and I wasn't even far off
@LightnessRacesinOrbit i.imgur.com/fwn2XAv.jpg relevant
@AlexM. oh, my. um. i don't know how i feel about this. i am so confused right now.
harriet is hot
if you feel about it like that I think you're ok
@AlexM. those are closely connected
wait who posted the guy who tried to have sex with a mailbox ahahahhaha
@рытфолд have you tried it?
I had the tab opened from earlier
you've had it open this whole time and didn't say anything?
poor guy
circle :: DrawMode -> Vec2 -> Float -> Action
circle _ p r = draw $ Polygon verts
          verts = map ((+p) . (flip rotate $ vec2 0 r)) $ angles
          angles = map ((* pi2) . (/ segNum)) $ [0..(segNum-1)]
          pi2 = 2 * pi
          segNum = r
I think I made a mistake somewhere
oh right. segments number.
@BartekBanachewicz Does this entire morning qualify?
well, if you squint hard enough
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I still haven't forgotten the fact you all validated those flags.
how can you find a mailbox to be attractive
people are interesting
@BartekBanachewicz How do you know I validated those flags?
You said it.
I probably need triangle fan instead of triangle list for that circle
@BartekBanachewicz So how do you know I validated those flags?
@LightnessRacesinOrbit If you didn't, you lied to me.
> If all items are green, then congratulations upgrade is complete!
What if they're not? :<
I am free from R's idiocy.
This is so crappy. Upgrading involves a sequence of manual changes every fucking minor version, and then there are some checks to run but there's never a hint about what can go wrong, so you're always left in the dark with everything.
Fuck Ruby.
Fuck Gitlab.
@E_net4 Congrats.
Why thank you. :D
If you don't tell me what I am supposed to do as the human factor in this Rube Goldbergesque upgrade process, you might as well just give me a damn script that requires no human interaction whatsoever.
@BartekBanachewicz Nobody ever lies in the Lounge.
Doesn't mean you should.
@BartekBanachewicz Do you never lie in the Lounge?
New css contrast design is so shitty :-P. Do they even think about elderly people who refuse to wear glasses (at least for screen work).
Doesn't mean I should.
Also, whether I should or not still has nothing to do with whether I really validated any flags....
@πάνταῥεῖ Elderly people who refuse to wear glasses and cannot see deserve what they get
@R.MartinhoFernandes hihih
Here's an upgrade tip for rubby apps: don't
s/upgrade //
I really don't get it. They have rake and all that shit to run db migrations, but why do I have to do a zillion other manual steps too? They clearly know about automation, so why the fuck do they stop halfway?
Because they're terrible
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Aww, that's harsh! C'mon. It was much better before. And I refuse because it's simply annoying to wear +2dp glasses to work with your laptop. Let's resume this about 20 yrs later, and I'd guess you'll tend to agree :P
Q: Why can't we see distant galaxies with the naked eye?

Guit4evaIf light keeps travelling in a straight line, why can't we see distant galaxies with the naked eye? Surely if you stared long enough, the light from them would eventually hit your eye? I apologize if this is a dumb question:)

draw $ PolygonWireframe $ Polygon [vec2 0 0, vec2 1 0, vec2 0 1]
I'm updating from 7.2 to 7.6, which means that I have to follow the guides for 7.2-7.3, 7.3-7.4, 7.4-7.5, and 7.5-7.6 in order and hope that everything works perfectly every time because the instruction don't account for any failure.
@Jefffrey Incidentally the API moved towards your desired stateless approach ^^
Might be easier to run it in a Docker container, and just deal with database migrations
@LightnessRacesinOrbit LOL
The funniest thing is that if things go wrong in 7.x -> 7.x+1, the "rollback" process consists of running the 7.x-1 -> 7.x instructions.
Holy carp, I feel dumb now.
I think I'll move samples to a different cabal project
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I'm much better in spotting distant galaxies, than reading the new design.
GitLab just sucks
if anyone wants to experiment with the lib, he/she will install it into sandbox anyway
I guess it's time for a merge back
A: Why can't we see distant galaxies with the naked eye?

Lightness Races in OrbitJust because you can keep your eyelids open for $x$ seconds doesn't mean you are collecting light for $x$ seconds and using it to form a single image in your brain. How would you "save" the photo? How would you decide when to end light collection? You know as well as I do that you can't simply li...

it's so funny
@πάνταῥεῖ ;p
I tried to do some API stuff with it and it turned out that while user can create a group, they can't do it using API, because the endpoint requires admin privileges for whatever reason
inb4 don't write answer as comment
16 hours ago, by Alex M.
I was ok with minimal work for the minimum passing grade
ahahaha, turned out the prof gave at least 8/10 by default
so I most likely got an 8
told a friend who worked very hard the whole semester to get a 10
he was like "fuck you very much"
That's what happens when you put more effort than necessary
tbh it's not the first time I do this to him
previous time he worked hard the whole semester on a project, I brought half a project done the night before presentation, but because the profs didn't give a fuck and just wanted to see that you've done something
I got a 9
he got a 10
it's like the college itself doesn't want you to invest time in it lol
> ERROR: No such file or directory - connect(2) for /tmp/redis.sock
$ ls /tmp/redis.sock
Maybe it's dead
welp, time for a great rename
Arggh. Every fucking error consists of some Ruby stack trace.
It doesn't even say what the thing was trying to do when it blew up.
so xbox360 in my room started updating itself... and kinect powered on
hi Microsoft!
@PTwr microcrap :P
@Lightness: Sorry. It's just my frustration with comments like the one I was responding to which seem to indicate (or feign) a complete misinterpretation of an earlier comment of mine about how, even though I don't own my answers once posted, they're still associated with me. It's not out of shame, guilt, or a desire to divorce myself from them. It's exactly the opposite, and due to that I still care about them and how the render. Makes me wonder whether there's just more folks here on meta that are denser than average, elitist, or just more inclined to make snide, passive-aggressive, remarks. — martineau 4 mins ago
@martineau: You mean, such as that one? — Lightness Races in Orbit 7 secs ago
I'm quite impressed that he's still participating on that question
given that the whole page is basically a giant "fuck you, martineau"
feel a bit bad for the guy
Anyway, don't worry about it. :) — Lightness Races in Orbit 6 secs ago
wait, was I pinged here?

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