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Why would I want to pass memory out of my .dll?
The Vatican wants to have a word with you... (title edited) — sehe 4 hours ago
... so that other people can read it?
@Puppy lol
Maybe I still don't understand how a .dll works.
What I want to do is create a class and be able to compile it into something like a .obj
@bamboon blush. You know, I do it for me. Boost is something I don't get "under my skin" except by brushing up forcibly. It's discipline for me. And I like the productivity that seeps out in drops on the other end :)
Though it's certainly true that dynamic allocations across DLL boundaries with different memory-manager instances is a PITA, expecially 'hidden' allocations buried inside libs.
@sehe Wtf? That was the question I answered!
Mkay. I'll allow it
Then users just have to #include "myclass.h" and add the location of the .dll/.obj/.whatever to their dependency-list for their project and they can do myclass InstanceVariableName to create an instance of the object and use it.
Do I actually want a static library instead of a .dll?
@sehe Yeah, I can understand that
@sehe I'm not a stalker. I just like gathering every piece of information about someone.
@caps You can statically-link DLLs :)
Tiny little drops. But still :)
@Columbo Oh, that's a relief
@sehe lol
@MartinJames What's the difference? i.e. what's the point of statically-linking it? Would I then have to recompile client code if I changed the .dll?
@caps Yes, I was just trolling:)
@MartinJames ...
statically linking DLLs is impossible.
@sehe Don't tell me you never stalked anyone.
If you have a facebook account you are enabling other people to easily stalk you. In fact, you most likely are some degree of stalker yourself.
@Puppy Well, OK, I meant importing the calls rather than runtime procAddress.
@caps Not always. What about people with few friends and a completely closed profile?
@Columbo Their "few friends" can still stalk them.
My point was that anyone on your friends list can cyber-stalk whatever stuff you put on facebook.
@caps ... people that they know IRL, people that already knew everything they posted before they posted it?
If you put a lot of stuff on facebook publicly, then people can stalk that.
@Columbo Sure. vOv
But that is not the normal use case for facebook.
In my experience.
what's disturbing is 'he posted the message which attracted hundreds of 'likes' before allegedly stabbing of his former wife'
kinda "I'm gonna kill my wife this time, for real" -> 200 likes
"I did it!" -> "gg bro"
TRWTF is that they repeatedly mention the knife's agriculturallity. Racist
@MarcoA. Wow. That makes my stomach turn.
probably just to make everyone get the point that it's probably legal to own such a knife there
> Pagnani who was injured in the knee during the argument with his wife was taken to a local hospital for treatment before being transferred to prison.
Hello public IP for the VM
Poor kid.
Very traumatic for one of your parents to murder the other.
@caps I suppose he get's treated by a psychiatrist.
He'll get over it.
@caps It's much better if both parents get off a lethal shot at about the same time. You get to inherit early.
> Pagnani who was injured in the knee during the argument with his wife was taken to a local hospital for treatment
well well. But then he took an arrow to the knee
@MartinJames If there is anything worth inheriting beside debts.
@VáclavZeman Not with my inheritance trees, no:)
> Sure!

Here's an extension key, just click the blue 'Activate' button when YNAB prompts you and paste it in there.
@sehe I guess he used to be an adventurer like you
now let's hope that YNAB is on sale during Christmas
[ca 0 ca 0] + [cb 0 0 cb] + [0 ta ta 0] + [0 tb 0 tb] = [ca+cb ta+tb ca+ta cb+tb] right?
I am so bad at linear algebra.
@MarcoA. hehe
@MarcoA. ?
memes memes memes
Don't get it :(
@rightføld I'm bad at reading arbitrary notations on screen
If you can't read that then you sure are.
@rightføld what the hell is ca? cb? is that c x a etc?
Why ta, why not cc
Those are variables, but that doesn't matter.
ca is one variable?
They could be multiplications but that shouldn't make a difference.
@rightføld Feels right to me...
@rightføld So, you willingly put in confusing noise?
I don't think it's confusing.
but it has been a while since I took Linear Algebra and I haven't done anything with it since.
@rightføld If that's a vector addition, then yes, obviously that's correct.
@rightføld then, yes, why not. seems to me has nothing to do with linear algebra. Just summing.
@rightføld You had remnants of information pointing at things non-deducible from context, and also not relevant.
@sehe Can't you reduce pretty much everything in mathematics to summation?
many many things, yes
I fixed the intermediate newbie hints dump (it broke lol because I had it in default location and upgrade overwrote it)
@sehe Exceptions? (There is probably a dedicated SE-site answer about this somewhere)
Probably. Start with division. I guess you can implicitly define it as the inverse of...
@sehe It's repeated subtraction.
so it's not addition
Repeated subtraction is repeated addition with a negative summand.
There is probably a dedicated SE-site answer about this somewhere
@Columbo "I used to be a wife murderer, but then she stabbed me in the knee"?
@Puppy +200 likes
I assume he was trying to pledge on self-defense or some crap. Like "She scratched my knee officer, what the fuck was I supposed to do?"
posted on December 01, 2014 by Herb Sutter

Consider this program fragment: std::vector<int> v = { 0, 0 }; int i = 0; v[i++] = i++; std::cout << v[0] << v[1] << v[2] << endl; My question is not what it might print under today’s C++ rules. The third line runs afoul of two different categories of undefined and unspecified behavior. Rather, my […]

@Columbo few minutes before: "Maria, can you help me put this band aid on my knee?"
Spotify: "Classical composer/artist names have been normalised. I counted 284 different spellings of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, and 23 names of Choir of King's College, Cambridge"
@Feeds Please don't make C++ intuitive! I only make a living (on SO) by explaining non-intuitive shit to people who don't get it
@Columbo :O do you get paid to answer stuff on SO or are you a C++ teacher?
@MarcoA. Living = rep-wise
you can always do jquery.
or git
So I got an email from someone with the title, "PLEASE HELP ME!". (yes in all caps)
I can't even downvote or vote-to-close.
@sehe Yeah, but I'd have to work myself into something new, meh
@Mysticial Don't complain, you got it with a better grammar than I have ever received. "PLZ HELP!!11!"
the current flash bundle is not looking bad for $2
@sehe I might see that choir in two weeks, perhaps they have christmas training or similar
@sehe strange... I didn't think I was posting metadata to Spotify...
@sehe What is jQuery
@Mysticial poor thing. sign them up for some spam
@thecoshman lol
@Columbo baby don't hurt me
@sehe Are you a composer?
in fact it looks butt-ugly: http://i.imgur.com/ienkfrP.png
Apparently humble bundle shares the CDN with facebook :S
@sehe WTF
@Columbo no. I like to improvise (and never commit :))
std::vector<int> v = { 0, 0 };
int i = 0;
v[i++] = i++;
std::cout << v[0] << v[1] << v[2] << endl;
@Columbo if your browser takes certificates seriously, that's what you get
Isn't this simply undefined behavior according to v[2]?
@Columbo yes, not according to v[2] but according to the specs
What kind of poll is this, a trick one?
@sehe (Apart from sequencing)
Obviously order of evaluation is getting standardized atm.
where did you say so? also, there isn't sequencing in the third line, I think.
@Columbo v[2] is UB and I think v[i++] = i++ probably also.
With that paper from Sutter and Dos Reis.
@milleniumbug It is.
@Columbo way to go to -not- cite relevant context. I'll bow out :)
@sehe Cert's fine
@sehe :)
@CatPlusPlus same old same old. I've tracked it down back when I noticed (~10 months ago). I've not checked any more. I don't mind not seeing Facebook. Humblebundle is literally the only other site affect AFAICT
@milleniumbug Yes, it is, just checked [intro.execution]/15.
Akamai is a pretty popular CDN
They use a *.akamaihd.net wildcard cert and it's fine, it's your browser being crap
@CatPlusPlus Why do you assume it's because of that? Because that's obvious BS
Because there's nothing wrong with the server or the cert
So, lemme get this straight. Because you don't immediately see anything wrong, there cannot be anything wrong. BWAHAHAHA.
Remember heartbleed. Remember tls renegotiations. Have you even traced a handshake with that server? There's a little bit more to ssl than the certificate
(i haven't traced it- I don't give a damn)
@CatPlusPlus facebook css and images, and Humble Bundle are the only two affected for me
see my flaming speech in favour of unspecified > undefined
@sehe Just saw it.
oh man
this sim is so great
So, static site generators
Which one is the coolest~ these days
there's jekyll
are there any other
I used Mako templates.
they're somewhat annoying from time to time but generally okay
@Mgetz A problem is that a C++98 compiled library linking with a C++11 library compiled std::list will disagree about the size and layout of std::list, rendering them incompatible. — Yakk 4 mins ago
@Puppy I would think that compiling with the same compiler regardless of the standard version would prevent issues like this...
yep, Standard version has little to do with it really.
I figured as much, but I don't know enough about the ABI to be sure. I figured if anyone outside of the GCC/Clang maintainers would, it would be you.
so, the rule of zero is to not write a constructor, destructor, etc.
but if you are following the rule of zero, how do you initialize member variables?
@caps wrong
@caps using a constructor
@rightføld hm, I guess I misunderstood it.
You can write constructors all you want, just not copy or move constructors.
Because those are generated.
OH! of course.
Also compatible with new special constructors that may be added to the language in the future!
The idea being that all your code should ideally not be doing anything screwy
@Mgetz I assure you that Itanium is backwards-compatible, and libstdc++ has been pretty conservative about ABI breaking changes (except 4.7.0 randomly).
@Puppy I figured as much, I know they were doing an ABI break around std::string in 4.9, but that's all that I'm aware of that happened recently
I believe they deferred it, like all the other ABI breaks.
(except 4.7.0/1 randomly)
waiting for 5.0?
I think that they decided to put all the ABI breaks in one version, as there are several library ABI breaks.
that would considerably simplify things.
Makes sense, AFAIK most of them don't affect anybody (not doing anything screwy). They will just require recompilation with the new version.
@Mgetz Patch is being worked on.
I think expecting it for 5.0 is not out of the question.
@LucDanton That would make logical sense
Well, it’s planned to be ABI-friendly. So tricky to get right.
The two types living side-by-side (should a program need both).
dicsourse builds so slowly
Quality Engineering
Also "MESSAGE BUS FAIL: callback /site/read-only caused exception t.currentProp is not a function"
evenin' all
merry christmas
Where are the presents?
Your present is not getting kicked
hmm fuck.
self-referencing lambdas make life tough
Recursive function?
recursive dependencies in the type/inference system.
@Nican In the future.
to determine lambda captures, you need to analyze the lambda body.
but the lambda body has access to the lambda type... whose properties depend on the lambda captures.
sounds a bit of a pain
yum, du pain
I may have to use my deferred machinery to simply re-analyze the lambda if any expressions depend on it's properties.
but that stuff is not really complete
@Puppy The real source of the old poem about "Mary had a little lambda, with captures as transparent as snow."
oh man, even worse, you could try to convert it to a C++ type in the body.
guess I will just tell everybody that I don't know the type of the lambda expression :P
@Jefffrey @R.MartinhoFernandes @thecoshman Nomic's up
@CatPlusPlus sorry, factorio's the fad now :P
@thecoshman It's not a fad. It's already been big for, like, 2 weeks. In "Internet time", that's practically forever. Real fads have started since, gotten big, and already faded.
Oh, just saw a new bit about the wonders of the web and browsers: usenix.org/system/files/1403_02-08_mickens.pdf. Worth the time if you haven't tread it (IMO).
Does Eigen work with vectors of complex numbers?
@rightføld How about having two vectors one for real and one for imaginary parts?
If the performance matters, you do not want to put real and complex parts next to each other if you're going to be doing multiplications.
Oh it does work with complex numbers.
I don't know about Eigen, but in general, if you're going to be doing work on complex numbers, the standard layout doesn't vectorize well, {r,i,r,i,r,i, etc...}
@rightføld Yes. There are built in data types, such as Eigen::Vector2cd, that is a Eigen::Matrix<std::complex<double>, 2, 1>
@Mysticial Eigen probably stores it in the most efficient way.
uh. http://t.co/2yYMMwfvWa
Actually, I just learned the best thing last week about std::complex; The unit complex circle is the best way to handle angles in the 2d plane. Multiplication is angle addition, but do not have to do shitty fmod(angle, M_PI)
Unfortunately, it's slow to convert back and forth between Cartesian and polar coordinates.
I did not backup backup settings
@rightføld Experience leads to some doubt about that. Not experience with Eigen specifically, just experience with programmers and code in general.
@CatPlusPlus So you didn't set the backup to backup the backup settings?
@bamboon another point in case: stackoverflow.com/questions/27232196/… No one really likes grappling with this stuff. But at least I took a way two things I only latently knew about (boost::property_map is in Boost Graph, and is graph concept specific; there's a problem with const lvalue property maps being deemed "writable").
@Mysticial As my youth leader (God have mercy on his soul) will confirm, polars are always slow to convert
@sehe yeah, I don't even know what boost::property_map does. Is it some kind of representation for xml/json?
No that's closer to Boost Property Tree (yeah, it's confusing)
Boost Property Map is a generic programming glue library, used /mostly/ (and originating from) Boost Graph.
It enables the library to be completely agnostic and non-intrusive: every facet required graph concepts is meta-programmed using traits.
Now property maps are a conceptual interface in which key-value lookups can be done, and optionally inserted
The various adaptors can expose e.g. std::map, functors, random-access iterators etc. "as-a" property map. It's all designed in a way to remove any runtime overhead at compile time.
Q: VBScript - Can I get the return value of Shell.Application's ShellExecute?

testI'm using VBScript to create a UAC prompt for a batch file. I don't know how to get the return value of the UAC prompt. For example if I try to UAC a file that doesn't exist I should get an error, right? For example: Dim rc Set UAC = CreateObject("Shell.Application") rc = UAC.ShellExecute("thi...

^^ lol
3 different users, same gravatar
> Then I went home and cried big man tears that were filled with ninja stars and that turned into lions when they hit the ground.
@sehe Ok, now you made my head explode. Time to go to bed.
@bamboon Sorry... these are some pretty classical examples of property mapping
(just making sure you sleep fast)
why do I have to go to work tomorrow
I've got loads of stuff to do on Wide.
I've only recently "grokked" this whole Property Map concept:
@mje So, I've cobbled up that thing using Boost Multi Index: Live On Coliru. It uses a hashed_non_unique index for the color-side of the map. I'm not sure how this would be more efficient (I'd say ordered might be faster, but you can easily switch and profile it now). (PS. Do I get a cookie?. I learned how to create my very own Boost Property Map adaptor to model a ReadWritePropertyMap, yay!)sehe Nov 17 at 0:24
@Puppy life priorities
well I do highly prioritise getting paid I guess
@Mysticial It's the same guy.
So... I have a C++ problem, but it's kind of a "How do I design this?" kind of problem. Is that appropriate for stackoverflow, or does that go in one of the child sites?
Atom is opensource I think


Friendly conversation, including C++ talk — NOT the "Lounge"!
Like, I can't post working code because I have no idea of how to code it.
if it's an interesting design problem you can ask it here.
but if it's uninteresting I reserve the right to troll you horribly.
@QuestionC oh if puppy give his approval then you can ask here certainly
otherwise, you can probably ask on SO or Programmers
fuck Programmers
... so make sure it's not a school-level question
I like programmers =)
also fuck Programmers.
Workplace FTW
@QuestionC you won't find many in here, except maybe game programmers, but they don't count.
@GuruAdrian lol
game programmers definitely don't count.
they flail and race against the clock
@QuestionC thanks
I meant programmers.se
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah, I didn't realize they were unregistered accounts from the same person who was losing their cookies.
@rightføld Oh Come ON. You're not a programmer
goodbye, Lambda Visitor.
I hate your guts and you suck.
@GuruAdrian But I do question C.
kindly die a horrible death.
@Puppy use Mach7
what's that.
@Puppy pattern matching library for C++
A speed.
that would not be of any use for me.
@Puppy I'd rather test it on animals before I use it myself.
you would lower yourself to the level of a useful language?
lol macros
@Puppy I use useful languages all the time.
@BartekBanachewicz did you test it out?
@Ell see starred post above
how far above? :P
oh haha just got it
@Puppy Thanks for the offer, but it's a pretty longform kind of question. I'll just give it a shot on SO when I get home. I'll probably drop a link in here though.
only if it's interesting.
@BartekBanachewicz You're an animal yourself.
otherwise I reserve the right to pointlessly downvote you.
you have that right anyway
You mammals are so silly.
I'd like to write some OpenGL code
you are also mammalian
What could I do with OpenGL
Draw stuff. What could I draw
Drink and despair
a rotating triangle.
@Puppy that's two weeks
how about a non-rotating triangle.
Crustacea master race.
@BartekBanachewicz draw black rectangles on the screen.
I always wanted to try transform feedback animations
I think I'll use C.
With a few more kLOC you could get to fill a single pixel in a different colour.
After a short while, I've realized that C is a piece of shit.
I might use C++.
You're crazy
I need low-level memory primitives that are easy to use.
I could perhaps use Rust too.
Q: How do I draw a pair of buttocks?

Simpleton JackI'm trying to develop a function which 3D plot would have a buttocks like shape. Several days of searching the web and a dozen my of own attempts to solve the issue have brought nothing but two pitiful formulas below. They have some resemblance to the shape I want, though not quite. Could you...

Use Elixir.
that's even crazier.
Rust is a much better language than C++ certainly.
With an even worse ecosystem congrats.
It isn't so fucked up and still offers low-level features that are easily accesible.
@rightføld I only need multiplication, arrays and OpenGL (so, C FFI)
No matrices and vectors? Nice.
oh, I could do it in Terra!
@BartekBanachewicz Use Python
@rightføld I typically implement matrix multiplication by hand if I need it. (I really don't, I'm just fucking with rightfold)
Gamedev alert
You do.
Stop being a liar.
That one time doesn't count.
That's what she said
I remember that I did it but I've no fucking idea why
I'm gonna use that for name-calling now.
you're officially a Gamedev now, Bartek.
You gamedev!
there is no escape.
I suppose Rust has a matrix library
@Puppy Then how do I get to the main menu?
I briefly entertained a notion of using Rust for a thing, but you apparently currently can't dlopen shared libraries compiled with it so
> complied
not that I really care about that
@CatPlusPlus ironically that makes Terra more useful, at least in this regard
I have changed the past
yeah, I think I'll do it in Terra
oh shit I forgot in needs LLVM
@BartekBanachewicz I suppose I can see implementing it by hand, but I've heard of these amazing new machines called "Computers" that sound like they'd be ideal for such tasks.
@JerryCoffin computers can write programs now? :)
Do it in PHP.
Or in some nice language like Perl.
@BartekBanachewicz Of course. They're called compilers (and assemblers).
Yeah but you're also batshit insane
I hate2d perl
Perl gives me this great warm cozy feeling.
@JerryCoffin they don't write programs. They rewrite them.
I love its unsyntax.
Here's daily Argue With A Joke column
@Columbo Shut up
@CatPlusPlus Yeah, everyone can make jokes about that, only I can't?
@Columbo Most likely not to most of them.
@rightføld Yeah, Perl wants to be your friend.
it'll accept any crazy notion you have
Ah, wait. That wasn't a joke but just plain stupid.
@Columbo Bad assumption, try again
@CatPlusPlus "Insane" is a poorly defined concept. "Side effect of bovine spongiform encephalopathy" is much better defined.
@CatPlusPlus (see above)
Mad programmers disease
Bra–ket do it in Scala.
@rightføld Just whip out a GUI in Visual Basic...
@JerryCoffin oh yeah - talk about a great ecosystem too
Well these days it's the same ecosystem C# has
So it is not bad
bullet physics looks bad so far
and doc isn't so good :(
@JerryCoffin I prefer "Unifying property of all voluntary Java, Perl, PHP, or C programmers"

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