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01:00 - 12:0012:00 - 16:00

posted on November 20, 2014 by Android Developers

By Ellie Powers, product manager for Google Play Google Play is the largest digital store for Android users to discover and purchase their favorite mobile app and games, and the ecosystem is continuing to grow globally. Over the past year, we’ve expanded the list of countries where app developers can sign up to be merchants on Google Play, totaling 60 countries, including Lebanon, Jord

2 hours later…
The last message was posted 2 hours ago.
2 hours later…
Good Morning Doosthno :)
@NareshSharma :-o :) waiting
Good Morningss
how r u
am good. u say
me too gud
i have integrated a wheel picker
now i want to implement horizontal seek bar
in background
as number value increases
the progress bar seek value should be changed
@Liza wat happen ? 'am here.
hi good morning all..:)
@SilentKiller you are asking what happened... :O
21 hours ago, by Liza
user image
that was addressed to me....
@DroidDev lols.. hahahah
@SilentKiller laugh while you can, you are next :P
@DroidDev you need to ask him whether the gunman is you or... ??? xD
@DroidDev dispossible. ;)
@SilentKiller lol
hey man @Liza as @SilentKiller asked me to ask you in his message above, can you please tell us, who is gunman :P
good morning all
@Unihedron hiya
@Unihedron hiya
morning @Uni
how are you @Uni....:P
@uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni @uni
Great... :) at school after lunch break
@SilentKiller bhai 1 baat kahu hope you dont mind
forgot to commit to my private repository at home, so I'm not going to get much done in terms of code in the class
@UnityBeginner where is mind ?
@Unihedron don't worry, now you know that you don't have the work, just enjoy the class....have some fun....irritate your teacher, that's what I'd have done :D
but, don't take me seriously....I don't want to spoil you
@DroidDev ur github link ? i lost it
@DroidDev Meh, it's very low class to make someone the object of your joke.
(Java joke..)
lol, got it @Unih
@SilentKiller don't worry, I'll give it to you whenever you need it :D
@DroidDev then send here so i can star it. :P
@SilentKiller just a min
@SilentKiller Audio mixer is not complete though. I don't have time to work on it :(
if you can contribute, I welcome you :D
@Unih you can also do it. Its not the Android thing that's left in it
@DroidDev same here. even ma 2 projs are still in subway.
/feeling hungry so midway become subway.
@SilentKiller oops! :P
@DroidDev :)
@UnityBeginner will you say something?
I was also waiting for it
sure dude
sure dude
just kidding pls dont mind
it was removed so quickly, even the shaktimaan had no chance reading it
it was only for silent bhai
@UnityBeginner better to use SK then. ;)
@SilentKiller bro can you tell the best side for preparing android interview questions ?
I already googled many
but i just want to know is there any best side ..
@GurumoorthyArumugam techgig.com
good morning
@SilentKiller just got spam mail from them, this is first time I am creating an account there :/
@SilentKiller here how i can find interview questions ?
@GurumoorthyArumugam techgig.com/skilltest
@DroidDev congrats. ;)
@SilentKiller Wow, there's one for JSON
JaSON will be proud
@Unihedron hahaha :P
Going to try a bit of golang
It seems like it should be possible to trade upstream for downstream bandwidth in fixed systems (e.g. x bits up, y bits down w/o the possibility to change x or y) by sending some sort of information from one end of the channel to the other ... any ideas/suggestions on where to look or ask for answers?
Fixed systems? I thought you should sign up for a different internet plan altogether?
It's a constraint of the problem, unfortunately, afaik (I'm trying to do some nonsense with phone calls)
@MRS1367 @Alif @PiyushGupta @W-I-Z-A-R-D @UnityBeginner gud mornings
good morning @maveňツ
Ah well. I'll ask around elsewhere; thanks for your attention :)
@Casey good luck :)
@maveňツ VGM :)
i m folowing this tutorial for mutiple selection listview its working fine now i want to change background color of only selected row i m facing diffculty in this task
@W-I-Z-A-R-D @DroidDev @SilentKiller @maveňツ kindly look over erum's probs
Q: How to change background color of selected items in ListView?

eric.itzhaki've seen many simillar questions and every answer is very specific to the problem and no straight forward answer, or i found tutorials that show how to create a checkbox that's checked on selected items. And i'm having trouble understanding how to do it from those codes. I am following a tutori...

here is the url that suggests how to do i m doing but its not working fine
@Droid ^ trash the unnecessary pings, thanks
@Unihedron isn't it something like this
@ErumHannan show your code.
these pings are the reason, I have disabled my desktop notifications for SO
have you made selector for listview ?
@DroidDev :p
@DroidDev no, you have "Don't ping unnecessarily" in your room rules, enforce the rules of your own room :D
The room topic states Don't ping unnecessarily, but, whenever someone does ping unnecessarily, most people, including room owners rush to help, rather than enforcing the room rule. This doesn't set a good example and I don't see it as a good behavior of room owners.
How do you expect others to follow the rules, when room owners themselves are ignoring them?
who is ignoring?
@DroidDev by enforcing it? :P
@Droid :P how other will get which message is for whom ?
@Unihedron lol, I that is the one thing most people don't do here :P
@SilentKiller I am talking about this kind of behavior, which I usually see here. I mean, why do you have written a room rule "Don't ping unnecessarily", if it is not to be followed or enforced?
here is my code of getView()
can u pls check
org.jivesoftware.openfire.session.LocalOutgoingServerSession - Error trying to connect to remote server: test(DNS lookup: test:5269): java.net.UnknownHostException: test @anybody worked with openfire i am getting this error pls help me with this
@sil ^ trash the unnecessary pings, thanks
The people, who have time and want to look over problems, will do it. You shouldn't be pinging everybody you think can be helpful.
Not a good behavior, Not very appreciated behavior
@DroidDev dude this is common behavior for newbies
actually he asked from me show ur code thats why i showed him code
and ping him
Hello Everyone
@SilentKiller Jee Sarkar How are you ?
@MysticMagic there ?
@SilentKiller ya, and that's the point where you should be telling them about the rules. By going straight to help, you ignore the rule yourself.
in Teenage Programmers Chatroom, yesterday, by Unihedron
@mikeandike Stack Overflow is not for noobs, Stack Exchange is a network of sites for professional and enthusiasts; You may want to learn before joining
exactly ^
yup Mr. Sharma :) say
@MysticMagic hi do u have any idea about openfire?
so what should we do with newbie ignore?
@MysticMagic how are you Miss ?
@SilentKiller newbies also keep posting off-topic and low quality questions everyday. We don't answer those. We close them and teach them about site by leaving comments. You are regular taverner, you know about this.
@SilentKiller I am not saying you should ignore. Please try to understand
Me good.. you say..
@Kirti bone-fire is very close to open fire :P
@MysticMagic same here. Missing the old days :(
@SilentKiller Educate.
@SilentKiller I am saying, that first you should tell them about the rule, that you shouldn't ping people like this and then go on with help, if you have time.
@DroidDev i did buddy. but we comment them the reason too and if its dup then we pass links too.
@Kirti got this.. else no idea
@SilentKiller Exactly and that is the required behavior from responsible community member of SO. Same should be followed here. I am saying this because the rules are created by you people here.
@SilentKiller What would you do to this then?
@NareshSharma hmm.. how's work going on?
@Unihedron: I wanted to know the reason why. — Ankit 1 min ago
@NareshSharma :D
@Unihedron to educate them we need to ignore some of their pings
@SilentKiller This one time, I starred messages like we do in tavern, they were moved to trash, I stopped that behavior, than same was with smilies, they were moved to trash too. I stopped that behavior too. Same should be done with pings
@MysticMagic that's going well
This is a rule created by owners of room
@SilentKiller Then trash them.
@ErumHannan have you implement selector for your listview ?
there are some very good app's to work on very challenging @MysticMagic
You need to tell everyone new here, that they shouldn't be pinging everybody
about their problem
@DroidDev @Unih suggestion accepted. :P
and then continue to the problem itself
@SilentKiller I'm also here not replying to means ignoring me. Not acceptable
hello @MysticMagic
@SilentKiller Look, I don't mind your stance on answering random questions. My point is that unnecessary pings should not be tolerated, that's a universal chat ethic, while your room explicitly states that rule. If you don't want to do anything about it that's fine.
:-o Angry young Droid
Good Morning Guys
@NareshSharma Me fine Sir and discussing something good for our room. :P cant ignore you
@SilentKiller ok carry on buddy. :)
@Aamirkhan welcome
@UnityBeginner hi
@SilentKiller Thanks and sorry if I was arrogant or blunt. But, if there is a rule, then it should be followed and taught. That is a rule made by you people and you should be the enforcing it.
@Unihedron buddy i accepted that. who said 'am not going to do anything. :P
how are you? @MysticMagic
@NareshSharma Thanks
Hi All
@DroidDev naah no need of sorry. for change need to take other way ;)
@SilentKiller no i have not implement selector for my listview i m doing it in getView method of my adapter i m using custom listview
@CoKoder still in Dubai or changed ?
I am good. you?
@SilentKiller I did, I have the websocket listener and I can tell that you haven't done anything. I'm not that stupid. As for my stance, YMMV as I own ten active rooms which shares a demand for ethics. I don't own this place, you guys do.
I have something wrong in Android Studio
I got tons of error
Error:(36, 21) No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:actionModeShareDrawable'.
@CoKoder What's the workspace settings for your Android SDK?
@ErumHannan use selector if sk says is fine to use
@ErumHannan you haven't done doesn't mean i'll not do anything.
@Unihedron, do you mean min sdk?
@CoKoder min sdk?
am also fine n thanks mystic
No, workspace settings.
Which IDE do you use? Consult their manual.
@Unihedron, Android studio 08.14
ok sk will i use slector in getView method
selector will be set in xml as listview attribute/
@ErumHannan check 4th point in that link. its customized listview
@MysticMagic not angry, was just irritated :P
happens. :)
cool @DroidDev
room topic changed to Smart Developers' Lab: Don't mass ping and try to stick to English, Post Query and elaborate as best as you can and show what you tried already, For Code use pastie.org , Facebook Group : facebook.com/groups/484927231520028 about-me : about.me/smartdeveloper [android] [blackberry] [html5] [ios] [jquery] [jquery-mobile] [openerp-7] [phonegap]
@Unihedron I couldn't share photo on facebook(sdk3.20) from my app, when not installed FB App for my Device. why? Is there any way to share option?.
@johnsakthi YES, THERE IS.
@Unihedron can u show me example?
@johnsakthi what google said ?
@Unihedron CYA
@SilentKiller don't have any result.
@Unihedron Any idea.
@Unihedron I get {Session state:OPENED, token:{AccessToken token:ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions:[public_profile, email]}, appId:xxxxx} this response. how to solve access_token_removed.
@SilentKiller need a suggestion from you
@johnsakthi Try to implement as Apoorv Said
A: {Session state:OPENING, token:{AccessToken token:ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions:[]}, appId:1xxxxxxxxxxx}

ApoorvThis maybe happening because you didn't add the hashkey in your Facebook app. Check out this link Generating Hashkey for Android to learn how to generate hashkey. This was happening to me too. It started working after i added the hashkey in Facebook app.

you know that am working over a app that is using webservice , so if the user is not connected to internet it will throw exception, so i am thinking of to setup check on the starting of launcher activity
will it be ok?
now suppose user is playing quiz n suppose he is connected with wifi n in between wifi stop working n still he will make httprequest, at that time also the exception will be thrown
any soln that you may suggest
@DroidDev may you?
@UnityBeginner First of all, please don't ping like this. Then about your problem, just check the internet connectivity before you make the internet call or catch the exception after making call
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("Exception", e.toString());
i am trying to catch but still it is crashing the app
@UnityBeginner then before making the call, check for internet connectivity and only make call if the connection is there
28 mins ago, by Unihedron
thanks without pinging your name...:P
n this time you were pinging...:P
@UnityBeginner it was because I was addressing particularly you and was working with you only.
We understand you aren't asking us to do your homework. That's not why we don't answer. We don't because 1) You usually don't comprehend the answer and we get stuck in an endless loop of 'why', 2) You will understand, but you'll retort with "my professor doesn't want me to do it this way'. That's frustrating. 3) Homework questions are boring questions. We don't get paid. Your prof does.
Yes, and there are other people looking forward for our time and usually, we are getting paid for that
Hey hi guys
@SweetWisherツ Hello
Any one worked with fragment ?
@AkashSingh m fine whats abt u
@Furqi hi
@NareshSharma @Prince @Strider hi :)
@Furqi How are you ?
@Strider better whats abt u
@Furqi Mind Blowing
@Furqi Hello Dear
@NareshSharma kasy ho :)
@Strider g8 :D
@Unihedron lols.. you become tooo professional xD
@Furqi Assalamualaikum.
@Furqi I'm good and you ?
@Furqi Worked with fragment ?
@Strider yes
@SilentKiller walakumasalam
@NareshSharma much better
@Furqi How to pass intent from BaseAdapter to new Fragment on listclick ?
@Strider means u want to click on list row or item of row?
@Strider u can't pass intent for fragment need to use interface class
@Furqi yes itemView.setOnClickListener
@Strider ok r u using interface ?
check gtalk
anybody worked on achart engine in android
@RoshanJha Work with fragment ?
lil bit
@RoshanJha How to pass intent from BaseAdapter to new Fragment on listclick ?
listitem click
you need to pass data ?
@RoshanJha no Only screen
i store all data in temp which ever i need
replace/add your current fragment with new
@RoshanJha come in gtalk
@DroidDev you there mate. I guess you where with this issue once.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.igreen.tollywoodtimes.MainActivity" on path:
DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.igreen.tollywoodtimes-1.apk"],
nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app-lib/com.igreen.tollywoodtimes-1, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
Any solution mate ?
Has anyone worked with tabs in android ?
@Strider lil bit busy
@RoshanJha yes
@RoshanJha ok
@RoshanJha wazz da problem ?
@B.rohitNare @Strider I am unable to set tab image for tabs, it sets image but I am getting some top and bottom space to that image in tab
You using bottom tabhost or normal
MyFragment.class, null);
I am doing like this
Yes using bottom tabs
Ok i will send you my solution of using bottom tabs
you were facing same issue ?
Used to but i finised a project using bottom tab host, better way implementing text and images for bottom tabs adding seperate layout for each tab
xml class
public class MyTabIndicator extends LinearLayout {

public MyTabIndicator(Context context, String label, int tabId,Bitmap bgImg) {
LinearLayout tab = null;
TextView tv;

if (tabId == 1) {
tab = (LinearLayout) LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.tb_dashboard, null);
tv = (TextView) tab.findViewById(R.id.tab_label);
this way
how to use this ?
Well you use seperate tabhost class
wait will send you an example
hmm , let me check this, thanks
@SilentKiller there?
hello everyone i am facing a problem
i am using timer
i am able to start it n stop it
n when i restart it
it start from where it is stopped
i want it to get restart
how can i do this
can anyone tell pls?
for that stop it and start it again it will start from 0
@SilentKiller mate a small error
bro kindly look over the code
i stopped it n starting it again
but it is starting from where it is stopped
I dont know what wrong with my project in eclipse, everything worked fine, But today its raising weird error
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "com.igreen.tollywoodtimes.MainActivity" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.igreen.tollywoodtimes-1.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app-lib/com.igreen.tollywoodtimes-1, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
is there any method to stop this runnable
SK pls look over my code
n pls tell what must i do
@DroidDev can you?
@UnityBeginner sorry, busy right now. As I said above.....
@SilentKiller busy?
A: How to stop Runnable on button click in Android?

TCAUse mHandler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(runnable); in pause button click.

not working fine
seems i have to check another thing or restart activity
@B.rohitNare I created five views in xml (Buttons) and applied that to tabs, its working as expected now :)
Yeah mate dazz da good solution for bottom tabhost
are 1400 LOC for an Adapter, bound to expand in future good? or should I do something to optimize the code?
hello @SweetWisherツ
i have some small issue, i m sharing .png format image on gmail using intent but in gmail i am getting .jpeg image@SweetWisherツ
have u defined shareIntent.setType("image/png"); ?
Are you sure that your file is really being converted to a JPEG? I share different image types from my app and they don't get converted. Something that may be happening is that the user is pressing the "Preview" button in GMail instead of the "Download" button. The Preview button does convert image attachments into JPEG. This was a somewhat broken feature of GMail until very recently. The "Download" button will allow you to open/save the attachment in its original format. — BitBank Dec 21 '11 at 22:55
download it
okey thanks @SweetWisherツ
@Aamirkhan tusi G8 ho :D
@SweetWisherツ what to download
the image attached
can someone pls help me in case of getView i m passing arraylist of length 10 but now my position inside getView is like this 0,1,2,3,4,0,1,2,3
why is it so ?
01:00 - 12:0012:00 - 16:00

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