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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Uhwell, OK; but I was only half joking
And as far as Indy 500 is concerned, to my eyes this is hardly endurance racing
It's only 500 miles, that's not endurance...
My son has Forza 5 for the Xbox One, I'd like to see that thing with REAL trucks [Kenworth, Peterbuilt, Freightliner, Mack, etc] as an option... Somebody code that!
Somebody code instead real dynamics of, for instance, an Audi R18 TDI on the Circuit de La Sarthe, and make it a 24 hours race
Then you can replicate the 24 hours of Le Mans, minus the physical strain of actually driving the stuff ;)
Back on topic anyway; starting with Java 1.7 and a sane JVM implementation, I believe it is perfectly possible to do a "Java OS" (OK, you'll need a kernel, but I'd choose Linux)
need help
@Fge Do a google search, you will find multiple OSs that are java based.
I'm gone 2 hours, and only 4 things are said...
@Joe'sMorgue sure, but I doubt they handle process privileges correctly
There are several, don't condemn them all
@fge hi
can we have alternate approach for parsing strings instead of using regular expressions?
@overexchange yes, indeed
something like converting String to array and then read array?
@overexchange that will not change much; if the problem is the same as before, you have a problem of logic first and foremost
Obtaining characters from the string is the least of your concerns
Say you can achieve that, how do you handle building your ocean? Start from there
@Joe'sMorgue I have already looked around for such OSes; and none are multiuser, really
building the ocean from strings? am doing that using abstract factory pattern
OK, so what's the problem if you have achieved what you wanted? ;)
How often do you switch users?
@Joe'sMorgue more than you think
In my house, all accounts point to the same folders. We have nothing to hide. It helps because anyone's machine can be used to edit files to help each other.
@Joe'sMorgue a lot of server programs out there rely on setsid(), seteuid() and others to restrict their privileges
@Joe'sMorgue fine for you, but I am a "server man" and moreover I am security obsessed
My Server has 1 local account. My 8-Core has 1 user. Two of my 3 laptops use the same username/pword, and my wife's machine...
How often do you switch users? A lot
@Joe'sMorgue server, 1 user? Yeah, right; look again
You run a mail server? It certainly runs into its own account -- or more than one if you use Postfix
You run an app server? If it runs as admin you're doomed from the start
Just the admin on the server...
You run a hosting company? Even in VMs, individual components run with specific users
It's a file server...
Deal with it
Win Server 2003 Enterprise
How often do you switch users? Again, the answer is: a lot -- it seems that you are unaware of what really happens behind your screen, and it is even valid for Windows
Hello, Java!
Just enumerate the existing user accounts on your servers, you'll be surprised!
I just spilt coffee everywhere, so decided my night of programming should probably come to an end. ;-;
@Joe'sMorgue I have done systems engineering for 15 years, believe me, I know what I'm talking about
@fge I just got a degree in Systems Engineering. I've been one for about three months. ;p
The server is one thing, but my machines don't care who's sitting at the KB...There are six accounts [for connection purposes] so everyone has their own pword
@Joe'sMorgue i had an SO query on windows threading model, would u help me answer that?
i mean, thi query is yet unanswered
@overexchange I'll give it a try. I have a question open about threading myself at the moment. What's up?
Q: Which threading model is supported in windows?

overexchangeAccording to man pages, default threading model of Linux is 1:1 and Solaris is M:N. As per the code in ..\openjdk-7-fcs-src-b147-27_jun_2011\openjdk\hotspot\agent\src\os\., I learnt that, JVM uses libpthread.so for thread support to Linux JVM users. JVM uses libthread.so for thread support to...

Hmm. Seems a bit complicated for me. May I ask why you need to know the specific implementation? It's just that Threads within Java are abstracted within the JVM, which handles prioritisation and execution, fairness, etc.
@Joe'sMorgue do you really believe that there are 6 accounts?
@overexchange what @AlexT. said
@overexchange if you do Java, the answer to this is "you don't want to care"
but i have question here
@fge Haha, couldn't have been put better. I was wondering whether to write something similar.
stackoverflow.com/questions/26824108/… - unclear, could use some close votes before it gets worse.
If there is a bug wrt multithreading performance, and you do Java, first investigate the JVM you are using, and if it turns out it does nothing bad, then investigate how the OS does it
@JasonC cv == close vote?
@fge Yes. Sorry, I'm used to hanging out with SE nerds in the meta chat.
@JasonC nevermind that, I kind of deduced it from the many mentions of it I've seen in this chat already... Anyway, this looks like an XY problem, and imho XY problem should be a "closeable option" for questions
my point is 64 bit process address space allows you more threads than 32 bit process address space.
@fge Pretty much.
@overexchange no, that is wrong
@overexchange Not if you were using the 32-bit JVM! ;p
so before using 64 bit byte code running on 64 bit JVM, i need to take a decision on whether OS supports M:N threading model
so that i can increase the thread pool size
Bytecode is platform independent.
increasing the threadpool size on N:1 threading model OS does not help improve performance
@overexchange forget about those threading models of yours, these are 20th century knowledge and pretty much obsolete
I generally make the ThreadPool size a function of the number of available processors.
@overexchange with any OS worth its salt in the 21st century, address space is never a problem
@overexchange the only limit you may see in address space is when using a 32bit JVM, since in this case, yes, any individual thread will only have a 2^32 bit wide address space at its disposal; and address space problems only arise in these situations when you set a very high heap space; the most frequent OOM cases in this scenario are not lack of heap space but lack of address space
But in 2014, who still runs a 32bit JVM?
thr_setconcurrency(int); in solaris(libthread.so) used by JVM helps to increase the kernel threads per process, JVM could use this call to improve its performance.
@overexchange OS specific setting, therefore irrelevant
Do you even use Solaris?
@fge Do you know much about Macs?
am asking this question wrt product that our company ships
@Joe'sMorgue pre Mac OS X, nil
please dont ask irrelavant questions
@Joe'sMorgue They're expensive. >;)
I have a MacBook, and I have Snow and XP as a dual boot.
am not sure, why one would need to understand, if i use solaris
I'm using a 2009 MacBook running Mint. It's a real trooper.
Parallels allowed me to run XP IN OS X without doing a virtual install. If I remember correctly, if I did something in Parallels, it showed up when I exclusively ran XP too.
Mine's the first Core2Duo...~2006
Haha, touche!
@overexchange well, you said it yourself; Java programs are supposed to run everywhere, in as equal a fashion as possible; so why do you care about the threading model at all?
@Joe'sMorgue Snow as in Snow Leopard, I presume?
My question is: Is there a VM for PCs that will do the same thing?
Yes, Snow, as in Snow Leopard.
My main machine dual boots to Win7 & 8.1, I'd like to run 7 in 8
@Joe'sMorgue what do you call "PCs" here? I run various flavours of Linux here, and qemu allows me to run pretty much everything I want
I want to run a full install as a virtual.
Well, with qemu you can do that, certainly
Something that can be run on it's own if I wanted.
Ah, I see
You mean, run many OSes as "primary", ie you get the choice at boot time?
If so, nothing beats grub + EFI
I want the option to be able to run a primary as a virtual.
Ah, OK
Good question, actually
Never had the need to do that ;)
@fge JVM running on linux uses libpthread.so, on solaris uses libthread.so, on windows uses kernel32.dll - these 3 libraries behave based on OS threading model.
if i get an idea of how JVM works with kernel32,dll wrt threading models then i can think of improving threadpool size and test the app
@overexchange wrong... Such libraries use whatever they know of the OS' process API at a given point in time, and this depends on the core system library (for instance, NPTL on Linux depends on what glibc has to offer)
@overexchange this is a typical case of premature optimization, and an overzealous one at that
@overexchange think about it for a minute; don't you think the JVM implementors pondered about these very same questions for much more time than you did? Answer: they did, and moreover they are smart people who came up with as good an implementation for threads for this particular OS as you can get
@overexchange as one would put it, "Use The Force, Luke"(tm) -- that is, don't fret over such matters, just use the API the JDK provides
@overexchange it is not as if they always do a perfect job at it; but if anything, what they do is pretty good. Again, don't fret over it and just use the JDK API
I'd assume that the user's JVM heap would always be smaller than what's available in address space, or is the problem when we take into account other applications that could be running? Or is this not the case at all?
@AlexT. it will definitely be smaller, would it only be because of the permgen but also the mappings of the native resources; other applications, or even other threads in a same JVM process, don't even enter the picture
@AlexT. anyway, in this era of 64bit everything being the norm, this is a problem which is quickly becoming a relic for Java devs ;) Embedded environments are of course another matter
Ah okay. Thanks @fge. I never really find myself having to worry about these environmental issues.
Still, as far as native resources is concerned, Java could do a much better job
For instance, file mappings
Well, since the current APIs still use arrays extensively, it can't be helped; even ByteBuffer uses ints for offsets
But files with size greater than 2^31 - 1 bytes are common, it is high time that the NIO API accounted for that
Ah! I never even considered that. So you're saying they should be upgraded to a long?
@AlexT. backwards compatibility, therefore no; new APIs have to be thought of (and implemented)
Until now have programmers been forced to partition their data when exceeding those limitations?
That's a real shame. Java's such n incredible language. I hate it when cracks show like that.
Hmwell, probably so under the scenes, yes... I also have an issue with such limitations with one of my projects: github.com/fge/largetext
@AlexT. Everything has its cracks.
@fge downloads and immediately calls toString()
That's pretty nifty!
@AlexT. yep, I like this project... Could be improved a lot, though
In particular, .subSequence()
@fge this code is working for parsing the strings
import java.util.regex.*;

/* dummy.java*/
public class dummy{
	public static void main(String[] args){
		String str = "S2,2";
		regexChecker("[0-9]", str);
	public static void regexChecker(String theRegex, String str2Check){
		Pattern checkRegex = Pattern.compile(theRegex);
		Matcher regexMatcher = checkRegex.matcher(str2Check);

			if(regexMatcher.group().length() != 0){
			System.out.println("Start index: " + regexMatcher.start());
yesterdays regular expression was looking very complex to me
@overexchange well, yeah, anyway, this does not build your result in any way, does it?
With a grammar this can be done pretty easily
@fge this should work "\\d{1,}"
@fge ok i need to leave now, thank you for your time, bye.
2 hours later…
Hey Java!
@fge If it was that simple Mechanize would've done it. I remember blowing up a small site simply with Mechanize. chat.SO wants better.
@fge yes, so creating a web agent with a library of sorts (we chose HTMLUnit at first) had to be done, and worked (early days and recent days of JavaBot running was with HTMLUnit). There's ChatExchange API built in Python by the Charcoal devs, and a ChatExchange.NET API API (C#) is being developed by Sam.
But no official support for connecting to chat.*S_ at all, the above mentioned libraries were developed by Stack Exchange users.
@fge Yeah, if we ever get the bot to work we could build JChatExchange... :D
@fge for HTMLUnit, we tell the Web Agent class to connect to the SO Chat Room id 139 (basically we generate a link to the room with an enum and provide correct redirect strategies) and keep track of which rooms we're in with a hashmap. for connecting to multiple rooms we simply need to tell the Web Agent class to open a new tab, then connect to that other room.
@Unihedron * ChatExchange.NET API (not double api)
Puzzle of the week:
Q: Mysterious Murder Mystery (Very Hard)

DemonicBirdFluLast year, December 21, 2013, you were awarded the "#1 Detective in the World" for solving more than 50 murders. Your boss gave you a promotion, contingent upon your moving to Chicago. You agreed and took your new position. Your boss told you that you would be taking a plane to Chicago, the ticke...

1 hour later…
hi all
@Unihedron are you familiar with spring scheduling task?
i have a problem to solve..
2 hours later…
@Unihedron You familiar with Windows?
@Joe'sMorgue not the most, but you can ask
I can't launch Android Studio, it's claiming I need to set JAVA_HOME, but it is...
Is there other settings that need to be done with Java?
Did you actually set java_home?
Is java_home different from JAVA_HOME? I opened a command prompt and typed SET, and it shows JAVA_HOME, and the path to the jdk
Maybe jre...Whatever the page set to set it...
Yeah. It's set to the jdk
Try to set it to the /bin of jdk?
JAVA_HOME does not point to a valid JVM installation.
Eh, then JAVA_HOME has to point to the root folder instead of bin folder. You might also have to restart your computer for effective changes.
!!eval: 1
P:\Java\jdk or P:\Java\jdk\
Does it matter if it has the trailing \ ?
I think it does.
This computer is so slow!
I won't get my replacement motherboard for about 10 business days at best, so that means probably not this month!
3 F'IN months to get a D*** replacement motherboard! Asus customer service sucks!
It looks like it's loading!
It's farther than it ever has before
[on this OS]
Wow! Today is the 25 anniversary of the falling of the Berlin wall!
25 years ago, I saw it as interesting, but didn't care...
I'm OLD!
varargs in lambdas = great
I'm back!
Now, it can't find the Android SDK [which is installed] but it's a step forward
I also cannot add it to my start menu, I have to manually launch it every time :(
is anyone an expert for java audio input issues?
I have a very frustrating problem I work on for a week and still did not solve it :(
Q: Why do I get only hear noise after changing the audio input in java?

AliceInChainsI initialize the audioinput stream like this: dataLineInfo = new DataLine.Info( TargetDataLine.class , getAudioFormat() ) ; targetDataLine = (TargetDataLine)AudioSystem.getLine( dataLineInfo ) ; targetDataLine.open( getAudioFormat() ); targetDataLine.start(); That works fine and I...

any idea how to solve this?
Don't know how to solve that, but I love your music
@AliceInChains Your code is weirdly formatted. Hold on, I'm editing...
Yes music is running well but code isnt ;)
any suggestions what the problem can be? I really don't know how to go on with this but I have to :/
thx for editing unihedron but do you also have an idea about the source of the problem?
I don't know, I'm not that experienced with the Java Audio API; I didn't even know what those classes used in your code does :(
Though here's an upvote for you, so more people will see it :P
Wow! Somebody found a kink in your armor!
Sorry, he's like that, while our roomkeeper is away.
@Unihedron is one of the room know it alls. Not in a bad way. He seems to know the answers to most of the questions that pop up in this room.
Well not when it has to do with audio. :( Sam knows everything about C# audio manipulation.
I tried to manipulate with MIDI files programmatically once. It formatted my hard drive instead.
@AliceInChains He can't take a compliment....
In case you were wondering about the "my code formatted my hard drive" part, I'm serious. Thank god I didn't run it on my workstation.
Predicate<Person> isAwesome;
isAwesome = person -> true;
Cool, that actually compiles, and isAwesome.test(Person.getByName("Joe'sMorgue")) returns true.
You only said that because I gave you a compliment...You would have used a different 7 letter A-word if I gave you an insult. :P
I've done crap like that. I crashed an upgrade on a computer that would only boot from the HDD, would not boot off either floppy, or the CD drive [No such thing as DVD or TB [GB?] drives back then]
I don't use words, you'd just lose thirty charisma points.
I didn't have enough room to do the install, so I deleted the old OS while the new OS was going on. It crashed it!
Turned out it HEAVILY used the old OS for the upgrade!
Huh, really? You should reinstall your OS.
Like get rid of both altogether, then reinstall it. If you want to salvage your data, do it first.
How, if the HDD wouldn't boot, I had no way of booting! I put back the old OS folder, and the old OS loaded [no reboot required] and I redid the upgrade, and just did a hunt and peck for things I could delete as it ran.
I ran Windows 95 for a year before it was released. My friend was a beta tester for it, and they started sending him installs on CD and he had no CD drive, so he called MS and yelled [they'd overnight the floppy install] and give me the CD to put on mine!
I WAY preferred the beta over the final release.
Eww, windows.
The last disk he got the day before it was released. I LOVED that ver. When it was released, he was sent two installs, and he gave me the CD of the release. I went back to the final beta.
Android Studio cannot find the bundled Android SDK Do you know the filename of it?
I recommend redownloading the android sdk..
if it's missing, redownloading is wayy faster than fixing dead paths
Spent a week just working on OSs....
I want to just USE a computer, not make it work!
Lots of fun!
You haven't used a computer until you installed an OS.
I've done that SOO many times over the years...
Good morning, Java!
My wife is a pre-school teacher.
She gave me a stack of coloring pages that she will not use.
Morning, @Michael! I've finally got the bot working!
I'm looking at them,I found a snowman...
Awesome! \o/
Is it in Sandbox?
It has a carrot nose, and a tophat, but what else do you color?
@Joe'sMorgue lol
Maybe I will stumble on a polar bear!
no, I'm trying to make this modular
[She didn't make these, he old lead teacher gave them to her]
it's all very spaghetti code at the moment
What language is it in?
That sounds like a 4 year-old's version of hell...a coloring book where all the drawings are of white things xD
@Joe'sMorgue a cheese monster
I've actually seen a coloring book like that!
Also, do work on the development branch over master @Mic, see #8
I've never looked at code for a bot. I don't know what language it's written in.
@Unihedron Ugh, ok.
You can actually BUY a coloring book like that.
It's just a stash pull and apply stash, you'll live :P
@Joe'sMorgue I should get one, take a picture and use it as my avatar ;)
@Unihedron Wait, what? More detail please? xD
I'm going to finish cleaning up this code so it's properly structured, then I can tear out some of this and build JChatExchange. Vog might spread some light, but he's busy in his CR dimension.
@Michael stash the changes on your local environment, pull from development, and apply the changes there :D
Ok, I think I get it.
If I remember, I can scan the snowman, and post it so you can use it...
Yay! I'll recolor it into a cheese monster.
It would be less scary than your current pic :P
You don't like eyes? :P
Support my feature request if you agree that github links should be one-boxed!
Q: One-box repositories, issue tickets and such on GitHub in the chat

UnihedronGitHub links are posted in chat quite frequently, but the support of the appearance is somewhat poor: <html><head><link rel="stylesheet" href="http://cdn-chat.sstatic.net/chat/css/chat.stackoverflow.com.css"></head><body><div id="transcript"><div class="monologue user-2246344"><div class="si...

Not when they stare at me! :P
That's a Minecraft face, if you don't already know, @Joe.
Get with the times, man.
I prefere Doom ][. [Remeber, I'm old!]
Ah, the days before mouselook...
Doom is great game!
Esp. hell difficulty... I could beat that game, the entirety of it, within 2 hours..
3 is OK.... Didn't live up to the hype. TOO scriped
@Unihedron I never bought the full version. I just played the first episode over and over. xD
lol :D
Doom 3 was too...dark.
I couldn't get through it.
That was the cheat code for "God Mode".
not uuddlrlrba?
Don't know that one.
Hiya @Trevi
@IsmaelDiVita oh em gee
Sup @Unihedron!
rly..doom in 2hrs
@Unihedron what a shame...
What's shameful about beating the game in two hours? :(
Doom 1? you only need 1hour... amateurs
Hey, it was my first try.
Also, you shall be friendly in the Java room!
Well, I beat it in 30 minutes with my eyes closed... xD
Meh. :P
whoooa.. im very friendly...
I didn't imply that you weren't. ;)
What if, instead of doing "!!eval:hi" we did "@JavaBot eval:hi"
hi thr
i have a question
Welcome to the Java Chat, @user2849331. What can we help you with?
If we can use 'new' operator for all the things that 'clone' is use do, So why there is a particular method as 'clone' in java?
plz i need the answer i m having presentation tomorrow.
"new" and "clone" are different concepts.
but i does same thing
@user2849331 .clone() only works when the class implements Cloneable.
"New" simply creates a new object. "Clone" copies an existing object.
Otherwise, an OperationNotSupported exception is thrown.
at the end both create an object.
@user2849331 clone is a shallow clone operation - references in fields are copied, while new constructs an object - the constructor is called
we can create reference by new also ,this is how we can do it but i m asking why we need a particular method for that if we can do simply by new what is different in clone just how it does it.
@user2849331 Because clone clones things.
"new" creates an empty object. "Clone" creates an object and populates it with the data from the original object.
@Michael Namely, shallow clone of all fields.
@Unihedron True.
If you want deep clone, you will have to implement the method yourself. Some IDEs like Eclipse has interactive interfaces that does this for you.
can u explain u more difference b/w shallow and deep copy
"Shallow" only copies the references to an object's fields. It does not clone them. But "deep" clones the fields.
thnx a lot :)
@Unihedron and @Michael
you're welcome
@user2849331 You're welcome.
i posted this question on S.O. but some one marked me as duplicate.Is my question same as Clone() vs Copy constructor ?
@user2849331 It's similar.
@user2849331 Expected, it's part of the dupehammer library
I guess your question would be, "If 'new' and 'clone" both create new objects, then what is the difference between them?"
i think clone vs copy constructor is not my question !.If it would be 'CLONE VS NEW OPERATOR', then it may be correct.
isnt it!
Welcome to SO. xD
Still going to get closed, you can try posting a comment though, which would throw it into the Reopen Votes Review Queue.
It's a no-brainer "leave closed", though.
You should read that "Clone() vs Copy constructor" question though. I think it will help you understand the concept of "cloning" better.
hello everybody
guys why we have to use wait() inside a loop in multithreading in java
@Aamir cross-posting?
@Unihedron, can u please elaborate a bit.
already asked here:
in Teenage Programmers Chatroom, 6 mins ago, by Aamir
guys why we have to use wait() inside a loop in multithreading in java
@Unihedron, why u always complicate simple questions..
@Aamir What? I just asked why you cross-posted.
well, nobody answered there, and I thought it is more of a Java question.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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