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@CatPlusPlus discourse, broken by design.
@BartekBanachewicz I like the anti-aliased logo.
> WTF is this shit? Are you seriously telling me that Intercourse is adding a new entry into my browser's history46 for every fucking post35 that I read?? And what's up with the scrolling? It's unusable.
Hahaha I didn't even notice
Also good job on those click stats that certainly don't copy with the rest of the text
I don't see why not. This is a lot of hand waving and also incidentally incorrect for the reason I pointed out. There have been comments with more merit — sehe 1 min ago
Yes that was worth a downvote
> FIX: migration would break if locale was forced to french
oh god the link counter is copied together with the text
github.com/discourse/discourse/commit/… jesus they're terrible at routing
> FEATURE: Allow a user to upload an image for their expansion background.
oh man just read some news about this guy
he has 5 kids, his wife said she'd be going to Italy to earn money for the family
then she said she won't come back and she's posting pics with her and some other dude on Facebook
sucks to be that guy
worst part is, he now has to raise the 5 kids alone
Sucks to be him
At least he doesn't have to use PHP.
@AlexM. Really, I thought what sucked was that he didn't get to go to Italy...
All those forums are making me angry
What would be forum MVP for you scrubs?
@Nooble Who wants to go Italy? They're all tossers there.
I mean, the food is great, but otherwise...
maaaan, I hope jefffrey isn't around here to hear us talk bad about Italy
@AlexM. what guy?
They don't like when you put ketchup on pizza
I don't like that either. But OTOH, I'm half-italian.
@Jefffrey the guy who has to raise the kids alone
then again, I consider the Italian guy to be in a shitty situation too
is it jeff?
@AlexM. Link?
I wouldn't want to get with a woman who abandoned her family once
@Nooble here stirileprotv.ro/stiri/social/… it's in Romanian but aside from the video, it's just text
@AlexM. Yep. Especially with 5 children.
Anyone knows why sfml 2.1 Event class allows me to access an internal enum type defined inside without naming the enum?

struct Event {

enum EventType { Closed, ... };
EventType type;
union { ... };

instead of
@Xeo I'm 1/4 german, so there's that.
Because enums
@CatPlusPlus does it work if the enum is an enum class ?
enums leak their enumerators into the surrounding namespace
Use enum class if you can.
is there a way to explicitly leak them? (for an enum class)
why would you want to?
A C-style enum is pretty much a short-hand for #define XXX 0\n#define YYY 1\n...
@JerryCoffin eh
now that's just misleading
@Jefffrey I would like to reimplement the Event class, but with an enum class instead, having to write Event::EventType::Type instead of just Event::Type is less clean
@gnzlbg Then why do you want to use an enum class?
I've never used SFML...
Stuck with either GLFW or SDL
@Jefffrey because i don't want implicit conversions to and from int
Oh right
@Jefffrey yep :/
Maybe some using wankery?
Pull the enum class outside of the class
@Nooble actually i'm finishing a glfw wrapper
@gnzlbg Oh.
@CatPlusPlus but then I have 2 types
Oh no tragedy
oh noes
@gnzlbg Why would you need a wrapper for glfw though
@CatPlusPlus I can't probably inherit from an enum
Why would you want to
How would that even work?
@Nooble I like the library features, but i like SFML event polling more, so it is just a thin type-safe c++ wrapper with sfml-like event-polling (without the callbacks)
I don't think we need another glfw wrapper.
There are so many
@Jefffrey i haven't found any good one :/
sfml is good enough
@Jefffrey for OpenGL < 2.1 yes
@gnzlbg What makes you think SFML doesn't work with OpenGL >= 2.1?
it doesn't on mac
SFML 2.2 will
on mac you need a core_profile context
You always need core profile context unless you're a caveman
and sfml <= 2.1 still uses deprecated features so it can only make a compatibility_context
@CatPlusPlus yes, but on mac, you cannot create a compatibility_context, it is not supported
yeah, osx opengl support is fairly shitty
@Jefffrey everything
so if you need to target mac, then, SFML == OpenGL 2.1...
it's shitty.
@CatPlusPlus that thing is actually good
it forces lazy dumb devs to write their shitty code correctly
It forces you to also use OpenGL2 until Mavericks for whatever reason
I don't have a job
I have two weeks of vacation at least
let's code something in Haskell
@Jefffrey you never got back to me about Glisha
I've never went back to my project
I'm still stuck with the django app
and uni just started
I would actually have plenty of time
But this django thingy is sucking all the will of programming out of me
So I'm trying to get myself occupied with animating, cooking or trying to play the guitar instead
I want to sketch a forum MVP
Gimme features
posting posts
wow you are very good at brainstorming
@CatPlusPlus mvp?
Minimum viable product
i'm terrible at everything, remember?
@Xeo To a degree, yes--admittedly they do at least follow scoping, just a little differently than almost anything else.
there's only one store in Romania selling arduinos and raspberry pis and they just told me that for 50% of the base price, they'll assemble and offer support for whatever stuff you buy
it is a bit expensive but fuck it, if that means I won't have to solder shit and I can just go straight to programming
I'll pay
also forums have been done so many times, in so many different ways that it's basically a solved problem
And yet they all still suck
I want to go API-first anyway
they are all just fine
there's nothing more to add
I don't want to add stuff
I want to remove it
the minimum is threads and posts and maybe users
from there you either go with a good search engine or tagging
they can even 3D print any MTL you give them and send it back to you
this shop is gold
and then you can add categories or tagging
@Jefffrey oh you're playing guitar, I forgot
@AlexM. meh
soldering shit teaches you a very valuable lesson
hardware fails happen.
it's more like me playing the good old 5 songs I know, doing something random and or learning ho hey from the lumineers
"A soldering iron is hot."
that too
burned my thumb recently
also my device still isn't working
@Jefffrey you play an acoustic right?
I managed that with my oven a while back. Fingerprint still hasn't recovered.
I still have oil droplet burns on my arm
they're months old now
I gave up the hope that they'll ever disappear
@BartekBanachewicz yeaaah, I'd rather learn that later :(
@AlexM. don't trust shit just because they've soldered it for you vOv
it's just an arduino with a sensor on it
all I have to do is plug the USB cable in my PC
I still wanna build a portable automatic mahjong table...
if it sends data, I'm fine with it
not sure there's that much to trust here
@AlexM. They'll probably never disappear completely, but will fade to the point that you'd have to look carefully to find them. I have a burn on my right wrist from about 30 years ago that I can still find, but only if I look really carefully (but it was originally quite a nasty chemical burn).
@AlexM. what about resistor configuration
like pullups on inputs
yes, that's why I didn't want to do it myself, I don't know how that works
but you have to know how that works
if I run into trouble I'll just ask them
I just want to get some temperature readings right now, I don't have time to learn electronics :(
it's cold in here
maybe later
I started reading the art of electronics but it's huge
Why isn't there already a portable automatic mahjong table. Why haven't the Japanese invented that yet.
lol art
I can't postpone my work until I know about resistors
more like annoyances of electronics
because, essentially, my work starts at the point where I get the data through USB and I can work with it
yeah, shitduino has a lot of examples and stuff
@AlexM. Resistors in one easy lesson.
like ready-made usb profiles
I'm aroused.
the guy said "in theory you can ask us to build anything. in theory because if you ask us to build a spaceship, we'll have to pass :D"
well damn, a spaceship was my next plan
@CatPlusPlus lol
Now Eating: Brussel Sprouts. God I'm addicted to the shit!
@JerryCoffin that's too easy of a lesson I guess
I didn't get it
@FredOverflow eww sproutes
i love c error handling, the function returns null if an error occurred, or a pointer to the previous value, which might be null, if no value was previously set
useless piece of code and documentation ever
@gnzlbg What function?
all the functions of glfw, that are used to set callbacks
uh what the fuck
Also, if all you want is rant about C, you've come to the right place!
return a pointer to the previous call back, or null to report an error
"send CV only in polish"
fucking cavemen
@gnzlbg Ah yes, that rings a bell.
but if you havent previously set a callback, it returns null too
its like, i dont even know how to wrap this shit
shit all those cover letters I have to write
void (*signal(int sig, void (*handler)(int)))(int);
lol dat signature
@BartekBanachewicz I never wrote cover letters
never really understood why cover letters are necessary
my CV is one page long, just read that wtf
@AlexM. mine is 2 :S
damn, you've got serious swag compared to me then
@AlexM. because they are tailored for a specific company, compared to CV, which is typically general
@AlexM. I can send it to you if you want.
@FredOverflow wtf
Is that a pointer to a function that returns a function pointer?
@BartekBanachewicz I already saw your careers profile :D so no need
@AlexM. :D
@BartekBanachewicz you mean like, you have to write a new stuff for each company? that's supposed to make them feel good?
@AlexM. no, that's supposed to tell them why are you even sending them the CV
I mean, besides "I want the job"
"I'm the CEO's cousin"?
@rightføld I don't know, ask cdecl.org ;)
no wait if that were true, you wouldn't send a cover letter anyway
you'd ask the CEO for the job
@AlexM. well look for example you might write "I have experience with OpenCV" on your CV, and then, after looking at the offer, write "I have experience in utilizing OpenCV to find cats and since your company looks for dogs on pictures that should easily translate"
@AlexM. I was wondering if instead of a CV, maybe I should simply send one page that says "I hate Singletons!" in large letters. That should say enough about me for a hire decision.
that tells them that you're really interested and not just spamming CVs everywhere, that you took your time and really read the offer, and that you're communicative enough, at least in written word
@BartekBanachewicz lol OpenCV on CV
I've put OpenCV on my CV
How hilarious is that?
Not at all.
Maybe it would be less funny if I actually knew what OpenCV was.
@FredOverflow In this case, the "CV" stands for "Computer Vision".
"and i must only use global variables" i feel sorry for you. — Borgleader 5 secs ago
@Borgleader lol the fuck is that shit
It broke Firefox UI
@JerryCoffin Okay, the funny just dropped from 3/10 to 0/10. Back to funny:
May 25 at 9:19, by FredOverflow
I think I'm gonna put "ANT/ANTLR experience" on my next CV and see if anybody notices it :)
@BartekBanachewicz got it, makes sense now
@FredOverflow Probably not quite enough. You really need "I hate Singletons and Java!" That should probably be enough, but if necessary you could add "and PHP and Ruby, but you should have figured that" in a footnote.
it's still a lot of effort though :(
@JerryCoffin Thanks for the hint. If you also want a job, should I recommend you?
@FredOverflow Java(Script)
You're killing me :)
@FredOverflow Hmmm....does the job involve hanging out on the beach with beautiful young women in bikinis?
@FredOverflow C/C++
@FredOverflow I know most companies let you talk to the tech lead at an interview, to ask questions about technical stuff and how they work
@JerryCoffin Na, probably run-of-the-mill enterprise apps.
I wonder if they also let you go through an assisted code browsing thingy
@Borgleader Now you're just doing crazy talk.
@FredOverflow In that case I think I'll pass, thanks anyway. Unfortunately I can't talk much about what I do now, but it is pretty cool stuff.
@AlexM. "How do doubles work?"
for my next job I'll specify that I want to talk to a lead and see what practices they apply, and if possible, the general look of their code
@JerryCoffin Are you making ice from water?
I hope it won't be a lie though
"yeah, we unit test like crazy, and we value great software! see here!"
and when I get there
@FredOverflow Close, but no cigar.
@JerryCoffin Is that a figure of speech? Never heard of it. "no cigar" = "not hot"?
I need to take a closer look at this shop
@FredOverflow Yes, figure of speech. Not sure of the origin, but it pretty much just means something like "sorry, you lose".
now that I know someone else is willing to do the hardware work, the possibilities are so many
@AlexM. Have you been watching If Google was a Guy ?
@JerryCoffin interesting
I could write in purescript I guess
@Borgleader lol
no, first time I see it
it led me to this which I found to be way too hilarious youtube.com/watch?v=6VxV717PRBU
> Markdown: It's more of a user-hating philosophy than an actual technical specification™
TIL Math.hypot.
I live in such a good neighbourhood, the guys doing road works (well, water stuff) are taking EVERYTHING away with them at night.
((_: Int) % 2) andThen Map(0 -> Even, 1 -> Odd) cool
my glfw wrapper is almost finished ^^
@gnzlbg why is environment static?
also change asserts to exceptions T_T
it is "not", but yes
there are asserts and exceptions
there is an event queue inside storage
the thing is, glfw callbacks suck
SDL has better event handling than SFML.
auto handle_glfw_error(int value, std::string msg) -> void {
@BartekBanachewicz anyhow, what i do is I submit the events from the glfw callbacks into a map of event queues (one for each window) which is inside the environment
that way you can poll events from each window directly (see example).
@Rapptz i haven't learned SDL, i'll take a look at it later
It doesn't rely on the window
It also allows you to push custom events into the queue and poll them.
so you can use it to communicate stuff within threads?
And.. it allows you to filter the event queue etc.
There is a lot of flexibility in the SDL event queue.
It's arguably the best part of SDL.
i like glfw in that it is simple and minimal
@Rapptz i'll definetly check it out now :D
@BartekBanachewicz whats so bad about that? GLFW sometimes uses NULL for errors, sometimes GL_FALSE, sometimes whatever random stuff we happened to come by some day. I'll use those two to catch the ptr and and GL_FALSE cases sometimes, and they are in a detail namespace..
> Thats a minor gripe, the widget is telling you where you are at. heck I cant even see scrollbars on osx most of the time.
Discodevs confirmed osx users, everything clear now
watching Alisdair Meredith on CppCon now, Allocators I
he's a surprisingly good presenter, very enthusiastic and fun to watch
^what's going on here o.O? (latest VS 14 CTP)
You've answered your own question
"illegal use of local variable as default parameter", "see declaration of 'this'"
Maybe it desugars to a local variable.
and what default parameter?
{ { 1, 2, 3 } }
like so fun(std::array<int,3> ints = stuff) { whatever stuff = {{1,2,3}}; } ???
It's MSVC. vOv
Let's learn linear algebra.
@TemplateRex I should probably. I hate that I still fail to grok scoped allocators especially with boost interprocess/multi-index
oh my god, fuck monodevelop
actually fuck all this shit
I'll write C in nano
Why are you using MonoDevelop
I thought about doing the thing that glues Prolog to everything else in C# .NET with mono
@AlexM. what. Were you trying monodevelop for non-mono development?
Yeah but why are you using MonoDevelop :v
I don't know of any other C# .NET IDEs on linux
MD is crap
SharpDevelop, and an Eclipe mode.
Don't bother. Vim is the bomb
good call let me try that (Eclipse plugin)
wait, is it a plugin?
@sehe oh yes, that is insanely convoluted
and it's in Part II of this talk (also on Cppcon youtube today)
sharpdevelop seems to only work on windows
meh, swi-prolog comes with a C interface built-in, any other interface is 3rd party maintained
I should just write C++ and use that interface
@TemplateRex Thanks for the heads up. I was sort of assuming it would not be in there (as always). Now I'm definitely gonna watch it
Using C interface from CLR is p straightforward

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