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Stop hating things you don't understand... haha
> Do you like $thing? | I haven't used it | Stop hating it!!
@twiz What ^
He said he hates javascript.....
Well actually they said "ask me why I hate JavaScript...", so perhaps the answer was going to be "I don't"
I hate Apple....
And I don't understand them. So
return (
			[ source ].concat(
				parse( macroArgs, extraVars )
					.split( ',' ).invoke( 'trim' ) ) );
		//this is not good code
Hahaha love that comment
@Jhawins Learn to tolerate other people's religions.
@twiz lol
However I am really interested in merging every day tech like smartphones personal health monitoring. Apple seemed to take an interest in that. Maybe they will unveil something that's actually new!
But you don't see HTC trying to spark a global event every time they make a new phone... Because they aren't constipated from all the false feelings of superiority
I do wish I was one of Apple's patent lawyers though. Never be out of a job
this look right ?
document.getElementById('AppRegisterEmailInput').setAttribute("borderLeft", "solid 4px #e51c23");
Is this the correct method for using $.when() with $.getJSON()?
function getMarketsNut () {
    var marketJSON = URL + 'refpagemarketcontrols.json?accesstoken=haFE&userids='+userid+'&view=NUT&datacontainer=data&header=off&keyvalue=on&datalevels=Vendor,MME Pool&callback=?';
    return $.getJSON(marketJSON, function(markets){});

$.when(getMarketsNut()).then(function (markets) {
    nodeMarket = markets; //- set global object
Lol MarketsNut
@Bubbas borderLeft is a style type, not an HTML attribute.
ah crap!
ive done that before...
thank you
sure thing
Nut is an acronym I'm not at liberty to know
three.JS: Three.ImageLoader - anyone already succesfuly loaded .TIF image?
okay, my example doesn't really define what I'm trying to accomplish - LOL
I need to run 8 $.getJSON()s and when they are all fin then I need to start populating content and drawing tables. Is $.when() the correct solution?
@AbhishekHingnikar did that apple thing start? What is that about? and link again pls...
@AwalGarg I'm just going to wait it out and let zdnet recap it for me.
ok got the link... why don't they tell what it is about...
It just says "live event" and some cupertino tweets... this is so disgusting.
@twiz LOL
you guys write in Lisp right?
well, I think I'm the only one
Some of us have tried it, but I think @FlorianMargaine is the only one who's actually used it enough
who else tried it?
oh yeah, jan dvorak
@FlorianMargaine I wanted someone to discuss homoiconicity with
@jbolanos yes
and why it's important.
@FlorianMargaine yes, what?
@jbolanos follow the arrow
@FlorianMargaine is there a Lisp room on SO?
@FlorianMargaine Zirak has, maybe? Emacs Lisp at least?
@FlorianMargaine I'm still following the bouncing ball
@SomeGuy I'm not sure he went further than modifying his own .emacs
@BartekBanachewicz not sure
!!mdn min-padding
60914 is where the cool kids hang out now
apple.com/live/2014-sept-event @AwalGarg its 24 minutes still
too bad there is no min-padding in css
@AbhishekHingnikar ok
meh .. I have Sony Z2 (with free SmartBand) and I am quite happy with it
@rlemon me gusta!
how many times you gonna change your username / pic / bio ?
@SumerKolcak English, please
room topic changed to JavaScript: Read this: rules.javascriptroom.com. Before asking inform yourself on the XY problem goo.gl/taIqf | Angularjs is on topic here. stop asking. Reg room here: chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/59354 [ecmascript] [horse-grooming] [javascript] [no-social-experiments] [phrasing]
@rlemon @FlorianMargaine I've gained 2 lbs this week :(
Hoping it's muscle weight
who is @SumerKolcak ?
ah nm some random who changes their name a lot
I dunno why but 'sumerkolcak' word seems familiar to me.
@SumerKolcak have we talked before?
i got some problems with Gulp Livereload... It won't take my index.html file in the localhost
Can anybody help me?
// Chargement des modules
	var gulp = require('gulp'),
		uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
		sass = require('gulp-ruby-sass'),
		plumber = require('gulp-plumber'),
		livereload = require('gulp-livereload');

// Scripts Task
// Uglify
	gulp.task('scripts', function(){

// Style Task
	gulp.task('styles', function(){
oh wait...
There's my simple file
@SumerKolcak oh nthng, some guy "SumerKolcak" made a nazi avatar attack on the room and left this tweet when banned.
Sorry for the confusion.
Michael Jackson is dead
that makes no sense
dude ain't coming back.
He's like Elvis
Not to mention the other tweets
> stack overflow users pissed off the wrong person and Im a psychopat when it comes to revenge also get physical if need
Quality human
Dat physical tweet doe
Damnit Pat.
@SumerKolcak yea maybe, and I am really sorry for confusing that person with you... it must have been offensive.
he needs to calm down
I didn't mean to.
Pat gon get physical
@Loktar maybe he meant pyscho-point-after-touchdown?
hehe ok.
I'm curious whether all DOM 2 event listeners are guaranteed to have fired after the [EventTarget].dispatchEvent() call has returned. Does anybody know / have any pointers to documentation?
@SumerKolcak let's not talk about that please.
I smell a social experiment
@Loktar physical?
now thats going to be stuck in my head
@RyanKinal too much machine assisted twerking for my work xD
@Witiko Whadya mean?
@Zirak: Say I add several event listeners to an event target via addEventListener and then dispatch an event on the event target using dispatchEvent(). Am I guaranted that all the listener functions were executed before continuing the execution, or it there no such guarantee?
@rlemon @L14, why do you pass the time that way? Why not in decimals?
@SumerKolcak multiple events.
and event boubling with the third and optional parameter.
@AwalGarg huh?
@rlemon line 14 in that codepen.
why do I put it on its own line?
you typed this:
setTimeout(pass, 1000/60);
60 fps -- easier to read
@SumerKolcak you can never be sure
@rlemon ok got it. thnx :)
It seems like it's pretty "synchronous", but I don't see a guarantee
@AwalGarg no one wants to read setTimeout(pass, 16.666666666666668)
@JanDvorak D:
Testing should be easy
@SterlingArcher it wasn't even funny
was totes funny!
@rlemon ok
@rlemon ahem requestAnimationFrame ahem
@JanDvorak then I have to shim it and cancelAnimationFrame
You don't have to shim it any more.
!!caniuse requestAnimationFrame

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