Did you read the [delete] tag's excerpt? It clearly says "This tag is deprecated! Please use a more specific tag instead." Please read tags more carefully in the future. Thank you. — Unihedron8 secs ago
I just edited this question's highlighting and wondered why the default syntax-highlighting for asp-classic questions is one that does make ' a string and not a single-line comment.
Thus I propose to introduce language: lang-vb as the default syntax higlight for asp-classic
Shh, don't tell anyone. Secretly call the second method in your code, then call the first method.
public String randomPerson() {
String people[] = new String[]
{"John", "Jeff", "Emma", "Steve", "Julie"};
return people[Math.random()];
private void ...
@Amession it is common when teaching beginners because makes it simpler, but it is a bit like avoiding the sex talk to your children because it is difficult. — Davidmh3 hours ago
At within a class level, another curly bracket: new Type() {{}} is method level - at an initialization of the invisible unseen stuff that Java keeps us save from.
Here's a more graphical representation:
All of this is optional as new Random() {}; actually works.
@Vogel612 I can't complain but I upvoted gnat's answer because I feel that really answers the question. Your answer and that of Anthony focus too much IMHO on the statement of Roman with regard to not wanting to debug code. I'm more on the side of Roman than on yours...
@Unihedron this only matches strings that END at the jpg/png/gif border, like at a newline, no? The trick is to match anything else in the string and strip the part you don't want
What is this?
This is a collection of common Q&A. This is also a Community Wiki, so everyone is invited to participate in maintaining it.
Why is this?
regex is suffering from give me ze code type of questions and poor answers with no explanation. This reference is meant to provide links to qua...
demit, its in the php somewhere.. and i custom built the cms... ohhhh mannn... and i didnt document anything:D it was meant to be a small project.. quick and easy, now there is like 1million code lines, its massive
Na its ok, Im used to this style of coding. Anyways thanks man. You actually by fixing the code up on the first try.. I see now, Im not using the match but still the original media_link
As when I tried to fix it and regex it before, there is the right code commented out with a note: i dont do regex
But remember the regex before, that I sent via email. Do you think its the most optimal to detect image urls first, as first pass and then second pass the syntax and the regex u saw
because i dont think its humanlly possible to force too much detecting into one regular match right?
Yeah it doesnt catch it at all now.. Weird, but well, its good enough for now. I will hit at it once again in the morning.
Anyways, if you have time to check the email about the search syntax thingy. I could build the script behind it tomorrow then and do a patch release on saturday. Its nice to know somebody who drinks beer and likes regex :)
So anyways guys, peace im out, thanks for everything. Cya tomorrow.
Lol :D man, now i feel stupid:D im 24 and u do regex better then me:D ive called myself a programmer the past 10 years, when i started making websites in php :D lol, life is funny:D
but buy something like.. strawberry icecream :D i like to code and eat icecream :D