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Q: REGEX - Search for missing open quotes

medwattI'm editing some text directly from OCR engine and in some paragraphs the OCR engine ignores the opening and closing quotes. I prefer editing in HTML mode and as a result end up with some text like: <p>&ldquo;Wait a moment,&rdquo; Jacey said. The street light lit up his aged, rat face. Who&rsquo...

@HamZa Hey Hamza, this is inspired by your beautiful "refactored" regexes. :)
@Unihedron Right up your alley (unusual regex) :)
3 hours later…
@zx81 This is art!
@Unihedron HamZa really turned me on to this kind of thing. I had played with (?(DEFINE)...) a couple years ago when reading the PCRE doc, but never really applied it. If I recall the examples in the doc where about IP addresses, not too inspiring. @HamZa posted a number of answers that make beautiful use of it and really opened my eyes about the potential. Now I try to use it when there's a chance. :)
Oh verbs are amazing.
7 hours later…
@zx81 awesome +1, btw did you forget the "s" modifier?
Also one other note: double quotes are ugly in php if it's not necessary. Although maybe it's just a preference :)
@HamZa why you failed to post that comment as an answer?
@AvinashRaj I posted it as CW
@AvinashRaj Easy answer
I'm getting reps also through the easy answers. :-)
Got a regex silver badge...
lost interest. I have made rules for myself:
- If I find a duplicate, close it as such
- If it's too easy and there should be a duplicate but too lazy to search for and no one has posted an answer: post a CW answer
- If I'm too lazy to post a full answer: post it in the comments without providing an answer
- If I feel like providing a full answer: post as answer
- If it's horrible, no efforts: downvote and probably close it
perfect rules...
@zx81 may i know your real name?
double the age of mine is your's..
@AvinashRaj if you follow those rules you would not reach 10K easily :P
@HamZa yep, yep.
i have seen most of the experienced aka high rep users posting answers for simple questions..
@AvinashRaj That's one of the reasons I co-created stackoverflow.com/questions/22937618/…
so all the simple regex questions are dupe of ^^^^^
lol no
but it's so hard for the op to find and get the result.
regexhero.net site didn't work for me.
@AvinashRaj I hate answers that are simply a dump of some auto generated explanation of a regex program
it ask me to install silverlight.
@AvinashRaj correct
But i'm on Ubuntu.
@AvinashRaj take a look at moonlight or something similar
@HamZa Thank you, and yes you're right, forgot the s as my test strings were all on one line.
@AvinashRaj My friends call me Zedex
Zedex = Regex . Now only i understand why you are so good in regex.
Haha thank you, but me eternal student. :)
could you give the query link of tag top users from a specific location.
Advance congratulations on your 10K @AvinashRaj, you'll be there long before I wake up. :) Well done!
Gud night :-)
What's the time now?
Alright, then I have to pack up for the day, need to sleep. Hang tight for that link.
Currently in NZ, it's midnight.
around 12?
@AvinashRaj here is the link you requested, have fun with it.
Kudos again, and see you all tomorrow. :) Thanks for the fun
Thanks for the fun times. :)
I'm ranked number 1 in my country :o
130 in the netherlands, not bad :)
mine 236
@HamZa how i find the top users of my country?
@AvinashRaj I just made this query:
top 100
from Users
where Location like '%##Location##%'
order by Reputation desc
Oh, I'm ranked second in my country...
2 hours later…
hi!! a quick question.. in ruby regex.captures will return values inside []with quotes.. how can I get just the value inside?
Ah! got it.... it seems like they return as hash values in ruby.. nvm! =]
4 hours later…
Hey Guys! Can somebody look at my question? stackoverflow.com/questions/24942375/…
Maybe anybody of you guys can help me
Hi Reg Experts, I want to remove all words insode <> in php, want to use regex, Can some one do a quick help? It should be easy for yours , it is something like preg_replace("{\<\W\>}","",$comment); but not working
@user1728565 Could those brackets <> be nested?
If not then use ~<[^>]+>~, the problem is that you are using \W which is the same as [^\w], also you're not using quantifiers
You don't need to escape <>
[^>]+ means match anything except ">" one or more times
@ClubDesign There is a difference between (.+)? and (.+?)
(.+)? will match anything one or more times greedy. `?` after the group makes it optional
while (.+?) will match one or more times ungreedy, nothing is optional
Check this out:
A: Difference between .*? and .* for regex

polygenelubricantsOn greedy vs non-greedy Repetition in regex by default is greedy: they try to match as many reps as possible, and when this doesn't work and they have to backtrack, they try to match one fewer rep at a time, until a match of the whole pattern is found. As a result, when a match finally happens, ...

3 hours later…
@HamZa is there a way to stop after it finds a match using .*?
@hwnd example please
Q: Matching groups/ranges beginnings with ends

Marcin NabiałekThe problem is quite easy. I would like to match anything between some strings at the beginning and some strings at the end. Strings at the end should match appropriate strings at the beginning. Let's assume that I want to match everything that is between [ and ] or { and }. The first regular e...

@hwnd lolwut
@hwnd /.*?(keyword)AGFDSihlh678UILjTIdfy/
^does not stop...
@hwnd There is simply no easy solution, you can of course programmatically construct the regex
That's what I thought.
\1 and (?1) comes to mind
@CSᵠ (?1) ?
$tokens = [
	['start' => '{', 'end' => '}'],
	['start' => '[', 'end' => ']'],
	['start' => '(', 'end' => ')']
$regex_construct = '';
$delimiter = '~';
$regex_partial = '.*?'; // < so bad at naming things :O
$input = '[aaa] {bbb} (ccc)';

for($i = 0, $l = count($tokens); $i < $l;$i++){
	$regex_construct .= preg_quote($tokens[$i]['start'], $delimiter) . '.*?' . preg_quote($tokens[$i]['end'], $delimiter);
	if($i < $l - 1){
		$regex_construct .= '|';

if(preg_match_all($delimiter . $regex_construct . $delimiter, $input, $matches)){
@HamZa yes :)
@CSᵠ That came also to my mind but it's a dead end
ans this
Q: Collapse and Capture a Repeating Pattern in a Single Regex Expression

CSᵠI keep bumping into situations where I need to capture a number of tokens from a string and after countless tries I couldn't find a way to simplify the process. So let's say the text is: start:test-test-lorem-ipsum-sir-doloret-etc-etc-something:end This example has 8 items inside, but say ...

If the OP is concerned about groups, he could use branch reset eval.in/171528 //cc @hwnd
2 messages moved to bin
@CSᵠ neeeein, there was a small bug :P
When constructing the regex, I used '.*?' instead of $regex_partial
@HamZa nice...
verb: (*ACCEPT)
meh I (*SKIP) :)
Hmm, you can use duplicated named subpatterns for branch reset
@HamZa yeah, verbs make regex transform into a proramming language soon :))
Speaking of verbs, I had fun answering this today:
A: r split on delimiter not in parentheses

hwndYou can switch on PCRE by using perl=T and some dark magic: x <- '999|150|222|(123|145)|456|12,260|(10|10000)' strsplit(x, '\\([^)]*\\)(*SKIP)(*F)|\\|', perl=T) # [[1]] # [1] "999" "150" "222" "(123|145)" "456" # [6] "12,260" "(10|10000)" The idea is to skip c...

gtfo ! wtf is that!?!???!?
@hwnd PCRE rocks \o/
@HamZa yes it does =)
E_TOO_MUCH_BEER To try to understand that now, (*FAIL)
@CS haha
and some Sangria

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