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scan_size is the image cell size and tolorance is the amount of RGB sway the end result should have
@AlexStanese nope
more tolorance == faster render usually.
usually more tolorance for me == more beer
I need to go to the bank, then go get beer, then maybe get that cool lego cop game for wiiu
@RyanKinal read the comment above
> (yes I know it is a typo, but it is in the source code now)
!!afk riding this road, all the crow flies straight
!!afk :drops mic:
Oh that's how you do 2 or more words?
That could have come in handy (no pun intended) many times
I'm not sure, actually
!!afk riding this crow, all the roads are straight
@RyanKinal !!afk riding this penis, all the penis flies straight (source)
!!are you alive
@RyanKinal Certainly not
!!are you sure
@SterlingArcher No
I would have enjoyed her having that afk message.
That's very conflicting. :|
Oh hey, it works
!!do you love me?
@NickDugger All signs point to no
!!afk :picks mic back up, drops it again:
@rlemon ^
@qwertynl rlemon is afk: riding this road, all the crow flies straight
Next step would be making moving gifs using the rlemon's algorithm :D
@Mr.Meshuggah make gifs using gifs
Haha even better, gifception, use moving gifs to animate gifs, that'd be something!
The irony in that troll face is that there are probably weeners embedded somewhere
I think there are more weeners than boobies on the internet, and frankly that makes me sad

Alex StaneseI saw that for gtting a data from SQLite db and to use it properly I have to use PROMISES. I tried the whole day to make it work without any piece of luck. I need a var to get the result from a sql query and use it furthe rin the app/jquery code that is in deviceready function. var app = {}; ...

I feel like SHIT
@RalphWiggum Put down the glue
@Neil I think I'll need some glue after today
@RalphWiggum What happened?
@mrzepka "frank"ly lol
@mrzepka @mrzepka "weener"ly lol (source)
@Neil everything happened :|
I had a bad day myself. Lets see how yours compares :)
Bad days suck
Hope it gets better man
work sucks, friends suck, bad gas sucks
vacuums also suck
Sucking sucks
Fans also suck from behind.
I wish I were a fan
user image
You do realize zigy got SO points for a topic that was deleted on your back, right?
Today, I went from having nothing to do having to fix our bug reporting system (computer it's on is about to crash), client changing specifications (again) and not pushing forward the deadline, having serious installation problems at a client for our software and be being the only one to be able to fix it
I guess it could be worse. Something could have been my fault
anyone else fammiliar with SQL javascript promises? :)
come get drunk with me tonight
IF something is bad and it not your fault, it could still be pretty bad.
@AlexStanese with bluebird?
@AlexStanese What is "SQL Javascript"?
@RalphWiggum whats that?
@AlexStanese it's a type of bird that's blue
I need to take a data from SQL and pass it to a variable through javascript
@AlexStanese somebody earlier told you to look at bluebird. If you didn't listen then, what would make you listen now?
that's what I meant :)
use node-mysql with bluebird
What are you going to use to get the data from SQL and pass it using javascript?
(if you're using mysql and want to use promises)
I'm sorry I didn't saw... Maybe he didn't ping me.. :)
!!tell AlexStanese google javascript bluebird
@Mr.Meshuggah I was trying with promises and using this plugin github.com/brodysoft/Cordova-SQLitePlugin
@AlexStanese "I didn't SEE" when use did or didn't you don't use the past tense.
no worries, check it out. I use it. It's a great library
Promises are difficult to understand at first, though. I still don't know them well enough to teach them
@Mr.Meshuggah ok :)
Just saying :)
I also make errors but I try to help people that make simple mistakes like this.
@SterlingArcher but will it also work on mobile devces? I actually need it for my mobile app
i dont see why not. mobile browsers aren't that different than normal browsers
@CapricaSix @SterlingArcher allright.. I'll give it a try.. Thanks!
Good luck! I'd help you further but my promise knowledge is sub-par and I wouldn't want to give you wrong material
So today was my last day of my internship
I want to spend time working on personal stuff, but to be nice I offered to help out if they needed it so I said "let me know if you need me to come in a day or two to help things out" since I'm the only one with an actual cs background
Just got an email about a meeting scheduled for later this week
var chancesOfMeGoing = NaN
@mrzepka they love you
is that +Infinity or -Infinity?
@ThatTreeOverThere yeah, but I want to work on js stuff. They had me developing widgets for a desktop app (in C#)
It's not even on the number scale
that's how much I'm not going
@mrzepka lol well you did offer
and if you do it you'll get a good reference
@ThatTreeOverThere That's true, maybe I'll reconsider.
He already offered a good reference, and I mentioned during the school year because I have some days off
oh well we'll see how it goes, it's part of a conversation with the other developers so there should be more... developments?
@mrzepka hah
I went there thinking I'd work on a web map that they've been developing in JS, then they decide to have me work on C# widgets (which was a good skill to learn honestly) so I just want a few weeks of sitting on here actually working on js
> I'm back baby
@mrzepka yeah I've had that thing before
I was volunteering at this one place thinking I'd help with teaching kids to program
Not before a couple weeks of digital art
it was ok though cause all of them were into Minecraft and wanted to make a texture pack
I was just really set on learning JS and only js this summer, and now I've gotten the basics but I need to have stuff to show for it
And another question.. is this a bug?
One day I'll have more SO rep than reddit karma
@nOOnE don't use the global flag
@JanDvorak but I want to use the same pattern later for replacement with the global flag!
@mrzepka SO rep doesn't translate into skill :P
Is there any real difference between putting an <img> inside an <a href = "foo.html"></a> and using <img onclick="javascript:location.href='foo.html';"? Either better for some reason?
@ThatTreeOverThere yeah but reddit karma doesn't translate to anything
@DasBeasto don't use onclick. The image in the <a> is better IMO
@nOOnE string.match(regex)?
@DasBeasto the latter is horrible
I think using onclick is worse, but that's because that's what I've been told. (omg I was right, but I don't know why)
Yah it just looks wrong to me but I cant tell why haha
@DasBeasto if JS is disabled in the browser it won't work
oh for javascript disabled users?
firstly, it doesn't have a pointer cursor by default
there's no reason to use javascript there
and it defeats the HTML standard
If you disable js can you even browse the web properly?
@mrzepka why yes, you can
it also breaks middle-cliking
@mrzepka like a few websites
My site doesnt work for JS -disabled users anyway but hopefully in the future it will so might as well fix everything I can.
!!afk checkers
@JanDvorak like this?
I kinda wanna make this
just to put on the shelf
@nOOnE have you tested it?
@JanDvorak yep... But why is it?
I mean, it certainly works, but that doesnt make any sense to me
!!> "abc".match(/x/g)
@JanDvorak null
!!> "abc".match(/./g)
@JanDvorak ["a","b","c"]
am I supposed to know why now? Because I dont ._.
Yes, you must know everything after 1 week of learning JavaScript
when matching a global regex inside a string, it returns a list of matches
No good programmers learns anything after the first week
@nOOnE try this? regexper.com it mangled the link :/
!'m using regex101...
railroad diagrams are nice though...
My question is, why does the same command have 2 different outcomes? (link again)
@nOOnE - Trying to match an x in a string that has no x returns null, and in a regex the period matches any character, so it returns an array of matches, wich is all the characters
!!> console.log("hello");console.log("hi")
@ThatTreeOverThere "undefined" Logged: "hello","hi"
@adeneo so that doesnt explain this
@nOOnE because by testing again you're advancing the regex? I forget exactly
You're using test(), and when used with a global modifier it doesn't reset the value, it's a bug in the regex engine
@adeneo it's a feature
I guess
I'm curious, is it possible to reset that?
you could test until it falses out
@JanDvorak - Well, I think it actually is, if I remember correctly it's actually in the spec that it should behave that way ?
like, after you're done with a RegExp object, can you reset it to its pristine (but still compiled) state so it is ready for another piece of data
so it is a bug! Ok.. kinda. Thanks everyone, @JanDvorak was kind enough to propose this one, and that works just fine.
I guess there's a better way, though
@adeneo not sure
regex.lastIndex holds the last index... if you set it to 0, wouldn't it be pristine?
should work
Yes, resetting lastIndex between calls to test should solve it as well
!!> var myRe = /ab*/g,str = "abbcdefabh";console.log(myRe.exec(str)[0]);console.log(myRe.exec(str)[0]);conso‌​le.log("reset?");myRe.lastIndex = 0;console.log(myRe.exec(str)[0]);
@ThatTreeOverThere "undefined" Logged: "abb","ab","reset?","abb"
I'd rather use the !!string.match() thing
yeah far less ugly
I'd rather use a non-global regex
^ that
but in case you really don't want to destroy an object and it really has to be global
there sure is a hack for you
you could do some stringification magic to localise the regex... or you could just repeat a literal on the next line.
Why would you need to test it several times anyway, this is usually just a theoretical question about a regex quirk, rarely does anyone really have issues with it ?
it's actually a feature otherwise you couldn't test for more matches :P
I mean I don't like the way it's expressed because this is the least pure way possible
but they did it and we use it so w/e
stateful global objects - eugh
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING in /home/u295040886/public_html/colors.php on line 38
@SomeKittensUx2666 Jhawins is afk: sub time
@AbhishekHingnikar When you're done collecting all the addresses, send me the document.
Just a test if Snapick takes your privacy seriously
Yeah ^
so what is snapick @AbhishekHingnikar I'd like to know before I test it or w/e
It's the second best thing in the world
After Miaou
what place is Google?
also, what place is God?
God is dead
what place is love
@RalphWiggum Shrek.
what place is your mother
what place is this?
bainbridge island, washington, usa, earth
30 minutes away from 4pm
3 minutes away from my next beer
@adeneo I do need it.. the multi test thing
hello dears, earlier we could run java-script through address bar in firefox, but its disabled for security purpose. Is there any addon where i can run my own JS code against the current page?
@NokImchen F12
@adeneo I have an if clause that includes 4 or 5 statements, where 2 of them are a call to a function with a regex test, and although the parameters of the function are different the same regex with the same test string is run in both calls. So the if clause behaved really really weird, because of that feature of regex.test()
it took me hours to realize that the regex calls (exactly the same) produce 2 different outcomes.
@JanDvorak that opens up firebug, i can NOT run my own code in firebug :(
you can
so why are you sad?
@JanDvorak would you kindly guide me?
@JanDvorak sorry, typo
1) switch to the console tab
@JanDvorak ok, m there :)
there should be a line near the bottom you can type into
di! wowwww
insert your javascript there
@JanDvorak is there anything you cant help with?
@nOOnE yes
wil u help me pls
i need help w/ my code
proly not
o... oh
i need som1 2 hlp me fix my code & mi marriage
@RalphWiggum it's a rule in the faq to not ask to ask..
unless you start speaking like a normal person, that is
thank you a lot, dear :)
i was thinking to make a new addon cos i never knew that firebug has this facility :)
every browser has, dont they? oO
at least chrome and ff..
even IE i think
yep, all modern browsers have it
@nOOnE ie8 doesn't
@JanDvorak but who really bothers about IE8 anyway
i dont know :|
i use firefox only :)
also, mobile browsers don't
@nOOnE ya, Why Microsoft don't make a good fast browser?? :(
if you're on Android, you can use adb with the native browser (I think)
@NokImchen the new IE isnt that bad really
plugins suck though
yeah IE11 is fine
IE11 is pretty okay
@nOOnE i have windows 8. Never bothered to use IE :/
you have to install a seperate program for adblocking
that sux
I don't rob site owners of money so I dont have that issue fortunately
addon support in general sux in ie
@nOOnE Ya, adblock by default is not good for webmasters....
My new roommate uses IE, and I dont even change my appartment, thats shows how much it improved
@JanDvorak just what I said ;)
@Loktar <3ro
s/don't rob site owners/love slow sites, malware and people who decide they can make money off my privacy/
Idk how accurate this test is but yeah it says ie11 sucks
wow.. worse than safari
@copy don't go there then?
I don't walk down dark alleys at night
Block me then?
I do, but only because it is hard to rob people in the lit ones
wait when you rob someone that could mean so many things.
@copy you mean have the sites block you for using ad block?
no, I named him pedro
thats an interesting idea
@Loktar If you're so crazy about it, I wouldn't mind
wait you don't mean me personally ignore you on SO right?
haha ok damn
I was just reading too much into it
detect ad blockers and redirect to mylittlepony.com
clearly the optimal solution ^
yeah thats an interesting idea, wonder how many sites do it
Im sure not very many at all
morning @monners
would be CRAZY if google did that
@Loktar I'm not a great fan
when does @mosho fly to Israel?
@JanDvorak of what?
@nOOnE how long did that take to render?
@Loktar af being a dick to adblock users
lol.. why do mine never want to finish :P
@rlemon cant even tell you.. few hours
everyone else has finished ones
I like the result
imgur must fucking hate me
me too :)
@JanDvorak ah yeah it makes sense not to
i mean.. I like the result
I dont hate you
yeah that is pretty cool
I wouldn't hold it against you. sometimes I can come of as a dick. I'm just passionate.
and its not that finished...
I want to see some full ones damnit
like full resolution ones
what do you mean?
@rlemon For what it's worth I hate you :)
what do you mean by full re.. yeah
larger scale, larger cells?
@rlemon *off
@rlemon yeah where they use the true dimensions of each image
that would be crazy
@Loktar I would need to host my own images and do this in node
the search function takes so long man. I can't even stress how much of a bottleneck having to randomly find imgur links is
feature request: take the palette from an arbitrary google images result
I'm considering different approaches.
I could segment off full sized images into areas and use those, do a gif in frames, google image results, etc.

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