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and by hanging I mean it stops upside-down. Im fine with loops and barrel rolls
Haha I love to get into a situation where I'm not sure what exactly is going to happen, but it'll be nuts.
Like that crazy adrenaline rush/insides are floating feeling. Never can remember quite what it feels like until you're in it
that is bullshit
disabled inputs don't submit their contents?
@rlemon Yup
try readonly
Or doing 40-50mph in your car and all of a sudden you know there's nothing you can do. There's a pole 30ft ahead and your back right tire just rolled off after you hit the burm. You just can't do anything. But it's coming.
@Cereal thanks
I'll give that a go
That roller coaster feeling is what my car accident was like but less intense haha
I dont even need to ride real roller coasters I have the rift! :p
screw going outside evar!
lol fuck that
@rlemon HAHAHA
I get that one
@Loktar lol thankfully that has never happened to me
i hate it when people call you, you barely miss the call, and call them back and they don't answer -_-
So annoying
@KendallFrey i hate it when people call you (source)
who uses the phone feature of their phone anyway?
@KendallFrey I do, actually
I recently decided to put my phone off silent for the first time in 6 years
My phone usage has increased significantly
I'm a txter
@Jhawins Canada's Wonderland tickets are 50% off, tomorrow only.
u wnt sum txt bb
I have trouble understanding thick accents on the phone, so I don't call people unless i have to
@SterlingArcher My frequent recepient has the unfortunate tendency to ignore SMS notifications
Significant other?
@KendallFrey Duuuuuuuude looks awesome
Oh tomorrow. Eh nah
@SterlingArcher Mother
@Jhawins No, the tickets, not the visit
Ah, yeah I taught my mom how to text and to check her messages
Now she sends me pictures of her dogs all day
Buy the ticket now, visit any time this year
I think
@KendallFrey Really? I probably will
My mother and father text like they're 12.
uh nope, just to the end of July
My mum's phone doesn't have a camera
That place looks sick. 'specially for canada ;)
can u call ur father pleas
(And my mum's camera cannot phone)
hey we have other nice parks
dont we?
Well fuck dude I was gonna go to Cedar Pointe here next weekend... Wonder how much tickets are. The discount might put a dent in the gas price to get there
But the website is down so
Cedar Point is so much fun
I havent been there in a long time..
@Loktar Hell yeah do they have multiple or have you been to Sandusky?
There's the email
nope just the one in sandusky
I lived in MI my whole life :P (well until 2004-ish) :(
everyone in MI knows about the amazing Cedar Point
@KendallFrey Shit man that's be like $50 cheaper between 2 tickets. Bet gas would be nuts tho I wonder how far it is
Wonderland tickets are $60 at the gate, but IIRC they are normally $40 online
LMFAO too far. Not driving 6 hours
so really only a $10 saving
@JanDvorak you're lucky there. lol I get 5 year old memes as well, that have been overplayed
@KendallFrey oo
My mom recently discovered the doge.
6 hours isnt even that far
Cedar Pointe is like $60
@JanDvorak nice guess xD Well done
8 hours is my Sunday drive
my cottage is more than 6 hours
Yeah, it is for an amusement park when I drive a truck
I need a car...
take your bike
fuck now I want to go to wonderland
damn you @KendallFrey
Can't do double that far on the bike
I was there twice in the last 12 months
And not going alone
I can't remember if I went last year
I will be good till next year at least
fuck, now I want to go too
@rlemon @kendall @mosho @canadians schedule a trip
javascript room @ wonderland day
Yeah. But not till next month lol
If I go again, I'll be pissed I didn't get the two-day ticket
@Loktar Come back and go lol
things I want to do this summer: Medieval times, Wonderland, Toronto Zoo
That's like half as far for me
I did the Zoo last year but who doesn't like the zoo?!
The zoo...?
the zoo kicks ass
Have you been to the aquarium in toronto? Ive heard its pretty sick
Things I want to do: Not much, buy video games, maybe play them, kung-fu
The zoo's alright
@BenCraig yes
If I wanna watch batshit crazy animals, I just look out the window
It's mostly filled with just cows.
@rlemon Dude the aquarium in kentucky has fucking shark rays
@Jhawins so?
Shark + rays
@rlemon Is it worth going?
Holy shit bro
I came home the other night and saw a deer hightailing it though the yard
And the tunnels through everything are huge
@BenCraig most certainly.
The place is absolutely insane!
@Jhawins Especially your mom
@rlemon ok sweet. Im supposed to be going at some point this summer
@KendallFrey lol last night I had to stop in the driveway to honk at a deer until it left. Fucker just started walking forward up the driveway in front of me haha
from one of the tunnels
There was one in the hospital parking lot the other day too.
I took more videos than pictures but g+ is being stupid on me
that face reminds me of... Jackie Chan?
that was a big ass lobster
like > 2'
!!s/ass /ass-/
@KendallFrey that was a big ass-lobster (source)
Also, lobster is delicious
Why do I want to eat that lobster
those are sea pens
Love thos pics
Whats the first one?
fucking love ocean creature colors
testing ass post
@BenCraig sawnose shark
@KendallFrey That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!echo !!s/ass /ass-/
!!s/ass /ass-/
@SterlingArcher testing ass-post (source)
@KendallFrey Love thos pecs (source)
g+ video player is crap
@Zirak Caprica doesn't always ignore herself
Thats awesome
@SterlingArcher I know where you're headed, and I support it
I'm trying to post a video of the Sea Dragons
!!learn ass echo !!s/ass /ass-/
@SterlingArcher Command ass learned
@rlemon lol which is so weird because google owns YouTube and has forever O.o
@KendallFrey Input not matching /!!s\/ass/. Help: User-taught command: /ass-/ echo
Stop the weird ocean creature photo shit. Things creep me out.
!!forget ass
@SterlingArcher Command ass forgotten.
!!learn ass "<>!!s/ass /ass-/"
@KendallFrey Input not matching /\/ass-\//. Help: User-taught command: !!s/ass
@KendallFrey Command ass learned
I always upvote ass
@Loktar i think it is the 'enhancement' shit
Maybe quotes around the echo?
it is the youtube player, just doesn't work nearly as well
@KendallFrey Command ass learned
@KendallFrey !!s/ass /ass-/
here is a crap picture
@KendallFrey Command ass learned
!!s/ass /ass-/
@Loktar see if you can get that to play
... so close
I think something was goofy with your learn
@rlemon can a learn'd command trigger an echo?
yup works
@SterlingArcher no
bot ignores herself
@SterlingArcher you don't explicitly echo, it always echoes
@rlemon Awesome
My dreams of ass are shattered
@SterlingArcher ew
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go think about Whore Island for a while.
!!afk whore island
Sea Dragons are fucking awesome
so much cooler than Sea Horses
Don't make me go Binary on your ass
inb4 mindjail nick
pls dnt k
inb4 Kanye
@BenCraig as soon as you walk in :P
well damn
oh my goodness
and those are not small fish
the thing Iwas working on all day was broken because I was using degrees, not radians
6" to a foot long
My guess was gonna be 6 inches
based on the glass thing in the corner
... s/fish/penis'/
radians confuse me.
@rlemon hi
@NickDugger why?
!!define radian
@SterlingArcher radian (geometry) In the International System of Units, the derived unit of plane angular measure of angle equal to the angle subtended at the centre of a circle by an arc of its circumference equal in length to the radius of the circle. Symbol: rad
@Loktar does your kids / wife have any interest in this stuff?
would be a nice little trip to Toronto
I mean they like animals
we go to the Omaha Zoo a few times a year
Suddenly I feel incredibly stupid because I don't know what most of the definition means =/
@JanDvorak Simply because I'm not used to them. My first encounter with them was on canvas, and it stumped me for a while until I could figure out how to even use them.
@rlemon yeah we need to go to CA sometime..
these guys will always crack me up
my mom wants us to visit badly.
radian = the angle you get when you try to wrap a radius around its circle
I liked the grumpy-looking fish
It made me laugh
So, I think I was doing something like Math.PI * .45 or something... maybe it was just 45... I don;t even remember. I wish I couldve just used degrees
Humanity is so depressing sometimes
@JanDvorak oh.. why didn't they just say that? lol
@rlemon why does that shark look like a pokemon
@NickDugger Math.PI / 4
Yeah, that. It's been a while.
!!urban test
@KendallFrey test A process for testing things
unit testis good
@NickDugger radians are easy if you are doing trig. They make for far nicer numbers than degrees. But if you're not used to that, they can be annoying
@shortCircuit two testes is better
@JanDvorak @NickDugger radians are easy if you are doing trig. They make for far nicer numbers than degrees. But if you're not used to that, you can be annoying (source)
Yeah ...
more the better
@ircmaxell I failed algebra my freshman year of high school, and never completed my third/final quarter of advanced algebra. Me no no maths
ah yeah...
radians are like the Planck unit of angle
<p class="bold italic" style="margin-bottom:0px; margin-top:15px;">
that makes me sad.
@loktar ^
Math and I never really got along very well, but I'm sure I'd be much better at it now if I tried at it again.
@SterlingArcher because it lives on the bottom
This seems silly
Algebra is good ... But of no use until u get rid of the x.
@Jhawins hah
thats awesome they are selling those
@shortCircuit rays look the same
Haha but it's so silly
Like wut
@Jhawins inexpensive alternative
what is so silly about that
You're silly now
I just hope it doesn't ruin people trying better vr
no I'm sour.
i imagine that vs is underwhelming considering all the hype
@rlemon what's the name of that hair cut of yours
Actually, that sounds german
@Loktar all I think is Donkey Kong
@rlemon hahah thats why I said it
... That's why... me too.
"The DK" sounds rather
I've been making HTML email templates, all the live long day!
afk chicken twerking?
@NickDugger Speaking of German, guess what's in 20 minutes?
Germany vs ?
Brazil - Neymar
!!s/\?/the World!/
@rlemon Germany vs the World! (source)
Hopefully will be an epic match.
I really want a germany vs holland in the finals
I don't like soccer
That's right, I called it soccer.
you don't like anything
we've established this
I like Hockey
Hockey is a thing
@SecondRikudo "holland"
Hockey doesn't like your nay-sayer attitude
How can require only be defined in part of my node app?
Lawn tennis (women's single)
Everyone and everything loves me
!!s/\((.*) (.*)\)/$2 $1/
@KendallFrey Everyone and everything loves Everyone and everything loves me (source)
@KendallFrey It's called holland in Hebrew, it sticks :P
@KendallFrey Lawn tennis single women's (source)
@CapricaSix ._.
Are lawn tennis games a variation of pong?
wait nevermind, im dumb
Now i have beer pong on the mind
@SecondRikudo Nobody knows whether the Dutch are from Holland or the Netherlands. Who comes up with these names?
Clearly the Dutch do
So I commented on a Sarah Palin status dealio on FB. All I said was something along the lines of "Why doesn't she ever do anything other than bashing Obama from all the way up in Alaska?"
Was ur name inspired from the Arrow
And the page blocked me
@KendallFrey Ask @PeeHaa
User was removed -32 :(
Every few months I get stupid enough to actually comment on something on facebook lol
I have a Dutch co-worker. his reply was "where ever was the cheapest"
Freedom of speech, except for when fuck you I hate your opinion.
Sterling city and Archer (Stephen Amel)
Then I'm like. Oh yeah. It lets the owner of each page determine the publics opinion of them
@Jhawins ask her again on Twitter
@rlemon pfft no
@BenjaminGruenbaum how can a user being removed reduce your rep?
tell her you are trying to understand her mindset, you are in 11th grade and am making a diorama - you need exactly 4 figures of people riding dinosaurs by thursday
I wouldn't want to dirty my twitter with political garbage--not that I use twitter.
Unless she wants to give me some oil she can stfu in alaska haha
@SterlingArcher That user probably upvoted my question and answer or something
I have a guess
nobody even cares about Alaska... Like. People say nothing goes on in Canada?
No offense to any Alaskans here. But your place... Yeah.
Alaska is a beautiful state. Vacationed there twice.
Sure. Might be cool lol
I had a teacher from AK. She was a nutcase.
Hey, I'm not saying I would live there, it's just great to visit.
I would like to go to green land
I want to go to Ireland and Norway -- where my ancestors are from.
I would totally visit Sweden
heritage/ancestors, whatever you want to call it
thats heritage in bear speak
So, a missile alarm went off like half an hour ago
That was me, ignore it
@SterlingArcher yup
@BenjaminGruenbaum Another one just now in Rishon it seems
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh to live in the Middle East.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I hope all is well?
Were you in TA @BenjaminGruenbaum?
I was playing WarGames.
I was, now I'm in Jerusalem
The promise land?!
I don't get the big deal though, I've been under real missile fire before, 4 rockers over the span of a whole city isn't really that scary, especially with iron dome
@BenjaminGruenbaum My boss got himself a צו 8 :|
I'll probably get one too, that's the scary part :D
Dem der Israelis and Palestinians goin at dem der missles and fighter der.
I got one last time
@BenjaminGruenbaum inorite :|
I was in service last time, but I remember we recruited reserves
!!s/Israelis and Palestinians/Terrorists and idiots/
Guys help I forgot how to kit-kat
@BenjaminGruenbaum That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@SecondRikudo you have a free year off IIRC
No, that's the best way to kit-kat
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't know if that applies for a צו 8
@BenjaminGruenbaum Dem der Terrorists and idiots goin at dem der missles and fighter der. (source)
@SterlingArcher You monster!
@BenjaminGruenbaum But you know what? We deserve it
How much does a missile cost
Those morons taking revenge like that
Enough to break the ice
@SecondRikudo I think it does, I just hope things cool down. I hate politics
@NickDugger Oh wow.
Nice one.
@shortCircuit Their missile costs about $10, ours about 4 orders of magnitude more.
@shortCircuit about 20$ you cut down a street light, put some household materials in it and fire. It costs about 100K$ to intercept :D
So I got excited when I saw that there was an "ISIS" group in the middle east, quickly withdrawn when I saw it was a terrorist group.
The Hammas are firing cheap missiles at population centers and Israel is firing expensive missiles at military targets. Not that Israel is doing something positive, but the missilies are still a lot more expansive.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh, did I tell you we got hacked by the syrians recently? :P
@SecondRikudo hahga
@SterlingArcher :D
Hmm ...
Chain of failures
I don't understand how people can be so violent
rocket science is interesting I guess
phishing followed by an XSS

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