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@Neil haha thanks, 350m^2
for 8 people
Oh how I miss working in an office where it looks like we're actually professionals
@rlemon should I take the other functions inside? jsfiddle.net/rdesai/csTS7/17 Would it be a correct OOP approach?
@Neil and I work in a financial company
@RahulDesai @SecondRikudo already attempted to help you with that
listen to him
Our systems administrator has his desk near mine.. he has 3 desktop computers, a laptop, a backup storage unit, 2 monitors and a printer on his desk, all connected to a single surge protector
That'll happen
@Neil sounds safe
@mrzepka Trust me. It is.
I have like 3 monitors for 2 computers
and a barcode scanner :D
Wow, you've got windows.
how I wish that was my actual office :(
just my home office
Everyone has cooler workspaces than me
Wait, what's the difference between "home office" and "actual office"?
just dual monitors and a desktop at home and at work
@SecondRikudo the functions work even if they are not linked to the object. IMO, the code would look consistent if I take the other functions inside, am I right? What is the correct OOP approach? Repasting my fiddle: jsfiddle.net/rdesai/csTS7/17
you can't fap in an actual office
Ah, nvm, that's your office at home
the view from my old desk
@Neil location, location, location
@Neil yeah :(
^ home office :P
user image
@ircmaxell Which city is that
@ircmaxell Nice view!
work office is boring
LOL nice
@zigi New York
also @ircmaxell very nice view I've never worked that high lol
@rlemon hahaha good one
I had a view of St Patrick's Cathedral
@ircmaxell That's a great view I'd say
I've got a lovely view of a courtyard and people's laundry hanging out to dry
shared the office with a few people (6 or 7 IIRC)
@rlemon What's all the circuitry for?
we both have that ps4 cam :P
How are you liking the PS4? I'm thinking about getting one, next paycheck
@Neil I work with hardware
@NickDugger make sure there are some games you want to play
thats been my biggest complaint about it so far
the system itself is fine, just a lack of exclusives on it
@Loktar there is more than one cam?
@rlemon I gathered that, I meant what precisely is it used for?
@rlemon are you a fan of the actor or the character
@rlemon no I mean just in general, they went up to like $100 on ebay
@zigi I like the actor, but those are actually just to cover up holes
they were pretty rare after release
everyone bought them for twitch
I haven't watched TBBT in a long ass time
yeah me too
Hi guys, my simple closure code isn't working
function testClosure(tran){

function rr(kk){
alert('myy'+kk+' sss '+tran);

var java=testClosure(5);
same here
hmm shouldnt it be kkk and ss?
@Humanlove return the function
That code is wut
@Humanlove your function defines a function, but it doesn't do anything with it
@JanDvorak shouldn't it alert
no, becasue you never call rr
@FlorianMargaine windows 8
@Humanlove I bet java is undefined.
windows 8 bro five!
@Humanlove you never call rr. Did you mean to return it from testClosure?
95 > 8
hah whatever 95 is le poop
!!>95 > 8
@Neil true
Dos/ win 3.1 > 95
@NickDugger maybe in 2095
!!> "Dos" > 95
@Neil false
inb4 linux
@Mosho lol
@JanDvorak yes it should work since it is return from testclosure
3 hours ago, by rlemon
my first pc had ms dos shell
Hey, I was simply stating that one number was greater than the other. Had nothing to do with the windows version.
3 hours ago, by rlemon
it was the best MS OS i've ever used
@Humanlove try return function ...
my favs have been 7/8 for sure
Javascript doen't do implicit returns
@JanDvorak ok thanks
I love 7
nahh. 7 is my fav so far
98 was great I remember
Man.... I am a bad developer sometimes...
xp was even fine
yeah I liked 98 and xp as well
xp was fine for the first 6 years :P
I did the whole DOS thing too
@mrzepka That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
then it felt like.... is this it?
we old :(
are we not getting anything else?
I've just brought the entire system back to life... By adding a rand() in 1 line :(
this was a few of those huge floppy disks
man I am not good at getting caprica to do what I want
Came to a fucking huge problem I need to actually fix
remember inserting them
crappy thing about using DOS now are the missing features Im so used to
good feels
like no tab completion
no up to get to prev typed commands
so frustrating
I feel that way when I have to use window CLI
But is production... So the bandaid has to do it..
`ls -la`
`ls` is not a recognized... blah blah blah
windows cli at least has tab completion and you can cycle through prev commands
@JanDvorak now i am using this code
function testClosure(tran){

function rr(kk){
return 'bbb';
return 'test';
var java=testClosure(5);
man its so frustrating on dos lol
> ...Fuck
and it is giving me string is not a function @JanDvorak
function foo() {
  return function bar() { return 'hello world' }
var java = foo();
return my silverware
@Humanlove why would it return anything but the string you told it to return?
@Sterling I forgot to set an alarm last night in the end
Can anybody tell me why is .on("click", ..) recommended over .click( .. ) ?
more concise
@RahulDesai consistency
and internally .click just calls the other
I see
Many thanks for solution and extra information, it absolutely helped me see what I was not understanding about & vs =. +2, if I had the extra! :) — Evil Closet Monkey 21 mins ago
if three characters is that important... well.. I probably won't like you :P
@rlemon @JanDvorak Thank you!
now. what else can I GIMP onto @zigi's picture
still tasteful ofc
paula deen's cooking show
his face
tasteful dicks, ofc
!!s/dicks/dicks sporting goods
@mrzepka That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I give up
Need a trailing slash
!!s/dicks/dicks sporting goods/
@NickDugger !!s/dicks sporting goods/dicks sporting goods (source)
made an oopsies
@FlorianMargaine dat emacs :(
oh well, better late than never
I think
!!s/trailing slash/sailing trash/
@JanDvorak Need a sailing trash (source)
@Mosho this is the only serious IDE for lisp
sorry about that
@Mosho the video is quite slow... just skip to the install parts
and look at how quicklisp works
I just hope frustration from using it doesn't make me hate lisp
and @FlorianMargaine
and france
I already hate two of those things
@rlemon lol I love the make-shift feel
!!urban desk
@Jhawins Desk a nice, stable, flat surface used for sex
@Mosho I meant slime, not quicklisp
once they're installed, just read the book, and you'll have the REPL to try out what's pointed out in the book
alright, on it
thanks :D
@rlemon is your real name Lemon?
roberto lemon
Robert LeMon
@zigi where are you from? Look really familiar... There's no way I know you tho.
@Jhawins well it was either that or order one for huge cost
why not when I have a workshop in the back :P
@zigi rlemon.ca
@Jhawins Bulgaria, living in the Netherlands
@Jhawins LOL
@rlemon Might be a nick, how should I know, actually I saw the site that's why I am asking
@zigi Nice! I'll make it there someday I hope. That's probably one of the highest on my travel list
look at the site
my name is blown up in the header
@Jhawins call me if you decide to come
@Jhawins but how come I do look familiar?
some people say I have a smile similar to Gyllenhael and look a bit like Tom Cruise
@zigi Likely not this year :P
but I think that's far from true
Honestly, I knew this trashy acting hick that has your face and hair
@rlemon wow nice your website
didn't see the revamp
I totally like it
Yeah you look just like this dude I blew up a fire extinguisher with when I was 13 does now
it has been like that for a while :P
@Jhawins actually I am a guitar player, maybe that's why
But he is only good at chewing tobacco and driving
So can't be you
Woah, one day I wish to have a site like that @rlemon
@zigi Maybe? lol. How long have you been in this field over there?
@Jhawins 7-8 years
@Jhawins who are you referring to, Cruise or Gyllenhaal
btw people tell my I look jewish also, although I have nothing jewish in me
@zigi Ah damn. How easy can a USA worker get a job over there? ;)
ah I used to live with an American
and he said you guys need a Visa
but in general there is a lot of job for IT people
they get even people from India
and East Europe (like me)
some people say I look that way
Just with a beard and not as tall of a head
Now that's a look that says "I still share a bathroom with my mother."
haha actually I went away from my mom as soon as I was 18
who is this btw?
it's me
looking at rlemon
!!s/rlemon/the camera with rlemon on the screen/
@mrzepka looking at the camera with rlemon on the screen (source)
what is that stuff on your keyboard
@Mosho what are you referring to?
that's my keyboard
@Mosho omg LOL I didn't even see that hahahaha
there's nothing on it
ohhhh that's nasty
I use 3 types of key layouts
I don't need anything on my KB
@rlemon wow that site is amazing
@mrzepka I am no designer. so css frameworks are a great thing for me
@rlemon ahahaha Bulgarian Beer
@zigi look a little closer at the picture @Mosho posted
I prefer pure over bootstrap
idk what bootstrap is
@zigi gotta keep it classy
so I'll look it up
@mrzepka a travesty
why pure over bootstrap?
Bootstrap is nice, but it's so uniform. Any site using it looks the same
actually I don't see anything wrong in fapping to ponies :D
pure is lighter, and less in your face that it is pure
also because no one wants to use YUI you are not tempted to use the JS components
Well I'll use pure for my personal site
then I can use boostrap for the other site I'm making and compare/contrast what I like and don't like
I don't like any css frameworks
@SterlingArcher if you don't know what you're doing sure :P
Idk it's not hard to get a decent-looking design
Even if you're not a designer
you don't like anything @DickNugget
Much better than looking like every other site
@Loktar like :D
Oh what the hell
I like not using frameworks.
Why do I always manage to cut myself at work T_T
!!afk bleeding again
er rather if you're lazy I mean
frameworks are in place for IoC and RAD
if you don't actually work in programming sure, if you need to get shit done riding on the shoulders of giants helps
so long as you understand the work they did for you
@SterlingArcher builtwithbootstrap.com
tons of sites on there they all don't have that cookie cutter look
@Loktar yea, I think we agree on this.
I think you get that common look when people just dl it and throw it up to make their site look "purdy"
tools get shit done. you don't have to use the tool. and people who use a hammer to pound home a screw are just idiots.
I DO work in... well, I'm a front-end developer. jQuery is shit, CSS frameworks are shit, I can work faster if I go from ground-up.
Oh man I am so happy I found this chat because that stuff is amazing
@NickDugger and you just proved to me you lack the experience to make such claims
@NickDugger you were extending the array prototype and didn't know why you shouldn't :?
like 3 days ago
I'd like to do front end stuff @NickDugger but that doesn't mean I have a good eye for design
you have some very strong opinions for being newer
you need experience in the industry to understand why the industry works the way it does
I used jQuery for years before actually learning how to program.
@Loktar wicked O:
You know, jQuery isn't actually satan
What's better doing less work or doing more work
It's just a tool
@Cereal it isn't?
Doing better work
@Meredith I like LESS :P
@Meredith depends on the payoff
@Cereal I don't know satan, personally, but he's probably a tool
they changed it I saw it today
@SterlingArcher Good answer you get 500 points
If you get the same result, doing less work
@rlemon she hasn't txted back yet D:
but since I'm an idiot in most cases I'd end up doing more work, be laughed at, then shown the way to do it with less work
@Meredith Don't work hard, work smart :)
@SterlingArcher so?
And every txt I get from @Jhawins I think is her
maybe she's playing "the game" as well
@rlemon did you see that thing I posted from a Groove Shark employee
@SterlingArcher giver her more than 10 seconds to respond
it was on reddit
@Loktar yea
@rlemon You mean the game which you just lost?
@rlemon dude she's so hot, and was interested in my game D:
I'm out
@SecondRikudo you caused this
Doing it right means more to me than doing it the fastest way with the least amount of work.
@SterlingArcher you are a 15 year old girl.
@mrzepka I did, didn't I? :P
I was really close to having an internship at grooveshark
@NickDugger doing it right has nothing to do with using a framework
Then they were like nope not anymore
go wash your hair five times and maybe she will have texted you!
It doesn't help that I had a LOT of coffee this morning.
@Meredith same with expedia :(
Idk if it was related to the whole ~incident~
@NickDugger what about ExtJS for WebApps
@zigi nope, shit
But I'm kinda glad but at the same time I'm literally doing nothing this summer
And I want money
idk, what's extjs
I use ExtJS for my work, we do Financial software and it's perfect for the job
Neither do I
most frameworks are doing it right. some libraries as well. KNOWING the difference is what counts. clearly you do not know the difference yet hence your blanked accusation
@Meredith there are jobs in DC #justsayin
I'm still in school so I can't really relocate
@Meredith I took up a volunteer position at my school just for some experience
made by ExtJS
I'm working on some personal projects for experience
But they're kind of unorganized and focused on one big project that I can't help out on in the middle of, so I'm on here all day
all the elements with the theme
@zigi That's a bad interface
I think I have a decent resume so far
But there's no professional experience
And idk how bad that is
@NickDugger wow, how so
@Meredith Same boat, less personal projects
@SterlingArcher are you in DC?
most of my interfaces are ugly. but "pretty" isn't important in every industry. Usability is king for most cases
arg, I want to agree but can't :(
@Meredith if you'd like, my brother is a recruiter and I could get him to look your resume over. He helped me get my job actually. I'll tell him not to recruit you but if you want a second pair of eyes he's good.
I was a designer long before developer. It's just messy. It looks exactly like you'd expect a corporate, back-facing application. It has no sense of user experience in mind.
@mrzepka yessir, Lst NW right now
if it works moderately well but looks awesome people will like it
Also, the logo seems stretched
if it looks like shit but works well, people wont necessarily love it
@Loktar okay in any industry I'm working in / have worked in
I've always made a point professionally to make shit look really nice
Industrial / Agri / e-learning
@NickDugger the logo is our customer and it's stretched cause they uploaded it that way
its generally to hide functional flaws
@SterlingArcher oh I'm in College Park at UMD
@NickDugger it shouldn't be pretty, that's a web app, the idea is to enter info as fast as possible
@rlemon people are visual regardless of the industry though, I guarantee if you make something look pretty people will like it more
well I don't mean it looks like shit. but I don't focus on the design. as long as things are layed out sensibly and things don't look like poop
@SterlingArcher if you guys need interns (at this point I'll take unpaid I don't care I need experience) let me know
@Zigi, it can be streamlined and still be pretty. Nobody is telling you things have to be ugly
like your one page
for the corn drying
it looks nice
ohh to me that looks like crap :P
@SterlingArcher I don't know a whole lot but I'm willing to learn what I need to
compared to what I know it could look like
I'll check with my boss
@NickDugger I am not much of a designer, I haven't made the theme, it is provided by the framework and that's what my colleagues have used
I am just showing you to see that it's the framework stuff
He mentioned a technical writer position opening up, but i'm not sure about programming spots
why did I think 1ml of juice would last me all day :/
@zigi reminds me of SQL manager lol
Fair enough, I just need some experience and personal projects only take me so far
The theme, which is bad, is provided by the framework; you're using a bad example to try and show me that the framework is worth using.
!!afk juicing up
@mrzepka personal projects can take you the farthest
since you have unlimited freedom with them
@Loktar mine suck/I procrastinate
@Loktar Obviously I know everything.
If I were in a work environment I would learn a lot more
I don't say it's perfect, I don't like it either but my bosses like it and the customers think it's really cool, I guess it's all that matters for a financial software
@NickDugger thats my exact point
@zigi I don't think anything programming is "perfect." If it were everyone would use that
in terms of user interface it's easy to use
@zigi whatever don't let people bring you down if you're proud of it whatever
my boss wanted no space between the fields
it looks fine, looks much better than shit I've seen
well this is software for small and medium businesses
you should see some of the stuff the US gov uses, its hideous
I just wanted to show what can be done out of the box with the Framework
I didn't want to go into the design part
haha yeah that just goes to my point earlier, people are visual
and judge something by how it looks first :P
the same way you don't like fat chicks stuffing their mouth with chicken but you like slim chicks with tan and attractive clothes
Here's what I'll just lay out there: My biggest problem with frameworks is that when I was just a designer, and using jQuery (and by using, I mean tweaking other people's work), I never actually understood what the code was doing, or how it worked. Once I actually took time to learn JS (and other languages), I decided that I wasn't going to use frameworks because I wanted to know what every single line of my code did and how it worked.
Seeing as I'm still new to programming (6 months or so), I still don't want to use jQuery, because it limits my ability to learn new things, and I feel helpless like I can't modify the code, because I don't know how it works and don't want to break it.
and then you look how dumb they are
I think I make sense.
quick hello before scrum
@NickDugger modifying code is part of programming, that's why it's a big deal to write readable code
@NickDugger I think you are the exact designer type
I just make my frustration seem like jQuery wants to bum-fark little kids.
But I know what you're saying, coming from someone newer than you
@Zigi, I'm still trying to escape that past, lol
I have a friend who exposes the same type of behavior when we talk about frameworks
I have been programming for the past 11 years
and designing posters and stuff for the past 7
I tend to reinvent the wheel, and I thoroughly enjoy doing so! It grants me the opportunity to learn more.
and reading and applying HCI for the past 3-4
Except modifying code provides a separate way to learn, it's just more of a pain in the ass because when you write something from scratch you don't have guidelines
@NickDugger while you have the time and opportunity thats great
it's like writing a book, or writing a book that someone else wrote in russian
but if you're working somewhere and they ask you to make X and you say it will take 3X longer than expected because you have to write it from scratch.. youll be in for a rough time
@Loktar ^
@Loktar ^
it's like starting a coke company that would compete with Cola or Pepsi

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