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@rlemon What a wild Tuesday night that was...
@rlemon Supervote only applies to original tags
@Zirak you can enjoy more of him youtube.com/channel/UC4gCiPMAPWWBS_epO4UwQow
@SomeGuy This article leaves me confused. Am I the girl? When did I turn into her? What's my motivation for getting the guy?
He looks like a nerd
You've always been her. Your memories of not being her are false
And you're into nerds
Also, the second image...
The one walking out of the room seems to be flying. The door is unreachable, just a gap in the wall
wtf, who's Shayla? When did I throw a party?
@DarkAshelin You receive 7 internet points for being into the IT crowd.
@Zirak YES, where do I cash those internet points in?
also, are they abbreviated as IP's?
Just go through this red door here...
they are really just DogeCoins
@DarkAshelin You can redeem the credit here downloadmoreram.com
@SomeGuy oh great!
@DarkAshelin Did you see the thread about a woman being enraged because she thought they were real?
I envy her pretty dress
18 hours ago, by Some Guy
When will someone give me flowers? :(
here you go
slightly used*
Zirak's on th left.
I expected a zoot suit
There are some things intrinsically wrong with me being the guy on the left
you can be the girl.
You went to prom night with a white blob?
I can't draw a large teddy bear
@Loktar what was the managed vps you use
tee hee
reddit is weird
sure is
I just found out /r/GirlsGoneBitCoin
and /r/GirlsGoneDogeCoin
much confuse
best sub ever
@rlemon wutcha use for hosting
@rlemon already been posted
Mike: Danger Zone
Danger Zone!
@PatsyIssa GoDaddy and OVH
I was waiting to answer @PatsyIssa because I didn't want to ruin the chain
this is how we get ants you know
Chains >
posted on May 23, 2014 by Brian Wood

    To prepare for a talk about the changing roles of designers and developers, given at HOW Interactive a few months back, I interviewed 20+ web shops. Validated by my own experience, I found that many of them faced challenges fitting responsive design into their workflow, and the role of most web designers had changed to include coding in some form or another. At least ha

I've had my headphones on for two hours now. no music playing :/
I do that the entire time, and if someone talks to me i pretend not to hear them
@rlemon I just did the same thing. not quite for 2 hours though
I have noise cancelling ones in the office
@PatsyIssa yes I do that as well.
but this time I put them on with the intent to listen to music
just forgot to load grooveshark
Do you listen to broadcasts on grooveshark?
Thanks to @SomeGuy been listening to radiolab podcasts for the past month
I listen to writhem some times.
Once you've had your share of them, try This American Life, and You Are Not So Smart
@rlemon don't your ears start to hurt from wearing the headphones?
I wear earphones all day, and they don't
If you have beats you're ears are going to have a bad time
I wonder if it's my headphones or just me
For prolonged use you need studio headphones
!!google harman kardon
!!youtube friday
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
posted on May 23, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by jrich */

@Will ┬─┬ ノ( ^_^ノ)
@PatsyIssa shouldn't the table be up the right way to start with?
@PatsyIssa I am now
with a question
you can't nest rules like that in pure CSS
unless you're running this through a preprocessor
im using LESS
in chrome that centers horizontally and vertically
in firefox, it only centers horizontally
what stupid thing am I doing
hastebin.com/mokejatuhe.css your code, readable.
@rlemon aha, thanks. I've literally had 30 minutes sleep.
not clever or healthy
any ideas why that doesn't center vertically in firefox?
just don't like looking at walls of code with poor indenting
@rlemon ??
there sorry
need help bro
@rlemon yea my bad, I was just lazy and tired.
@UzumakiDev no worries. I just cleaned it up :P
> I'd like to collect everything you know is not possible with CSS.
> CSS cannot make Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull a good movie, ON ANY BROWSER ! :( – Tim Dev 14 mins ago
> It can't make Ashton Kutcher funny :( – Nick R 13 mins ago
> CSS still doesn't make me cool... :'( – Josef E. 13 mins ago
@rlemon bro is it possible to add attribute to a class using JQuery
bro, totally.
okay I tried something like this
@BoltClock ahahaha
if (h < 290) {
    var m = 290 - h;
    m = m / 2;
    var n = 290 - w;
    n = n / 2;
    //alert('less height');
    $('.small').css('margin-top', +m + "px");
    $('.small').css('margin-bottom', +m + "px");

if (h > 290) {
    var m = h - 290;
    m = m / 2;
    var n = 290 - w;
    n = n / 2;
    //alert('less height');
    $('.big').css('margin-top', -m + "px");
format code before posting it please
okies sure thanks
first let me refactor this
> Viewport-percentage units (e.g. 100vh) solve the first two issues you've noted. See my answer here: stackoverflow.com/a/16837667/1317805. Equally CSS variables are defined within CSS Level 4. – James Donnelly 18 mins ago
This comment is interesting
What constitutes CSS level 4?
I replied but before he had a chance to answer the question was deleted
var klass, m, n;
if( h < 290 ) {
	m = ( 290 - h ) / 2;
	klass = 'small';
} else {
	m = ( h - 290 ) / 2;
	klass = 'big';
n = ( 290 - w ) / 2; // am I ever used?
$(this).addClass(klass).css('margin-top', -m);
that is just a refactor
@BoltClock The css4 spec, e.g. dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors4
I assumed you didn't need to check for big?
css3, selectors level 4
if we're being pedantic.
@Zirak nope
@rlemon Exactly. If CSS variables are in level 4, then what distinguishes level 4 from level 3?
I have no clue what changes have gone into each module "level" or version
"No"? CSS4 is a bunch of modules
I Just have had it hammered into me that this is how it works.
CSS3 is the last 'version' of CSS
everything after that is just a module update.
dev.w3.org/csswg/css-backgrounds-4 for instance is another one
CSS4 is never going to be a thing.
A: Is CSS3 an official standard?

BoltClockCSS3 is described as the next generation of the CSS styling language (just like HTML5 is the next generation of HTML), building upon the foundation set by CSS2.1, the de jure CSS level 2 spec. It is still in active development and has not entirely been finalized yet. In fact, CSS3 will probably ...

This was pinned a while ago. But I think it's an OK reference
@Zirak modules will progress independently
Everybody says transforms, transitions, animations, and flexbox are part of level 3
we could have Selectors Level 4 and XYZ Level 18
But they're not. They start out at level 1
Fine, call it "donkey butts galore"
Because there were no transforms or transitions or animations or flexbox in CSS2
It doesn't matter...when people say CSS4, I take it to mean "shit published as level 4"
posted on May 23, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} New awesome thing, launching very shortly!

@Zirak Yeah. So I'm wondering what that comment meant by CSS level 4 considering variables are brand new
I was referring to the comment I quoted
He probably used CSS4 to mean "something new"
But I guess I may never know the answer until he decides to bring it up again :P
@Zirak And this is where we all lament on how CSS's versioning scheme is a huge convoluted mess and etc
Q: Why does optimizelegibility make my google font disappear in safari?

Kennyhere's an example http://codepen.io/anon/pen/snlLt it's not showing up in chrome for me. thanks!

happy friday
@CarrieKendall you as well
i know the id of that video after so many clicks in room 11 :)
!!youtube pantera fucking hostile.
better friday music
pretty sure that chat.stackoverflow is generating at least a few thousand bucks worth of ad revenue on that video annually
I would like to see some analytic data from that page :P
yesterday was thursday, thursday .. we we we so excited dat jam tho
@SomeGuy in the description, the first two sentences should be switched IMO
@rlemon !!firday
@rlemon otherwise pantera - cementery gates ftw
and I'm off for a few beers
see ya tomorow
fir day :)
@rlemon can you add twitter (or something similar) links to the contest prize contributors?
is bjb568 always like that?
does that person idle chat as well?
JS room.
ah, okay
thanks @rlemon
@mikedidthis like what?
his comment on the gist?
pushing back a week (now you have two full weeks to make a demo)
and no more browser restrictions
@rlemon sarcastic.
Sorry, I am in a foul mood today.
how will the voting work?
@mikedidthis it's friday, be happy :)
@CarrieKendall that's the problem, I need more days.
not sure yet.
if not for me, then for this helpless creature
probably just make a codepen collection or similar and get everyone to send me their top three in order
@mikedidthis we don't need more days. just longer ones
everyone = participants?
24 hours isn't enough. 36 sounds better
@CarrieKendall everyone === whoever wants to vote
posted on May 23, 2014 by Chris Coyier

Inline SVG is an awesome way to use SVG because, among other reasons, the individual shapes that make up the graphic can be scripted and styled. The shapes are right in the DOM. But does that mean we have to define those shapes right in the HTML on every page? Nope, we can <use> to reference them from elsewhere. Ideally, that "elsewhere" is an external file, because that means that file

@rlemon nah, to be honest I need to get better at handling my client and saying no. Featurecreeptothefuckingmountainingtop.
ah, that was my prior client
my immediate boss would call frequently at all times too.. saturday at 9:30 PM, no big deal
@mikedidthis anyways, sorry to hear that
for every feature up the cost 10%
stackoverflow.com/questions/23831169/… i know not many people use css frameworks in here, but thoughts on this?
@CarrieKendall tis ok, just winds me up. I got my self into this mess.
@mikedidthis do you need help?
@CarrieKendall mental yes. :D
!!youtube imperium machine head
lol that typo threw me for a few seconds
@mikedidthis does this help
tl;dr. The client is a) the designer of the site b) likes to copy ideas from other sites.
Haha oops!
so a SO user?
!!afk funeral
@CarrieKendall ahh shit, take care!
have.. ugh... fun?
I know right.
celebration of life and all
I hate going to funerals.
I don't think anyway enjoys them.
I go thinking "I will be supporting and collected", get there, see other people crying, sob like a baby
@rlemon oh, you are a chain cryer?
in situations like that yes
same with movies. when the tough guy cries, I choke up
That is heart warming.
ironically there is very little 'sad' things in my own life that have made me cry. I get sad for other people a lot.
Its a good thing.
last time I cried because of something going on in my life was when my great grandmother passed in 2009ish
needless to say she was close to me.
Yep, crying is healthy. Unless its when your 6 and hear the Ugly Duckling for the first time, then its just odd.
crying isn't always healthy.
my gf is a crier. cries over everything.
she is the type that doesn't get angry when they should. she just cries.
That's annoying
yes very
especially from the "loving boyfriend who doesn't like to see her upset" stand
> why are you crying when you should be raging the fuck out on that person?
That is some great advice.
> "Tickle your ass with a feather?" "What?" "I said, typical Nebraska weather."
on reddit ^ what is your best "ice breaker"
Need some help - how is commonly called this type scrolling with more screens ? designawatch.mijlo.com - can't remember the word
parallax fucking annoying
It's not quite parallax to be honest
nah paralax usually moves elements with different speeds
No its not
this one just moves whole screen
there was a word
yea I first thought parallax then went back to it
hence the change to just fucking annoying
scroll hi-jacking.
That is the plugin they are using.
lol Yes I think that's the commonly called type scrolling
Controlling my scroll makes me want to kill someones first-born.
yeah one page scroll returns what I was looking for
Single Page Application (SPA)
@easwee I would recommend the plugin above. The rewrite is better than the original imo.
!!afk fueling the crap factory
@mikedidthis thanks
@easwee pleasure. I am using it on my current project. The destroy() / create() events are super helpful.
yeah - I'm putting some ideas together since on monday we start making a website for multimedia design conference - and we need to come up with something - one idea to try was to make a static header and content below inside this type of one page scrolls - so when you click the menu the content reloads with a slide effect
you could however scroll normally within the content area
Nice. I am still unsure on scroll hijacking.
basically i would use the plugin only to switch content from let's say about page to ticket purchase page
would be same as scrolling on a website with a static header
will see on monday after some brainstorming
or beers?
Guys I have a dumb question
What is the encryption algorithm for htpasswd
I'm seeing some places say base64 others are saying php crypt() equivalent and some saying both -_-
Not dumb, sadly I have zero idea.
Bope. I will keep googling
Mike. Beer speak tonight?
You sound like you need it
Sadly not, Fargo night. Can do Sunday / Monday night?
Sunday works for me.
Its a date!
@mikedidthis that too xD
@PatsyIssa knownhost
If I have a PHP page that requests Basic Auth parameters, but doesn't evaluate them, I should be able to AJAX it and not see a 401 right??
Like I can pass whatever I want it will just spit out whatever username and password were provided
I'm trying to AJAX it and I keep getting 401 errors
and for the next month the big question is "for real?"
@rlemon yeah, when i see someone crying uncontrollably, i pretty much start crying
in JavaScript, 1 min ago, by t1wc
you're the best at making people feel worse ;)
going on my resume

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