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6:01 PM
oh, I get to build a new one. Ironically, it will be called "Innovate IT"
Skype group vid calls now free
yeah saw that.. about time sheesh
^ a poor domino, snapped in half
|o|/ \|o|
|o|~ |o|
One of these domino men is way more excited than the other.
6:07 PM
@ZachSaucier as someone who writes both, doesn't feel like it
"It runs machine code compiled from either C, C++ or any other language that has a compiler for the Arduino instruction set"
" the Arduino language is merely a set of C/C++ functions"
we should throw in some D to confuse it
> The Arduino language is based on C/C++. It links against AVR Libc and allows the use of any of its functions; see its user manual for details.
it is similar, but not the same.
6:13 PM
why arent you using node @rlemon !
uses the same compiler, but with funky options
at a js meetup someone was controlling an AR drone with a leap motion, using an arduino.. all JS
pretty cool stuff
I'm using it to turn on and off a laser pointer and rotate a stepper back and fourth at random intervals.
that still doesnt answer why you aren't using JS/node! :P
js all the things
because idk
6:15 PM
style the pointer color with css
I mean come on dude! :P
I'm using this atm because: Easy
ah nice
flash my arduino from my browser man!
that does sound pretty easy actually
6:17 PM
When I was at Fry's yesterday, this employee was flying an arduino-powered drone around the store. It was pretty annoying
^ thats the ad I got haha
I thought about throwing something at it but then I felt bad because I overheard him say his coworkers had already broken like the first four drones or w/e
I just want my cat to not be so fat.
At the risk of sounding like a dick, have you tried feeding it less?
6:22 PM
@TylerH not the issue.
two cats, one is lazy as fuck. the other enjoys full power to play with all of the toys
she just lays there
only one is fat
she wont even chase him. only thing I've seen get her running is the laser pointer
idk why she is so lazy
she wasn't like this until 3ish years ago
(she is ~8 years old)
did you lose another cat/it get in a fight or something?
got the second one 8 months into her laying around all day
thought she might be lonely.
6:26 PM
you should attach a laser pointer to the bottom of a neck collar
have it set to turn on at random times
why? I already have half the automated laser pointer toy built and programmed :P
angle it to point about one foot in front of her
just another idea for when you (don't) have free time :-P
@rlemon - Can my cat borrow some of your cat's laziness?
bonus coffee stain beside the stepper
6:29 PM
my impression of all cats
@rlemon That's more work than I'm willing to put in to move my cat
it is fun
arduino = $10
stepper = $6
everything else = laying around
6:30 PM
Our cat only sits in 3 spots, we get her to move around by dumping her out of said spot
that does look like an interesting project
^ see
50% for me, 50% for her
my next hardware project is to make a radio transmitter with my Pi (since my laptop with it performs like crap)
just don't start a laser war lol
@ZachSaucier i'm still looking for a project to use my pi on
automating my fish tank lighting seems like a waste
6:32 PM
radio will be helpful for uni - can host dance parties very easily just using speakers people already have
considering I could use a few $3 mechanical timers.
I'm thinking of using it to make an automated wire cutter / stripper
Do you really cut that many wires? haha
at my work.. tens of thousands
automated meaning just cuts what you put in or measures/calculates lengths to cut that you input?
yea. I put in the gauge, the length I want it cut, and the length of insulation to strip off each end.
and the amount.
load a spool of wire and let it go
6:36 PM
seems doable
and sounds like a fun project no?
depends on what you consider fun :P
that kinda stuff :P
I only like making hardware things that I can use and I have no use for that
I was always interested in the EET projects we did, but when it came down to it, hated the actual work lol
that's when I realized I'll forever be a programmer
6:37 PM
I'm a HUGE fan of automation
@Daniel I'm right there with you. Can only do so much of it
hence why I switched from CE to CS
Yep I should've done that probably
Don't think I'll ever use the info from my microprocessor architecture classes, ugh
never went to uni. took a bunch of robotics courses in HS and outside
work for an automation/process control company.
so now I get a nice full day of both
nice - yeah I never finished my degree, but will be paying on the loans forever!
6:39 PM
mostly I work on R&D projects and HMIs
@rlemon We didn't have any robo classes ): Just one club and they did boring things that hardly taught skills
@ZachSaucier we made, wait for it.... Robots.
all we had in high school was keyboarding - which I took 4 times lol
weirdly enough I learned QBasic in a 2nd grade class
6:40 PM
first a small robot that you had to make follow a while line on the floor. then a robot to traverse a maze and put out a candle without touching anything, then a robot to sumo wrestle another robot
QBasic when I was 8ish.
was fun times
made a calculator
QBasic when I was
started a text based adventure, didn't help much I couldn't spell many things yet.
same here @rlemon - I knew almost immediately what I wanted to do with my life because of that, I guess not many 8 year olds can say that
I wanted to be a hand model
I wasn't introduced to any type of code until high school sadly
6:42 PM
I was an ADHD kid. TNG was my favorite show. once my parents saw I could actually pay attention when working with or on tech stuff they bought me a i386
MS Dos baby
lol @PatsyIssa
I wanted to be an art teacher.
before that I wanted to be a Garbage man. I thought riding on the back of a truck holding on like that looked like the most badass thing in the world.
yeah I begged for a computer every week for a solid 8 years, finally got one at 16 - parents were broke
6:44 PM
Parents wouldn't let me near the computer during weekdays
@Daniel I would have gotten beaten for asking that much, haha
lol @rlemon - pay would've been a bit different
We were poor as well. when I say "bought" I mean my dad brought his work PC home because he was more comfortable on the typewriter anyways so used it instead.
lol zach
I'm doing the most boring testing right now
the BBB has a boot issue when you don't have the FTDI RS232 cable attached.
6:48 PM
fun fun
so I hacked the header to pull the rx tx high and now it is in a boot loop seeing if it will fail.
function shutdown() {
	exec("shutdown -r now", function puts(error, stdout, stderr) {
var sys = require('sys'),
	exec = require('child_process').exec,
	fs = require('fs');
var logFile = fs.createWriteStream('log.txt', {
  flags: "a",
  encoding: "encoding",
  mode: 0744
logFile.write(new Date().toSting + ': booted.');
setTimeout(shutdown, 20 * 1000);
now just sit here and wait.
any reason why you have the multiplication in the settimeout?
so I can cancel it if I need to
got twenty seconds between boots to ssh into it and stop the node process
yeah, but why 20*1000 as opposed to 20000
compiler will take care of it
6:53 PM
I tend to always do that
2 * 1000 for two seconds
and so forth.
saves some errors I suppose
saves me looking back in a few months and counting 0's
wait is that 2,000 20,000 or 200,000
at a glance in long complex projects small readability tricks like that save you hours in the long run
i multiply by 50 to be an a hole
6:55 PM
@CarrieKendall Do you have brothers?
i'm curious why you ask?
you are too cool for school.
something had to make you act the way you do, I think it may be due to brothers
@ZachSaucier I have brothers
@user3027531 I don't care, didn't ask you
6:57 PM
lol i act a way that implies i have brothers.. fascinating
I have one brother. He is older. He was a dick growing up.
i don't have any brothers
carrie on
@rlemon as the older brother, I apologise. I was the same.
6:58 PM
LOL @ZachSaucier
@mikedidthis ~16 I got stronger than him. punched him in the jaw once. he never hit me again.
@ZachSaucier you wordsmith, you
@rlemon funnily, the same thing happened to me. He started body building :(
6:59 PM
seems to be a trend - getting involved in weight lifting, karate, wresting as a response
understandably so
When I was in college someone suggested that in order to win/escape a fight, just punch the other person in the asshole; that they'd be so confused that they would want to leave the situation immediately ...I never tried it.
I think that and he wanted to attract women.
@TylerH haha
@TylerH The problem is getting there...
well you're supposed to misdirect them.
but not physically
7:00 PM
gives a new meaning to fisted
next time I do a presentation, I'll try to remind to use font shadows, it makes things much more readable cs.man.ac.uk/~drummond/presentations/OWA.pdf
@mikedidthis I just wanted to kick my brother ass :P
such excite
true story.
hahaha, I like your change of mind @CarrieKendall
7:01 PM
@kwak shadows, you mean?
sounds like the voice of experience
oh, you edited it
lol fuuu
@TylerH yesn thanks (not native)
@TylerH to go through college, known as the Asshole Puncher.
7:01 PM
damn you button type = "button"
@mikedidthis Quite the reputation
@TylerH a sure fire hit with the ladies.
of course you'll also have the odd inquirer come up to you and request it
7:03 PM
haha @rlemon I enjoy your plugs
1. I hate how codepen loads twice
2. that's quite some shadowing, @rlemon
a script for every occasion ~ rlemon
why outsource when you have @rlemon?
Do you have a script for home automation of pet feeding?
7:04 PM
wait wut? ಠ_ಠ
nice, (but animation = distraction :p )
shadows are a distraction in the same manor
7:04 PM
/me hates parallax websites
this is so painful
there are very few I've liked, the method itself is cool, but I think it only works when you're teaching something
boot takes like 8 seconds
then load node = 1 second
then 1 second wait
then like 4 seconds to power down.
then a second and a half between power down and reboot
longest testing of my life.
that's like me trying to use a web part in SharePoint
I wanna boot this thing ~1000 times
automate it :D
7:07 PM
it is
but that is 4 hours where I'm just watching it
move on?
a.k.a talking to you guys
the code I could move onto I've already written. need to wait for the device to be free to test it
i'm at the final stages of my 4.5 month project.
we've already shipped to some testing partners.
I wonder how many people know of me because of SO chat.
my chat idol <3
7:09 PM
I see only 1 lol
@rlemon check out this really cool tut
was trying to find the parallax site I liked.. then found that
@CarrieKendall thats exactly what I think they should be used for
they are fantastic for infographics
yeah, i quite enjoy them
7:12 PM
I just liked the space theme for the one I posted, however I still think its a bad use of one
as a user I just scroll to see the pretty pictures
and then promptly close it
^^ why are they making me scroll so much for so little content?
20 leagues bro
scale it down
@ZachSaucier there is a recent popular one that does just that... one sec maybe you guys have seen it
its up for awards..
7:16 PM
that's absurd
but imo I felt cheated, worst parallax ever.
for real
Well to be fair i v seen worse
Could someone give some insight https://github.com/firasdib/Regex101/issues/3 ?
7:27 PM
insight for what? It's just an issue you filed
And it has a response from the repo owner.
lol @CarrieKendall
All day, I have been taxing the hell out of my computer. And it's showing it. Running slow as hell. But I just have to keep telling myself "It won't be long. Your new computer is on its way."
for half the day i've been running automated tests and building a cat toy
phase 2, mounting on whatever scraps of shit I can find. Duck for scale
Hmm... Let me explain, the box is too small (IMO) when using big regexes (or multiline ones). So I thought we should increase this (100px) limit. I've been fiddling with firebug. So I thought I should edit max-height and tried to use 30% but it seems that my browser ignores it. Now since there are 4 sections (+ the height of the header). What is the ideal max-height?
7:39 PM
"ideal max-height" is opinionated, we can't help much
lol @ duck for scale
^ that. With responsive design, there is no ideal max-height.
the duck is at ideal max-height
i had this today, as a result i hate myself
poutine burger
you know what I had?
7:41 PM
spicy Italian street meat.
so close
yup lunch
nice way to phrase it
haha, oh that's what you call it.
7:41 PM
TIL @rlemon has a thing for Italians
Watch out @Wes.
!!urban rlemon
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
i love how the definition is submitted by not_rlemon :P
!!urban street meat
7:44 PM
@rlemon [street meat](http://street-meat.urbanup.com/606143) 1) Any variety of meat sold by a street vendor. This includes hot dogs, sausages, kebab, steak sandwiches, etc.

2) A street-walking prostitute.
> Buy "rlemon" mugs & shirts
they deleted the submission I had making fun of Neal
@rlemon haha he deleted it iirc
also awesome urban dictionary entry for rlemon haha never saw that
!!urban loktar
@Loktar [lok tar](http://lok-tar.urbanup.com/1093460) Lok Tar
Originally used by Orcs to salute or acknowledge another Orc or Horde member. Sometimes heard as Lok Tar Ogal. Can be used in English as an interjection or simply as an acknowledgement.
^ thats my definition from forever ago
er wait
no its not wtf
damnit mine is #2
7:46 PM
jbrown: The 8-bit god of gaming. You know you've seen him before. He owns every game on steam, and has a wife, and has had sex at least three times. Bow before your God!
I dont even get how... it has more upvotes
@rlemon hahaha
wow.. :/
sounds like a fun weekend
A coworker just knocked on my cubicle wall, and when I removed my headset and looked up, she just walked away.
7:48 PM
Damn, had DNS issues. Anyways, thanks for the insight :)
she wants the R
was it from that? sorry.
deleted it
language was nsfw I suppose :?
@rlemon Married.
But drinking buddy none the less.
I got stupid drunk with her on Friday night. Mostly off of gin.
then she wants the String.fromCharCode("R".charCodeAt(0)-14);
7:55 PM
Q: Does Batman use Linux?

user3058846While reading about a Windows 8.1 tips & tricks blog, I came across this conversation in the comment section where they were joking about the possibility of Linux being Batcomputer's choice of OS. Could it be true? A customized OS perhaps? Could the utility belt be running Java? I've searched for...

lol @ utility belt running java
can't be, it reacts too fast!

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