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lol right, this was my bf's project on the same assignment: student.howest.be/samir.korbi/3DEV/GAP/DYSENTERY
That's awesome XD
must check the game i made in school days - also in flash hehe
i should totally rewrite it to HTML5
yeah still have it xD
must upload somewhere - it's .exe
The Impossible difficulty is actually fun for a while on my game
@easwee Y U
y me what?
can't find the embeded site
I'm on Ubuntu :/
oh well
it's in exe because the last assignment was to compile it with zinc and bind to system .dll libraries
@SomeGuy did you seriously just use Comic Sans?
@DarkAshelin It's from 2010!
haha those colors are killer :)
I was 13 at the time
@SomeGuy that's not far enough in the past!
so you're 17 now?
i would still rather employ Some Guy than 50% of my coworkes if I made a new company
I'm trying to think of something I made when I was 13...
but I did mostly art back then
I made scripts and automatic bots but none of that is online
same here - i started programing when I was 15
Show us the art!
before i just used Paint Shop Pro
i remember having a deviantart profile
on their old site
Damn, good stuff!
haha I've used to do those planets alot too
except mine were in blue tones :D
it's one of best tutorials to learn layer overlay in pohtoshop
Uncanny valley
i've followed you :)
hah thx
got there already xD
mainly photography - i do less and less design from month to month
@DarkAshelin hah stalker
I've never really did enough art to become so experienced at it
I'm mainly freestyling it
When I compress my site into a zip it only reduces it by 1mb... any ideas? :(
zip isn't a very efficient archiver
but filetype you're trying to compress matters too
some filetypes are already efficient
@Billy - there are different types of compression you can choose in settings
there's a big difference if you use one or another - try them out
Why zip it?
Because I am taking backups
gzip it :O
And it's large
zip unzip trash charge it....
does the bot have any daft punk quotes?
@easwee no, go wild.
@easwee ?
@easwee Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@easwee 420, help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, findcommand, github, google, hang, inhistory, jquery, learn, aliens, format, fa, easytools, wherearethegoats, tobacconist, joystick, fools, cake, cool, vengeance, ln, protip, slidepoop, zirak_naked, loktar, artisticpoop, crustypoop, buttstuff, poopkittie, daybreak, rfc, man, ಠ_ಠ..., getit, resources, html5unleashed, jspattern, ajax, xhr, guesswhat
amazon, ihazbukkit, bewbz, solution, sandbox, gayclubs, kumar, echo, pizza, wherearemypants, yourw
hehe he hehehehe hehe he hehehe he...
I don't think you are going to see much gain from zipping a backup.
I mean the time to archive / unarchive is going to be more than your transfer time?
@Wes did HIMYM make you awol?
Q: How can I evaluate the best choice of archive format for compressing files?

MehrdadIn general, I've observed the following: Linux-y files or tools use bzip2 or gzip for distributing archives Windows-y files or tools use ZIP for distributing archives Many people use 7-Zip for creating and distributing their own archives Questions: What are the advantages and disadvantages ...

it's like you did a search or something
I did a search on superuser :)
oh god xD
clean up on aisle six
I've always loved bash.org/?top for such stuff
Damn peeps we have a room for bot stuff
23 messages moved to Trash can
@DarkAshelin its ok, just use the sandbox for playing with the robot
let's continue boasting about stuff we made
@mikedidthis share old projects!
@DarkAshelin its all on the internet: dribbble.com/mikedidthis and mikeymikesart.deviantart.com
Damn, you have 70 views on Phone to Chrome already
@mikedidthis i dig the favicons :D
And 141 on the other
I wouldn't boast about my old projects...
@SomeGuy your logo is probably going to be my most popular based on a view / like ratio
except I help curate this page tamriel-rebuilt.deviantart.com/gallery
Makes sense. You did a brilliant job on it!
smothers @mikedidthis with praise
but omg can I have that app please @mikedidthis
Can you please read this and then vote for reopening here?
@TylerH You can in a bit!
@SomeGuy no dick stroking.
I'm working on it
@mikedidthis Maybe just the tip?
@SomeGuy wheeeeee
@IonicăBizău can't op deleted question
@mikedidthis You didn't read my meta question. :p
Q: Reopen deleted questions

Ionică BizăuWhat happens if a deleted question is nominated for reopening by 5 users? Why can we vote for reopening if the question is deleted? (I voted for reopening after the question was deleted. Just for testing.) Let's test it together here.

That's the issue.
@IonicăBizău I did, I just lack the rep to view a deleted question or reopen. So I am useless :D
We can't see deleted questions
@mikedidthis Ah... You need 3k, I guess..
@DarkAshelin I know right.
Randy Ron
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'http://jackrugile.com/jrumble/js/jquery.jrumble.1.3.min.js';
script.onload = function() {
  $('.message').jrumble({ x: 2, y: 2, rotation: 1 }).trigger('startRumble');
make the chat interesting.
run this
@IonicăBizău opened ;)
One reopen vote more! :-)
I'd leave it running if it shook less
@rlemon Thanks!
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = 'http://jackrugile.com/jrumble/js/jquery.jrumble.1.3.min.js';
script.onload = function() {
  $('.message,.avatar').jrumble({ x: 1, y: 1, rotation: 0.5 }).trigger('startRumble');
I like that you added .avatar
Benji is drunk
so I figured this would be great for him
@mikedidthis who's idea was phone to chrome?
If you're about to tell me that Chrome already synchronizes tabs, I know
To clarify phonetochrome is @SomeGuy idea / project. I just made the logo.
And the design!
Meh, I spent 15 mins in AI on that :D
@SomeGuy so wait.
I'm adding a tiny, "Made by @AmaanC and @mikedidthis" which links to our Twitters

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