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room topic changed to Laravel: Laravel PHP Framework [laravel,] [laravel-3,] [laravel-4,] [laravel-4.1,] [laravel-artisan] [laravel-routing,]
room topic changed to Laravel: Laravel PHP Framework [laravel,] [laravel-3,] [laravel-4,] [laravel-4.1,] [laravel-artisan] [laravel-artisan] [laravel-routing,]
room topic changed to Laravel: Laravel PHP Framework [laravel,] [laravel-3,] [laravel-4,] [laravel-4.1,] [laravel-artisan] [laravel-artisan] [laravel-routing]
room topic changed to Laravel: Laravel PHP Framework [laravel] [laravel-3] [laravel-4] [laravel-4.1] [laravel-artisan] [laravel-artisan] [laravel-routing]
Hello everyone. Welcome Laravel PHP Framework Chat Room!
Is this the room to discuss Laravel?
Because if so, then I have some discussing to do.
I searched the chat sections. Couldn't find a room for Laravel. Created. Yes.
Ask it here, so I am sure someone will help. Me or others.
How did Laravel become the conceited hipster framework we all know it to be?
6 hours later…
Why does Taylor Otwell troll people on Twitter - ?

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