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A: How copy of new object create when return this pointer?

Joseph MansfieldIt create a new object in the same way that returning by value always does. Consider the simple function: int foo() { int x = 5; return x; } Returning from this function creates a copy of the x object (if we ignore compiler optimizations for the time being). The only difference with the fu...

so there are any disadvantage of this and and when we need to return *this ?
@VIkasVerma Disadvantages in what way? Compared to what? If it's what you want then it's perfectly fine. You return *this when you either want a copy of the current object or a reference to it.
Can you give me a good link through I learn all magic’s of *this ?
@VikaVerma I think your problem is that you think it's magic. It's not magic at all. It's applying the indirection operator * to the pointer this. No different to having a pointer p and doing *p. The this pointer points at the current object.
ohh no no no no actually I am confused in the concepts of *this
@VikasVerma Which concepts? Do you understand what this is? It's a pointer to the object on which the current function is being invoked. Do you understand what * is? It's an operator that takes a pointer and returns the object that the pointer is pointing at. There's nothing more to it.
yeah I know that but when we need to return current object ?
The example you've given is a kind of clone function. Here it is used to clone the existing current object. So doing gets you a copy of obj. You could do demo obj2 =; and now obj2 is a copy of obj.
That's what happens when you return *this by value.
If instead, the return value of fun was demo&, then you are returning a reference to the current object.
Clone functions are rarely useful in C++. The only useful reason you’d have them that I can think of is when you want subtype polymorphism with value semantics.
In that case, this function wouldn't be very useful, since you could just obj itself, rather than doing and getting a reference to obj.
However, there are times that you might like to return a reference to *this. The typical use case is for function chaining.
can you tell me the situations when we need to returning reference of current object
operator= should always return *this by lvalue reference, so that you can do foo = bar = baz.
but without returning *this i can do function chaining
You rarely write operator= yourself, though. The compiler can almost always generate it for you. You only have to write it when you write very low-level stuff.
@rightfold Yep, that. Also other assignment operators like += and -=.
@VikasVerma but not on the same object.
Some languages (e.g. LiveScript) have special chaining syntax, but C++ doesn’t so you have to return *this explicitly.
@VikasVerma How? Could you do something like Pizza().addTopping(Pizza::CHEESE).addTopping(Pizza::CHICKEN).addTopping(Pizza::‌​BACON)?
@JosephMansfield Return a new pizza each time. Immutability is awesome. :)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class a{
	a disp1()
		cout<<"fuction 1"<<endl;
		return *this;
	a disp2()
		cout<<"fuction 2"<<endl;
int main()
a x;
    return 0;
Change a disp1() to a& disp1().
@rightfold Sure, it would still involve returning *this though (just by value instead).
@JosephMansfield No. You don’t want to modify the original and return a copy.
You’d do something like auto copy = *this; copy.modify(); return copy;.
@rightfold Oh right, sorry. Misunderstanding.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class a{
	a disp1()
		cout<<"fuction 1"<<endl;
	a disp2()
		cout<<"fuction 2"<<endl;
int main()
a x;
    return 0;
@VikasVerma That won't work because you aren't returning anything from those functions.
even when we not return *this its works
@VikasVerma That code has undefined behaviour because you don't return from the functions.
thats why i am confused
If it works, it works by chance.
It ~~works~~ because the functions do not access any non-static data members.
But it’s indeed UB so avoid.
Also enable compiler warnings.
so if we use data member in these functions it wont work ?
@VikasVerma It's undefined behaviour. There's no telling what will happen. You can't have a function with a return type that's not void and not return from it.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class a{
	int b;
	a disp1()
	{	b = 1;
		cout<<"fuction  "<<b<<endl;
	a disp2()
		b = 2;
		cout<<"fuction "<<b<<endl;
int main()
a x;
    return 0;
@VikasVerma Still undefined behaviour.
fuction 1
fuction 2
but there should be a valid reason behind this
@VikasVerma If you run this on another compiler or machine, it could do something completely different.
ohkkkk then i'll check this on turbo c++
lets c what happen
11:16 See the differences. f() returns by-reference, g() returns by-value.
The reason is that the compiler still allocates some memory for the return object of the functions, which you are then calling the member function on. However, that memory has not been initialised in any way and there is not a valid a object there.
Turbo C++ is ancient. Use GCC or clang.
Try this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class a{
	int b;
	a() : b(5) { }

	a disp1()
		cout<<"fuction  "<<b<<endl;
	a disp2()
		cout<<"fuction "<<b<<endl;
int main()
a x;
    return 0;
yeah i currently using gcc
Even though the constructor initialises b to 5, for me the second disp2 call prints out 0.
Nasal demons.
That's just fantastic luck that the memory there has value 0 in it. But it could have anything in it. We haven't returned anything from disp1.
yeah you are right it behave undefined
In fact, I just ran it again and it printed -1218293772.
So the moral of this story is that you can't have a function with a non-void return type and not return from it.
So if you want to return a copy or reference of the current object, you have to do return *this;.
@JosephMansfield unless the function always throws or never returns.
ohhkk thanks guys :)
@rightfold Sure. Okay, the true moral is that you can't have a function with a non-void return type and reach the end of it.
Also, you are technically allowed to have the function finish without return statement without UB, and everything is fine, unless you use the result of the function somewhere. :)
@rightfold I'm pretty sure that's technically still UB.
> Flowing off the end of a function is equivalent to a return with no value; this results in undefined behavior in a value-returning function.
Oh right. :v
Except for main!
C++ is horrible.

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