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@rlemon Well that's certainly some inspiration as lunch approaches
^ * 2 Warning: Spider/Ant death
He exclaims as though it's a cause for celebration
I'm hungry. Ugh.
Half an hour before lunch though
Must... keep.... to.... schedule
@monners 1:29 am here.... and couldn't eat anything at breakfast/lunch/dinner coz of sikness... that video seems pretty fascinating!
7:45pm here
still got the whole night ahead of me
4:44, because @rlemon's clock is off
server latency
@Cicada3301 was one minute off as well
posted on January 17, 2014 by Victor Rodriguez

Stunning Footage from SpaceShipTwo’s Third Rocket-Powered Flight Virgin Galactic released video from SpaceShipTwo’s flight test last Friday, January 10, 2014. This was the third supersonic, rocket-powered test of the Virgin Galactic system after dozens of successful subsonic test flights. The pilots Dave Mackay and Mark Stucky tested the spaceship’s Reaction Control System, the newly install

Anyone have examples of really negative people on Twitter?
I can't close that page
Had to end process
@SomeKittensUx2666 What do you want em for? #trollforlife, #virginforever, #whywontyouloveme
Built a Twitter sentiment analyzer
@rlemon css challenge
Q: How can i have an html table where a vertical scroll bar appears only if larger than screen

leoraI have a web page with a html table in the middle of the page. Sometimes there are many rows so i want the table (not the full page) to have a vertical scroll bar added. If the table doesn't go off the page i don't want the vertical scroll bar to show. I also don't want to hardcode a specifc ...

I doubt my answer is very good.
if you want IE7 support and you can't easily get it with pure css use js
old IE is a bitch
That's what I was suggesting in the comments..
max-height with a set px is all I can think of for anything that doesn't support vh
with only css
I'll write a nice function for it
hmm..I can't work out the semantics of it. Seems like a paradox now that I think of it.
More like "Write once, debug everywhere" — SomeKittens 5 secs ago
@SomeKittensUx2666 did you hook it up to a custom arduino-type device that dispenses antidepressants when a certain range is exceeded?
'Cos that's what I'd do
No, I made fun of football
Well that's its own reward I guess :P
@SomeKittensUx2666 You know of the Monty Hall problem?
Yeah, two goats and a car.
where it's at
Git question here:
I have a feature branch. I merged master into it to prep for merging to our shared dev branch. The conflict resolution was bad, but built fine for some reason. I pushed my merge to dev. It broke the build.
I'm trying to figure out how to fix the dev branch, or fix my branch.
when I try to revert the master merge on my feature branch, I got shitloads of conflicts.
See, this is why I like rebasing when pulling the master branch into a feature branch.
@SomeKittensUx2666 I do pulls with rebasing.
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Build it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Clone it, crack it, crop it, comp it,
Drag and drop it, gzlib - gzip it.

Protect it, pub it, grep it, drop it,
view it, code it, bug - just doc it,
Scrape it, scroll it, refresh and click it,
Copy it, paste it, rm - and erase it.

Name it, watch it, follow it, star it,
Gist it, encode it, salt - md5 shit,

Rebase it, encase it, protect it, reflect it,
Burn it, leave it, git - format it.

... Gitnologic...
so everything's borked.
any idea how I might fix it?
I'm trying a bunch of things.
!!urban borked
@monners borked To have totally fucked something up. Usually by doing something stupid. Specifically used to describe technology that is broken.
Sometimes I use 'undefined' as image/post titles, just to confuse any unfortunate dev that happens to pull in my social feed.
alrighty I think Im ready for my interview tomorrow
I check out their site
they could use some frontend help fo sho
@Loktar Don't think about saying vagina.
It's returning an error. I guess it really does need work
		for(var i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) {
			if(cookieArray[i] === null) {
			} else {
				if(basQueryString === '') {
					if(i === 0) {
						basQueryString += 'bas_vendor=' + cookieArray[i];
					if(i === 1) {
						basQueryString += 'bas_division=' + cookieArray[i];
					if(i === 2) {
						basQueryString += 'bas_phone=' + cookieArray[i];
					if(i === 3) {
						basQueryString += 'bas_offer=' + cookieArray[i];
					if(i === 4) {
						basQueryString += 'Offer__c=' + cookieArray[i];
We are unable to provide access at this time. Please give us a call at 877.708.3844 and mention the following ID to help us quickly restore your service. 14692905420145789356
lol wtf?
errored? wow
Needs more random bits
look at those ifs bro..
Can be guessed by a random person calling
var params = ['bas_vendor', 'bas_division', 'bas_phone', 'Offer__c'],
    basQueryString = "";

for(var i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) {
			if(cookieArray[i]) {
				 basQueryString += params[i] + cookieArray[i] += "&";
^ my quick fix
since an extra & on the end causes no harm anyway.
lol wonder if I should show them that tomorrow...
hah they already have the vals in a array to begin with..
/me is so confused
why didnt they just use those
hell if I wanted to get fancy I could throw it in an each I guess, but idk what vs's of IE they support
I saw some scary checks for IE6
HI @Zhegan
Yo Regex wizards, I've got this string "2013-10-11T04:39:54+0000" which I need in the format "DD/MM/YYYY". Not looking for a solution, just a nudge in the right direction
For every digit you enter \d, for everything else the literal character
I was thinking: Find 'T', grab the two digits immediately preceding it, then find '-', grad the next 2 digits, repeat
That's possible, not regex and probably overly verbose
I just don't really know where to start :S
re = /something/
I'll write you a Regex that returns a Regex that parses your String
No no. Wait. Lemme figure this out
re = /\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/ ?
Now parenthesize the parts you want to match
re = /(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/
Good job man
Sweet. Thanks!
Almost there. Not sure why the first item in the array is that entire chunk of the date
That's how match works, the 0th entry is the whole match
So a simple .shift and I'll be good :D
Thanks for your help mate. Really appreciate it!
You again.
Ahoy hoy
Hey everyone, I was asking for some animation help in the web development forum and was redirected here for a tutorial on canvas, could someone recommend some good tutorials on canvas for a beginner? (I have a basic knowledge of javascript and have coded a lot in Java before)
I should clarify, I'm hoping to use canvas to make a zombie that reaches out towards the mouse. However, it is also animated because i want the zombie to continuously open and close his palms to simulate the "grabbing" effect.
Unfortunately all of our canvas guys are asleep
noooo :(
How can I decode an HTML-encoded string (like 'a &amp; b') in JS?
A: HTML Entity Decode

Robert KI recommend against using the jQuery code that was accepted as the answer. While it does not insert the string to decode into the page, it does cause things such as scripts and HTML elements to get created. This is way more code than we need. Instead, I suggest using a safer, more optimized funct...

Yeah... I saw that, but it's a bit ugly... I can use it if I have to. I was hoping to find a built-in solution.
@BenjaminGruenbaum you think the Angular docs are bad, check out this great one from WP:
"The wp_title() function should not be used by a theme in conjunction with other strings or functions (like concatenating with bloginfo('name')) to write the content of the <title> element"
almost immediately followed by
Default Usage:
 <title><?php bloginfo('name'); ?> <?php wp_title(); ?></title>
In summary: you should never do this thing that is the recommended default usage.
@SomeKittensUx2666 "Stage 4: Facebook completely overhauls their APIs, rendering your surrender useless"
"Step 5: Become a project manager."
@AbhishekHingnikar Gay?
Duno but that will be so hard to actually do :P
Nah it isn't
@rlemon ^ and now you say ?
@monners as per the physics i know it is
but yeah those men are hard trained
As per the physics I know, it isn't
If you can do a pushup, it isn't much harder to do what those soldiers are doing
hello folks...
a lil help on this question.. please... stackoverflow.com/questions/18728990/…
!!s/folks/badass warriors of the digital realm/
@monners hello badass warriors of the digital realm... (source)
@monners you have a touch device ?
@AbhishekHingnikar Several
Which title sounds cooler?
1) Father of Linus
2) Father of Linux
!!Father of Linus or Father of Linux
@monners Father of Linus
@m59 Meh, I still answered the question :P
I was stern but fair :D
I mean, I'd upvote my answer
@monners would u like to test ?
My dream question to answer: Q: Should Justin Beiber be allowed to live? A: No - 1,000,000 upvotes right there
i made a performant drawer view [performant on my N5 ... so dunno how it stands ]
@AbhishekHingnikar I've got ten minutes, sure
@monners 5c77b6c6.ngrok.com
swipe from right edge
and see if it follows your finger.
Tunnel not found
Wait, never mind
its super slow though my web is 255k
@AbhishekHingnikar Yeah it follows my finger. There seems to be a bit of a snapping issue if the page is released too close to the left edge, but otherwise it looks great!
yeah i will fix the physics =)
@monners which device was this ?
Good stuff.
Looks like native functionality actually
which I guess is what you were going for
Ok, home time!
cya :-)
and yeap.
"Best gaming mouse 2014"
is there any reason to not do git push after each git commit if I'm connected and commiting to a public branch?
I don't think so... but it can be nice to send multiple commits in one push instead if repeating the same thing multiple times.
Is it OK to spray some tap water in your eyes when you are wearing contact lenses and feel like your eyes are too dry?
@EnglishMaster if your tears didn't make it under the lenses, why would a tap water do?
That's right, it has no effect.
in the worst case, you wash away the lenses and contaminate your eye with chemicals from the water
How do you run js one line at a time in the dev tools?
use debugger
and u can execute line by line. Just put a debugging point at the very beginning of the file
Yeah, but the only way I know to do it would be to set a breakpoint on every line and that's not feasible lol
         var insCount = 6;
     var dDate = new Date('2014-01-12');

     for (var i = 1; i <= insCount; i++) {

         dDate = new Date(dDate);
         var add = 25;
         dDate.setDate(dDate.getDate() + add);

         var dd = dDate.getDate();
         var mm = dDate.getMonth() + 1;
         var yy = dDate.getFullYear();

         var someFormattedDate = yy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd;

How i format the date ?
this show me 2014-2-6
do you mean, text justification?
but i want it as 2014-02-06
prepend a zero if below 10
@EnglishMaster "2"
is there any better way without it @JanDvorak
@CapricaSix "2" is already a string
@samitha no
@samitha you can prepend a zero and take the last two digits
!!> (2).toString(2);
@EnglishMaster "10"
@samitha or use Moment.js
is there a way to get jsfiddle.net/bopperben/DBpJe to work correct - when I choose a month and open again, it shows jan 2014 again - i want it to show correct month somehow
oh well.
# On branch v2-master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/v2-master' by 3 commits.
#   (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
Home, sweet home.
@WasabiFan apparently git thinks it's best to push to public branches early.
Is the use of Object.create considered an anti-pattern?
@monners why would it?
@JanDvorak I don't know. Thought it might be something funky, like how new Object() is frowned upon. Just wanted to confirm.
It's the typical way of creating a prototype chain without invoking the constructor
Ah, gotcha. I've mostly seen constructors employed to create new objects
The question is, why do you want to create a prototype chain without invoking the constructor?
@BenjaminGruenbaum (in response to your 'Pianist' comment) Mozart did alright with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... youtube.com/watch?v=bOXdAa-G4bo
For anyone that hasn't listened to ^^^ I highly recommend it. ( Especially you @SomeGuy)
guys, it feels like you are eating Chinese food when you drink Monster right after eating Krispy Kreme donuts
a guy in my company did that contrast-finder.tanaguru.com/…
@EnglishMaster Hopefully you don't get a heart attack within the next hour
@FlorianMargaine hm, looks interesting
there's not enough done for accessibility on the web
I went home last night with something urgent to finish on the brain and a thousand things to do at work
I don't know why, but that's like the most taxing thing about my job
I don't like to have unfinished things that should be finished
I really slept badly last night in fact
So codeshool's javascript lessons all fail (with an incorrect error I might add) if variables are defined using comma delineation.
I've come a long way with all the help, i'm just searching for the last step, can someone help me? :)
@ErwinvanEkeren kunev's answer is good enough
@FlorianMargaine I thought so too but i pasted it everywhere, but still it doesn't work
Hi All
what doesn't work?
I want carat symbol
to be
replaced with /
in the following var
<a href=%http:^^localhost^hi^hello^file^233% >some file called this.docx<^a>
            var regex2 = new RegExp("^", 'ig');
            file_name = file_name.replace(regex2, "\/", 'ig');
I used
above code
but isn't working
It's still okay if I fill in only one letter, i still doesn't check if it contains an @ and a .
How can I instantiate a class from a string? e.g.:

var views = {
"#foo": "Bar",

for (var selector in views) {
var view = new views[selector]();
I’m getting Uncaught TypeError: string is not a function
@JezenThomas Perhaps views should store functions instead?
how would that work?
@udaysagar ^ has a special meaning for regex. Escaping it should work (/\^/g), but why are you doing it in the first place?
@JanDvorak its part of encoding and decoding
@JezenThomas if Bar and Derp` are functions, then var views = {"#foo": Bar, "#herp:Derp}
@udaysagar what kind of encoding? Why not use one of the standard escaping methods?
can i know them?
What purpose?
i have to propagate an anchor tag via ajax
JSON uses javascript escaping
i am using as an attribute
to textarea
say, file_name attribute to img tag
then an HTTP encoding is probably desired
click on img tag, file_name shoud propagate
get it?
here file_name has anchor tag
img tags have no file_name attribute AFAIK. Did you mean src?
nope, i am adding
Nor do they have any click actions by default
Made up attributes should start with data-
just to transfer that anchor on click of img tag
via ajax
if you're using jQuery, it does URL encoding for you
$.get(url, {src: urlForPHP}).then(successHandler)
@JanDvorak That made perfect sense. I feel silly for not having thought of that. Thank you!
Would it be unreasonable to force people to leave a comment if they want to down vote a question?
@JanDvorak but how to embed an anchor tag in image tag
you get my point?
@udaysagar don't do that. If you want a clickable link, use img inside a
img tags can't have further content
i have to propagate an anchor tag, how can i do that even if i use img in a
What do you mean by propagate?
get via ajax
sorry, on click
of anchor
anchor href i click is different from anchor href i want to retreive from onclick
DOM elements don't fit into AJAX, only their HTML representation does.
On click, make an ajax call, retrieve the image's src, create an img element and append it inside the anchor
If you want to embed an URL into another URL, use the URL encoding
this is best done when generating the anchor, on the server.
Bam! 600 rep, baby!
I should set a 500 bounty on a question like How do I bind a click event to an element using jQuery?
No... I won't be doing that.
Please do it. ;)
Is there a way to simply change the colorscheme of vim, when run from the windows powershell?
@JanDvorak escaping carat with backslash isn't working
for the question i asked above
@udaysagar I still don't know what are you escaping for
var file_name = <a href=%http:^^localhost^hi^hello^file^233% >some file called this.docx<^a>;

var regex2 = new RegExp("^", 'ig');
file_name = file_name.replace(regex2, "\/", 'ig');
@JanDvorak i just want ^ to be replaced with /
Show your attempt
i want file_name to be <a href=%localhost/hi/hello/file/233% >some file called this.docx</a>
thats it!
Don't keep telling me what you want. You already have.
@Miszy Thanks. With the scheme used in the answer, :colorscheme ir_black works. Seems to be a problem with the other themes, e.g. :colorscheme blackbeauty does nothing. and 256-jungle is screwed up
@uday if you insist on using new RegExp, you need two backslashes. One to escape the other in the string you pass to new RegExp, the other to escape the caret in a regex. In a regex literal, however , backslashes don't need escaping.
@C5H8NNaO4 I can't help you more, I'm not a Windows user currently.
just look at this @JanDvorak jsfiddle.net/KYk9D
@Misz No problem, at least i know that some schemes are working, i guess i'll just try a few and see if i find a good one thats working :)
@JanDvorak Thanks a lot! its working with two backslashes!
@udaysagar would you please start using the regex literal syntax instead?
Is there any point in using new RegExp for such simple expressions?
@udaysagar also, there's no reason to make a regex to match a caret case-insensitive
@Miszy unfamiliarity with the other option
Fine, okay
@JanDvorak I see.
@udaysagar also, please use console.log for debugging, not alert
@udaysagar Also, don't pass a third argument to String#replace. It's only used if you pass a string as the first argument, to build the regex.
... and it only works in firefox
for more exposure:
hey my brothers and sisters
Hello @AbhishekHingnikar :)
Memefy ?
my, what a finger
(not yours, the one at the bottom right.)
with a nexus 5 stock camera. An actual bokeh !
!!doge water,finger pointing,sight
            very water
                          so finger pointing
such sight
@monners Wow, that's awesome!
Hadn't heard that before
is there any official proposal list for ES7?
@AbhishekHingnikar Hahaha
@SomeGuy boy am dying
Hahaha veg sandwich XD

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