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@KirstyHarris smooth for me
its kinda showing the post during the transition... :S
@KirstyHarris This could be easily done with CSS3 transitions or animations.
i have done it with transition miszy
its just to show the content of the wordpress data x
@KirstyHarris looks very cool. And again, smooth.
aww thanks @BartekBanachewicz its getting there lol
I need a new acronym. IANAA
I Am Not An Artist
for me it just shows the background mid way thru the transition unlike the example.. and im confused lol
@BartekBanachewicz ha
see elegantthemes.com/preview/Origin..... it doesnt show the background at all during the hover (the image thumbnail) and i think its due to the jquery... PFffft ARgh feck it!
its ok, i fixed it... it was a piece of code id missed out XD
i wish someday, someone ask me too at chat like @KirstyHarris asked @AbhishekHingnikar
@BartekBanachewicz unfortunately i learn by copy paste... and its got me somewhat where i want to be... same time? it fails XD... how is everyone tonight btw
@web2students.com ask what
@BartekBanachewicz ask some question
@BartekBanachewicz codepen.io/darkyen/pen/ompBE <- we don't need to be artists
we are developers :D our code is art itself :-|
@AbhishekHingnikar awww
@AbhishekHingnikar that is epic... love u! <3
@web2students.com you can take every question on SO personally; after all, you're part of the community, eh? :P
see i want abhisheks knowledge... to applied to my arty farty style XD
@Miszy I'm getting mad... why isn't this working?

var roadLength={};
var d=prompt('insert your lengths','es: 1km+1km+1mil')
var mil=0;
var km=0;
console.log(km+'km  ');
console.log(mil+' miles   ');
@KirstyHarris codepen.io/loktar00
i am nothing but a puny canvas newbie compared to the Game Jesus and prince of canvas @Loktar
@Cicada3301 because you're doing it wrong
@BartekBanachewicz Is there anything I'm doing right? -_-
@Cicada3301 Well, you came here.
@BartekBanachewicz :D laughed on that one
then tell me how I can make it right
brrr i better sleept its too cold here !
@Cicada3301 First of all get rid of those nasty substrings. Think of some other way :P
@Miszy I used .split(km) and .join('')... but that was too complicated
@BartekBanachewicz i want this comment too, (only by females) as @AbhishekHingnikar got, that is epic... love u! <3 (ignore part epic and before that )
Something was very wrong
@Cicada3301 how about String.prototype.indexOf ?
@Cicada3301 plus parseInt
@Cicada3301 voilà!
anyway, sorry my jokes are getting personal
@Miszy I heard of parseInt... I used it in a base changer function... but can't remember how ti works... but never heard of the indexOf method
@Cicada3301 Ever heard of Google?
I'm going there now
Hi there!
@Miszy was it you who told about Fabric.js yesterday ?
@Basj Yup.
    import Text.Combinators.Parsec

    data Value = Kilometer Int | Mile Int
    data Operator = Plus | Minus
    data Token = OpToken Operator | ValToken Value

    value = try valKm <|> valMile

    valKm, valMile :: GenParser Char st Value

    valKm = do
        num <- many1 number
        char 'k'
        char 'm'

    valMile = do
        num <- many1 number
        char 'm'
        char 'l'

    token = try value <|> operator

    expression = do
        result <- many token
@Basj But I don't have any experience or tips if that's what you ask :(
@Miszy : thanks, it seems really great!
@AbhishekHingnikar pretty unique web address name lol! :)
@Basj np, I hope you're getting somewhere :)
oh my is that Loktar? i didnt even know he looked like that XD
I hope so too :)
@KirstyHarris by the way, every web-site name is unique :P
Now I want to code : CLICK + DRAG on the canvas' background = move the displayed area
Any idea about that ?
@BartekBanachewicz I see what you did here ;)
@Basj Hmm, not really :(
@Miszy I'm disappointed, it's too long
hahaha @web2students.com i agree,.. but ihitsomething (or whatever it were lol)... was pretty random lol
OTOH I still suck at using Parsec
it could be prolly done in less than 1/2 of what I did
@BartekBanachewicz eeeeeeeeeeugh... I have no idea of what <-, <|>, |, Text.Combinators.Parsec, import, many and char are...
@Cicada3301 that was a joke
anyway evaluation is one fold (or reduce) with something like \accum, (next_op, next_val) -> ... /cc @Miszy
@BartekBanachewicz will you take me as a student?
1 min ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
OTOH I still suck at using Parsec
that really was just a joke
Oh hai @KirstyHarris how have you been?
hey benjamin! bit belated but happy new year dude! and to you @AbhishekHingnikar! how u been? u have a good one?
@BartekBanachewicz I'd really need to
Happy new year :) That site you posted a few messages up looks nice.
@BartekBanachewicz That's what I'd do.
aww thankyou! :) its my own, my new one.. :)
@KirstyHarris i have seen you
@Miszy : do you know if there is a Textbox (that can be edited) object in Fabric.js ?
let me see
@Miszy Bonus points for a mathematical proof that this expression is indeed foldable.
hue hue hue
anyway needs more RPN
@BenjaminGruenbaum is it a really wise idea for me to be drinking vodka on a school night XD :P
Probably not :)
@Basj I don't know.
oh well... lets continue XD :p
don't take it literally, i mean at gmail chat we have talked
oh, have we? lol!
@BartekBanachewicz will you at least teach me what all of them do?
@Cicada3301 @BartekBanachewicz "at least" :D
@Cicada3301 protip: it wasn't javascript.
@Miszy IKR
@BartekBanachewicz FUUUUUUUU XD
I thought you'd figure that out
@BartekBanachewicz I said I didn't know what many of them are... but since i know little but anything about all of what JS can do I thought that was normal
eval expr = foldl evaler 0 expr
        evaler accum (Plus, val) = accum + (toKm val)
        evaler accum (Minus, val) = accum - (toKm val)
I think it'd be something like this
So guess what, I have an internet connection.
@Zirak Awesome!
What happened?
unary - at the beginning would be a PITA though I think
New phone
@Zirak congrats! Which?
Oh wait, I forgot
@Zirak Turns out I already have milk. Oops.
anyway, back to JS, I think I can visualize that with reduce better now
Nexus 5. Also, I have like 0 free time, so I won't be able to talk like ever
Maybe at the weekend.
Congrats on the new phone, I've heard nothing but good things about it :)
hey, does anyone know the best way to reference client-side things from node_modules?
@Madd0g do you know how the HTTP protocol works?
@BenjaminGruenbaum good things, he can chat on phone
@Madd0g What do you meany by that exactly?
hmm... if I got bootstrap from npm
how would i reference it?
sorry, noob :)
@Madd0g You don't, node_modules are for node
@Madd0g Reference it where? On the client side? Use bower for client-side libraries instead.
why are there npm packages for client-side stuff then?
I see a lot of them
@Madd0g eg?
backbone + plugins, bootstrap
@BartekBanachewicz I'm waiting for your implementation now ;)
@Miszy btw... i stopped with that...
like a million things in npm start with jquery-
@AbhishekHingnikar :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just need a text editor...
I keep thinking I'm asking stupid questions, hurr duur
Emacs on android?
@Madd0g Backbone can be used in node.js. Other libraries - eg. because of automated testing. In fact it doesn't matter. Use bower for client-side libraries, that's it.
@Zirak I'm sure there are ports. Typing is a pain though - you can get a keyboard from DX
@Miszy - thanks
Man that sounds like it'd suck.
@Madd0g By the way if you really have to, you could use node_modules on the client side. Treat it as every other folder and you're ready to go ;)
Anyway, gnight.
@Miszy - I was hoping there would be a clean (recommended) way of doing it... seems weird to expose internals like /node_modules/ in the script src.
I'm sure it can be remapped and symlinked and other stuff.
@Zirak gnight
it's just all this effort... ugh
@Loktar now one warning rlemon.ca but validator.w3.org doesn't want to show me the warning :/
@Madd0g It real world you'd use some kind of build system anyway, so only referenced files would be copied, concatenated and minified on the production server. So it doesn't matter where are the files in the dev environment.
@BartekBanachewicz btw... what language was that?
@Miszy - sounds great, is there a way to use a [build system anyway] + reference scripts/styles from node_modules? what do I use?
@BartekBanachewicz coffeescript?
@Miszy - I think I'm in a real world, btw
@Madd0g You might want to take a look at tools like bower, npm, grunt and yeoman.
ok last time i ask for help.. promise... @rlemon... dude..
u see on the magnifying glass... i put a animation on jquery on it
@Madd0g With yeoman you can easily generate simple working environment with dev and prod separated and with build system working.
$('.thumbnailwrap .readmore').hover(
$(this).find('span').stop(true,true).animate( { 'top' : '-24px', 'opacity' : '0' }, 150, function(){
$(this).css( { 'top' : '86px' } ).animate( { 'top' : '9px', 'opacity' : '1' }, 150 );
} );
}, function(){
$(this).find('span').css( { 'top' : '9px', 'opacity' : '1' } ).stop(true,true).animate( { 'top' : '46px', 'opacity' : '0' }, 150, function(){
$(this).css( { 'top' : '-24px', 'opacity' : '1' } ).animate( { 'top' : '9px' }, 150 );
} );
ah balls will format
@Miszy - thanks a lot
damn, should've come here two hours ago!
aRGH.. ok.. let me try again...
@Madd0g I use yeoman now for every single project I start.
$('.thumbnailwrap .readmore').hover(
$(this).find('span').stop(true,true).animate( { 'top' : '-24px', 'opacity' : '0' }, 150, function(){
$(this).css( { 'top' : '86px' } ).animate( { 'top' : '9px', 'opacity' : '1' }, 150 );
} );
}, function(){
$(this).find('span').css( { 'top' : '9px', 'opacity' : '1' } ).stop(true,true).animate( { 'top' : '46px', 'opacity' : '0' }, 150, function(){
$(this).css( { 'top' : '-24px', 'opacity' : '1' } ).animate( { 'top' : '9px' }, 150 );
} );
argh honestly this fecking code!!!! :S
Given <span data-foo>Test</span> in HTML, how to detect in JavaScript if the data-foo boolean attribute is set?
@Miszy - reading about it now
@Å imeVidas hasAttribute?
@Å imeVidas or in dataset
@Å imeVidas Just use getAttribute :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum in regards to my animation on the magnifying glass... any ideas why that wouldnt work? i got no console errors :S
@BenjaminGruenbaum hasAttribute, or course :)
dataset doesn't work btw
@Å imeVidas Glad I could help - I'm surprised that dataset doesn't work.
@Å imeVidas It returns null when there's no attribute and other value when there's an attribute. It will be empty string in your example.
@Å imeVidas works just fine jsfiddle.net/cy797
@Å imeVidas Using dataset is the second preferred alternative - where the best one is not to have data attributes to begin with since those are horrible :S
*Main> main
@Miszy woo hoo.
IOW I suck and it takes me too long :<
@Cicada3301 nope, but close
@BartekBanachewicz it isn't really important...
@Cicada3301 it was Haskell
so full code ATM is 45 lines
@Miszy Uh, smells like bad design.
data-foo set => dataset.foo === '' (empty string)
data-foo not set => dataset.foo === null
waaaay too long
@BartekBanachewicz yay! another language I've never heard of...
Why not just true/false?
@BartekBanachewicz but it sounds familiar actually... where is it used? I suppose it is very old
not having data attributes > in dataset > hasAttribute > getAttribute :)
@Å imeVidas hasAttribute will return a boolean.
@Cicada3301 heh, it's not used by a particularly great number of people, unfortunately
@BenjaminGruenbaum Don't like data attrs?
@Å imeVidas what're you using them for :)?
@Miszy Yes. That's what I'm going to use :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum States.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Read here: toddmotto.com/…
@Å imeVidas What's wrong with JS objects? Storing application data in your presentation layer is poor separation of concenrns and a bad idea :)
how to set data targets
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's more declarative way.
@Å imeVidas wow, that's quite horrible :S
@BenjaminGruenbaum What do you mean?
@Miszy no - that's not what declarative means - in "declarative" ways (I'm assuming you mean like Knockout or Angular) the state is maintained in JavaScript variables - what's declared (hence the name declarative) is the binding . That's completely different.
is this alright please review it; jsfiddle.net/vHC4X/3
@Å imeVidas You shouldn't store application state in the presentation layer. You should have one source of truth for your data and that should not be in the presentation layer but in your business logic.
var value = [try_, valKm, "<|>", valMile].resolve();
oh god
@BartekBanachewicz ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum JSParsec
I should not have written that.
@bartek erase that,
@swapna Benjamin would still be able to read that so there's no point in it
@BartekBanachewicz why?
if there are not points how will he see
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't think that JSParsec is going the right way. I mean, it's not idiomatic JS, I don't see the point of enforcing Haskell style on it.
@BartekBanachewicz on my website I used the switch fonts button to switch all of the fonts whom before were 'computerfont', but I noticed it removes every other font and switches it with the desired font... for example the cicada in the mainpage gets offset after clicking that button... the links in the support me page have different formatting too... but they get reset...
@BartekBanachewicz The only thing I can think of would be re-setting the fonts of those after resetting the font of everything... but isn't really what I should do... Is there a way to set everything but what already has custom formatting with a certain formatting? I tried with $('body'), but nothing changed...
@BartekBanachewicz I don't think it's awesome but you shouldn't apologize for trying things out :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum On the other hands you often specify values as elements attributes in AngularJS or jQuery plugins. That's common pattern nowadays, I guess.
@Miszy you don't do that in Angular, you bind - that's completely different - state sits in your JS not in the DOM. jQuery plugins are mostly horrible asynchronously.
@BenjaminGruenbaum okayish.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You do that in AngularJS very often. Eg. in element directives. You are allowed to pass read-only values as attributes then.
PEG.js looks way better.
@Miszy you don't pass state and you don't do that in Angular. Passing presentation configuration is another thing.
@BenjaminGruenbaum In my case, I have a script element (inside a Jade template). Depending on whether Jade outputs minimized HTML (yes in production, no in development) my script will or will not have additional 6 spaces of indentation. This script contains a white-space significant template (also Jade) which I use in the browser (I access it with JavaScript).
I can remove those spaces before compiling the template, but I need to know if they are there. So, I use a data-pretty boolean attribute which is set on the (Express.js) server. Setting this attribute on the server is easy as the information is available in app.locals.pretty. Then, in the browser I retrieve this data attribute and remove the spaces if the attribute is set.
Your application state should live in your application - not in your DOM.
@BenjaminGruenbaum The difference between presentation configuration and state might be very subtle here.
@Miszy no, it's not.
@Cicada3301 Again, you're (IMHO) going in the wrong direction here
@BenjaminGruenbaum oho. I'll lurk on that eagerly.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Okay, maybe my understanding of what you mean by state is wrong.
@BartekBanachewicz Haskell programs have state too you know - you always have state in code, even DFAs have state...
@Å imeVidas template detection sounds like a reasonable use case. Although I'd just pass an extra variable/parameter.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ekhm, State
@BartekBanachewicz what do you suggest?
@Cicada3301 improving the layout first and dropping the font changing thingamajig?
@BartekBanachewicz :P
@BartekBanachewicz thingamajig???
@BartekBanachewicz Template detection? What do you mean?
@BenjaminGruenbaum The real difference is that you always explicitely specify where that state is accessed.
@Cicada3301 "thing"
@BartekBanachewicz my message you lurked on eagerly still holds though :)
So, looking from that POV, there's no problem that appears with DOM here.
@BartekBanachewicz so you think I should simply get with the new font and not have that button?
@Cicada3301 That's what I... we said at the very beginning. Get rid of the tables.
@BartekBanachewicz If i give you access to the code, will you help me understand how you would do it?
I mean, I can appreciate your efforts, and I do. But I think that even if you're learning, it's good to put that into something actually nice and productive.
as of... being able to modify it
@Cicada3301 @BartekBanachewicz Are you guys talking about this website again?
@Cicada3301 I can copy-paste the contents of Ctrl-U, you know.
@Miszy yes
@Cicada3301 Have been to smashingmagazine website and looked at some showcases?
@BartekBanachewicz well... yeah... but I would have to do the same, and would take too much time... skype therefore?
@Cicada3301 Don't get me wrong, but I'm absurdly busy ATM.
@Miszy not yet... i thought it was called shamagazan, and couldn't find it... now i bookmarked it
I think we gave you a lot of stuff to think about.
@Cicada3301 table-based layouts used to be a thing before 2005 ;)
@BartekBanachewicz ok, thx anyway... if you ever feel like helping a poor 13 in HTML and JS crisis please contact me
@Miszy wikipedia uses it... lemme check
there's no crisis, stop exaggerating
@Cicada3301 uh, for tables.
also "someone's using it" !== "it's ok to use it"
@Cicada3301 <table> is for tables. Not to layout your whole page.
@Miszy ok... but why shouldn't I use it if it makes stuff way simpler?
@Cicada3301 Because it doesn't.
I mean... I'd have to add a lot of jquery and css to it
@Cicada3301 No, you wouldn't.
@Cicada3301 not really. certainly not jQuery
@Cicada3301 It doesn't
then I would have 2 divs: the first having a certain width... the second having a width equal to the window width - the first div's width, and with margin equal to the first div's width...
or... wait... float: left
@Cicada3301 stop guessing. Start reading.
@BartekBanachewicz That's actually my motto when teaching people anything.
(I love that so much @Miszy allways makes me laugh)
@BartekBanachewicz But I'd say "start googling"
@rlemon Thats weird it doesnt show the warning
although your css isnt validated!! :O! lol
ok... everyone seems to be against tables
gonna change that now
@Cicada3301 yay
so modern
such 2.0
very divs
I really need to go now
cheese awaits me
@Cicada3301 Bye :) see you!
@Miszy amounts to the same
@BartekBanachewicz Basically, yeah.
!!doge tree
                 many moders
                          so  2.0
much  divs
               very modern
                            such  2.0
so  divs
                             many house
so  dog
                 such  pig
                            very  java
much  php
            such  why idiotic
                       so  jumbo
very  balloon
           much  green
                       many  blue
so  me
                such  ass
                          very  rep
much  hungry
much tree
very JavaScript
@Miszy now imagine things they could do if the effort didn't go in things like that
@BartekBanachewicz "things like that" = "fun" ? I think one's professional performance drops drastically if one doesn't have fun from time to time.
such fun
so gosh
much Bartek
hey lovelies, would anyone mind assisting me with my Q stackoverflow.com/questions/21080182/…
  such markdown
              many advanced
           many fail
                        much user
such pro
             very fail
                           such user
much pro
            many fail
                          much user
so pro
@KirstyHarris You have define what "not working" means.
@rightfold I guess we got that the third time :P
ok maybe i should elaborate.
like this >>>http://elegantthemes.com/preview/Origin/
            very fail
                           so user
such pro
so stackoverflow
@rightfold stop already
Alright, but only because your last name is so awesome!
@Miszy as in when you roll over the magnifying glass
oho magnifiers
I'm an expert
lol, @BartekBanachewicz i wanted to recreate that on the origin theme, but theres no errors in my console,.. .so im confused as to what is wrong with the jquery :s
@KirstyHarris you know, that was a joke
oh..... :S
well to me its find the span in the read more bit, which i obviously have
now I want to listen to Call Me Maybe
because I wanted to write "click it maybe"
lol... erm...
@BartekBanachewicz Mindf*ck
see to me that was on hover on the readmore.... to find the span and animate..
@Miszy isn't that your top #1 on Spotify? :P
@BartekBanachewicz Used to be. Now I'm more into Lady Gaga.
i guess noone can help me :( i will see if i can have a play with it :S
@KirstyHarris I don't see why you have to use jQuery to have a simple animation.
i just added it to it as i thought it was the easier option :S
as i wanted it to scroll right thru like in the example
could i use an ease-in-out on hover function to recreate that @Miszy
have u seen the example of what i was wanting to do?
@BartekBanachewicz It gets even better in the "Starred" section down there: d.pr/i/V553
thankyou for the assistance guys :)
@BartekBanachewicz maybe you can explain why there's no Promise.prototype.done ? github.com/domenic/promises-unwrapping/issues/19
@Miszy I didn't really have time to get into those just yet
unless you want to write the 2nd AKO exam for me
I'm trying to find someone to talk about this :(
then sure, I can sit on my ass and write a perfect proposal
@Miszy let's invite Benjamin
@BartekBanachewicz Oh, I could. ASM is my favourite languge.
@Miszy was the 2nd one only about IEEE floats?
...Am I in the right room?
@BartekBanachewicz Was it? I remember writing an app in ASM which converted float to double. Wow, such pure, very bytecode

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