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@thecoshman you can give them with +/- 20 km really
What a nice error margin
I wonder where rightfold is on there
Here's me thinking a chat room full of intelligent computer geeks would use google maps to signal their location without manually drawing the markers.
Makes a whole lot of difference in geo coordinates
@R.MartinhoFernandes close enough :P
@rubenvb I politely asked for coords in JSON format. Oh right.
Speaking of nerd collab things
I never tried Wave
And it's OSS now
@CatPlusPlus I did
@CatPlusPlus IMO, great... but what to us it for?
@CatPlusPlus Boost.Wave?
Years ago, when it was still fresh and beta and whatnot
@rubenvb google
We need more people on the west, so the average will shift to Köln or something
@BartekBanachewicz hipster
@Xeo haha, bastard.
Apache Wave now
@Xeo well work out lat/long for Athlone
@rubenvb I will upload that somewhere later
@thecoshman that's your town? orite.
If we neglect any long-haulers who might turn up, the average is gonna be Berlin-ish, so we're back where we started.
@BartekBanachewicz I don't make a secret of it
I don't know, I'll boot it up on the server and we can collab on drawing dickbutts or something
@MartinJames ...
Reading wiki it seems Google docs can do that now.
@MartinJames Back where I started, hehe.
Fuck Google shit
@MartinJames see previous comment about wasting time finding average and not just going to Berlin
@CatPlusPlus sweet
@rubenvb it can do some of it, like the document part
@CatPlusPlus +1
with pirate we're nearly in netherlands now
@BartekBanachewicz erm... try saying I'm from Dublin?
@thecoshman I did. Also, UK Loungers will already have to suffer the delays etc. associated with tunnel/ferry/air, so it doesn't actually make much difference Poland/Germany/Czech etc.
@BartekBanachewicz awesome
unless @BartoszKP joins us :D
When is this meetup going to happen?
@MartinJames Who cares about actual logistics.
@Ell june 7th
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's getting pretty close to my place, I think :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fuck the numbers. Beer/food are the only serious factors.
@BartekBanachewicz is that a random date or serious? Also how long for?
This answer melts faces. — Sam Pearson Mar 30 '10 at 21:27
@Ell lol as if I know. I'm just making use of my Google-Maps-API-fu
oh xD
well if it's summer time there is a slight slight chance I'd be able to come :p
If I win the lottery or something
@BartekBanachewicz image
if we count you and Tony we might well go to Amsterdam
Now someone from Scotland.
We need someone from the south
I've always wanted to visit the North Sea.
North Sea
Dublin/UK should be weighted lower 'cos we have to travel by air anyway.
Unless we swim :D
@MartinJames I was thinking about that.
You guys all live so far north
@bamboon are you coming too? :P
NOO, the sea!
@BartekBanachewicz By the time we've got past travel to airports, security, gates, delays, passport-control etc etc, the actual distance to EU destinations is not that important.
@BartekBanachewicz I definitely would like to, but given my plans I won't be able to.
@bamboon Not everybody! I'm somewhere below Cat outside the map
We can all meet at my mums house in Belgium
anyone willing to help me with a quick o-notation question? trying to learn from the CLRS book
You could all sleep there too, too much space anyways.
Belgium has awesome beers
@TonyTheLion Makes too much sense. Not enough numbers.
Aaarrghh! Someone mentioned the B word!
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@user2175923 shoot
@MartinJames heh
@BartekBanachewicz if something takes square-root-k time and you are performing this over many k, from 1 to n, what is the resulting runtime?
@user2175923 Sorry, we're busy averaging map coordinates
count @Sbi too. I'm sure he would come if not too far and timing works out
@user2175923 try [SO]
@thecoshman I don't think he would, unless it's in Berlin
@Xeo vOv so count him as many times it takes to make the average in Berlin?
@user2175923 Is that just EU, or allowing the long-haul Loungers as well?
@thecoshman hehe
@AndyProwl Tell Bartek your coords, we need to bring the average south
@thecoshman So @sbi's weight would be 1000 times that of all the others? :P
@MartinJames I don't thin we are counting them, as they are basically the same situation as us.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hahaha
Get @sehe involved
or @rightfold?
@TonyTheLion would be nice, but I doubt it.
rightfold may be an option though
he's just fapping anyways
Goddammit, just pick a nice city in Europe.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Moscow :P
I'm fine with that.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Berlin... ¬_¬ why do people not listen.
I'm fine with that too ;)
@R.MartinhoFernandes What? Like maybe a capital city?
Berlin is fine with me
thanks anyway guys, have a good day
i.e. not Braunschweig. (I've only seen the train station)
@TonyTheLion 'In Europe' doesn't really cover Russia IMO... plus Moscow is fucking big, fucking cold, and fucking Russia
@Xeo I'll find them out
@MartinJames Not all capitals are nice.
@user2175923 How can we have a good day when there is a pan-European war going on?
@AndyProwl Just tell him your town's name
@thecoshman That was the entire point
Choose Lisbon then everybody has to go for quite a distance.
@MartinJames frying or boiling?
I'm fine with Lisbon too.
Never visited it.
o_0 brain fart, where Lisbon?
@thecoshman Portugal. o_O
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's a shi.... not my first choice.
@BartekBanachewicz You can add me to that map! Brno, Czech Republic
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh... nah... too hot...
@MartinJames I think it's boring.
OTOH, it is further south..
@AndyProwl :O I've been there, awesome place :D
@MartinJames ... and?
@thecoshman Nicer weather.
@TonyTheLion fapping all day.
@thecoshman I think the town itself is nothing special, but it's quite good for drinking & fun
@thecoshman Me too:)
And it's very cheap
@R.MartinhoFernandes Lisbon has inside weather?
@bamboon In that case, I vote for Tokyo
@AndyProwl yeah
I ate little flames today.
@MartinJames we get it, you travel
They were terribly nice.
@rubenvb oh god not this again
@Xeo Yeah, very nice City.
@BartekBanachewicz nearest good place, Berlin.
@BartekBanachewicz Cool!
@thecoshman Not that much - I've only been to Berlin once, and that was for robot and music, (not necessarily in that order).
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol. ITT robot hates twisted maths
oh hey wtf
I really do think Berlin is the best place
@rubenvb long story short, drop it.
@thecoshman It's wrong.
I'm a physicist. I can laugh with stuff like that if I want to.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you too
It's only mildly interesting when you state it in a wrong way.
Bunch of nazi's.
@MartinJames sounds so wrong
^ that worth a star
@thecoshman Last I checked, capital sigma does not denote "Ramanujan's sum".
@R.MartinhoFernandes DROP IT >:|
@thecoshman then stop trying to sell us math jokes as absolute truth
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
BTW more-than-10-ppl Lounge meetup would be amazing
c_q(n) = -1/12
but that raises another question
focus people! we need to find the closest place to Berlin to meet up!!!
where are we going to stay as a group
@BartekBanachewicz yes, yes we can have hookers.
Just meet in Berlin
Potsdam is actually nice to visit.
because I don't think anyone has a 12-bedroom manor in Berlin
Hostel? I don't know how squishy people are.
@BartekBanachewicz ... hotels tend to...
@thecoshman Berlin?
@MartinJames sure, that could work :P
@MartinJames Too easy
If that's the plan, I can do the logistics of room reservations and shit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, hostel could work for me
I slept in a Hostel in Berlin last time I was there
yeah it's about $$$ remember
lets just say it wasn't a pleasant experience
but I'll adapt to whatever you guys do
That was near Landsberger Allee, right?
cause I'm a good guy
@R.MartinhoFernandes please :D preferences, own bed, bathroom not shared with everyone... amongst our group would be ok...
IIRC hostels aren't too expensive in Berlin
Drunken and noisy fucktards all night long
and walls of cardboard
I'd probably prefer a proper hotel though...
@TonyTheLion You will be one of them
@thecoshman Whatever. I can handle it anyway because I'm on site.
o_0 hmm... would have to see about the misses...
@AndyProwl I'd like to humbly remind you that a) I live and earn in a third-world country b) I'm an intern. Now reevaluate your definition of expensive :P
I have been to A&O hostels in Berlin and they were quite ok.
Just be warned if you invite rightfold he will fap all over you if you stay in a hostel
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's so kind of you to offer to pay for us all to stay. :)
@thecoshman Yeah - I'll make my own arrangements once everyone else has found places.
@Ell we'll lock him somewhere
@thecoshman ha ha
@BartekBanachewicz Hey I also live and earn in a third-world country :D
@MartinJames would be bringing the ball and chain?
@BartekBanachewicz Polan is not a third world country. I would be able to cope with third world.
@thecoshman Nah. hard to justify that for a business trip:)
I can only provide one sofa.
@MartinJames grumble grumble wish I could get work to pay for me to go places grumble grumble
@thecoshman again, costs of staying in Poland make tickets way more bearable, just saying :P
@TonyTheLion mmm?
I have a bed / couch at my family's place for the few hours of sleep I'd get.
@BartekBanachewicz I have money for holiday, not to waste
@BartekBanachewicz Same here, but I don't think it's going to make a big difference for such a short stay
(assuming it's a short stay)
Actually, when does the meetup end?
Is it a just-one-day event?
IIRC the plan was 7th + 8th?
well, I'd assume we would all meet for the one day, but others might meet before and after, who ever was around
@thecoshman Good point. We should make it a C++ seminar or the like. Base it in some pub, have robot do a quick precis of his 'font-off-by-one' presentation and charge it as expenses.
@MartinJames grumble grumble stupid good work places who would support such self education
@MartinJames lol
hm hm my day just got better. If I'm lucky I can get (be able to afford) one like that
@MartinJames nice idea
In terms of days, I was only thinking the 7th be a day we all meet up. I am sure other days will be 'partial' meet ups with who ever is around. I'd probably go for a about three or four nights.
Nobody is going to travel hundreds of kilometers for one day
@thecoshman Yeah - that's what I was thinking too. I would check up on what gigs/concerts were on, things like that.
@MartinJames general city stuff too of course
@thecoshman Last time, I got as far as the Tiergarten. I did the zoo, then found a beer garden 200m from the station. Din't really get to do much sightseeing after that.
@MartinJames lol
huh, about €160 a ticket
The hardest part of computer science is managers.
@EtiennedeMartel I like the double meaning.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... I found a double meaning at the start...
@thecoshman Yeah.. I think I paid £147.. something last time.
@thecoshman Sigh.
@MartinJames o_0 oh god... I no longer know what the means any more
@thecoshman LOL! €160 sounds about right.
@R.MartinhoFernandes if my misses does decide to come, would you be able to look out for gluten free places to eat and if you want to be a real dear, to drink too? (as in some where with a gluten free beer in stock)
I burned through much more than that in beer/food anyway.
@MartinJames no no no, I knot what € means, I've lost the concept of what £ means :P
@MartinJames lol
@thecoshman Yeah, I got that:)
@MartinJames no no no, yes
I'm not sure what gluten-free beer is. Google time.
@MartinJames ... beer that does not contain gluten
¬_¬ I thought you were a smart person?
I've only seen ciders that are gluten-free, there's beers too?
@thecoshman Yeeessssss... but I'm not sure what beer ingredients contain gluten, (apart from water, which I'm pretty sure is gluten-free without checking up:).
estrella daura is the one we are able to buy in town. A single pub does stock a different one though.
@MartinJames barely
and that stuff is in fucking everything!
If there is some sort of specialty beer, it just HAS to be available in Berlin.
"oh, this looks tasty, I'm sure she can eat it, but best check ingredients... sigh... malted barely, we meet again"
@MartinJames yeah, but it's not speciality in the normal sense.
it's not like it's a beer that is brewed only on the winter solstice wit the blood of a unicorn.
That is something you could probably have more choice in than gluten-free beer.
Beer Up Glutenfrei Pale Ale, Brauerei Grieskirchen, (Quick Google).
@thecoshman I could check that, yes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes cool beans :D
hmm... what is the view on edits that remove people saying thanks?
I know some folks with weird dietary needs, so they might know.
@StackedCrooked I wonder if you can write a C++ program that would submit a request to the site with itself: it would live on forever. It could even multiply if it made multiple requests for self-duplication!
I normally wish to reject them as not valid, but they are almost always already accepted.
@rubenvb It's just a quine with an unusual output destination.
@thecoshman I reject them if that's the only thing happening, but if I'm editing for some other reason, I'll take out "Thanks'" while I'm there
There are smells drifting into the office. Anne is cooking something! I got to go check there is enough for two.
@Collin yeah, if there are other things then the removal of thanks is 'ok'
@MartinJames I guess it would be nice to let her have some too.
@thecoshman Maybe you're right - I hadn't considered it:)

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