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But trying to list pros and cons and then assign an arbitrary number to a thing just doesn't work ime
I wonder if I'm losing interest in games or if I'm craving for a game worth playing.
@CatPlusPlus I can see that.
And "generic story, mediocre acting, forgettable gameplay 9/10" shit doesn't help either
RPS has actual reviews without silly scoring schemes
(Kerrigan's bad "acting" in Heart of the Swarm did kinda ruin the game IMO.)
@CatPlusPlus rockpapershotgun.com ?
@CatPlusPlus Kotaku has as well, and it's not really bettter.
Yeah but that's Kotaku
Good point.
Scoring kinda works for shotgaming.com
Mostly because it doesn't treat itself very seriously
What's this?
@R.MartinhoFernandes DIAF
+114 yesterday and I wasn't even fucking here
"The game that was so bad we had to invent a new score for it"
@EtiennedeMartel Watch it, it's pretty fun
@LightnessRacesinOrbit: I know what is XY problem. Stop acting so condescending. I have told you what I am doing, literally. I am doing exactly that. You are just too thick to accept that. — wilx 5 hours ago
Yes, I'm back.
So I was watching this video.
and I noticed that there seems to be a lot of kids in Xbox Live.
Just now?
I thought people were joking
I also don't know why people fell for this
I wish I'd never come back
(inb4 "so do we" frak off)
It's so blatantly obvious.
Thanks, friend.
People are dumb
(inb4 "I'm not your friend" frak off)
you're dumb
your mother's dumb?
Also ahahaha voice controlled gaming console with VoIP
I think you should bin your own comment. Because not only is it pointless because also it's the thing you do...
Good job, Microsoft
I think you should quit bitching about what I choose to bin or not since it's clear that it has no significant impact
It has a significant impact on our opinion of you
I don't mind it because it's funny
oh god this is Vlad's best most ironic comment
I have understood nothing what you are going to do. Can you write posts using the HUMAN language? — Vlad from Moscow 14 mins ago
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Yes, but I simply don't particularly care about that.
@DeadMG :) <3
That is why we love you regardless
Q: KeaPress in c+?

MeatieI was able to make a KeaPress thingy in Visual basic, Could someone help me convert it to c++? I'v been trying for a while now and can't figure it out... Protected Overrides Function ProcessCmdKey(ByRef msg As System.Windows.Forms.Message, _ ByVal keyData A...

you do?
since when?
You got me there sailor
y'know I'm starting to wonder whether I actually missed any decent questions on my two days off; these are all fucking shit
words getting out that I made a commit on Wide and now c++ tag is dead
Q: Efficient way to store x64 pointer

LukaOne x64 pointer needs 8 bytes memory. Is it possible to store this pointer in 2 4 bytes integers for memory alignment reasons? The question is not "how to copy the bytes one by one" but rather "is there an automatic way to do this without sacrificing performance?"

^^ wut
Yeah I saw that.
Q: Pedagogy: How to cure students of the "law of universal linearity"?

Peter LeFanu LumsdaineOne of the commonest mistakes made by students, appearing at every level of maths education up to about early undergraduate, is the so-called “Law of Universal Linearity”: $$ \frac{1}{a+b} \mathrel{\text{“=”}} \frac{1}{a} + \frac{1}{b} $$ $$ 2^{-3} \mathrel{\text{“=”}} -2^3 $$ $$ \sin (5x + 3y...

I guess this is like saying: I want both the food and my money, right? — Luka 21 secs ago
^^ There we go. The OP figured it out. :)
@Jefffrey Uh, yes.
I just realised I've never done this.
I thought maybe I did, but it turns out I didn't.
did what?
stuff like \frac{1}{a+b} = \frac{1}{a} + \frac{1}{b}
students, here, died for much less
please see here why I want to do this: stackoverflow.com/questions/21010346Luka 2 mins ago
sin2 = sin3 (/ sin) => 2 = 3
Alright, I’ll make the indices stuff type traits.
@LucDanton So indices_t?
oo I know, the ‘type-level list of numeric indices’ will be meta-related, but the data → indices computation will be traits.
I’m overthinking this.
No, they are not equivalent. This loop for(int i = 0; i<vector.size(); i++) { //do stuff } is invalid. The correct loop for ( std::vector<T>::size_type i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++ ) where T is some type. — Vlad from Moscow 10 mins ago
Before I trundle in, because I'm drunk, is he right?
I get the whole int vs size_t thing, but... invalid?
he's just being vlad.
He's pulling your leg to Moscow.
It huuuurts
Tell him the correct loop is for (auto&& x : vector) :v
> Germans dresses as Mongolians, singing about Russia ....
@Vlad: No, int here will not abort anything; your previous comment runs the risk of aborting your SO reputation. — Lightness Races in Orbit 15 secs ago
such as it is
@LightnessRacesinOrbit not invalid, but he is not particularly wrong either
there is nothing wrong with using int.
I take that back. Depends on the size. :P
it always does
Yes, size always matters
That's what she said.
But I'll be damned if you iterate over >= 2,147,483,647 elements.
If you ever use size_type instead of size_t then you're a supernerd
@CatPlusPlus -Wall tho!
I should stick to what I’m doing/stalling :(
but I can understand vlad going for it
Such an unnecessary use of new. — Rapptz 4 secs ago
Why would anyone do this.
@Rapptz Because they were taught that way.
@Jefffrey Exactly
@Vlad: Okay I'll let you know when I have read it sufficient times. Thanks for your advice. — Lightness Races in Orbit 4 secs ago
hello all
@Lightness Races in Orbit It is one more wrong statement. It depends on how an object was allocated and created. — Vlad from Moscow 1 min ago
Vlad thinks he can control destructors. Boy is he in for a shock.
@GlennTeitelbaum you bastard
I said hello?
you know what you did
you sneaky p
Holy shit my python is rusty =/
@Jefffrey You mean where I showed that you hadd no idea what you were talking aboutt?
I thought we were bros
can someone answer a question about embedding python into a C program?
and you stabbed me like that in the back
looks like im in the wrong chat
@user1610810 Yes, many people can, some are probably in this room, but the question is will they?
@Borgleader For good reason? :D
@user1610810 and the answer is no, btw
@Jefffrey are you going to delete your post that fooled 3 people?
i might just include your answer
so that I can steal all the sweet repz
@ThePhD Not really =/ I just haven't done any in forever
Well, good luck relearning.
I'm about to dive into how to set data and manupulate data on OpenGL textures.
Shit's gonna be craaaazy.
@Jefffrey And lower the high esteem I had for you?
you are manipulative
@ThePhD Manipulate data on OpenGL textures? wut?
@GlennTeitelbaum can you give it other 12 hours?
@Jefffrey No, manipulative would be threatening to tell the room your faux pas, I was merely using persuation
little people having little fights
@Borgleader Consider these overloads which all resolve to this implementation.
Also @R.MartinhoFernandes I have that native_handle implementation down, if you'd like to take a look at it and let me know what you like?
@StackedCrooked where? You mean Dwarf wrestling, right?
@ThePhD That's the same link twice
@Borgleader Woops. I derped. Here you go.
this shouldn't be how you separate code
@GlennTeitelbaum you are just that good, aren't you?
you sexy beast
ugh #ifdef =/
@Jefffrey you want me & you can't have me :)
though the way to clean it up will take more effort than you probably want
even though it's much more readable and IMO superior
@Rapptz ? I don't see what you mean.
@GlennTeitelbaum i already have you in my heart
@Borgleader I'm not sure how else to do it. I'm sorry. =[
You're separating code with #ifdef
There is a much better way.
It just takes effort
I'm not sure what you mean, or how.
@Jefffrey I just wanted to use & in a sentence
It's a compile-time choice. I don't know how else you'd like me to express that compile-time choice.
i know, dear
The code in either will be semantically checked (at least by GCC).
If the gl functions don't exist (and they won't when you're compiling D3D), the build will error.
Same the other way around.
well, night ladies
Awesome, VS2013 has deleted functions, override, and final.
Shit that I wanted but didn't get in VS2012.
Still no constexpr and noexcept... :(
@Rapptz Thank you for playing along all this time :Þ
@Mysticial yes, we got it at work about four months ago, it's been nice
Oh wow, that was right when it came out.
I finally got a hold of it and am installing it on my sandbox to test it out.
I'm also wondering if they fixed the FMA intrinsic optimization bug...
Not really a "bug" per se. But just some stupid compilation.
@Mysticial 'Tis in the CTP. :D
But of course CTP isn't release- ready.
So gotta wait until next year, when they'll break our balls with VS 2014.
And demand our wallets.
hi guys, I know that an array always decays into a pointer except when it's used with & or sizeof(), how does this work char a[6]="hello"; since "hello" ( unnamed static array of char) decays into a char* . how does the compiler convert char* to char[6] in this case
that shouldn't even work because char a[6] is not const.
It’s a special rule for string literals only. E.g. const char* p = "hello"; char a[6] = p; is invalid.
string literals aren't of type const char* anyway
it's const char[N].
@Rapptz compiles just fine
Because of array decay.
@GlennTeitelbaum It decays to const char*.
Or is able to decay.
@MarkGarcia Meaning - I just confirmed with code
I.e. ‘always decays’ is more of a rule of thumb than anything.
Confirmed what? That it can decay?
oh uh...
"hello" decays to const char* (I forgot the const in the first comment)
VS2013 is miscompiling something
main.cpp:6:5: error: no matching function for call to 'f'
main.cpp:3:6: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'const char [6]' to 'unsigned int' for 1st argument
void f(unsigned int x) {}
@Mysticial I'm surprised...
@AlexDan Not for your one-liner.
@MarkGarcia AVX and AVX2 both produce wrong results.
SSE3 seems fine...
Time to turn off optimizations.
@Rapptz they are of type const char[N] but they decay to const char* when the string literal is'nt used with & or sizeof() operator,
Thanks man.
@AlexDan That’s wrong.
And of course debug works fine...
@LucDanton care to elaborate
I got some AVX code that works fine in GCC and VS2012. But gets wrong results in VS2013.
5 mins ago, by Luc Danton
I.e. ‘always decays’ is more of a rule of thumb than anything.
@Mysticial Most likely caused by auto-vectorizer improvements in 2013.
I'm hungry.
@MarkGarcia I'll see. It seems to be miscompiling my FFT.
What the fuck?
Visual Studio is generating misaligned load/stores for everything.
@Rapptz so are you saying that in this particular case char a[6]="hello"; "hello" doesn't decay to a pointer and stay const char[6] , but it decays in other ocasions like char *p="hello";
At last! Download links to clang 3.4.
And it includes a windows build. Nice.
@AlexDan in the case of char a[6] = "hello"; it doesn't decay, and it copies the bytes into the array.
@MooingDuck so the compiler doesn't even consider it an array, it's just a syntax like the curley-enclosing initialization.
@AlexDan correct
did the other guys answer your question clear enough
Can't handle 2 files with the same goddamn name in different fucking folders.
@MooingDuck no they didn't really, your answer was to the point
@ThePhD I do that all the time, what are you doing?
@AlexDan if it always decayed, then it would be passable to a function expecting an int fig 1 and would not be passable as a reference fig 2. Ergo, it does not always decay
@MooingDuck Building 2 cpps with the same name in different folders, exactly what I said on the tin.
VS 2013.
@ThePhD oh, same project? never tried that one
I'll just stick extra characters on some files I guess, since VS can't automatically do that for the OBJ files. For whatever ass-backwards retarded reason.
it probably fails because all inputs result in .obj files in the same folder
alter the properties of one file to create an obj file with a different name/folder
that might fix the problem
@ThePhD That's why I use "show all files" instead of filters view.
And organize it into real folders.
I don't know why the build directory just can't mimic the file system structure of the cpp files. Or just append extra characters to the beginning of the .obj file to distinguish it
@MooingDuck one last question , is it safe to use char * p="hello"; can I be sure that the string literal is implemented to be static ?
@AlexDan (A) that's illegal in modern C++, and (B) the string literal is always implemented as static, it was always illegal to alter them
diff doesn't seem to have a line limit feature, but it seems grep does? so I tried grep -m 200 "" | diff ducet.g.inl ducet.g.inl.bak -y no luck =/
@ThePhD Oh. In compiling. You're good in reporting these things to them. Make sure you do.
In the example I gave, automatically differentiating by crawling up the directory tree until they're different is an easy solution to fix the problem: Stuff/Platform.cpp -> Stuff.Platform.obj | Windows/Platform.cpp -> Windows.Platform.cpp
I didn't even have to try that hard to think of an easy fix.
If you're going to warn me about it, you obviously have code to detect that, so why not just fix the damn problem?
@MooingDuck that's not illegal const char* will implicitly get converted to char*
at least in this case
@AlexDan no it won't
@AlexDan a string literal can decay to char* in old compilers. Modern compilers are no longer allowed to do that
const char* never had implicit conversion to char*
String literals are not const char*
Probably did in C89 since it lacked const, though it was still UB to modify it.
@Rapptz string literals could be converted to a char* until C++11 disallowed it IIRC. Even in C++03 it was still expressly allowed for legacy reasons. (but yes, it was UB to modify it)
anyway, it's an hour past my bedtime, goodnight
Nighty night!
Good night.
had korean buffet 4 lunch
What was in the Korean Buffet?
Korean food.
I fucking
hate refactoring. u.u
@R.MartinhoFernandes When you have time, take a look at the DUCET tool and related data structures
Holy fuck
I have spent hours just hammering away at refactoring
What am I doing with my life. u.u
I have done absolutely nothing today.
That's good.
not really
Why not?
You got to relax and shit.
Unproductive as hell.
I have chemistry exam in an hour and a half woo
And I still don't understand why an acids salt provides A- in a buffer solution
ah well
@Rapptz Well, a day or two of unproductiveness won't kill you, man.
I've done nothing for 5 days.
That's still not so bad.
Ah optical isomers I forgot about you
@ThePhD You are the definition of optimistic. ;)
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah ahahhahha holy shit youtube.com/watch?v=SS9CeOb_LKA
So I narrowed down the VS2013 compiler error to one macro that's being miscompiled.
But the problem is...
It's a 275 line macro.
I'll call it a night.
@Rapptz Keep it up
Doing nothing is the best thing to do
I so wish I could do nothing
@CatPlusPlus What shitty giveaways.
He is so fucking terrible
I go back to work soon, I just wished I could have done something productive or fun on my free time rather than sit here doing nothing.
I am not optimistic. D:

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