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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

@SpencerRuport lol
hats on the main exchange died right away
But I can still see them in here
I can only see your hats
I don't see your hat :(
do you have a coping strategy?
No, can't say that I do.
At least I still have a light bulb so I don't feel all is lost quite yet.
I need to write some UI now, unexciting
Do you see your own hat @Johan?
nope hat is gone
It's funny to read these 14 years later when QR Codes are pretty common place.
> The number of dumb things going on here exceeds my limited ability to grok all at once.
> That's where I stopped reading. Changing the BIOS settings is not my idea of entertainment.
public class Gcode or public class GCode?
holding shift that extra split second could get annoying
yeah, looks ugly also
But I was under the impression this would facilitate other codes aside from just the G ones
there are Mcode also
dang, my hat is truly gone
66 minutes...
Why not make it SomethingRelatedToTheProductCode
but less verbose
@TravisJ keep the avatar imo, it is easy to recognize
yeah the avatar is kind of cool
It has nothing to do with products, it is NC codes
It is optimus prime's face behind boba fett's mask wearing a snorkel and a pair of earphones with a unicorn horn and the atwood hair.
the hair is hard to spot
I get that a lot with hair
I guess GCode is more standardized than Gcode though
As code would be its own name, it should be capitalized
I start writing properties in the ctor every now and then, usually takes a few fails to get what is going on
or methods outside the class
At this point, I don't write many new classes.
Soon though.
you can have the struct :)
I kind of had to do a huge refactor to support async. While I did that, our database seriously grew like 50x and a lot of features slowed down from simple designs.
Now I am going through and making everything that was preloading into dynamic single string searching
sounds like pain
in production also?
It is in beta
Not a full release yet
I have to build in the tenant payment system before it gets released. We just have a few companies demoing atm
Why did you need to make everything support async?
@SpencerRuport - Because it makes db interactions a lot faster
Ah makes sense.
What does the product do if you don't mind me asking?
@SpencerRuport - Was delayed :) Had to check out the ski report lol The software is for tracking and forecasting production
It is web based so if you have multiple factories or labs you can coordinate production. It runs on any mobile device with a browser
I am taking off though
be back monday
goodbye hat!
I'm going to store customer information in a database using EFCF. Is there a painless way to encrypt this data, or do I need to write additional methods to read and write this?
Nothing PCI-compliant, but there will be names and physical addresses.
Got it. EF doesn't do encryption at all. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc716760(v=vs.110).aspx
how's everybody doing?
I'm okay. I'd feel better if my db were encrypted at rest. :/
I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean
Oh well, azure would have to get compromised for someone to get it... or my password/multifactor.
Don't worry, I've rationalized away my problems.
How're things your way?
nicely actually, thanks
3 hours later…
can i ask q? what was the symbol that if you type in here will just be an empty string?
GM all
Whatever you have to ask, the answer is no from me. Pinging people randomly is rude.
Hey Steve.
how to make pdf with pre define structure ..... i want to display only 6 record per page..... Is that possible .... i already used page break but its not working...
hey @Billdr! I haven't seen you around
Yeah, this room is generally too busy for me. I tend to get distracted and not get any work done.
Been trying to get the MVC room going with limited success.
ahhh maybe i'll spend some time in there
I'd appreciate it. I'll probably be active in there Monday. Doing personal project stuff now.
Nearly comatose.
It's coming along. tipbitco.in
I'm adding some validation to the input, real light touch there. After that I need to implement a callback listener for payments and add a form for users to request I make a thing for them. Then it's CSS hell while I try to make it all pretty.
i was going to say, isn't that the default layout? haha. but it looks neat, so this is just like cards that people/waiters will give away and get tips that way?
They could do it that way, but the idea is to have them wear it around their neck like a lanyard.
well, exactly like a lanyard.
I'm going to try to go out to eat this weekend a few times, see if I can find a cute waitress to model one. If so I'll have an 'action shots' section ala think geek.
My wife isn't thrilled about this idea. I told her I wanted to get someone in a uniform, and she's too classy to own waitress clothes. Smooth.
@Steve gm sir
how to make pdf with pre define structure ..... i want to display only 6 record per page..... Is that possible .... i already used page break but its not working... any idea ? sir
6 hours later…
afternoon chaps
Drove to Stockholm and back today to help a friend move. Turned out he had lot of help already so the drive was pointless #minorfail.
what an asshole
weather still ok for driving there?
not at all, he was just surprised by a few showing up
+7°C and rainy
Rx is a bit pita in resolving references.
given up on T4 then, experimenting with something else?
T4 is in production :)
I just sqiunt my eyes when I see the False
I have event troubles, debug nightmare, must write some tests for them to narrow things down
But then Rx failed
@Jefffrey flag?
just slumming then, that's ok :)
who flagged?
SO.chat told me I was mentioned here
oh, I see
SO.chat lied
you can lurk, it is free
do you write any C#?
> Cannot Resolve Method Subscribe candidates are ...
takes a delegate iirc
Action<T, TSomethingElse> possibly
it is correct, just some bs with resolving stuff, have had this many times, just don't know a good way to resolve it
oh, cannot resolve method
that's weird
som kind of collision
@JohanLarsson nope
is Subscribe an extension method?
you have this code that's not working committed?
I think it is an extension
there is also one in System.IObserver, hence the collision
@TomW to Github?
nope but I can commit a repro, maybe
not particularly because I want to 'help' but I'm likely to run into it myself eventually
entirely self-serving
can be hard to reproduce since it is correct
trying to write a repro
@Jefffrey you should start imo or are you a Windows hater?
well, I'm definitely not a lover, but in the end I just don't care
and yeah, the lounge told me I have to try C# some time, but I'm still trying to get a grasp of C++ and then there's Haskell and then maybe C#
I'd say reverse the order, get things doen in C#, play in Haskell and use c++ for you sins :)
@TomW I failed in making it not work.
failed at failing
@TomW here is the repo (not repro)
You can try to copy the testclass, that might trigger the bs
gota afk for a while
@JohanLarsson eh, it's too late for C++
@TomW it is exactly the same code that gives me bs in the test.
What test?
oh ffs
the test in the repo is identical to test that foes not resolve in the other project
resharper has trouble picking up tests apparently
it took a few attempts to get it to see it, never mind run it
yeah, run all tests on project usually works
System.IO.FileLoadException : Could not load file or assembly 'System.Reactive.Core, Version=2.1.30214.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)
they are no tests really, more like prototypes
I think I must have an older version of system.reactive GACed
try pulling
oh wtf is its problem now
git integration in vs has suddenly stopped working for no reason
ok, Sync assumes I want to write to the repo, that's why
Pull produces nothing
why would pulling your repo change what's in my gac?
pretty sure i pushed, in the car so network might have been down
afk again now
ah ffs
version on nuget is ahead of the version in the SDK
good morning
gosh its so fricken cold
go away winter, you son of a bitch
must be something stuck over there that's not migrating with the gulf stream
haha idk
this is the warmest winter I remember for a long time
also wettest
no way, this is the coldest one we've had in decades, they were just talking about that on weather.com or cnn.com or something
too much arctic air for my liking
severe flooding in UK atm
and Johan's pissed because he can't ski
that sucks, hope everybody is safe
Hi folks, several years ago I watched a video (I forgot the link) in which Anders Hejlsberg gave a demonstration to show up a window via invoking a simple call that is similar to Mathematica command call (functional style). He also said this feature might be available in the future release of .NET framwork. I am not sure what version of .NET framework available to use at the time the video was made, probably .NET 4.0. Do you know whether or not such a feature is really available in .net 4.5?
I think the video was available in channel 9. I am not sure.
Probably The Future of C#.
1 hour later…
@TomW did you get the pul to work?
problem I've got is a version mismatch in Rx, I think
but no repro right?
I updated and psuhed
was version bs
Think I fixed it
I'm back
oh yeah, works for me now
I use that extension all over the place
think notifypropertychanged and that is sweet
I was getting a different version issue to you though, I think
yeha my origianal issue was not version I think. *Is as I still have not solved it
Aha, I see what this is about
I remember you talking about observing INotifyPropertyChanged
the extension makes it refactor friendly and clean
Is there really such a thing as love anymore?
powerful in WPF I think
I use it in other places also, like inpc as it is a standard event and wpf friendly
@Tommy wow, talk about out-of-scope ;)
@Tommy They have it in the south of Finland I think
sorry lol ;-( i'm just so down right now. I just got dumped.
You probably got dumped because you dump random love questions in chat rooms!
yeah, that makes total sense. they dumped me for doing something I hadn't done yet. ;)
sounds like woman to me
I dump men who don’t dump Java in favour of C#.
Wait, I’d dump men anyway.
@Tommy Think of the money you will save!
@rightfold Really? With your gravatar I highly doubt it.
is there an algorithm in c# to determine the probability of a breakup with my next partner... before I meet them?
static bool WouldBreakUp(Person partner) {
    return true;
This room is a bit of a lonely hearts club, most of SO-chat is in fact.
Not want you wanted, but this was posted here once:
@rightfold And later you can refactor when your cynicism lessens ;)
Btw, has anyone ever tried hdmi to vga cable or converter?
static bool CouldItHalt(Program program) {
@LewsTherin Only Thunderbolt-to-VGA. Does that count?
What is Thunderbolt?
I love earning 80 rep while I sleep
@rightfold Mmn.. I dunno how that works.
Basically, I'm getting washed out colors when using vga to hdmi
I believe the analogue signal is not scaled correctly.. probably lots of noise as well.
The option seems to be buy a converter or get an HDMI monitor
aww go on, get a new monitor
And what of the one I have now? No one wants to buy a VGA monitor :(
stick it in the kitchen and run a Pi into it or something
oh wait
Another option is to buy it from the shops if they have it.. test it out to see if the colors improve.
very easy to spend a ridiculous amount of money on tech
making do with just one monitor is la-ame
Sadly so. I don't know why they just didn't add a VGA adapter to the laptop.
do I need a new one/two/three? no!
@TomW Uh.. contradiction?
I don't want to waste 120 eur I spent on this monitor
If I had known better I'd have bought HDMI monitor instead
bit of a newbie question... how exactly do bounties work?
@MarcinJuraszek nope, thanks :)
a little rude but could you give me a one up vote on my answer as I'm the only answer on a bounty question?
Begging for rep can get you banned
@JohanLarsson sorry :(
But linking a question or anser is ok as long as people only upvote if it is good imo
@AshleyMedway np, just sayin' :)
okay well i'll let you decide :)
A: In Xamarin Studio, how to set C# code formatting to allow end-of-line comments?

Ashley MedwayI don't think there is a real answer to this question, as you have said its a bug in the version you are using. However I confirm that it is not a bug in 4.1.2 or 4.3.0. So up/down grading to either of these versions will surely fix your problem. A work around although you may not be to happy w...

The pressure is on, Mr Johan
haha, didn't Kyle get temp-banned for chatting about rep? Maybe it was someone else idr.
you should up vote the question though as its a good question :)
@AshleyMedway Why not use code formatting instead of screenshots?
@CCInc The code wasn't important, i was showing that the key combination worked as desired
felt more apporiate to use screenshots
ah, okay
yeah, that fits
I have never used Xamarin so can't vote
@JohanLarsson fair enough, i think no one has thats why theres no other answers and no interest
If it's obviously a good/shit question, you should up/downvote
@KendallFrey I agree, I often up vote questions as long as they are well formatted and provide a lot of detail. Even if I don't necessarily understand the question itself.
I did not know you could use things like <kbd>Enter</kbd> in questions/answers :O
Either I'm missing something, or everyone else (including Hans Passant) is missing something.
Q: How to Wake up a sleeping thread?

User2012384I made a thread at load event like below: Thread checkAlert = null; bool isStop = false; private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { checkAlert = new Thread(CheckAlert); checkAlert.Start(); } void CheckAlert() { while (!isStop) { Thread.Sleep(60000); //do...

@KendallFrey I don't know my understanding is that if his thread is sleeping for 60seconds he wants a way to wake it up say after 30
According to his question, that's just to let the program exit.
Then yes I would agree with your answer, a background thread of a main program would quit if the main thread ends.
Can the OP not use async?
No idea.
I always prefer to just use async with task factories now
Anyone here own a mac and idevice... wonder why they haven't created a thunderbolt to lightning cable? I would pay $$$ for that and the marketing writes itself
2 hours later…
COME ON!!!! my answer is so much better FFS
Q: Add integer to name

Dozer789I am working on adding a a TabPage to my program, and it needs to have a number in its name. You can make new tabs like this: TabPage tabname = new TabPage(); I am trying to make a tabpage like that, but it needs to contain an integer value like this: int tabCount = 2; TabPage tab + tabCount...

@AshleyMedway lol
@LewsTherin it's not funny... why bother spending time to write a good answer...
I can't believe I'm re-learning POV-Ray just to write a question.
"Persistence of vision"
Radiosity, Y U so slow
3 minutes, half done
And it looks worse then before
I suck at this
while(myRep == 666) {
@AshleyMedway Know the feeling
im not doing to bad +89 today... going to go for the full 200 tomorrow
10 mod flags is not enough...
[x] random star
where has drch been?
he is moving to Germany soon, think he focuses on learning the language
i miss that drunken bastard
I have him on Skype, will pass it on
lol, word-for-word, i hope
> Steve in C# misses you
> cos you-so-drunk
I have this T4 bs in production now
think it is / project for a while or ever
@drch Too cool to hang here?
nah just busy =]
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :)
too cool to hang w/ us
busy meaning chilling HARD
Less chilling more chatting
actually bored senseless in canadia
Nothing is my favorite thing to do.
thought my visa was going to take 3 weeks. ended up taking 1 day
me too
german efficiency for ya
Rubs off you uh?
@JohanLarsson Same
how much longer until you move to germany?
Can you give us an exception message in German?
i fly out in 10 days
woooot exciting
@LewsTherin *JA!
With German accent ha
@JohanLarsson Loool
I didn't know the A has to be in upper case
@JohanLarsson you watching any of the juniors world hockey championship?
your boys are playing vs finland for gold tomorrow
Only like ten minutes
oh, will try to see it
I can actually stand watching junior hockey.
why no Canada in the final?
you don't like pro hockey?
cause they played horrible vs finland
@Steve nope, can't say.
don't watch much sport at all
headed to the dog park
something is wrong, he was too sober today
did you get the pull to work?
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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