I am very much new this issue.I want to make application like this.look at the image below,This is a brief summary of my requirement.
ok so top there is a image view.After user capture image from camera in OnActivityResult I am displaying captured image on main image view. Below that image vie...
I'm developing an Android IPTV application which needs to play rtmp video streaming. I've googled many times and tried may sample, but didn't find any better solution to be able to play TV. Also andorid video view does not support this. I want to play live TV from here:
I am facing this issue in my application which contains google chart.
While user starts the application, if the network is not available, I show an alert saying "Network is not available" and send him out of application. This is the code being used:
// In case there is no network
// the google ...
,i have one doubt,if i make as everyday morning 6 o clock to send sms to my friend,for the first day its going perfectly,but the next day my phone is switched off at 6 o clock.what it will happen?It will send message while i switch on my phone or it will not go that day.@Andru
I really don't know if there is possibilites but it I think to send message you need network access. And if your device will off you cant access network. So I think you cant send message when your device is off. @KarthickM
Sorry for the late reply but i really dont know what is going on in my account. Before 3 days my reputation changed heavily within 2-3 mins. I dont know some of the stackoverflow user upvoted my 15 of my answer in 2 mins. And now some of the user downvote the same. Do you have any idea? @SweetWisher
may be thats the reason. But I think user should know who is upvoting is answer/question. So that he himself can contact moderator to get attention. Isn't it so? @Aamirkhan
@Andru yes,but i think stack overflow is not having any features by which we come to know the person who upvotes/downvotes, I think some one might be harrasing you,you can contact moderator for your complain
You don't state clearly what your Android version, however I can confirm that the flash plugin does load and the movie player does intilaize with the swirly shape graphic. I can engage it into fullscreen mode. I am also able to play online video but not from the application's assets folder, how...
I have a requirement like this. I want to read .webarchive File. I have one file with .webarchive extension and i have put that file in asset folder. I want to read that file on android webview. Is it possible?
I googled and found some useful link. This git content is really helpful.In this what...
Android's WebView has this saveWebArchive method since API level 11: http://developer.android.com/.
It can save entire websites as webarchives, which is great! But how do I get the downloaded contents back into a webview? I tried
But that only...
The Android java code is compiled into Dalvik byte code, which is quite readable. I wonder, is it possible in theory and in practice to write a decompilation software for Dalvik byte code?
actually i am seding sms frequently,while reboot my device that process stop running,it will continue their work,its shows your application has stopped@Aamirkhan
I am making app which tracks user location continuously, so far i have been able to make a successful receiving of its ordinate on location change, but if he is restarting the phone than i am not able to start my service without user again opening the app.
<?xml version="1.0" enco...
@SweetWisher that timing interval solved ,andru helped me,but now while rebooting device that sending sms is not continueing that problem now i am facing
@KarthickM - the issue is, when ever the system/device reboots then there would be no longer data left in bundle, and trying to access the same raising Null pointer exception. better to use shared preference, and try to retrieve the data in your service. Hope I am clear enough....