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PyPy has a lot of room for experimentation thanks to RPython and the translation process.
It's much harder to modify other implementations.
Especially on a mass scale like ripping out the GIL.
@jalf I had heard of that before
CPython also needs to be careful not to break anything, as most of the code out there depends on it.
PyPy is still fresh and untainted by legacy code. :P
what is PyPy written in?
RPython to be precise.
It's a type inferable subset.
And suitable for static compilation.
ah I see
is there a list on SO somewhere that names all the differences between refs and pointers?
PyPy is a nifty framework for writing interpreters, not just a Python implementation.
@CatPlusPlus doesn't make it any less embarassing technologically though
I mean, what kind of interpreter for a dynamic language does not have a garbage collector?
Er, it has a generational GC. It just defaults to refcounting.
fine, what kind of interpreter for a dynamic language does not use a garbage collector?
It uses it for cyclic references. :P
having one but not enabling it is, if anything, even more ridiculous than not having one at all
anyway, bedtime for me
Besides, refcounting is form of GC, too. With a benefit of never needing to stop the application for collection.
@CatPlusPlus and downsides of being inefficient, fragile and error-prone :)
what the heck is with this r/Iama reddit mod that wants to shut it down
there are other ways to do garbage collection without stopping the application :)
why would you shut down such a popular subreddit? I don't get some people
Hah, now that reminded me of a Mac fanboy who discovered refcounting in Obj-C and was all like "OH MY IT'S THE BEST LANGUAGE EVER, IT CAN DELETE OBJECTS FOR ME".
@jalf I know, I'd like a incremental GC in CPython.
But I can live with the current one.
@TonyTheTiger The best part is, when I told him it's nothing new or uncommon, he was still like "PFFT, OBJ-C DOES IT BETTER".
he obviously had no idea
(I imagine them covering their ears and shouting "LALALA I KNOW BETTER", hence the allcaps.)
Of course it does it better, it comes from Apple.
oh, we've discovered an Apple fanboy in our midst :P
Are you sure your sarcasmeter didn't flip out?
PHP'd out.
I'm writing yet-another-C++-wrapper-over-WinAPI-window-creation-stuff for some reason.
(But mine is better, of course.)
With Boost all over it.
I learned that smearing boost all over your code is generally a good idea.
It gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling.
I'm already mentally prepared for 2000 compilation errors thanks to Boost.Parameter.
@CatPlusPlus why not use Qt or some such library?
I don't need any controls, only windowing.
And OpenGL/DX/GDI context, but that's for future.
Trying to wrap native controls and stuff would result in a big, big project. :P
Plus, it's an excuse to play with Boost libs I didn't yet play with.
:) fun fun
I am one hundred and twenty water vehicles directed away from the center of the Earth away from an imaginary silver marking that reads "c++".
Silver? Pssht.
Yes, I'm new to the c++ tag.
confusion hit me
What's a water vehicle?
Me needs 457 upalots for gold one.
lulz, but you're talking about up-boats
Yes, I checked and indeed I can subtract 543 from 1000.
why is it when you drink that you get more thirsty?
That's the "directed away from the center of the Earth" part.
Because tea is delicious.
@RMartinhoFernandes lol, you're not perhaps a C++ programmer are you? (loving complex things) :p
@CatPlusPlus I only drink coffee
Coffee is definitely not delicious.
Coffee is awesome.
It pisses me off that my stomach takes issue with it.
It's like a compiler warning.
I couldn't live without coffee, cause I'd never wake up :P
@CatPlusPlus do you know yet what kinda job you want to do after your studies?
Let me guess: none.
oh yea, forgot, he's lazy
Yeah, ideally. I'll probably stick to that webdev gig for now, since I got it without much hassle.
so we have a lazy cat and a Genius puppy in the same room
Maybe I'll try indie gamedeving stuff sometime in the future.
oh you got a webdev job?
/me hopes @CatPlusPlus isn't writing PHP for his job
And no CV/interviews shenanigans either.
oh kewl
how'd you get it without interview?
He's the son of the boss.
like a boss.
Naw. I had operating system labs with him, and since I was writing Python all semester, he offered me a job at the end.
That's how awesome I am with Python.
oh kewl, so next time I struggle with Python, I know who to ask
Dammit, I'm sweating because of my epic dwarven beard.
Damn you, abnormally high temperature!
you don't shave?
You have an epic dwarven beard?
I don't like hurting myself, no.
Fuck, I just committed a bunch of .svn directories into my hg repo.
cat with a beard, interesting concept :P
@RMartinhoFernandes Well, maybe not fully developed yet.
But it's progressing!
MQ it out.
I rollbacked. Now I'm fighting against someone with open handles to them.
I want a $ svn gtfo command.
any of you ever created a rage comic?
like the ones on r/f712u
go there and find out, that's the only thing you find in that subreddit
I noticed that sometimes "less" means "or else". As in: "This must end less we all die."
Am I right in this?
Isn't it "lest"?
I'm not sure.
I have to go to the eye specialist tomo
I'm having trouble reading my laptop screen these days
so thought I'd better get it checked out
It's lest, not less.
Are you sure there's nothing wrong with the screen?
@StackedCrooked no nothing wrong with the screen, cause I can read text on my 22" perfectly fine, but on my laptop screen I have to sit really close and squint my eyes, and factually it hurts my eyes
If you say it like that it really looks like something is wrong with the laptop screen.
If your eyes were bad then you would have trouble reading text independent of which screen you're looking at.
Maybe his eyes are selectively bad.
I don't know shit about eyes, so take that with a pinch of salt.
Anyway, don't trust me, but the doctor.
Maybe there's a trauma involved with the laptop.
Like, a subconscious kind of thing.
Don't worry, it's probably just your eyes playing tricks on you.
Oh, wait.
I have trouble reading perl code, even if I enlarge the font.
@StackedCrooked who doesn't?
see what the doc says tomo
What font? The correct way to read Perl is with an oscilloscope.
Maybe he'll prescribe a new laptop and have the expenses covered with social insurance :)
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah, that explains.
@StackedCrooked That's because reading Perl code is impossible.
Unless you're an alien, in which case it's probably your native tongue.
> fatal error C1189: #error : The header <boost/exception.hpp> has been deprecated. Please #include <boost/exception/all.hpp> instead.
A bit annoying that.
> test.cpp(181) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
That's more like it.
Aw man, I'm leaking so much rep.
@RMartinhoFernandes How does one leak rep?
He's at the cap, and people upboat him.
You hit the rep cap, and then it leaks.
I'm at 190. :.
Why is this cap even here. It certainly failed to stop people from getting ridiculous amounts of rep in short periods of time.
My answer on @Tony's question is now my third highest of all time. Did someone post a link somewhere?
That question of mine is like my highest upvoted question of all times, lol
No, seriously, it's got 340 views already.
If someone posted link somewhere, it'd be at >1000.
Probably today there weren't many people actually working.
Can you see JaredPar's deleted answer?
why does something like that get so much rep; so easily
I think he is almost right about what causes the crash (not the UB, the crash).
It's subtle. Most questions on SO are about obvious bugs.
Well, more subtle than the average one.
@RMartinhoFernandes What are you smoking? Stop saying nonsense.
@CatPlusPlus yea it is good question for an interview
I would expect a compiler error in @TonyTheTiger's sample code.
Where? I ran it on ideone.com a couple of times.
If it compiles then I think GCC is at fault.
Shape * shapes = new Rectangle[10];
There's no syntax errors.
^ This line is the culprit I believe.
@CatPlusPlus Someone had edited an error in there.
I fixed it now.
@StackedCrooked it's actually an alignment issue caused by the indexing of the array and calling it on the base instead of on Rectangle
cause sizeof(Rectangle) != sizeof(Shape)
But what probably happens is that the code follows random data as if it was the address of a vtable and from there, all hell breaks loose.
yea prob
wonder if it is in the standard somewhere?
That it's UB? Of course it is in the standard.
I ended up not even bothering to look up the quotes, because it turned out it wasn't necessary to get extra rep.
I'm a bit surprised more than one person thought shapes[i]->draw was the solution, when it doesn't even compile.
@RMartinhoFernandes I also thought that was wrong when I first saw this code... seems like its put there like that to throw you off
Woo, compiles, runs, doesn't crash.
Does it produce correct output?
Yeah, it doesn't crash.
@CatPlusPlus It works [tm]
I actually worked today. Or got something accomplished.
so you stayed away from the internet?
Well, it's possible to work, when I don't troll here.
I finally convinced someone up there that our code is shit. And we're more likely to be able to support linux and android if we don't use MFC.
my question is when is boxing and unboxing useful in .NET?
I forgot to twist the knife after you stab.
@TonyTheTiger It happens when you need to use value types as object.
@RMartinhoFernandes ref to value type is very useful. Unless you like copying shit all over the place.
@RMartinhoFernandes hmm, I was asked today if you can cast a value type to a reference type in .NET today, and totally forgot about boxing/unboxing, meh
@Xaade You mean like ref DateTime?
Between marshalling and properties, I have a C# structure that finally makes sense out of our blasted C structs.
@RMartinhoFernandes Of course, except that a struct in C# is a value type, which restricts what you can do with it.
boxxing allows you to treat value types as objects.
Because to unbox a value type, you make a copy.
You're bound to make copies all over the place. They are value types for a reason.
copies for a reason though. When you leave them as value types and move them all over, you make copies, which means, unless you want to know where they all are, you won't be keeping them in sync.
You can avoid making copies by passing around pointers. But that is bound to get ugly.
@Xaade That's why I always make the few value types I write immutable.
Doesn't do you too good when you have to marshal to call a C++ native dll.
I never got a real good answer to my original question on SO (one of 3), how to box/unbox from unmanaged C++.
In which case, I create unmanaged memory, store my "value type" there, and marshal only on write.
I keep them in a generic that tracks whether they're in synch, and dirties upon using the ptr.
Sure, when doing interop you need to get down and dirty.
The problem I haven't solved, is the case where someone uses my property to the struct and writes to a substruct directly, instead of using the set property to resynch.
Maybe I'll make properties to all the members, but that's getting too complicated. Guess people will just have to know what they're doing when they use my stuff.
@AlfPSteinbach Cheat! Write a C# library with generic methods that box and unbox and call those from C++. ;)
@AlfPSteinbach why box/unbox. If you're creating unmanaged memory, you get an IntPtr anyway.
@StackedCrooked Nah, that's more like dummm dum dum dumm dum dum dum.
Close enough :)
Does mustard go better with young or old cheese?
I just killed a mosquito that was sitting on my delete button. It's like I deleted it.
Q: Does gcc or other compilers auto convert bitwise or's to boolean or's when used in conditional expressions?

Ross RogersIf I have a C statement with the logical OR operator || : if (isFoo() || isBar()) blah(); I know the compiler generated code will not execute isBar() if isFoo() returns true. What about the bitwise OR operator | ? if (isFoo() | isBar()) blah(); Likely this is sloppy writing, or if ...

People are animals too, you know?
@StackedCrooked hahahaha
@RMartinhoFernandes we're people :)
> You've earned the "Guru" badge for Why does this code crash?.
Wow, I'm a guru of code crashing.
Mosquitoes aren't animals, they should be killed with fire.
so I know I've read it somewhere but I've gone derp, what's the difference in bitwise OR and logical OR?
Bitwise operates on bits.
Logical operates on booleans.
but booleans are bits too underneath?
so the CPU is still operating on bits?
Booleans are either 0 or 1.
Bitwise works with larger quantities of those.
You could think of bitwise as logical OR applied separately for every bit in the operands.
(That's what it is.)
I've added optional arguments and now it doesn't compile.
what are you coding?
That windowing thing still.
Sometimes I wish I could do T operator&&(T const& x, lazy T const& y); to get short-circuiting.
is lazy a keyword?
what would you want it to do?
Lazy evaluation.
If I did f() && g() it would not call g() until it was needed.
Copy the behaviour you get for the built-in operator&& for bools.
so talking about rvalue refs, I was thinking about perfect forwarding today and as far as I understand it, it is used to forward rvalue's args to other template functions, but could you not do that before rvalue refs already?
T operator&&(T const& x, std::function<T()> const& y); has similar behaviour, but is not as clean to call.
I'm doing everything as docs say, and it doesn't work, baah.
@TonyTheTiger No. It could not respect const, for a start. You had to manually overload for every combination of const and non-const arguments.
@CatPlusPlus You sound like one of those people that ask questions on SO that you usually complain about :)
@DeadMG not sure I understand what you mean with respect const?
Well, if you want the code: ideone.com/c0qma
And the lovely wall of errors: ideone.com/XszKI
@TonyTheTiger Pretty simple. How could you write a function that forwards any argument to another?
but you can't, because if you pass an rvalue or const lvalue, you can only take const reference-but if you take just a const ref, you're losing mutability for a mutable lvalue
so you have to overload for both const and non-const arguments
Temporaries won't bind to T&, only to T const&.
and for every parameter you wish to forward
leading to an exponential number of overloads
oh yea I see
an rvalue reference, however, may actually (and correctly) refer to any argument
f(T&, U&, V&); f(T const&, U&, V&); f(T&, U const&, V&); f(T&, U&, V const&); f(T const&, U const&, V&); f(T const&, U &, V const&); f(T&, U const&, V const&); f(T const&, U const&, V const&);
combine with variadic templates to achieve one overload that forwards on
is there such a thing as a const rvalue ref
Not very useful, though.
but nobody uses it because it's lame and there's basically no point
for an arg that takes rvalue that won't change after?
what rvalues do that?
Entire point of rvalue refs is to change the thing.
the main usefulness of rvalue references is to start stealing resources
Otherwise just go with T const&.
so if you have a foo() that returns an int and you bind it to an rvalue ref, and then you can go do whatever with that rvalue, where before it was an immutable lvalue
so if you had, say, a pointer to heap-allocated resources, for example
you might decide that actually, it would just be faster to swap pointers
Is anyone actually using Boost.Parameter? Maybe I'm trying to resurrect some ancient and long forgotten arcane magic.
yea; but pointers to heap allocated resources are pointers already, so a copy of pointers isn't expensive no?
@CatPlusPlus never used it
@CatPlusPlus Boost.Cthulhu.
sure, but I assume that you overrode the copy constructors to perform a reference copy to maintain value semantics
@TonyTheTiger Think pointers inside some class, like a container, or a smart pointer, or whatever.
> Your search - BOOST_PARAMETER_CONSTRUCTOR - did not match any documents.
yes, indeed, so instead of copying the data, you just swap the pointers, but that requires a move ctor; not copy ctor, if you wanted move semantics
or am I just tired and confused?
that was my point
A move ctor is a ctor that takes an rvalue ref.
ok lol, I'm slow
that you need a mutable rvalue reference to achieve the principle goal
and therefore a non-mutable rvalue reference is of limited use
Lol, I ran svn up on Boost trunk, and Firefox started to freeze up.
And audiodg started to hog the entire core. What the hell.
SVN is a network hog now?
SVN is evil witchery.
I know that.
@DeadMG but applying the move ctor to an instance of that class, the instance isn't an rvalue though? or yes?
I was asking about network hogging.
No, the process is freezing up for few seconds.
I'm networked hog.
what protocol do networked hogs use?
@TonyTheTiger An instance can be an lvalue or an rvalue- or even both.
lvalue or rvalue is a property of expressions, not objects
@DeadMG oh...
imagine something like
@TonyTheTiger Pork to Pork Protocol.
funcThatTakesTwoArguments(a, std::move(a));
it's kind of dumb, but valid- and in that case, a is reachable as both lvalue and rvalue
I think I get it
@CatPlusPlus so what the heck does this macro do?
@RMartinhoFernandes It had to do with a bug in .NET 1.x, where a call (from native code) using an integer for an enum wasn't accepted by the type checking. My example was simplest possible, calling MessageBox.Show. The bug has been fixed in later .NET versions, but still I imagine that there can be other reasons to do it.
#define SBOK_ASSERT(x) do { if (!(x)) __debugbreak(); } while (false)
Breaks to debugger when expression is false.
In C++0x use a lambda
@CatPlusPlus oh yes I see it now
No, I want the breakpoint where the assert is, not deeper within call-stack.
I'd use standard assert if that was nice.
@AlfPSteinbach are you referring to that macro?
but a lambda would have to be inline as part of the code where the macro would normally be called no?
it's just a readability thing. a novice may wonder about the do-while. using a lambda may make it more clear
The do-while is a common idiom.
Still, breakpoint in some completely other place is unacceptable.
Does the binding to a const reference prolong the lifetime of the string object in this case? const std::string & s = std::string();
I expect a novice to either 1) already be familiar with it or 2) learn it when he comes across it.
Argh, let's try with free function instead of constructor.
@cat: in that case a temporary is constructed, unless the free function returns reference to const, in which case you have UB if you use that stored reference

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