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@sehe yeah, but do you want to make something that I personally love, i.e. a hybrid app, or implement a python library in C++?
because for the latter Boost.Python yeah, should work as you described
How do I use select a class template specialisation based on a condition?
but for runtime dual-language symbiosis, welp.
@BartekBanachewicz I'd guess the latter. I mean, I'd probably use Python for highlevel logic using datastructures and optimized algorithms in C++. Python Qt would be good for UIs etc.
@sehe yeah then you just have to add a bunch of Boost.Python macros and it should spit out a binary that python should load
@BartekBanachewicz want to take a look at a design issue?
time to code some Javascript
@Pawnguy7 sure
Ok. So I have these screens/states here.
And I am noticing something.
@BartekBanachewicz Nice. What are the restrictions on (a) types (b) exceptions (c) collections (making them iterable) (d) template instantiations?
The constructors all take the same things.
@rightfold Wait, a specialization: enable_if
@sehe I think I got it.
Sometimes they use them, but in some cases, they do not. But they need to, so they can construct the screen that does use it.
@Pawnguy7 Package them as a structure.
@BartekBanachewicz obviously I will. But currently I'm postponing it till I get convinced I'll quickly win productivity
@sehe you'd need to refer to the manual, I'm afraid.
static if :(
And now that I added this sound thing.
In the options screen, a slider will change its volume.
So it must be passed it in its ctor. So the main menu screen must have it. So everything constructing the main menu must have it... just a mess.
@rightfold Quite legible. I'd say iota should take (min, N) instead of (min, max). The latter would be like irange instead
@sehe there's always a chance, albeit small, that this whole thing would blow. That's the inherent risk of R&D.
Yes, that’s much better.
Right now I’m getting integer underflow.
@Pawnguy7 Package it as a structure.
include/rf/tuple.hpp:20:16: fatal error: recursive template instantiation exceeded maximum depth of 128
        struct iota<Min, Max, typename std::enable_if<(Min < Max)>::type> {
include/rf/tuple.hpp:21:35: note: in instantiation of template class 'rf::detail::iota<1, 18446744073709551494, void>' requested here
            using type = typename iota<Min, Max - 1>::type::template append<Max>::type;
@Pawnguy7 puppy's solution sounds sensible
I have considered that.
but I felt there might be something more to it, considering they all use it.
It would certainly help it scale though.
@Pawnguy7 Not really.
in the Wide analyzer, almost every single function takes a reference to the Analyzer class as one of the arguments.
@BartekBanachewicz that's also the insurance of waiting until there is proof-of-concept and good-practice evidence
I think Swig++ and Boost Python should both have reached that.
However, I'm still not entirely sure of why Boost Python would be better than Swig++ e.g.
@rightfold wazzat, make_integer_sequence?
I guess so.
and I've just about learned that lesson of packing it in a structure
since now virtually every function also takes a Location, and soon they'll all also soon require RAIIHandlers.
In my project, I called that class Context
if you use utf8, then wstring seems, by definition, out of the question — sehe 9 secs ago
@sehe I've only looked at them both really briefly :(
Me too. Well, Swig, actually and more with perl back then (yeah, sorry). And Boost Python interests me because I (irrationally) expect it to deal well with modern C++ just because it has "Boost" in the name
I want to give WebGL another go today
because running C++ host with awesomium just to use HTML UI... I might as well use a browser.
@sehe ISTR looking at some Boost libraries, like MultiArray, and suddenly realizing they had a horrendous interface.
@DeadMG Eh, MultiArray's interface isn't that bad, considering the kind of class it is
I actually found it pretty hard to work with
the one time I actually had occasion to want to
hmm JSLint is actually a pretty decent tool
@DeadMG That's not news. And also unrelated
god dammit I am enjoying writing javascript
help ,
in Discussion between sehe and namezero, 2 days ago, by sehe
@namezero Yeah. I'm not afraid of boost, and I wouldn't want to live without say optional/variant. But I'm not in a hurry to use MSM or the Graph library. String Algorithms, well okay I'll use it by wrapping it in concise helpers, Boost Range is more or less a must but I don't get fancy with adaptors (because they have all the pitfalls that Proto expression templates have: stale refs to temps)
The thing with boost is that it is often ruthless in it's genericity
It aims for maximum "connectibility" or "static composability" if you will.
This is good, because you can introduce Boost into any code base. The downside is: you pay the mental cost of grokking the abstraction mechanics even when just want to "go with sane defaults"
And the documentation strongly focuses on reference documentation, over-exposing the more obscure features, and under-exposing idiomatic use (synopsis)
I'd like to have a "friendly" facade on top of boost. Sort of, like PoCo - but make it implemented on top of Boost at the same time
@sehe you are forgetting yourself; this is C++
@BartekBanachewicz See quoted message, start
@sehe C++ is still about terrible boilerplate and stuff
I actually appreciate this "ruthless" and "unintrusive" design spirit, but I realize the downside too
C++ code always has dings.
if it doesn't, it's awfully limited
@BartekBanachewicz Doesn't need to. See Qt and PoCo, and what's that "new" thing everyone raved about in GN2013?
but you need at least, for example Type<> variable;
> <>
@sehe Qt is forcing me to use their conventions, and I don't like it.
PoCo would probably hit the same barrier
@BartekBanachewicz Not with user facing using Graph = boost::graph::adjacency_list<>
@sehe What new thing?
@BartekBanachewicz That's the intrusive part. It's testimony to Boost's design that boost will take Qt stuff easily, but not vice versa
2 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
if it doesn't, it's awfully limited
@DeadMG Yeah, that one. Something with 'i' ...
I have no idea what you are referring to
Me neither. Geez. Patient. Are you crucifying me for not coming up with something you want to know in 20 seconds?
Just give me a minute. I might recall
"use strict";
why it's not default makes me wonder.
oh, when you were making reference to it in a specific context, I assumed you knew what it was and therefore knew it was relevant.
I watched practically all of GN2013 and I don't remember anything that would be relevant in this context.
@DeadMG Yeah, I mentioned the context. I also told you I didn't currently recall it. That's relevant too
@DeadMG I certainly do.
@BartekBanachewicz Isn't it in Perl6? Oh, wait ECMAScript
@BartekBanachewicz Breaking changes
@sehe I'll probably rewrite that thing in TypeScript or CoffeeScript soon enough
I just need a wrapper that will run Harvest
@DeadMG Cinder /cc @BartekBanachewicz
> for programming graphics, audio, video, networking, image processing and computational geometry.
the terrible graphics library Herb is inexplicably in love with?
looks interesting
I mean, GL-based GUI for powerful, convenient manipulation of parameters
@DeadMG I was using it as an example of libraries in C++ that don't require a PhD in Abstractionism
@sehe I'm certainly not above saying that not all libraries want or need a PhD in abstractionism for decent interfaces.
@DeadMG I didn't say you were saying that. Don't repeat the obvious. You were "harassing" me to get the thrid example. But I was listing them for Bartek :/
I saw ice this morning. Time to switch to winter gear.
Er... I think you misread what I just wrote. I never suggested... ah, never mind.
13 mins ago, by Bartek Banachewicz
@sehe C++ is still about terrible boilerplate and stuff
That was the context. Not terribly complicated. No need to tell me you're not interested.
then I'm going to say that Cinder is not a very good example, since it's samples are full of terrible boilerplate and design.
@DeadMG Oh. I didn't notice that. You may be right. It doesn't work on linux...
I want to try out Cinder.
but on a fundamental level, I agree with you.
there's no logical reason why C++ should be full of boilerplate if you're not writing a very generic utility like optional, and it shouldn't take a PhD in abstraction to use those libraries.
That's nice. My point is "C++ needs tedious boilerplate" is a fallacy
to some extent, you are talking to the guy who chose to attempt reinventing the language.
Every language will require boilerplate. But ginve sane libraries, C++ could be up there. Of course, if you hide enough detail, the benefits of C++ could fade too
wow I have 6.5GB after cleanup
error: implicit instantiation of undefined template 'rf::detail::integer_sequence_cat<rf::detail::make_integer_sequence<unsigned long, 1, 3>, rf::detail::integer_sequence<unsigned long, 4> >'
@BartekBanachewicz Of porn?
@sehe 6.5GB Free *
Free Porn
@MohammadAliBaydoun yeah, looks interesting, innit?
But now I'd rather code in JS than in C++
at least in JS adding a library takes less than 30 seconds
and I don't have to wait 2 minutes for the binary
which is, frankly, annoying as fuck
If I like Cinder enough, I might consider rewriting my entire project in the future to use it rather than SeriouslyFuckMyLife
@sehe I agree. But, IME, hardly any libraries are sane or well-designed.
Oh, ugh.
@MohammadAliBaydoun :D
and in some cases, the fuckedness of the language is a big contributor, for example where Unicode is concerned.
okey time to build cinder samples
@BartekBanachewicz If you actually read the sample code, it's inexplicable to me as to why you'd actually want to build them
@DeadMG Truth. This is why appreciate the Boost design philosophy: err on the side on unintrusiveness: maximum potential for (skilled) people to successfully combine for their particular project
@DeadMG I didn't
just one fucking time I want to see cubes before the terrible code
@BartekBanachewicz I did manage to build some of them on Linux. Using some WIP gh repo taht seemed to have lost momentum already
also it apparently doesn't build under VS2013
hardly a surprising situation.
VS2013 is a way more fucked release than ISTR VC11 or VC10 being.
seems like Microsoft just can't hire enough compiler developers.
ten days from now, I have my medical appointment, and then my doctor will think about putting me on the waiting list for surgery.
maybe then I can actually get something done instead of spending all my time leaning over a bucket.
Then feel free to ask it on Stack Overflow
okay :)
@DeadMG tbh the samples look rather ok
@BartekBanachewicz You're shitting me.
@DeadMG better than SFML, at least
and if that works OOTB cross-platform...
wow, I'm really glad I never worked with that shit.
that must be awful.
one macro to turn a class into full app
looks clean
well there are shits like for( vector<Circle>::const_iterator circleIt = mCircles.begin(); circleIt != mCircles.end(); ++circleIt ) circleIt->draw();
eh, that's not too big of a deal, it's clearly just missing range for
classes are not applications :(
okay, what's particularly bad for your taste?
I see standard library used properly, no pointers
let's start with
proper namespacing
try {
std::string p = getOpenFilePath( "", ImageIo::getLoadExtensions() );
if( ! p.empty() ) { // an empty string means the user canceled
myImage = gl::Texture( loadImage( p ) );
catch( ... ) {
console() << "Unable to load the image." << std::endl;
can you say, "Nobody, ever, is going to remember to check every single fucking time if the string is empty?"
uh what
@DeadMG okay that's fucked up as fuck
it gets worse.
should throw on cancel
Url url( "http://validurl.com/image.jpg" );
myImage = gl::Texture( loadImage( loadUrl( url ) ) );

Keep in mind that you should not try to draw the texture until after something has been loaded into it. We should check to make sure myImage is a valid gl::Texture before attempting to use it. We can do this with a simple if statement:
if( myImage )
gl::draw( myImage, getWindowBounds() );
aha so an object can be in invalid state
if (myImage) draw(image);.
what an epic fail.
you know what's worse? that in the world of C++ libraries it's still decent
class ParticleController {
void update();
void draw();
void addParticles( int amt );
void removeParticles( int amt );
std::list<Particle> mParticles;
but I can finally stop pointing people to SFML, I guess
@DeadMG Optional return is fine in this case
@CatPlusPlus then return optional :/
@CatPlusPlus If it was actually an optional, I'd have (some) more sympathy.
at least then if I have f(std::string); f(getOpenFilepath()); it would fail to compile.
you have to check optional, but you don't have to check empty string
You also don't have to check optional
still, it's worth giving it a proper look
Well, yes, I prefer to discuss design conceptually and not consider broken everything in C++
@CatPlusPlus you can still implement something correctly or less correctly
@Xeo Well, arguably, you don't have to. But you have to at least explicitly choose not to check it.
@DeadMG depends very much on what getOpenFilePath supposedly does and how that's documented
@BartekBanachewicz disagree. Unless, there is no cancel button :/
doesn't matter what you write in the docs, people are not going to treat a std::string value as anything other than a valid string.
@DeadMG Well... I suppose it could do with an additional return flag. But, honestly. If that thing asks the user for optional input, how can you not check the basic case of cancelling? And since an empty name is invalid filename..
@sehe You can not check it because the compiler does not require you to check it.
and there's plenty of ways you can end up failing to check it by accident.
not to mention
that strictly, the API used is a race condition.
@BartekBanachewicz If there's a cancel button, then it would not be "exceptional" if users clicked it
@BartekBanachewicz Wait, it's not a dialog?
3 mins ago, by sehe
@DeadMG depends very much on what getOpenFilePath supposedly does and how that's documented
exceptions are not for exceptional circumstances.
well, they're useful for that too.
@DeadMG Erm.
Error monad and life is good.
@DeadMG Well, they're certainly not to report that a user has canceled a dialog
Actually, they are. That's why they're called exceptions.
@EtiennedeMartel That's a terrible argument and you should know that.
@sehe Why not?
@DeadMG he's prolly trolling again
exceptions are useful for any circumstance in which the return value is not in a valid state.
Ugh do I have to dig up that picture again
Why is it a terrible argument?
I can't think of any other use for them
lol the url
it haven't even loaded yet
and if you say, "I return a filepath", then when the return value is not a filepath, you should throw an exception instead of returning.
Every path other than success path is exceptional path
@DeadMG If there is a "cancel" button, then it means cancelling is a valid action from the user.
Exception in this case would be if the user entered an invalid path in the dialog or something.
And file missing from filesystem is a valid filesystem state
@EtiennedeMartel which sabotages everything the program wanted to do
So what
it's all about context
@EtiennedeMartel That's essentially irrelevant.
@BartekBanachewicz It doesn't. You have to take into account that the user did not want to select a file.
If you don't want to offer that option, don't give a "cancel" button.
@EtiennedeMartel then I might take everything into account and use ifs
if you don't return an optional<T>, but a T, then you cannot permit the return to continue if that T is not valid.
Both optional return and exception is a valid choice here
any other design is broken.
@CatPlusPlus I agree.
I am watching pacific rim for the first time, 5 mins into the movie, I suddenly got an idea: if there are giant monsters so huge, imagine how many people we can feed with each fresh kill!
@DeadMG Not in the general case. If the program flow absolutely requires it, then yes, canceling (at that step) is as good as canceling at any other step and just coding exception branches at every turn is tedium.
If you can't stop yourself from sperging about exceptions, then call them "interrupts" instead
@sehe I've got nothing against optional<T> as a return instead of throwing an exception.
However, we're talking about a generic API (?) and I would resent if it had decided for me that I always think it an exception for my program
@EtiennedeMartel the thing is, it's as much a failure (I won't be able to open a file) as file missing or invalid path
but if you're going to use an optional<T>, it needs to be a real optional<T>.
It's a more fitting name anyway
@DeadMG That's HEAPS better
Cancelling a file dialog is an interruption of the success path
not a "std::string but we want it to be an optional<filepath>".
I wonder whether gozillas are tasty ...
that's just violating the type system hardcore.
@CatPlusPlus Heavily depends on the application. Consider one of those nifty batch processors that let you add files or directories in succession. Suppose the user backs out of it, just to start selecting a different file, or to remove an item from the already selected items first, that's success flow.
I assume things that feed on fish are generally nice to eat
@JoelSeah what
"Success" is choosing a file
Everything else is a failure to do that
It really doesn't depend on what application is doing
@sehe If you return a string, then the only possible success mode is choosing a file. Anything else does not produce a valid string and therefore cannot be a valid success path.
not to mention the whole, "You really should not conflate strings and filepaths" thing.
Using exceptions is a failure for generic applicability, IMO. Suddenly, all code has to deal with invisible code paths. I mean, the puppy's complaint was that nobody will remember to check the filename.empty() condition.
Now, filename.empty() was rather OBVIOUS compared to the exception case
That's C++'s implementation details shit
@DeadMG An empty string is a valid string. Documentation trumps pedantry
Not relevant to the concept
@sehe No.
@CatPlusPlus I agree there.
@DeadMG Good argument. You've totally convinced me.
I'm gonna spend time with other people for a while
an empty string is a valid string, but the return of the function is not supposed to be an arbitrary sequence of text.
it's a filepath.
an empty string is not a valid filepath.
@DeadMG lol. That's supposedly something you read in that documentation :)
@DeadMG I was merely using your own argument. But I was leaving.
@sehe Well, it's called getFilepath(), give or take.
sudo open the exit
Not opening a file isn't failure
@sehe that's because it returns a Path, not a string
@Ell I can't see how it's not
@Ell It most assuredly is.
It's just one of the options
that's how you end up with broken programs.
it's like if there was an "apple" or "pear" choosing dialog, saying one is arbitrarily a failure
if you do File f("filepath");, and f is not a real file, then your program is based on a faulty assumption (that you have a fucking file) and allowing it to continue to execute any code paths based on that assumption is bad.
They are just two paths the user can take
@Ell No
@Ell It's like having a choosing dialog between two things with a cancel option
Cancelling a choice is not a success path
Canceling is just another choice
Just like yanking the power cord to avoid choosing is not a success path
@Ell If you say Apple a = Choose(), then you're fucking right, picking a Pear is a serious problem.
I don't know, I still don't see it as a failure
Im not sure how I can be convinced
@Ell So, it's not a problem for you at all that I have an Apple variable, but I don't actually have an apple at all?
that's never going to lead to problems?
nobody, ever, would assume that since I have an instance of an Apple that therefore I have an apple?
@DeadMG posted my question on stackoverflow
Hi all!
thanks for telling me
I don't give a shit, you know.
Ur welcome
I know I'm welcome
@JoelSeah good. now we can downvote that.
Actually, Cinder looks nice ;_;
you know, I thought about it.
and I did.
and then I reversed it, which is highly unusual for me.
I dunno
I don't want to discourage the help vampires from leaving this place by downvoting them when they get out of here and post a question.
hm... yeah that makes sense
but it's no good to have such questions on SO either.
today I have something strange for you: youtube.com/watch?v=l-7IV2qryiQ :|
@deadmg well in that case obviously you would have a variant of apple and pear
like with a filename it would be an optional filename
Why not?

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