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@rlemon What the hell is that supposed to do?
Looks like the end result is that it makes all the children of the parent and its siblings without class 'active'
toggles a dropdown and clears all other open menus
tl;dr - the original code was to toggle dropdown menus ONLY by clicking their handle - so you could open multiple at once and the only way to close them was to re-click the handle.
I said that wasn't how they should work and this was the fix.
@samdy1 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hi, I just followed a link with the text "appropriate chat room" for asking people to review my question for reopening after I edit it, is this where I should do that?
spiderhouse.org i'm sorry but the UI here is offensive to my eyes.
just my two cents
@rlemon Yay, I'm back in 1995
hehe thanks i know i need to change that very soon
@rlemon feels like I have 56k
(so long to load)
i know ive been old to use utime() with the php, i think that could be the problem
@Zirak hey look at this one it's so fun bash.org/?random1
@FlorianMargaine Have you seen the 3rd one here? It's hilarious.
@Zirak rite.
@samdy1 i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt (you are young according to your profile) - you should take a few and read some articles on proper UI/UX design
Seriously get me out of here
I can't stop
> <ElderGodSmack> The quickest way to a woman's heart is with a knife.
there are lots of places to get the resources ux.stackexchange.com top questions are a good place to glance over
> If you could listen to one song before you died, what would it be?
@samdy1 ^ links I posted above should get you going
@FlorianMargaine That'd be an amazing rick-roll opportunity.
oh my god
amazing/horrible, yeah
Hi, I have the script like
<script type="text/javascript">document.cookie = "pm=1,test1";expires="1380636608";path="/";</script>
everything is set in browser cookie except expires value. in browser cookie expires column it always has value as session.
what i have done wrong on this ?
anybody wanna look at some horrible C++ code for me ?
<Fryth> ah, math jokes
<Fryth> don't drink and derive
Now turns out you can't do shit with OSX unless you have access to apples developer tools. Now, unfortunately, you don't have access since they still haven't been able to restore their website login after more than 2 weeks...
<tak> if i move to canada ill be so rich
<tak> cause your money sucks
<disco-stu> yep
<disco-stu> but at least our country doesnt!
<tak> haha
<Ped> haha
<vivid> haha
<aj> haha
<blakangel> haha
any flag in other languages: valid
especially when it's indian
!! rickastley
!! youtube do you work
@rlemon Thanks, i'll take a look
> Yes. We expect community members to treat each other with respect … even when they don't deserve it.
@rlemon life...
Hello people of JavaScript
Hello outsider
Hello Other person of javascript @MeLight
have you come for our coconuts?
Anyone knows of a good tutorial for implementing IE extensions?
Q: Chat FAQ : Weird rule

Florian Margaine Yes. We expect community members to treat each other with respect … even when they don't deserve it. Emphasis mine. Can anyone explain this rule?

!!google implementing IE extensions
@rlemon Citizen, I come for no-one nuts! No offense
these are the ones i've found also
holy cow
i wrote no-seg fault code :-> in 1 go .. with no mem leaks! ... pinch me if i am dreaming or something.
@FlorianMargaine what confuses you?
the second one is useful indeed
missed it
you might not get the "it's pretty plain to understand" if you explain english is not your first language.
I knew I don't come for nothing :)
@Darkyen send
@Darkyen when this kind of message is flagged
> hahaha... moderator chod alien ko pakdo vo indian hai :D
I don't know what the hell it means. It could be saying "Fuck you everybody" that I wouldn't know
It means *
This rule also goes against everything I was taught in elementary school: "Respect should be earned, not given". — rlemon 19 secs ago
hahahaha moderator [fucker|leave] catch an alien, hes in Indian
^ dafuk just i read ?
A good reason to treat other with respect when you think they don't deserve it is that you can be wrong. I've felt bad more than once after having been harsh and having understood after that it wasn't deserved... — dystroy 36 secs ago
>A hockey game between two teams is 'relatively close' if the number of goals scored by the two teams never differ by more than two. In how many ways can the first 12 goals of a game be scored if the game is relatively close
How the heck am I supposed to solve that?
@jhawinsss did you update colors from the latest git yet?
@Neil you may run a Monte-Carlo simulation. Start by hiring two hockey teams.
@FlorianMargaine I love meta posts like this
mostly I love stirring up the comments
(pot stirrer)
@dystroy Nah, it'd be hard to get them to cooperate and keep it 'relatively close'
Does anyone even know about overflow/underflow events??
Q: 5 Tough Year 11/12 Maths Comp Questions

VikeStepSo I have recently finished doing the Australian Maths Competition for Year 11/12 the test has 30 questions with the first 25 being multiple choice (which I can normally work out) and the last 5 where you have a 3 digit input (so basically the answer is under a 1000 and if it is 2 digits you can ...

@Neil 12^12-2
Bunch of interesting math problems if any of you are interested in that sort of thing
@FlorianMargaine I think it's less than that
@rlemon temporarily sorted the ui problem spiderhouse.org ;)
Hi, I have the script like
<script type="text/javascript">document.cookie = "pm=1,test1";expires="1380636608";path="/";</script>
everything is set in browser cookie except expires value. in browser cookie expires column it always has value as session.
what i have done wrong on this ?
@Dinesh I'd be willing to bet path doesn't set either
I just watched Budd Dwyer commit suicide on youtube, how is this allowed on youtube
@samdy1 no - the entire UI is bad. it looks like something VERY old and geocities like
Anybody else see this video?
@Dinesh quotes aren't right. The string stops after test1.
@Datsik Why would you do that?
@samdy1 builtwithbootstrap.com start flipping this - some of them are good some are bad.
@rlemon i know thats my project for the next few weeks
but get an idea of what a modern webpage should look like
@Zirak Because I'm in the weird part of youtube and I cannot get out
@Datsik You want to watch people commit suicide on youtube? youtube.com/watch?v=TjZl2XGrX9k
@dystroy so how do we deal with this ?
Maybe he survived, but he shouldn't have.. does that count?
If 'design' is not your forte - I suggest you find a solid / tested UI framework (like twitter bootstrap) and run with it
This Budd guy shot himself in the head at a podium at a press conference, and the blood is literally pouring out his nose like a waterfall, like a sink faucet.. But that's enough of that..
@FlorianMargaine pastebin.com/rHTxRRAU
so far ...
jQueryUI is not solid ;)
@Datsik Youtube can't moderate the videos fast enough apparently
Just youtube Budd Dwyer
@samdy1 another tip - if I can't access a section without being logged in, don't give me a link to it until i'm logged in
First link
i'm gonna begin using bootstrap
ok i'll sort that too
@Datsik I'd rather not. That sort of thing doesn't fill me up with joy and happiness
ux.stackexchange.com is where I live when i'm doing any sort of client facing stuff.
Me neither, it was pretty messed up, but I can honestly say I've seen worse, when you spend your childhood on the internet.. You see some fucked up stuff.
!!wiki Budd Dwyer
@Datsik The Wikipedia contains no knowledge of such a thing
Robert Budd Dwyer (November 21, 1939 – January 22, 1987) was an American politician in the state of Pennsylvania. He served from 1971 to 1981 as a Republican member of the Pennsylvania State Senate representing the state's 50th district. He served as the 30th Treasurer of Pennsylvania from January 20, 1981, to January 22, 1987; on that day, Dwyer called a news conference in the Pennsylvania state capital of Harrisburg where he took his own life in front of the gathered reporters with a .357 caliber revolver. Dwyer's suicide was also broadcast to a wide television audience across the stat...
@Datsik I can testify to that, once having been a 4chan user
I'm not sure if this kind of chat is allowed on this site / or this room.
So I'll stop here
There problem solved
Don't get me wrong, I think censoring can be abused, and as such, I don't think such content should be completely removed
However, I think it should be behind a thick lead shield with a big warning sign hanging on the door
imo so long as it is labeled correctly you click at your own free will.
> hrm, this says gore - might be graphic - i'll check it out while my 3 year old is beside me
@rlemon It's not enough to be labeled as such
It can't be searchable imho
Why does the file save dialog take so long to open in TextEdit. >.<
@Datsik how about that. I didn't know that Filter song was about him. I thought it was fictional.
@rlemon thanks for all your tips, beginning to completely redesign with bootstrap now
@Zirak I don't have a web camera at work, what does it do?
It's impressive that javascript has gotten fast enough to do such calculations
@samdy1 no problem, good UX/UI is a ongoing thing
> couldn't get stream, try using Chrome?
what a horrible error message
I have no webcam dorks
@tobaiasjl Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
^ I love that one man
Q: Trying to simplify a setTimeout sequence

marcelo2605Here is the script: function opening(){ setTimeout(function () { var opening = $('#stage'); opening.find('h1').fadeIn('slow', function(){ setTimeout(function () { opening.find('.logo').fadeIn('slow', function(){ setTimeout(function () { opening.find('p').f...

:) thanks
i like the slime one myself
but I just think metaball is so cool
@rlemon omfg that is some amazing dancing
I am want to use jsfiddle.net/A5WzZ for a multi step signup form. But will the Urls be different for each step? If not how to have unique url for each step?
@name The reason nobody answered your question is because nobody understood it... what are you even talking about? Are you trying to use ajax to display multiple pages in the same form? Or are you just trying to transfer data submitted on one page to another while the form is still being filled out? We need more info, we can't read brains
His spins are ridiculous. I needz to learn them.
@rlemon Reminds me of donottouch.org (slightly nsfw)
@jeremy jsfiddle.net/A5WzZ this is the link I am trying to replicate
@name Okay, I understand that... but because it's clear you didn't read a word I typed, good luck!
@rlemon the slime one is cool too, but the first one looks like some cool video effect youd see in a music video idk
haha yea
@RyanKinal if you want we can do ryandances.com
and I can do many different overlays
@jeremy I use a django wizard form for a multi page signup form. But all pages have same url. I want to have unique Urls for each step like /step1 , /step2. I am not good at Ajax of jquery, but when I ran through that jquery link, it seemed simple to use . I was wondering if I can implement it easily with each step having unique URL.
but you need to start on the recording of your dancing
@rlemon Yeah, I don't really do that. I'm too busy dancing to record :-D
but you need to pick some songs - get a camera set up - and record at home or something
it would be huge
lol, I doubt it.
I'm fairly good at partner dancing, but I don't really do a lot of flashy stuff. And I'm okay at solo movement.
i wanna make a site
!!tell OctavianDamiean help findCommand
@Zirak Don't be annoying, drop the @, nobody likes a double-ping.
@OctavianDamiean findCommand: Searches for a bot command matching part of a name/description. /findCommand
ah crap, forgot to specify the argument...
wow @CapricaSix is getting an attitude with its master
var obj = {
  foo: {
    bar: 'hello world'
is there any way to do this?
problem is I don't know if there is a second level to the depth.
There're dozens of there questions
is that the only way?
@rlemon recursion
The ugly solution is to break the input on .
hrm. ok
I was hoping for something magical.
I always am
The logical solution is to not need to do that
eval is magical
Just like unicorn shit. Magical, but still shit.
function getPropertyByUsingAStringThatHasPeriodsAsSeperators(obj, prop) {
  var props = prop.split('.');
  var objLevel = obj;
  for(var i=0;i<props.length;i++){
    objLevel = objLevel[props[i]];
  return objLevel;
^ horrible but still would probably work
That's a beautiful function name.
how is that?
A bit better.
@eazimmerman doesn't have any error handling
function getPropertyByUsingAStringThatHasPeriodsAsSeperators(obj, prop) {
  var objLevel = undefined;
  try {
    var props = prop.split('.');
    objLevel = obj;
    for(var i=0;i<props.length;i++){
      objLevel = objLevel[props[i]];
  } catch(e) {

  return objLevel;
The phrase "throw low, catch high" comes to mind.
@Datsik i'm surprised apple even acknowledged the problem.
I'm not sure you'd want error handling in this case.
So you're just silently ignoring the error?
Also, empty catch blocks are horrible
if it doesn't exist it is undefined
i could put a warning or something in the catch
but i don't care enough
function swallow(object) {
  object = null;  //om nom nom
  console.log('that was delicious!');
try {
} catch(error) {
just wrap the whole program in a try-catch
// om nom nom
try{ hooker(); } catch( std ) { return false; }
^ seems legit
try{ ethnicFood(); } catch( illness ) { vomit(); }
no I returned false because I didn't have the STD
function getDeepProperty(obj, propertyString){
    return propertyString.split(".").reduce(function(currentProperty, propertyName){
        return propertyName in currentProperty ? currentProperty[propertyName] : undefined;
    }, obj);
try { indianFood(); } catch( rhea ) { return 2bathroom; }
try{ skydiving() ....
Error: Unexpected EOF
2 messages moved to Trash can
You're an addict
catch( std )
    setTimeout(function() {
        callback(Math.random() > .5);
    }, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);

    return undefined;
@Zirak Addict to what
^ more accurate
...venture a guess
@RyanKinal that is too much work. :P
@rlemon So in your case it'd be Math.random() > 1?
What should i do with him ^ ?
Tell him to read an introduction to C, to see what the comma means.
@Zirak good point
@Darkyen Nice to know that C lets you offset a static string on the fly like that
I wonder how many programs have failed because of that feature
@Neil you didn't knew that ?
@Darkyen I thought it had to be saved to a variable first
it just needs to be a pointer , if you are offsetting but C++ room would u rip off for using something like that since variable size of stuff.
So printf(true + "Good Morning") should print out "ood Morning"?
worth a try :->
Wouldn't surprise me actually
NVM TOO much C++ in my mind
class JShit implements IFuckable
Double was the answer
@cx Use Nullable<Double>
No, nvm
Double can be null
Of course Java have 20 types for the same thing
the ultimate crap
@Zirak awesome!
My vaca starts in precisely 2 minutes
to the sandbox with me
Lol XD
$ ping
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
PING: transmit failed. General failure.
that brain site is probably down =p
try pinging
i think i broke something
@Darkyen oh come on, now you're bullshitting us
not it will harm all world routers and NSA will get you
i get a response from all computers on the lan
@eazimmerman Yeah, that's how the broadcast addr works
@dystroy Sorry, you got this one wrong, it's not related to timezones
@rlemon dude, couldn't sleep last night, got up at about 3:30 and started working on my win-laptop, the one with the broken soundcard
disassembled the whole thing, cleaned the fans and reconnected everything
graphics-card doesn't seem to overheat anymore, and the fucking sound is working again!
seems that i broke the trackpad in the process, but who the hell needs that crap anyhow
didn't test the mic but I'm pretty positive that it should work too
should mean: I'm ready for some online gaming ;)
computers are really not deterministics
Q: Javascript making page load slowly

DerekI have a piece of js on my website that makes my website load very slow. Confirmed this by commenting out the offending code and running loading tests. This code basically checks how far the user has scrolled down the page and will make a button appear once they scroll past a certain point on the...

@GNi33 whut ?
i am not bullshitting xD hes actually that dumb ,well
@Zirak ? It works with getUTCHours
@dystroy Yeah, for his example. Other examples will yield correct results without UTC hours. But the underlying issue is not addressed.
come on, everybody that has a little bit to do with computers or the internet gets that
@Zirak It works for short hour durations.
But he's treating the difference as a date, while it's an interval. That's the underlying problem.
@GNi33 sadly hes a 3rd year engineering student
But that doesn't matter for what he does : computing the representation of a small date difference as a hour:minutes like string
You're right, but that's still an issue if he wants to do anything more.
w00t I made an alien head in stephaneginier.com/sculptgl
@Zirak Then I agree. And I regret that most old languages standard libs don't have correct duration functions (well... in fact most of them handle dates ridiculously too...).
However, for calculating differences, there's a relatively easy way to do things (see my answer)
cool cool cool.
@Neal I made a naked chick
@rlemon o rly?
@Neal He gets lonely in long showers.
Needed some company.
@Zirak hot or cold?
yesterday, by rlemon
@Jhawinsss https://i.sstatic.net/Pa9Cf.png if you are going to do it do it right
@Neal Yes.
ahh ha
@rlemon had great 2 hours of sleep because of that, but I'm kinda excited nevertheless. I can really play games with sound again...
@Darkyen well, he surely has something different that he's good at then, I guess
@Shmiddty Not sure? I just re-did it in case.
@SomeKittens So was the guy a recruiter? Haha, I have enough of those spamming me day and night for "Senior Java Engineer" jobs.
@Jhawinsss I missed an rlemon definition, sec
To the sandbox I go...
@Jhawinsss fixed
@dystroy On second thought, my answer sucks
@rlemon imgur.com/a/C8mWr Go through this album, it might help give you an idea
> Once in a stable orbit, the crazy bastard violated all mission protocol and went on a completely unplanned and untested space walk. LOL
in Sandbox, 23 secs ago, by Jhawinsss
Oh no he didn't.
^ sassy black woman
@Datsik I really just need to read some shit and not just build a rocket because
@rlemon He talked about orbits and deploying other things in space, thought that might help
IF you scroll down
@rlemon Have you checked reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram for any information?
no, literally I have read nothing
just watched Loktar play once asked him like 5 questions and can now make it into orbit
@rlemon On what?? Sounds cool.
Kerbal Space Program
I'm pretty confident at getting something into a nice orbit now
i'm taking off - long weekend
next stop -> mun
@GNi33 yea I can make a nice low orbit . also a nice circular far orbit
after that -> mun with getting back to kerbal, that one will be tough
past making my orbit circular....
I just sit there.. going round and round and round
Holy shit that looks complicated...
Learn how to synchronize orbits.
Then you can make a space station
that's going to be a lot of fun, stuff like that actually gets complicated pretty fast
I'm the next ken block youtube.com/…
@Datsik Dirt has joyride??
Or free drive?
They have a Gymkhana playground thing, closed in area, but it is timeless you can just do as much drift and jumping as you want
My favorite games are ones where you play like GTA or Saints Row. You can just do anything.
Driver is cool, but you can't leave the cars.
Or, lets be honest, you can't run over pedestrians.
can someone take a look at the interpolateGradient function here (php) and figure out why there is banding with more than two colors? github.com/Jhawins/Colors/blob/master/colors.php
@jfmatt Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@MidLifeXis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello new people :-) We're apparently a little boring right now, but that will change eventually.
Then I should fit right in. :-)
@GNi33 even i am trying to find it.
so that i can help him :-(
Poll: Would people want a gif search for the bot? Perhaps a "random gif" command? (The bot would automatically remove them after X seconds)
@SomeKittens NO NO NO NO JUST NO
it will be overused and create a flood like
@Jhawinsss Not sure. I'll keep you updated.
i hate youtube for ruining cachable streaming :-( :-( now i have to stream the whole song again :-|
@SomeKittens nope
if a color-command gets overused and starts to be annoying as hell, what will a gif-search do to this room
@Jhawinsss Do you read Hacker News?
Nope? What's that.
The Hacker News @Jhawinsss often also known as HN
$12 for a year of economy hosting at GoDaddy, plus I get a free domain. I'd say that's pretty good honestly.
@Jhawinsss Am I the only one not getting any recruitment emails?
I'd like to be recruited, recruiters!
@Amaan I'd love to also. But they're never jobs that I come close to qualifying for.
@Amaan Nope. I've only got two, ever.
Our @OctavianDamiean here is a hotshot. Google tried recruiting him, and he just declined.
@Jhawinsss More than likely they aren't jobs you want.
@Chase Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hmm. How about "southaw.com"
Seems kinda cool. It's my last name (South) combined with part of my username? I guess?

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