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I want to check out a new branch so that I won't break shiz. But I'm not sure where to create this new branch
More importantly I am worried it would show up on the source control server.
I don't want that to happen. Advice?
oh god... I just told my intern to implement a factory method... I've become that which I hate!
Factory patterns are useful
they are :)
so is a hammer.
How do you implement a factory method?
don't drink a cup of tea with hammer
but you know my stance; they are sorely overused
this is a case where we have a bunch of different ways to get categorical data; spreadsheet, API, FTP, and a common place to store it. I thought a factory pattern made sense.
that is true
My boss wanted me to factory a login method
He wasn't drunk, high, and he was lucid. I got that much after a few questions. Then I asked him why...
he said "Well, in the future if we want to authenticate based on X, it's already built".
@RyanTernier hehe. same opinion here. so you agree that my decision made sense?
@RyanTernier That doesn't even make sense.
well... using multiple authentication methods makes sense... but he is correct in YAGNI, even if it somewhat makes logical sense, it doesn't make business sense.
A factory for an authentication system does.
But for a log in method not so much.
I think I am making a distinction between the two here
oh yeah
like... if you wanted to implement an n-factor authentication system, it would be really useful
so @RyanTernier I want to have a conversation with my boss at some point in the near future. Wanna advice me?
(or anybody else)
since y'all sort of know me, it's probably more effective than asking on SE.Workplace
What conversation?
well basically... me being the wet-behind-the-ears smartass that I am, I want to have a conversation with my boss that basically goes like this:
"I think mobile is going to be a big part of everyone's business, and therefore a part of our business quite soon. I'm the only person with significant (i.e. I've written several apps) mobile experience, and I'd like to help lead/lead the team that works on that stuff when we do it. What can I do to make myself the best candidate for that?"
just trying to think of a good way to phrase that without sounding stupid
since I'm not super experienced professionally yet.
Yeah I wouldn't know
I thought @RyanTernier might have something intelligent to say on the topic
You know mobile - no one else does
the last thing you want is for your boss to think to hire someone else rather than train you in that roll
Hmm, if I have two optional parameters... is my best bet to do two overloads like this? (req, x=0), (req, y, x=0)
one sec - writing @PB
@JeffBridgman Yeah.. keeps it consistent at least
I think your message is good, but rather than just asking for his opinion on what you should do, do some research yourself and come to him with a plan to put you in that position.

Don't sell yourself short. Say you want to be the Mobile Development Lead. You won't do all development on it, but things should come by your desk for advice. You want to be the expert on it at that company - what makes you an expert?
FOr a lead position you also need the following skills:
Communication, Design, Able to wear multiple hats at the same time, while running and drinking coffee with both shoes tied to
I wrote a workplace question for it:
Q: How can I convince my boss I am the right person to lead a future team?

Pheonixblade9I am currently a sole contributor working on a team within an enterprise software company. I have been here approximately a year. I foresee a new team being created in a brand new market/category within the next couple of years. I am the only engineer in the company with significant experien...

I think I am not very good at those things yet, but I'm getting better all the time.
I'm learning a lot from having my own intern. I'm doing all the design for his project, hence the factory pattern joke :)
Thanks for the feedback :)
@JeffBridgman optional parameters in C# must be the last parameters in the method signature.
If you don't want multiple overloads, you can specify them in the method call like so:
is it possible to have a recursion in C without parameters?
public Stuff GetStuff(int a, int b, int c = 0, int d = 0){/*blah*/}
var myStuff = myObj.GetStuff(pa, pb, d: pd);
make sense?
I think your message is good, but rather than just asking for his opinion on what you should do, do some research yourself and come to him with a plan to put you in that position.

Don't sell yourself short.

Say you want to be the Lead of that new team - and why. Don't agree to do all development, but you want to manage the standards, practice, and be the one they go to for input. You won't do all development on it, but things should come by your desk for advice. You want to be the expert on it at that company - what makes you an expert?
there you go PB
hehe, thanks
@Pheonixblade9 is it for the $?
@JohanLarsson not just for the $
what else?
I'm ambitious... I want to gain leadership skills :)
PB - you're still young. Don't try to rush it
My post includes a lot of things that my company requires in leads
hopefully that helps
I don't want to rush it, I want to do it right, that's why I'm asking so early :)
that's one thing I am cautious of - I am quite aware that I am still wet behind the ears professionally. The thing is... I'm orders of magnitude more confident in my skills the mobile arena than I am in my current job, really
I feel like I would be able to handle it if it was more my milieu
nice, @RyanTernier
wow... someone downvoted it/closed it? Wonder why
"too broad"
People love to downvote
i evened it out for ya
@Magikarp *ugh* globals *ugh*
Recursion... usually a better way to do it..
@Pheonixblade9 Yea makes sense... I thought about using named parameters... but I think I'm gonna go with the overloads method since I was about to get away with just two overloads to support (either/or/both) usage of two optional parameters. Thanks!
thanks :)
@RyanTernier LINQ!
And with that, I'm away! ... and off to Memphis to help move a friend ;) Toodles!
be careful with optional parameters/lots of overloads... sometimes it is better to set that stuff in a constructor and use the object non-statically
good luck :)
Usually you can do a more iterative approach, which makes your CPU happy. Predictive CPU's like easy code, not recursive giberish that reeks of JaVB style stuff.
the C compiler is so smart these days it often unravels recursive methods to be iterative anyways
so I guess the answer is - yes, you can do recursion in C without parameters, but you have to find a termination condition somehow.
Beh impurity.
yeah, that would indicate violation of the law of demeter
Also don't use C.
@rightfold why not?
Because it's a terrible language?
so is English lol
if you're gonna pick on a language, there are sooo many more options out there that make more sense than C
Anything but Java and PHP. :P
       !
aww, SO doesn't have that font
English Hol Hol rIgh ghaHlaw'. qaStaHvIS yIn Geek!
there, that's regular klingon
@RyanTernier geek. :P
Bing Translator has klingon...
is Klingon the star trek language?
Klingon is a programming language.
one of them
@JohanLarsson you should get removed from this room for asking that question
yes probably, I never liked star trek
i thought it was ok. never watched it much though.
I did not like hitchhikers guide much either
i like the books
movie was lame
I read the book, was fun in the beginning but got old 1/3 in
I liked Futurama and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
never watched any of them
I'm off, kids
Erlang: The Movie must have been the most boring movie I've ever seen besides Shark Night.
@Pheonixblade9 Good luck and have fun.
> Houdoe (pronounce: howdo) is a Brabantic greeting
North Brabant ( ), since 2001 Brabant is also unofficially used, is a province of the Netherlands, located in the south of the country, bordered by Belgium's Antwerp and Limburg provinces in the south, the Meuse River (Maas) in the north, and Limburg in the east and Zeeland in the west. History Until the 17th century, the area that now makes up the province of North Brabant was mostly part of the Duchy of Brabant, of which the southern part is now in present-day Belgium. In the 14th and 15th century, the area experienced a golden age, especially the cities of Leuven (Louvain), Antwe...
oh I misread it for barbaric :D
Same thing. :P
@JohanLarsson How's programming going?
I've been sucking hard lately, at least today
back to normal I guess, had a couple of good weeks :D
and you, hw was the first week?
Second week. :P
Went great.
time flies
@rightfold pretty impressive to have that feeling in the beginning imo. Usually there is some stress with coming to a new job.
I don't have anything to worry about.
There's no need to stress.
probably the 6k programming hours per year paying off :D
I want to write something in Go.
is Go a new language?
It appeared in 2009.
It's a wonderful language.
// You can edit this code!
// Click here and start typing.
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Hello, alsigh")
and by Google, pretty decent potential probably
@RyanTernier Beh, boring sample.
is it general purpose if that makes sense?
@CCInc Lemme implement sleepsort.
Is it mainstream? Like... C# or C++ and not LOLCODE?
@JohanLarsson Yes, but it excels at concurrency.
@CCInc Almost nobody uses it.
Personally, all these Ruby, Scala, Python, etc. languages are niche languages
@rightfold what is your view about how C# handles concurrency?
@JohanLarsson I've never done concurrency in C#, so I can't tell.
I have this feeling .net creates a lot of overhead for parallel stuff, it is rare that I see much benefit when benchmarking
@JohanLarsson A lot of times you don't need to run things concurrently
it takes more time to set up the concurrent actions, than running them
I have a list of 50 ID's i get from a procedure, and I need to instantiate 50 objects. I'll thread that
I think so too, I still play around and benchmark at times though
I get a web request, where I need to :

I'll run the first 2 threaded, 3rd on the main thread, then wait for them all at Process. this saves me about 500ms - 1500ms per web request
@rightfold we are going to write some Xaml some day, I want to hear your rants :D
@JohanLarsson I've never done XAML, so I can't tell.
I'm gonna teach you ape level Xaml
but not tonight I think
Shows concurrency, channels and syntax.
I look at that and think "I'll never use it..." so why learn it...
I'm using it for a web application.
HTTP, rendering templates and communicating with PostgreSQL.
what is a channel?
A primitive through which you can communicate with other goroutines (threads).
for _, x := range xs is foreach?
_ is the "/dev/null" identifier. If you assign to it, nothing happens.
for x := range xs would make x the indices instead of the values.
_ is a valid variable name in C#
public static object _; :D
@rightfold why are you using for i := 0; i < len(xs); i++ then?
@JohanLarsson To express my intent.
I'm not iterating over xs so I don't want to use range xs.
@JohanLarsson How often I forget to type range. :D
I tried to write a for loop without vs & resharper last week, failed to write valid code :D
foreach (var i in Enumerable.Range(0, 10)) { … }
for + tab is valid every time though:D
@rightfold looks valid, you think it is Vim keeping you razor sharp?
Razor sharp? :P
I fail to come up with something in English :D
Well, the only completion I have in Vim is completion of words that are in any of the opened files.
have you tried writing C# with VS & R#?
Not with R#.
I tried VS but it was horrible. Should try a Vim plug-in for VS.
they have a 30 day trial
how was vs horrible?
Not the keybindings I'm used to.
And it's not modal.
ah ok, I can see some pain in different keybindings
I'm not saying VS itself is horrible. :P
Just using it was horrible.
didn't you try it?
Oh. wait I did
I'm so used to r# so I can't tell what is vs and what is r# really
what are you writing in c++ CC?
my dual password logon thinggy... I've told you 'bout that right?
@JohanLarsson Why would anybody do that to themselves? :(
@CCInc If you did I forgot about it, or is it the parent thing?
Two passwords on logon: the "real" one and the "fake" one.. if you entere the real one it logs on normally, if you neter the fake one it hides all your windows so they can't see what you're doing
I need much more reputation.
I only hit the repcap a few times.
Like, four times.
@rightfold if it is real it would be interesting to see a pic of them thirty years later
I never capped i think, got 190 once but then I stopped
@JohanLarsson It doesn't exist anymore since two seconds after the picture was taken. :D
There are worse things than VB.
Damnit someone bidded me down
@rightfold sneaky
some jerk from china
that elance site made me nervous, reading the non-specs for what was maybe to be done looked like pure insanity to me
what do I do?!?!
How much should I submit for
> A software
I don't know, run is an option, not getting a good feeling about that site. The concept is interesting though.
Well, where else can I get work?
At a software development company.
CC is probably too young to be hired
Section 51.003
I'm no lawyer, but subchapter 6 looks to be an exception
it sounds like programming also
But yes, nobody would hire me.
you could always ask?
I haz school. No time, even if I did
School in summer also?
But by the time I get back.. there'll only be 25 days left
ok that is pretty non-hirable I guess

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