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04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 15:00

@AdilSoomro There?
@helllo android develoers
anybody know about ravmob
advertisement not displaying
that's my problem
plz help me.
HTML5 video tag problem? video not working but audio coming
frnd i am struggling with these one ,kindly check and tell
Q: Sending json data into db and display in listview throws "null pointer exception"

Karthick MI am getting json data from server and i want to pass that data to my db, i want to display those data in my listview,now its thowing some null pointer exception. Mainactivity.java public class MainActivity extends ListActivity implements FetchDataListener,OnClickListener{ private static...

@Aarun @Gajini
hi all
@Faiza hi
wats up
hi @Aarun
nothing doing work
@what u do @Aarun
same ...working on project
have question @Aarun
Anyone worked on Android Arc Menu ? I have an issue related this.
konsa corner?
left bottom
@Aarun @RobinHood hello guys i have one doubt in inapt purchase
*in app purchase
Hindi chat allowed in Android Discussion room :P
@Abhi now that page is loading sometimes but after its going apps has stopped
@Abhi You deleted all measseges before I read, how can I access DUST ?
@ManishAndroid Ask robot :)
nous allons discuter en français @ManishAndroid
@Swap-IOS-Android tell me?
@Abhi robot ?
google translator use kiya robin ne
@Aarun dude i want to use my own server for verification and download of file after purchase
when I click to login it load and come back to homw screen @Aarun
so during purchase we have one optional string to pass know as developer payload..so can i use email id of user because it should be unique
Hi guys, can anybody tell me which is the best and easy way for working with tabs?? I've been looking for many days on google but lots of sample not working and lots of them are obsolete
@ManishAndroid Secret :P
@ManishAndroid laisser.
@QuinDa yes, the new way is working with Fragments.
@AdilSoomro @Aarun during purchase we have one optional string to pass know as developer payload..so can i use email id of user because it should be unique
@AdilSoomro and what about setting tabs at the bottom of the screem??
@RobinHood pourquoi cette image ne ​​se chevauchent pas avec la croix rouge et commencer à animer à partir de là? aucune idée de comment faire cela?
@ManishAndroid tenir
RIP of french
@QuinDa I've not worked with Fragments, though Google may point some useful links like android fragments tab at the bottom.
@Supreet hiiiiiii
@kirti how ru
there is some problem in android problem
very well and u?
so done with project
@kirti me good what happend to you
@Swap-IOS-Android yes you can use email id as a unique identification of the user.
published it for alpha testing
very soon it will be live @kirti
@Supreet what it is this i am not having idea about that
@Kirti you can publish your app for a specific google group of users
@Supreet ok thanks i will search on that :)
after that you can publish it for beta testing in that app is public and you have to pay for it if app is paid @Kirti
Anyone has done RTL in below 4.0??
@Aarun busy
@Kirti where were you from so many days
@Supreet what they actual help us?
means you can publish your app for testing
i am here only yaar there is problem in my SO chat
ok how much they charge?
you make group of user who use app in real senario
its free
had u try this?
yea my app is on for alpha testing .
hey @Kirti i have send you a mail pleas check
@Supreet thanks
@Kirti i have created a documentation for all this i will mail you later on
@Aarun i want to implement in app purchase ..android client my own server and google..;when i buy something i want to send receive to my server for varification.;and than i want to downlaod that file.. but the thing is that how can i send two string to my server for verification
ok @Supreet
i had told you to send something did you remember it @Kirti
@Abhi worked on RTL(Right to left ) for Arabic charcters?
@Kirti what are you cooking ?
yes what are you cooking? :P
@Supreet ya i know
@Kirti what you know?
about that resume
ok so when will i xpect?
@RobinHood ru telling something about you :P
may be, what you think?:P
@droiddev Nopes
dnt know
@Supreet soon hay got something which u want that?
that setting type layout
no .............
had u checked for it ?
@RobinHood would you like to help me??
Q: How to wait execute method in Android

Bhavin ChauhanI have one issue I Wrote code like private class SomeClass extends AsyncTask { @Override protected void onPreExecute() { super.onPreExecute(); pDialog = new ProgressDialog(CheckOutActivity.this); pDialog.setMessage(getText(R.string.wait)); ...

@BhavinChauhan big no :D
@BhavinChauhan thing is your AsyncTask runs in background as separate thread.
@ManishAndroid byee
3 messages moved to DUST
@BhavinChauhan when you call new SomeClass().execute(); a new Thread is created and that work is done in that thread, but your ' UI Thread/ Main Thread ' will be executing all the following commands.
@Supreet bye leaving now i will talk to u later
@BhavinChauhan If you really want to wait for that. you need to implement callback type pattern.
@Kirti ok bye tc
@RobinHood 3:)
whats going in Egypt?
Army begging power partially, is it?
@AdilSoomro thanks!! a lot to clear my Async Process
Hey guys,
I've run into a problem using loopj's async http library. I have debugged for quite some time but couldn't find a solution. This is my question on SO: stackoverflow.com/questions/17473853/…
04:00 - 10:0010:00 - 15:00

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