I am getting json data from server and i want to pass that data to my db, i want to display those data in my listview,now its thowing some null pointer exception.
public class MainActivity extends ListActivity implements FetchDataListener,OnClickListener{
private static...
Hi guys, can anybody tell me which is the best and easy way for working with tabs?? I've been looking for many days on google but lots of sample not working and lots of them are obsolete
@AdilSoomro @Aarun during purchase we have one optional string to pass know as developer payload..so can i use email id of user because it should be unique
@RobinHood pourquoi cette image ne se chevauchent pas avec la croix rouge et commencer à animer à partir de là? aucune idée de comment faire cela? :D
@Aarun i want to implement in app purchase ..android client my own server and google..;when i buy something i want to send receive to my server for varification.;and than i want to downlaod that file.. but the thing is that how can i send two string to my server for verification
I have one issue I Wrote code like
private class SomeClass extends AsyncTask {
protected void onPreExecute() {
pDialog = new ProgressDialog(CheckOutActivity.this);
@BhavinChauhan when you call new SomeClass().execute(); a new Thread is created and that work is done in that thread, but your ' UI Thread/ Main Thread ' will be executing all the following commands.
I've run into a problem using loopj's async http library. I have debugged for quite some time but couldn't find a solution. This is my question on SO: stackoverflow.com/questions/17473853/…