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Get a 670 then
@ThePhD get a different case then. you can always spray paint it pink
@melak47 :effort:
I'm trying to get PCI3 x 16.0 GFX cards because that's what the mobo says it can handle
Oh you're following my build it seems.
@Rapptz Well, it's either the ASRock or an MSI one.
Not a fan of Gigabyte, though.
what about asus?
The 660 is so nice.... I wish it's drivers weren't borked for Windows 7 x64.
this comes with free RAM yo.
@Rapptz I can just download more RAM.
Guess I have to get a 670...
I guess you have to :p
Get a 680 like a man.
680 is so bad and like 300 extra dollars for no good reason.
And 690 is even worse.
I actually don't know its specs
@ThePhD that's like mine! except it has twice the amount of fans o.O
690 is beautiful
690 is 1,000+ dollars. :|
it's beautiful.
Beauty that costly isn't beauty.
ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) But at what cost?
Hey this isn't that bad
I don't know what you were crying about.
It's fuckin' 500 dollars
Cheapest 4 GB I can find is for $450
I don't need 4 GB.
I'm not going to be modding skyrim. :c
Anyway, settling on this one and it's 20 dollar rebate: newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130843
17 mins ago, by Rapptz
Last thing I need is power supply.
that card's good too
Do you know how much power you're drawing?
@Rapptz ~_~ Get out of here. :v
@ThePhD I bet it comes with free shipping too.
@Rapptz and a note: "We're sorry."
Shit man.
I hate mailing rebates, are you sure it's worth it?
It's always been a pain in the ass
Maybe it's just me though
that's not even a thing here
You're lucky.
These seem to be the big power consumers:
780W PSU should be good
750W+ seems to be... what I would need? I can't find all the power ratings
the SSD should probably eat the least power out of those 3
Hey, just listing everything.
Hence my wat
the SSD will be like 1-5W tops
and HDDs also don't need much. except for spinning up.
And of course there's powering the mobo, but.
Just get 750W+
So let's be generous:
SSD - 10W
HDD - 30W
GTX 670 - 450W ?
ASRock (whole Mobo) + Haswell - 250W ?
450W? wat
I don't know!
220W or something, tops
@melak47 U crazy:
> Minimum of a 500 Watt power supply.
alright, I was wrong
2 mins ago, by Rapptz
Just get 750W+
it needs a 500W power supply, but it doesn't need 500W
Do I need separate fans?
@ThePhD I honestly doubt your build will amass more than 750W
At the moment I have Arctic Silver for the CPU, along with its regular dedicated fan on the Haswell
The GPU has its own 2 fans
And the case comes with... 1 it looks like.
> Max. Cooling: 5 Cooling Fans (All Included)
Works for me.
So yeah, Rapptz was right
750 W
something to consider though, the noted efficiency of a PSU is usually only reached close to peak wattage. if you use much less, the efficiency will be crap
if you are about that.
anyway, night
7:20 AM ._.
and my aunt's visiting later ._.
Well, I think we'll be hitting 750 W pretty closely.
@melak47 Is she not a nice person?
nah, but I'll have to get up ._.
Haha. :P
CPUs come with their own fans, I'm pretty sure.
My last 3 Intel i7's came with their own fans.
they come with crap fans though
Should I get another one, then?
also depends on the item you're buying. if it says "tray", it'll be just the CPu
I dunno. do you want to overclock?
the standard cooler should be fine for regular clock speeds
that's intel's glorious standard cooler
anyway, I'm off. for realz. stop making me stay up!
But we like having you around. <3
@melak47 Plink, stay with us. <3
This looks to be a good power supply bit.
@melak47 That's beautiful. ;_;
@Rapptz Those are the ones I usually get.
I should show you guys the full list.
Can I share a New Egg Wish List easily?
60 dollars for a keyboard sounds expensive...
How much would you all pay for a keyboard?
unless you're one of those people who like mechanical keyboards.
wait...we had this discussion argument before
I don't know what the difference is between mechanical / non-mechanical.
Mechanical ones are the ones that CLICKITY CLICKITY CLICKITY CLACK, right?
yes, fucking noisy
I hate them.
for a high-level overview
I kinda like them, but it's not the end of the world.
there are quiet keycaps, like brown, that don't produce as much noise
I mostly just want a backlight.
Well mechanical keyboards are expensive. About $100+
Really, that's all that's important.
any standard logitech keyboard will have something like that
Well, it's backlit and doesn't have any kind of key-locking issues.
It's also ridiculous highly rated.
A MS keyboard?
Never used one.
@ThePhD You could also purchase a lamp.
It seems to be extremely popular.
@EtiennedeMartel Not the same.
Buy a Das.
Also lamps are hard to have on keyboard pullouts
Backlighting is a great feature, pretty necessary for Darkness Lovers like myself.
Even right now, I have no lights on.
Ew. Mechanical keyboards.
It's mechanical?
@EtiennedeMartel 110% agree
@ThePhD The Das is.
@EtiennedeMartel Das?
Is it backlit?
@ThePhD No, but stop coding in the dark, you'll harm your eyes.
@Rapptz Mechanical keyboards are better.
@EtiennedeMartel Don't give a fuck about seeing bitch, fuck my eyes.
Sure sure.
Fuck visual perception, yo. I'd rather be blind.
Dat tactile feedback.
I really don't need SOUND feedback what I type.
All that matters is that I can feel when I press a key. I don't know any keyboard that doesn't let me feel that.
@ThePhD I just use nipples.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What.
Not... sure... what to make of it...
@ThePhD Tactile.
Nothing to do with sound.
Nothing to do with mechanical keyboards either.
@ThePhD The feeling is much better with a mechanical keyboard.
@ThePhD Nipples are the little markers on the F and J keys. And 5 on numpads.
Oh, I see.
I don't know about you, but when I use a non-mechanical keyboard, I have to punch all the way through just to be sure I actually hit the damn key.
@EtiennedeMartel You must trust the keyboard.
and the mouse between ghbn is called a clit mouse
Your hand must flow like water over the keys, young one...
That's so gonna annoy my brother.
@EtiennedeMartel You're enjoying the thought a bit too much.
So my final total is 2,001.78 USD. Without taking into account shipping.
@ThePhD I'm also planning on getting him to watch MLP. By force.
It's all because of that goddamn graphics card. I shoulda just went with a 650. =/
Who is paying for this PC?
It's like 230 dollars cheaper than the 670.
@Rapptz The Bank of Midas
The 650 is pretty old.
I don't feel like linking the perfect card for the 3rd time
@ThePhD That's so gonna make a difference on that 2k total.
@EtiennedeMartel It is.
The heaviest hitters are the graphics card, mobo, case and i7 Haswell.
Good CPU, good mobo, but you want a shitty card?
Well, maybe I can save a little somewhere else. I want to hit below 2K
I'm guessing you're not a huge gamer?
To be fair, you don't need a very good GPU these days.
I game a lot but I'm not First-Day-Buyer, Sleep-In-A-Tent kind of person.
It's mostly for development of my own games, too, so I usually learn towards middle-lane hardware, not high-end breakneck overclocked.
@EtiennedeMartel Run Witcher 2 on high settings and say that again
I got a crappy HD 7870 and I can run any recent game at top settings.
@Borgleader Not my fault if they can't optimize their renderer.
Also, uh.
I wish I could share this newegg list.
Goddamn, it's so difficult to publish a list to share. =[
@EtiennedeMartel If by that you mean "oh my god that game is fucking beautiful" i agree
@Borgleader The boobs are indeed beautifully rendered.
cp into pastebin
But what I'm saying is it's still not as good looking as Frosbite 2, and it still require more power.
I could shave off some price by going from 2 x 8 GB to 2 x 4 GB
But hey, it's made by Poles, so...
Kinda hard to compare the two, theyre use is such visually different games

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