Looks very nice, I always hate how big projects end up kinda bloated with too many features, and end up running slower than something that just does what you need.
Still, IDK if asm is really the best language for that. Beyond a certain size, you end up having to favour maintainability over globally optimizing everything the way a C compiler with link-time-optimization can.
So I suspect that carefully-written C, with maybe some hand-written asm, could win for a large project. Also, checking the error return codes from every system call in asm must suck. It's bad enough when doing systems programming in C.
@PeterCordes Yup, I'm not debating that asm is best for this kind of projects. Or recommended or whatever. Just an example how it can be written in nice and more or less maintainable way.
One of examples, how asm way gone wrong would be various BIOS code...