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@Owatch dunno, this place is what we make of it… there’s not enough people here, and it was just created
I’ve started with BASIC and ASM, so I don’t know if I have the patience for beginners’ questions, tbh…
but we’ll see
It was a joke.
And good morning.
good morning ;) turns out you didn't sleep in late, after all
I do too! Its 10:02:10 AM
@Owatch just what I said, late at night… if I didn’t have to work today I’d be sleeping
woah, 4 new hats… switches
Where is my hat?
I want it immediately.
did you opt in?
I did.
go here and check if you’ve got any
I can’t find out how to see which hats another user has
:( I have none. Guess I need to play the little games to get some.
I need 2 more upvotes on this answer to possibly get another one (“speedy delivery”)
Or maybe you need one more.
wish for “it’s over 9000” as I kinda liked Dragonball, but asm and ksh aren’t quite the popular tags
hm, even my cool Teχ thingy only got 32 views apparently
oh well can’t have everything shrug
got Naruto last year though
What happened to that X
It's too large. -_-
which X?
The one in Tex
ah that’s an U+03C7 χ GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI
because you pronounce it “tech” not “teks” (for you, probably more like “tegh”, the non-throaty sound)
or so I’m told
I see.
Has anyone tried the TIS-100 game? http://www.zachtronics.com/tis-100/
It's not like ARM/x86 asm but it's kind of fun!
“in which you rewrite corrupted code segments to repair the TIS-100” like corewars in reverse? :)
“while evoking the aesthetics of a 1980’s computer manual” g
sounds like fun
it is
3 hours later…
@Owatch indeed I got it… now I need to get my Teχ thingy to +3 on both Q and A to get another hat…
@mirabilos :>
@mirabilos What's that paste site you told me to use?
Also, what does Mir stand for?
Sounds slavic. I like it.
@Owatch mirabilis (Latin), but мир is an acceptable connotation, especially when comparing MirBSD with OpenBSD
@Owatch sprunge.us or ix.io
I was surprised when I got a hat for my Q&A stackoverflow.com/q/34306933/224132. I wasn't expecting it to get so many votes. (And for stackoverflow.com/questions/34377711/… to get so few.)
Just total chance that I happened to be posting those two during winter fest.
In World of Warcraft, achievement ^W nerd points from seasonal stuff sticks around in your total year-round. :P
@PeterCordes possibly bikeshedding, and tl;dr phenomenon
but, nice one
Kind a neat project, rwasa --- full blown webserver stack written purely in... x86_64 assembly
Looks very nice, I always hate how big projects end up kinda bloated with too many features, and end up running slower than something that just does what you need.
Still, IDK if asm is really the best language for that. Beyond a certain size, you end up having to favour maintainability over globally optimizing everything the way a C compiler with link-time-optimization can.
So I suspect that carefully-written C, with maybe some hand-written asm, could win for a large project. Also, checking the error return codes from every system call in asm must suck. It's bad enough when doing systems programming in C.
@PeterCordes Yup, I'm not debating that asm is best for this kind of projects. Or recommended or whatever. Just an example how it can be written in nice and more or less maintainable way.
One of examples, how asm way gone wrong would be various BIOS code...

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