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12:53 AM
Exact dupe, no roomba, did not need answering stackoverflow.com/q/76353448/2943403
1:57 AM
9 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted user (165): They believed in the lies full of loopholes‭ by tiatripjescu49‭ on stackoverflow.com
which database design is "better"? Opinion-based. NATO stackoverflow.com/q/27327098/2943403
3:33 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): They make theoretical accusations against each other‭ by a deleted user on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body (94): Bannon was looking for excuses to blame for‭ by a deleted user on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body (94): Yan Mengli’s YouTube platform to brush the screen "protect Grandma‭ by a deleted user on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (2): Compared with accelerationism‭ by a deleted user on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (92): This cultural loss is not without its directionality‭ by a deleted user on stackoverflow.com
14 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
3:52 AM
Not About Programming use case for creating nodes in kubernetes‭ - moth‭ 2023-05-31 03:22:19Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, username similar to website in answer (73): What does `static` mean in c#?‭ by Mat Coding‭ on stackoverflow.com
general computing (no roomba: accepted answer) stackoverflow.com/questions/45709074/…
opinion-based; basically, using Stack Overflow as a blogging platform stackoverflow.com/questions/73941723/…
4:35 AM
Opinion Based (No Roomba: accepted answer) Python coding standards/best practices‭ - Kozyarchuk‭ 2008-12-10 14:10:07Z
4:47 AM
Not About Programming and has an Ask Ubuntu dupe How to permanently update iptables‭ - hafichuk‭ 2012-02-17 15:13:22Z
5:20 AM
13 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
1 hour later…
6:41 AM
page represents a good, comprehensive, narrow canonical for the topic. stackoverflow.com/q/16688398/2943403 (I just hammered two other pages with it)
7:13 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (36): NVBLAS through CBLAS‭ by 王保罗‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in body, scam aimed at customers in body (170): How can I integrate JavaScript with Outlook?‭ by baronlitte‭ on stackoverflow.com
I feel this page is fair to reopen (unless someone has another preferred dupe for this topic and wish for the page to become a signpost) . stackoverflow.com/q/2084986/2943403
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, phone number detected in body, phone number detected in title, potentially bad keyword in body, scam aimed at customers in body, +1 more (457): United Airlines [[ 1-803-221-0047 ]] Reservation number @ 2023-2024‭ by jack milles‭ on stackoverflow.com
7:39 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (36): Gradle buildSrc breaking with Koltin scripting host dependency‭ by Davide‭ on stackoverflow.com
8:11 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (62): Fastest way to send email from email marketing tool‭ by Yevhenii Petler‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in body (60): verification of obligatory subscription in chats?‭ by dany‭ on stackoverflow.com
Typo or Cannot Reproduce To substitute a string with sed command‭ - P.goutham‭ 2023-05-31 05:49:45Z
8:46 AM
9:37 AM
Needs Details Or Clarity Execute a cat command within a sed command in Linux‭ - amar‭ 2013-06-10 05:17:00Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeated url at end of long post (99): Why does my Python code redirect to the same page?‭ by Pifagor Arhimed‭ on stackoverflow.com
10:09 AM
Needs Details Or Clarity / Needs debug details Unsupported method ('POST'): 501 - Server does not support this operation‭ - Tha-Sethi‭ 2023-05-31 10:05:04Z
30 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
11:32 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, blacklisted user (73): PyGame window stopped showing up‭ by Rarest Loki‭ on stackoverflow.com
2 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
12:13 PM
Incomplete and screencaptured mcve; Unclear stackoverflow.com/q/76373132/2943403
Needs Details Or Clarity I want to make it like this picture‭ - 코딩마스터‭ 2023-05-31 12:09:25Z
7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
12:43 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, repeating characters in answer (167): Required missing for route with laravel‭ by user21993305‭ on stackoverflow.com
1:55 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in answer (78): Chrome extension, manifest v3, how to use window.addEventListener?‭ by user21993779‭ on stackoverflow.com
2:31 PM
10 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Not About Programming (No Roomba: accepted answer) How to convert USDC to OBJ‭ - Allen Wixted‭ 2020-01-05 19:52:37Z
2:44 PM
Not About Programming/Tool rec (smells like a spam magnet) Alternative CDN provider for seamless transition‭ - CultureNim‭ 2023-05-31 14:41:19Z
Typo/not useful to future readers (OP used flex-based properties on the element in question and children elements but did not actually assign display: flex to the element) stackoverflow.com/questions/76370592/…
Opinion-based (best practices/naming recommendations/code review) stackoverflow.com/questions/76371101/…
(No Roomba) Typo Installing tabula-py‭ - Afonso Osorio‭ 2020-12-04 23:03:04Z
(No Roomba: accepted answer) Common dup Change the packages from one python version to another‭ - LostinStringTheory‭ 2020-12-04 23:13:55Z
3:36 PM
11 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
3:53 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): What is RESTful programming?‭ by vedanshi‭ on stackoverflow.com
4:09 PM
(Low quality dupe, no Roomba) Php PDO: Why does Inserting NULL yields to 0‭ - leipzy‭ 2014-07-30 06:54:05Z
4:27 PM
9 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
5:35 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): What does href expression <a href="javascript:;"></a> do?‭ by Hitesh Pander‭ on stackoverflow.com
about kubernetes installation - not about programming stackoverflow.com/questions/76375948/…
about kubernetes installation using CLI tools - not about programming stackoverflow.com/questions/76375867/…
about configuring cluster DNS - a sys-admin question - not about programming stackoverflow.com/questions/76372038/…
5:55 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, potentially bad asn for hostname in body (99): WordPress website not loading css while making request‭ by Abdul Mannan‭ on stackoverflow.com
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
about installing kubernetes using CLI tools - not about programming stackoverflow.com/questions/76373206/…
6:11 PM
Link only answer Answer to: Unsupported operation: Platform._operatingSystem‭ - Jiyad‭ 2023-05-26 13:43:07Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, username similar to website in answer (73): When I try to access wordpress plugin settings I get redirected to the homepage of my site‭ by Pro Webkong‭ on stackoverflow.com
3 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
6:38 PM
Not About Programming pihole on Kubernetes, local DNS not working‭ - Kurt‭ 2023-05-31 18:29:52Z
Needs More Focus Filter SPAM in form submition‭ - José Gouveia‭ 2023-05-31 18:32:33Z
11 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Request for Off-Site Resource Replication Monitoring Tool‭ - Shevy‭ 2023-05-31 18:44:01Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer (85): GAPI.LOL API throwing unknown error while opening Game‭ by Dhia Elabed‭ on stackoverflow.com
Needs More Focus (SD report) (NATO) GAPI.LOL API throwing unknown error while opening Game‭ - Simon Angatia‭ 2020-08-21 18:36:56Z
7:33 PM
Request for Off-Site Resource Beginner with no experience in Programming/ Coding‭ - RahkimX‭ 2023-05-31 17:25:51Z
8:31 PM
Low-Quality Duplicate of so very many (No Roomba) I'm having trouble writing into a file in java‭ - yes‭ 2023-05-20 13:13:04Z
9 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
11:11 PM
Not About Programming ViewNx2 and Windows 7/10‭ - SriniMurthy‭ 2023-05-31 23:05:24Z
Needs Details Or Clarity Password Validation program‭ - honchoest‭ 2023-05-31 11:47:31Z
11:26 PM
7 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
11:39 PM
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Not a valuable duplicate, a very common mistake of overwriting the same value in a loop. We do not have sample data by which to offer a full refactor of the script. Answer copied the whole script despite only changing a couple lines. The answer has a TODO to improve the script with best practices. Not worth trying to salvage dupe. stackoverflow.com/q/76376771/2943403

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