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Request for Off-Site Resource SQlite Database browser in web - Rgarg‎ - 2016-12-01 00:14:24Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected: Media query 1 pixel gap bug by trixo on stackoverflow.com
Request for Off-Site Resource create a javascript library - user1457957‎ - 2016-12-01 00:31:25Z
Request for Off-Site Resource Activity time picker for AngularJS - 2b2a‎ - 2016-11-30 22:26:07Z
Too broad What technology uses this tree games app? - Ivan Zg‎ - 2016-11-30 23:53:22Z
[ EditMonitor ] Recovered from HTTPError while fetching review task: 503 Server Error: backend read error for url: stackoverflow.com/review/next-task/14458200
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: FA Glyphicon Only Show As Squares by Navin XV on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector f
OT - Find me an SDK/ Math question, not really programming related calorie burned calculation formula for mobile app - Kris‎ - 2016-11-30 11:45:39Z
java stackoverflow.com/q/40797390 to remove 2 questions, this is one of them, forbidding the deletion of stackoverflow.com/q/40733377
[ EditMonitor ] Approved with 2 rejection votes (mode: 63): 2848172 | Approved by OP | Edited by reviewer
@SmokeDetector why
@Rob Post - Keyword $500, with email [email protected]
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: wordpress - show comments only comments who are approved by Lokesh on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Panorama viewer for website by Palalabs on stackoverflow.com
sd k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in title, bad keyword with email in body, blacklisted website in body: SAP APO ONLINE TRAINING IN INDIA by camreon8844 on stackoverflow.com
sd why
@Rob [:34352526] Title - Position 20-42: automation on instagra
@SmokeDetector f
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: What motion product extra most likely than no longer participate in? by bilyunjibond on stackoverflow.com
edited as per comment Switching to extension popup doesn't work [on hold] - monami‎ - 2016-11-29 22:55:54Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, blacklisted website in answer, link at end of answer: How to perform test in multiple browsers at the same time using selenium webdriver by Nikitha on stackoverflow.com
sd k
Too broad How to solve any equation in PHP - dev.arguiot - 2016-12-01 07:05:22Z
Too Broad How to solve any equation in PHP - dev.arguiot‎ - 2016-12-01 07:05:22Z
[ EditMonitor ] Recovered from HTTPError while fetching review task: 503 Server Error: backend read error for url: stackoverflow.com/review/next-task/14461238
45 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body: When would I free the variable decodeSet1? by ShaolinGOD on stackoverflow.com
sd k
sd k
sd why
sd remove f
Too Broad How to run sql script in java - Peter‎ - 2016-12-01 09:23:39Z
4 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
sd k
[ EditMonitor ] Recovered from HTTPError while fetching review task: 503 Server Error: backend read error for url: stackoverflow.com/review/next-task/14462216
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Must assign query result to a variable to get innerHtml - bavaza‎ - 2016-12-01 10:26:29Z
[ EditMonitor ] Recovered from HTTPError while fetching review task: 503 Server Error: backend read error for url: stackoverflow.com/review/next-task/14462793
Request for Off-Site Resource Enterprise ready framework for non-blocking IO with java and spring boot - Pragya‎ - 2016-11-30 07:04:52Z
Too Broad What in PHP should I learn? - alex0‎ - 2016-12-01 11:29:24Z
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Unclear Javascript image edit - und3rc00d3‎ - 2016-12-01 11:51:36Z
[ EditMonitor ] Potentially bad edit (Link in summary): 2849181
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: SharePoint loading time optimization and caching by LinaOstr on stackoverflow.com
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
sd k
sd abusive
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Javascript Unexpected token ) what does it mean? - Becky‎ - 2016-12-01 12:44:33Z
5 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
sd f
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Can you help me fix my jtable code? - Bedazzled Spectacular Hero‎ - 2016-12-01 13:46:29Z
Too Broad Environnement Variables in nginx - Ahmed-F‎ - 2016-12-01 13:58:49Z
3 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] No whitespace in body: Dhjhbjhhhgggrfij by user6568300 on stackoverflow.com
sd k
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user: Update database in php by user6568300 on stackoverflow.com
sd f
@Undo [:34366941] That message is not a report.
Typo or Cannot Reproduce Ive got an error in my code - James Dean‎ - 2016-12-01 16:49:57Z
@SmokeDetector v
6 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
Typo or Cannot Reproduce change src with javascript through classname - kwonya‎ - 2016-12-01 17:06:06Z
primarily opinion based, what sentinel value (or exception) to return stackoverflow.com/questions/40916342/…
Typo or Cannot Reproduce AJAX - Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token : - burchw78‎ - 2016-12-01 17:18:32Z
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, blacklisted user: WSO2 integration approach by Nikitha on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector k
@SmokeDetector remove
@NathanOliver [:34367535] That message is not a report.
@SmokeDetector k
[ EditMonitor ] In the queue with 2 approval votes and 2 rejection votes (mode: 63): 2849860
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body, repeating characters in body: Add a list into a BinarySearchTree <Integer, List<Object>> by J.Doe on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in answer: Redirect to a diverent page after specific date by sammo on stackoverflow.com
sd k
14 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
pob/too broad Mocha Chai custom comparison function - Alon‎ - 2016-11-30 14:23:17Z
[ EditMonitor ] Approved with 2 rejection votes (mode: 63): 2849997 | Approved by OP
[ EditMonitor ] Approved with 2 rejection votes (mode: 63): 2850022 | Approved by OP
[ EditMonitor ] Recovered from HTTPError while fetching review task: 503 Server Error: backend read error for url: stackoverflow.com/review/next-task/14468572
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, non-English link in answer, non-Latin link in answer: Uploading HUGE file to VPS server by aflamonline on stackoverflow.com
sd f
no mcve, unclear, potentially dupe (linked one about lambda expressions), lack of info about annotations stackoverflow.com/questions/40919905/…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive body detected: Reading in file and assiging parts to specifc values. by Kelvin Davis on stackoverflow.com
Wants to estimate cloud hosting fees Cost of google cloud storage - 13atomas‎ - 2016-12-01 21:25:17Z
12 messages moved from SO Close Vote Reviewers
no mcve, I want to get rid of this question because the accepted answer is nonsense. It's completely misleading and I've seen other posts that just suggest similar randomness. There's no demonstration. stackoverflow.com/questions/40895072/…

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