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Q: initialization of non-const reference

bl4ck5unI encountered the following error while trying to use C++ reference with objects. Could someone shed light on what's the difference between ra1 and ra2? And what's the point of this design? class A { public: int a = 0; }; int main() { A a1 = A(); A& ra1 = a1; //okay A& ...

@bl4ck5un so . . . you want a "do what I mean" compiler?
@bl4ck5un as all the answers thus far have said, the two lines mean very different things (and only one of them makes sense). It isn't actively disallowed because C++ was designed to be restrictive; it isn't implemented because it's not something that even makes sense to ask for.
It does make sense to ask for it. It's just disallowed anyway.
@MattMcNabb making a reference to a constant only makes sense if you expect a constant to be allocated with (edit: designed-for-supporting) move semantics. There's a completely different (&&) syntax for that because it's a completely different thing.
This has nothing to do with move semantics. "allocated with move sematics" don't even make sense.
@imallett I know what move semantics are, and they are unrelated to this question. You seem to be mentally equating rvalue references with move semantics.
Matt, I mean you no ill will. I simply want to be clear about this.
My argument and understanding is that && was invented because we wanted move semantics.
In essence, the idea is that it makes explicit that the compiler is not (as much a possible) copying stuff around.
Rvalue references are a thing of their own, whether or not you are implementing move semantics at the time
That's why when you go int&& foo=bar();, the compiler can know that you don't expect it to be saved into a variable.
If this is mistaken, I would like to know about it.
In that example, foo is a variable, and the result of bar() is saved
There is no moving happening in A&& a = A();
A&& a = A(); I agree there is no copy.
or move
for int&& foo=bar(), I think it is similar. There is no copy or move.
the value will only be stored as needed to pass foo into a function or do a computation.
The value will be stored until the end of the current scope. It's the same as const int& foo = bar(); except that you can modify the int if you want. In fact it is identical to int foo = bar(); except for the result of decltype(foo) .
Assuming bar returns by value, that is
Hmm, well GCC seems to agree with you.
int&& foo = bar();
int blah = bar();
call bar()
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-20], eax
lea eax, [ebp-20]
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-12], eax
call bar()
mov DWORD PTR [ebp-16], eax
okay . . . so what's the idea with Foo bar()?
what do you mean
BTW, same or different assembly doesn't necessarily mean anything, code is truly different only if it makes the program produce different output (and it doesn't rely on unspecified, imp-def, or UB anywhere of course).
What is the mental model I should have when thinking about statements like:
Foo&& a = bar();
So for Foo a = bar(), I have:
There's an object (the return value of bar() with automatic storage duration, and it has a name a attached to it
bar() creates a new Foo object and returns it. Foo a is created by copy construction from the returned value. The returned value is deleted. The memory for a is stack space of the enclosing function.
Some people use "fancy pointer" as a mental model for references but I don't like that one. int a; int &b = a; is exactly identical to int b; int &a = b; (other than, since C++11, the result of decltype)
Should I think of them as two different names for the same thing?
#define b a
Foo a is created by move-construction if a has a move-constructor. We normally say "copy/move construction" to allow for this. However, in practice, it will always undergo copy elision unless you disable that on purpose in the compiler, so you will observe the value being directly constructed into a
Not quite define, but yeah, I think of references as just names for the object (be it a temporary object or not)
I think there are a number of cases where copy elision is impossible, but yes, I forgot to mention that it will frequently happen. If Foo does not have a move constructor, the behavior is as I described, yes?
Okay, o now what model should I used for Foo&& foo=bar()?
The end result of both cases Foo a = bar(); and Foo&& a = bar() is the same : there's a stack object, and it has the name a attached, and the object lasts so long as a is in scope.
I'd say: the name foo gets bound to the object returned by bar() , which has its lifetime extended to match foo
[did not quite parse that last sentence]
[hang on]
Use the same mental model as you use for const Foo &a = bar(); , but that the object is not actually const
[you had used a, where I used foo; but I think I get it]
So then how is Foo&& foo=bar() better than Foo foo=bar()?
In case it's unclear: when a function returns by value, there is a temporary object called the return value. You could bind a reference directly to this value; or you could use it to initialize another object
I wouldn't say it's better
So when I go bar() this returns a return value rvalue, right?
The Foo&& version guarantees no copying , and it can be used with classes that are not copyable/movable. However those aren't the only concerns
Now, when I go Foo foo=bar(), that is copy constructing from the return value (but compilers will usually do RVO)
The return value is a temporary object, and the function call expression is an rvalue (to be exact with terminology, rvalues are expression categories)
copy/move constructing yes, and yes
If I go Foo const& foo=bar(), then this binds the return value to the name foo (through which I can't change the Foo). What happens in this case? Copy/Move contruction? Or copy-construction-hope-for-RVO?
Foo&& foo = bar(); introduces a degree of risk because if bar() actually returned by reference then we could be making a dangling reference , I think this is why it is best to default to using Foo foo = bar(); . Copy elision and move semantics guarantee that there isn't any overhead in Foo foo = bar(); .
There's no further construction in the reference binding cases. The return value object stays alive. It's technically still a "temporary object" although it lasts longer. The reference is directly bound to that object.
So Foo const& foo=bar() is constructed directly in the callee's stack space?
Yes, the object will be in the calling code's stack
Oh, you said "callee" . It's in the caller
Gah--that's what I meant.
Okay making progress I think; thanks.
To repeat myself, there is no practical difference between Foo const &foo = bar(); and Foo const foo = bar(); if Foo has trivial copy/move. Although the theoretical steps differ, we end up in the same situation once everything is done and dusted. (A stack object and a name).
Foo&& foo=bar() is the same as Foo const& foo=bar() except for decltype and constness, right?
Note, in the case of Foo const& foo = bar(); the temporary object itself has const (as well as the reference) - it's not possible to cast away const and modify the object
I just realised I made a mistake earlier; the const reference theoretically doesn't directly bind if the function returned a non-const object: it initializes a new const temporary from the return value. But in practice that would be elided.
Okay. I'm summarizing everything. Give me a few minutes.
OK. I have to go out actually but I will leave this window open and check back later
Alright. Thanks for your help, again.
NP. Sorry for being harsh
That's okay. We both thought we were right, but only one of us actually was. That means I get to learn something!
2 hours later…
@MattMcNabb Well that was a longer delay that I had intended, since it took surprisingly long to work up the examples. But here: Can you check me, please?
Line 9: "The callee's locally constructed return value" - the local temporary, not the return value. Foo() and the return value are different.
Line 15: "the return value copy/move-constructs" doesn't make sense; the return value is a temporary on the caller's stack , which then initializes x,y,z,w respectively
I think you are mixing up return value with the expression in the return expression
In return x; , x is an expression, and the return value is a temporary object initialized from x
the rest of the descriptions have the issue with "return value"

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