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posted on September 06, 2022 by Cleve Moler

How hard is it to solve a Rubik's Cube?When can you say that your Rubik's Cube is completely scrambled?Why might the answer depend on where you went to school?What interesting mathematical questions are involved? ... read more >>

11 hours later…
7 hours later…
I recently found out that save includes figures, so they appear with load (I'm using R2017b). Apparently it's been like this for some time, but I hadn't noticed
I'd like to disable this automatic figure saving, but I haven't found an option
Huh. The doc says: "Avoid saving figures with the save function... Delete any figures before using save" So why did they introduce that "feature" in the first place?
bug + eternal backwards compatibility = misfeature zoo
2 hours later…
"Misfeature" is a nice way to describe it :-)
Reminds me of this:

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