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12:36 AM
@rayryeng (and whoever else might be interested) I just got the first 12 draft "chapters" (23 pages) of Andrew Ng's new machine learning book.
It's a bit light on specifics so far, but maybe it'll pick up in the remaining 75 or so pages.
You can sign up to get the draft copies here: mlyearning.org
@flawr openCV has a "chain approximation" setting for findContours. You can use it to reduce the found contours or to have them spelled out pixel-by-pixel. One of the references to a fancier method is: Teh, C.H. and Chin, R.T., On the Detection of Dominant Points on Digital Curve. PAMI 11 8, pp 859-872 (1989)
there's also a polynomial approximator to contours that might be relevant, although matlab's openCV might not have that anyway
@AndrasDeak Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm... now there's an unfortunate name ;)
haha, took me a while:D
they should put Ramer in the middle to break up the fun
12:57 AM
9 hours later…
9:29 AM
@AndrasDeak Thank you very much!
@beaker I got it too, but I unsubscribed...
7 hours later…
4:17 PM
@flawr Yeah, it's not quite what I was expecting. Still, I can read another 76 pages and see if there's anything interesting in there.
@Suever, you've been bored this weekend :p
4:56 PM
@excaza Hahaha one could say that
or less busy than recently at least, you're on fire the last couple days!
Yea the past few weeks I've been traveling a bunch, things have been busy at work, and in my spare time I've been trying to tweak my resume etc. so I haven't been able to do a whole lot.
Hello everyone
I have some issue to use the function roots.
[enum, denum] = tfdata(finalTF)
 enumRoots = roots(enum);
gives me:
Undefined function 'isfinite' for input arguments of type 'cell'.

Error in roots (line 26)
if ~all(isfinite(c))

Error in C5 (line 45)
enumRoots = roots(enum);
I think that what I am doing is OK though,
found people online doing that as well.
you can't use isfinite on cell arrays
@excaza I personally don't use it as you can see.
5:06 PM
well, roots
cell2mat works like a charm I see.
For SISO transfer functions, the syntax

[num,den] = tfdata(sys,'v')
forces tfdata to return the numerator and denominator directly as row vectors rather than as cell arrays (see example below).
6 hours later…
11:01 PM
Hello everyone

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