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Ben Voigt really doesn't like gay marriage.
Or rainbows. One of the two.
the horror!
8 hours later…
A simple technical solution I see would be restoring the original version of the logo on profile pages. Indeed Ben is right that if someone comes to the profile page directly from a link could associate him with a celebration of the ruling.
I personally don't see why that would be bad (being associated with a celebration of a good ruling) ... but this is my view and not his view.
One of course could fix the problem by adding a specific text on his/her profile page... but probably a better solution would have been leaving them untouched and only placing the rainbow on the main page.
Answering reoccurring questions: over few days I have spent many-to-many hours in SO (as new user) dealing with questions (also very happy to reach review stage). I have had this feeling that, when ever there is a duplicate for a questions that is being asked, I should flag that questions and post duplicate. That correct?
What I have done so far though is, if I know how to answer the question, I will answer it: for few reasons, first I have scanned PHP/MySQL sections, because thats what I learn, and the more I answer questions there, the more I learn it (because with every question I start up my IDE and try it) the second part is, the one who asks question, get specific response made for him only
and third part is, there really are not questions in that section, which are not answered yet
every question that pops up is probably answered multiple times
That made me wonder, is my approach - mind set, good/correct for SO?
10 hours later…
@6502 StackOverflow is literally the biggest Q&A site on the internet. If someone is associating the rainbow logo with you, personally, then they need to get on the internet more.
It's literally for three fucking days. Ben is homophobic and is trying to find some sort of grounds for his complaining - i.e. his position on the CC-BY license the site is under, or the fact he's be associated with people who have "icky" sex.
or CC-BY-SA, whatever.
2 hours later…
There are plenty of people who spend a lot of time online, but have never heard of Stack Overflow. It's a programming Q&A site. Not everyone is a programmer.
I was surprised and delighted to see the tweak to the logo.
@TRiG In the context of Ben fearing for his reputation as a programmer (lol) my statement makes sense. I understand that non-programmers don't know
@Qix: I was just saying that indeed coming to the profile page directly from a link the rainbow is very evident (especially given the mouseover text). This is not a problem for me and I'm sort of sad it's a problem for someone else. Yet I still think that Ben has some point when saying that seems HE is celebrating the ruling (when instead, IIUC, his position on it is just the opposite).
Not placing the rainbow on personal profiles would have been IMO a very good solution to keep everyone happy
And was probably a three-line CSS change somewhere
So he needs to complain to Github, Youtube, Bing, Google, and almost every other US major site on the internet.
I don't think many put their Youtube Profile page on their CV :-D
Point still stands.
github is indeed not that different
except the alt text
We all know why, though.
The alt text wouldn't add much to the reason.
Not kidding I discovered about the ruling because of the rainbow on SO :-)
The TV coverage here in italy was almost non-existent
But not the alt text.
I suppose one of the problems of having the pope in your country :-D
@6502 I don't doubt that. I hope Italy comes around to being more accepting :P
two of them, actually :-D
both male
Is John Paul II in Italy, too?
but I don't watch much TV and may be the coverage was reasonable
Oh weird
And why didn't SO celebrate our referendum here in Ireland? ;)
because SO is not based in ireland?
@TRiG valid question; SO is based in New York. Trust me, though, the LGBT community here in the US partied for Ireland too.
Google had an almost rainbow logo since the early days :-)

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