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Good Morning all :)
@all Good Morning
@Aravi VGM
r u android or iOS ?
@Shanthanu im IOS developer
good morning all
kaalai Vanakkam makkale
Good morning friends :)
hey good morning all :)
@SankarRaj @Shanthanu @BoominadhaPrakashM @iTag @Dany @mohan @jafarbtech @WeirdNerd @Thom @VijayakumarNL @sathya @GaneshKumar good morning all :)
morning @KishoreKumar
Hi @BoominadhaPrakashM @Shanthanu
Good morning
@chandrika hi madam Good Morning
hw r u ?
yes fine ya..
My lead ask to do using APP Groups
same developer account
APP Groups ?
App groups therium la ungaluku
@chandrika Very Good Morning :)
@BoominadhaPrakashM Good morning
App Groups lam ithuvarikum use pannathu illa.. New concept. :)
@chandrika i have not worked yet but if stuck we will try to help u np :)
ok pa thanks
can u please tell me hw it works
yes sure
cool :)
First go to Developer.apple.com and then Enable the App groups in your bundle id . (Note : Enabled bundle id u can use it ur project)
Then create APP groups like group.com.companyname.projectname
Go to ur project ,click the target u able to see ur application capabilities,then enable APP groups.
now u can see list of app groups (group.com.companyname.projectname) .click Tick ur APP group id
Basically this one is called as group.com.companyname.projectname Team ID
oh kk thanks
so, in bundle identifier you will give group id or bundle id?
Bundle id
so ur storing the that group id in nsuserdefaults
yes @Shanthanu
u can use core data rite instead of
ha ha ha..
@chandrika im just suggesting
mine also same question
ok wt they told
but i dont no how to share .DB files
share means
whr u want to share ?
db data
i able to share nsarray ,Dictionary using nsuserdefaults
but am searching how to share .db files
share mean APP1 ==> APP2
u can also store data from core data in nsarray or in dictionary and u share it rite ?
@iTag @all I am struggle to get visible uicollectionview cell in ui testing and i need to tap on particular cell(objetive-c), can any one help me out.
im just suggesting u feel that is easy u carry on :)
hmm yes @Shanthanu
@sathis what means in ui testing?
See you will able to get all the Visible cell by using this [yourCollectionView visibleCells]
UI testing means its coming under xctest
@BoominadhaPrakashM UITests
@chandrika You can share using custom url right?
How are doing UITest?
@iTag no i need to do in UITests
like are you using XCUITestFramework?
So you have TestFile. rite. Instead of Accessing Collectionview directly from TestFiel
why can't you rite one Public method in Your Collectionviewcontroller
and get back the VisibleCell
In there also you are going to apply some Logic rite. like Which one i have Tapped
@BoominadhaPrakashM ...u know about UItest Right?
Am saying. Write one Public Method -> There you will able to get the visible cells and apply logic and return the final value to Your TestFile
oh ok ok
So from TestFile with help of your CollectionviewController you will simply access it
you are getting my point?
ya yes @iTag
i ll try with this and let u know
@chandrika I didn't work on that yet!! :(
Sure. @sathis
@BoominadhaPrakashM Go to ur project u will find ur project folder xctestUITests.m
@BoominadhaPrakashM Now run your application it might be Device or Simulator
But we have to tick that xctest while creating project right... @chandrika
@BoominadhaPrakashM yes
I didn't tick that while creating project.
in options in ur build settings
oh okay.
what is the benefit of that? Because we can test in simulator without that xctest right? @chandrika
create one project ..add xctest
go to xctestUITests.m ...in bottom of console one red button is there
u just click that..
whatever screen u want to go ..u just redirect
automatically uitestcase is creating in ur xctestUITests.m file
next time u dont want to test manually
application take care of that
oh nice.. I will work on that in some sample projects. I will ask you if there is any doubt on that. Thanks for the info. :) @chandrika
ithellam nee enga kathukita? @chandrika
you tube la
oh okay nice @chandrika
Are you following any blog or something to upgrade yourself? If you have please share it. We will also learn some new things @chandrika
hey guys any one here i need help :)
@Shanthanu @iTag @BoominadhaPrakashM
@KishoreKumar tell me bro
bro i am having 2 types of custom view class and each one have its own xib files
when i am loading the two view in one view controller it is replacing the old view
i meaning lastly added view only appearing
any idea ?
you are doing in Toggle @KishoreKumar
is it CustomTableViewCell?
@iTag actually i am not doing toggle,for e.g. take i have add cart view so where ever i want just calling the view(subclass from uiview) and allocating with frame ,but if i add another custom view in same view controller it is placing above the previously added custom view bro
So you are saying the customView is not creating multiple instances?
when u try to add two many times.
Can you check what Frame size you r giving
@iTag in my case many screen having the cart view structure so i created xib with custom view class and like card view i have many custom view bro :P ,yeah i verified frame is correct
replacing with oldView? what exactly it is
yeah frame (0,0,300,300) first view second view id frame(0,MaxY(firstframe),300,300)
but second view getting added to first frame bro
MaxY(first frame - > print this value
if it shows 0 So obviously its adding on top of firstView
ok i will check it @iTag
@KishoreKumar use self.view.bringSubViewFront(<your uiview>)
Hi every buddy
@iDeveloper hi
i have a problem in ios + swift
tell me
wt is ur problem
i have a horizontal collectionview and show date on that. at a time we can see any seven days. when i run my app it show 1 to 7. but i want to view direct current date
Can you share any screenshot to understand it better? @iDeveloper
@iDeveloper we can't get u your question ?
when app load
first time
okay. you want the scrollview scroll automatically and move to current date!!
but i want like this when app first time launch
right? @iDeveloper
i am using collection view
oh okay.
as Boom
but scroll automatically and move to current date!!
@BoominadhaPrakashM He wants to scroll the current data automatically
You can use the below code
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
[self.collectionView scrollToItemAtIndexPath:indexPath atScrollPosition:UICollectionViewScrollPositionCenteredVertically animated:NO];
Yes @chandrika
@change atScrollPosition to vertically or horizontally based on your requeriement.
let me check plz
okay :)
let us know if you face any other issues.
i dont know O-C plz share in swift if possible
directly you can use type self.collectionView.scroll
put code like this..
auto complete will do the rest of the part.
@iDeveloper check this..
self.collectionView!.scrollToItem(atIndexPath: indexPath, atScrollPosition: .centeredVertically, animated: false)
this line of code will write inside the cellForItemAtIndexPath ?
to be put
from where you are getting the date values?
local NSDate
okay.. some where are you calling anything like self.collectionview.reloadData()
Viewdidload ?
what you think about it
okay.. then below that use this code
getting error something like - Ambigious reference to member collectionView
show the screenshot!
in atIndexPath you should not pass day.. You have to pass the indexPath of that day
from where you are checking the current date and adding some red color background?
ok let try
@iTag is there any good tutorial about XCTest Framework for objective-c, i can't find it in google.
Give me sometime. am in middle of something, i will find and tell u back
i get this at google
var item = self.collectionView(self.dateCollectionView!, numberOfItemsInSection: 0) - 1
var lastItemIndex = NSIndexPath(forItem: item, inSection: 0)
self.dateCollectionView?.scrollToItemAtIndexPath(lastItemIndex, atScrollPosition: UICollectionViewScrollPosition.Right, animated: false)
it works perfect but not scroll to previous date
@iTag Bro, My project full and fully developed in Objective-c and it's fully contain's with uicollectionview,uitableview,uiview,uiscrollview that's it, now i want to write UITests for my project, So i need good tutorial for UITests in Objective-c(not in swift),
I appreciate the way you think. @sathis
@iTag why bro
Am not making fun bro. @sathis Actually lot of people don't have time to think about TestCases and also some people they will write some test cases for major modules.
but you trying to write UI TestCases.
@iTag oh, can i have any good tutorials bro.I can't find in google.
have u tried Raywenderlich bro. there you can find Mama tutorials.
i tried bro, but kantu putika mutiyakla bro.
@iDeveloper it will always move to the last item of your total array date.
understand the code of var item and var lastItemIndex then only you can solve that issue.
give me sometime i will find :)
@iTag thanks bro,
1 hour later…
Hi @BoominadhaPrakashM
hi @iDeveloper
still stuck with it works perfect but not scroll to previous date
previous date means?
1 to 7 .........
it stuck on current date
do you have skype id?
no unfortunate
oh okay.
okay tell me one thing.. how you are colouring the background for current date to red color?
cell?.redBackgroundLabel.backgroundColor = UIColor(red: 245.0/255.0, green: 112.0/255.0, blue: 108/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
@iDeveloper Can you paste that entire page code somewhere and share the code..
Let me check it..
@iTag bro, u got any tutorial regarding UITest?
oops. Sorry dude. i was busy with my work
@iTag ok bro, NP, free ah irukum pothu pathu solunga
can you please watch this video
and also in the mean while i want to you go through WWDC Video for XCUITest related videos
@iTag thanks bro, i tried with this video, but i didn't get much info from tis video.
can you go through this link
here this guy covered
thanks @BoominadhaPrakashM for co-operate. i get solution here - stackoverflow.com/questions/32262566/…
and also you can find some sample Examples
@iTag ok bro, thanks.
Can you do one thing. Before comes to learning i want you to set some Goal of what exactly you are targeting
like. Based on the Performance or like TestCases for TableView -> like Basic CRUD Operations or what
SET the Goal for the test cases and
Start do Step by step for simple Example
Then it will Good understanding
How can we start and how can add More points
I wil look some other tutorials in the mean time.
and let u know
@iTag ya bro, u are correct, actually i started like, i need to scroll uicollectionview right,left,up and down, and i need to tap on particulat cell in collectionview, i am trying to do this only bro from mrg itself.
okay. That's what I told you at first. You have to pass the indexPath value. @iDeveloper
Anyway.. Cheers!!! :)
Thnks again
You are welcome :) @iDeveloper
@chandrika are you good at writing a test cases with XCUITestFramework?
can you suggest me @sathis any good resource to Learn XCUITestFramework

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