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this is the error i am getting
thats probably because its returning some sort of errror message instead of json data.. once we get it fixed, this error will go away as you'll be getting json data back correctly...
can you post your CSS as well ?
or if its a libarary like jquery UI or bootstrap i can d/l it
just a second
well for the ajax post im using jquery
as such I have no other libraries
the system itself is built with pearphp but that's outside the scope of the question
does it use a lot of images? if there are images, just post the ones it's using in your question and i can save them
imageS? what do you mean?
doesn't the slider use an image/ sorry i might be confused, working on a couple questions atm
no slider involved
im the one with the questio nregarding php mysql
sorry my bad, prob dont need the css
ive got it in php right now, trying to figure it out
Do you have the HTML .. what is the value of #SitesList
well the sites list gets updated according to a seelction in antoher list (DepartmentsList)
ok well i'll just assume it 0 or null for this case, yeah
function refreshSites() {

var sitesList = $('#SiteId');

var OrgID = $("#SitesList").val();
var SiteID = sitesList.val(); console.log(OrgID);
in refresh sites, after you set SiteID, can you put ...
and let me know if the correct value is showinig up in your console.
also, when you click network and click on the ajax file, then to the irght of that click on response, is it showing anything? what abou tif you click on preview? what is there ?
i am trying
what are you stuck on
so you added the console.dir(SiteID) to refreshSites() and it didn't change anything ?
function refreshSites() {

var sitesList = $('#SiteId');

var OrgID = $("#SitesList").val();
var SiteID = sitesList.val();


//remove all current options
$('<option />', {value: -1, text: "Any"}).appendTo(sitesList);

type: "GET",
url: "modules/Sites/getSiteList.php",
data: {orgID: OrgID},
dataType: "json",
success: function(result) {

$.each(result, function(name, id) {
$('<option />', {value: id, text: name}).appendTo(sitesList);

if (SiteID == 0 || SiteID == null) {
it looks like you are not even getting to that funciton. if you console.log('inrefreshSites'); on the first line of that function, do you still just get the jsonparse error?

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