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Sup g
am I the only one who is crazy annoyed with awal and that cat dude recently?
both do nothing but troll. and badly.
awal is smart, but trolls. cat dude.. haven't been paying attention much
Is he the one who posted dick today?
yeah that wasn't cool
How do you not know better
he'll claim it is because he is 13, or because culture
your pick
fuck I need to solve this issue
wanna help?
my code is fubar'd so I'm not going to broadcast it to the room :D
Haha I can try, but I'm going to lunch soon.
Let's see what you gott'/dashboard').on('connection', function(socket) {
    socket.emit('software_version', version);
    console.log('dashboard connection');
    socket.on('error', function(err) {
        console.log('dashboard error', err);
    socket.on('disconnect', function() {
        // do nothing
        console.log('client disconnect');
as an example of how I pass to one namespace(?)
io.of is that just a route/event handler?
var registers = require('./registers.js').registers;
var db = require('./db.js');
var device = require('./device.js');

var reading;
var time;
var io;

var TEN_MINUTES = 1000 * 60 * 10;

function scan() {
	time = time ||;
	reading = registers.reads.slice();
	if( - time > TEN_MINUTES ) { {
			if( io ) {
				io.emit('averages', rows[0]);
				console.log('averages sent');
			} else {
				console.log('no io. averages not reported');
ignore the logs
I am testing
so you can see I pass the socket to the scanner module
it has a internal long polling going on
when it sends data to the db I also need to emit more data to the client
the last connected client is the only client with an active socket :/
(singular per login, but a user should be able to log in from their mobile and desktop at the same time)
understand the issue?
It sounds like it needs to pass through a DB to maintain state
well the room idea sounds nice
iirc 2 clients cant use the same socket tunnel?
but that would require me refactor how I handle namespaces (or w/e the .of crap is called)
now, two clients don't clobber eachother.
that is a non issue
but one client can clobber himself.
Q: node.js - share sockets between processes

Van CodingI´ve read that it´s possible to share sockets between processes. Is this also possible in Node.js? I saw the cluster api in node.js, but that´s not what I´m looking for. I want to be able to accept a connection in one process, maybe send & read a bit, and after a while pass this socket to anothe...

looks like sharing sockets isn't possible
I gotta go to lunch, but I'll think about it and read my phone
the fucked up part is this is almost 1:1 how I use sockets elsewhere
no issue
scanner didn't always have to report to the client. so this was my old code'/dashboard').on('connection', function(socket) {
		socket.emit('software_version', version);
		console.log('dashboard connection');
		socket.on('error', function(err) {
			console.log('dashboard error', err);
		socket.on('disconnect', function() {
			// do nothing
			console.log('client disconnect');
var io;
function init(socket_io) {
	io = socket_io;

	io.on('write', function(data){
	    var selector = data.selector;
	    var register = registers.writes.filter(function (obj) {
	        return obj.selector === selector;
	    if (!register.length || !Number(data.value)) {
	        console.log("Error on write - invalid register or value");
	    console.log('write register ' + register[0].address + ' : ' + Number(data.value));
		device.write(register[0].address, Number(data.value));
second block is dashboard module.
that doesn't clobber :/

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