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hi @nani1216 i have done sms from .net web application if you need help then let me know
5 hours later…
anybody there?
@Leena where are you????
@JigarPatel i m on earth ;)
@Leena now i am on sky because of appriciation letter ...
wow wat kind of appreciation letter @JigarPatel
doing good job in last six month @Leena
gud :)
@Leena what`s up ???
nthing solving few issues in the application
hummmm that is called Touching in my language...
@Leena one thing do you know that is related with your name...
wat @JigarPatel
@kwenji and @constantlearner welcome and do you have any doubts?
@All hi.
@Leena one song start from your name...
@KaranKapoor hii
dnt sing tht song i hate tht song
@Jigar patel hi
which song?
nothing @KaranKapoor leave her other wise she will left this room...
@Leena hi...
guys wll u b my frn
@All helllooooo.
hi @KaranKapoor
@Leena your project touching is completed???
nothing i got the issue
nd i m thinkin for the solution
when will you solved it.. ping me..@Leena
ok @JigarPatel
@Dhruvisha Hello
@JigarPatel hi
@Dhruvisha fine
@Leena solved or not Dear.....??
yes solved
now new issue came after solving that
hummmm.... what r you doing yaar....?? solved it fast....@Leena
I want to discuess about a session issue in jsp?
When I am accessing one of the jsp pages im my application, jsession id in request headers is missing or new jsession id is created sometimes intermittently??
what may be the problem?
session is set to infinite time programatically session.setMaxInactiveInterval(-1);
how id will be missed?? yaar..in my case i m using xhtml in prenderview <f:view> rendering...it work well @harishtps
are you using JSF @harishtps?
check it in SecurityContext mapping of Session???
When we are printing jsession id in request headers in the jsp that we are accessing, we are missing the jsession id sometimes
it may be affect...
by that we cant access the session
for that you have to check PhaseListner and SecurityContext...
@Leena OOO @Leena solved it...
nt yet
nd dnt sing this osng
it irritates me
@Leena i am not singing i am just calling you????
I am not dealing with jsf
its jsp we are dealing with
i can`t getting you doubt..??
we cant able to get the session in jsp sometimes because we are getting new jsession id gets created
this we found out when we print the jsession id contained in the request headers of that jsp file while accessing it
Jesession id always generated auto and during cycle it remains same but why it change.. ??? i ahving doubt in session mapping.... by session key.....
its not changing frequently but sometimes
so in some case ?? for that i have to check it ? because i m not getting this kind of trouble...
Hey, I have a spring program that reads a large text file and extract some values, when ever the page is reloaded the function gets called every time and text is parsed, any idea how can i make text parsed just once, i have parsed all data in collection, I just want to manipulate that data.
any body there ?
how do you call the function?
"declare" the function
I have the parsing class which is called from controller class
do you know about "managed-beans"?
yeah, but i am new to spring not much in details
your parsing-class generates some output right?
yes it does
shout that be enougth to store those output to an static field?
(remember, static fields share values on application-scope)
no, I guess different files needs to be read so data my changes but not frequently though
but on the loaded file until next file loaded it won't chnage
good to know, can you store your parsing-output / filename combination to an static HashMap?
yeah it can be done
i.e. "public static HashMap<String, ParsingOutput> files = new HashMap();"
ok, this would work.
so with that if file changes then only call for parse function
no, parse and overwrite the ParsingOutput of the static hashmap
thanks i will try that
no problemo
4 hours later…
Hi looking for a good Oracle JDev / ADF Developer with solid JS experience! Have a specific question about passing TaskFlow parameters to a JS function.

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