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I don't know how this got 4 up-votes: stackoverflow.com/questions/56999080/…
@SymbolixAU lol..not sure either. Voting works in strange ways....
sure does
so excited for the Final this Sunday? ;-)
although I won't be staying up to watch it; I'll catch the highlights in the morning
whom are you supporting?
I'm British (!)
(but I live in Australia)
ahhh...I see and I thought you'll be upset about yesterday..
how about you?
have you lost interest now?
yeah..kind of so I'll not be staying up to watch as well but I'll be supporting NZ. Fan of Williamson.
fair enough
An England v India final would have been good; so many Indian fans in England and they make a lot of noise
absolutely. The team was playing so good in the league matches.
But after 5/3 there was no chance to come back. :(
yeah that was a shock
its more about which team handles the pressure of well on that day.
Let's see how the final goes.
5 hours later…
Good Friday Morning!
Hello hello
@Jaap I'm in concorde, first rank after the 1st block (and this morning I realised, the other days I was actually after the 2nd block...) 2 seats from the central alley, saving you a seat if you need it
@Cath Don't you guys have WhatApp or something?
@DavidArenburg nope, though I thought we should but always forgot to ask Jaap his number :-/
@Cath you guys are funny
good thing you ain't using IRC in order to communicate
Hows useR? Is it worth the time/money?
@DavidArenburg it's cool, I don't think I should well my sessions (parallel sessions) yesterday but all in all, it's really interesting
I don't think I fully understood what you just said :/
@Cath coffee time Cath
But I'm feeling the good vibe :)
@DavidArenburg sorry. SO yes, it is great :-)
This is how I am following useR, wish I could go... :( apps.garrickadenbuie.com/user-2019
@zx8754 it seems it's always coffee time for me unfortunetly ;-p
blame the hair :D
@Cath Any talks that don't have "Hadley" in them?
@DavidArenburg not really :-/ (except if "tidyverse/dplyr" mentions don't count
then I didn't miss anything I guess
I get the same feel from tweets, all kind of one sided as Matlof said.
@zx8754 that's cool, who made that?
his name is in the name of the website grrrk
how do you pronounce that?
(without chocking)
I'd say garrick, but his twitter name is grrrck pretty cool
Joe's keynote about shiny was good, looking forward to shinymeta: github.com/rstudio/shinymeta
@zx8754 thought that too (Jaap missed it unfortunetly)
It was long as it was aimed for shiny new users, if you know shiny, their github readme has plenty of info.
@Cath do you even use Shiny?
@DavidArenburg just built one (local...) app but still he was very interesting to listen to ;-p
Was there anything regarding DL? Any new packages or such?
Deep Learning
I think Jaap attended ML talks.
@DavidArenburg Jaap went to the session yesterday, the room was more than full
@Jaap did you hear anything interesting in those sessions?
@Cath I skipped the keynote; had to do some urgent stuff for work
@Jaap :-( good luck with your work, we'll catch up later
and hello @ all
@Cath already finished; I’ll be there in about 20 minutes
@DavidArenburg the new mlr3 package seems interesting (uses data.table in the background)
@Jaap thanks, I'll take a look
Do you guys know of any other providers that enable deploying shiny apps (shinyapps.io competitor)?
@Jaap I didn't know about this package. Looks interesting.
Their website (mlr3.mlr-org.com/reference) looks pretty nice and clean, too. Does anyone know how they implement this? Regular bootstrap or perhaps some static page generator?
@RomanLuštrik I think it is this one: github.com/r-lib/pkgdown
@RomanLuštrik you mentioned shinyproxy? or set up your own vm? Or do you want it free?
@DavidArenburg another interesting package I’m going to look at is “gnumaker”; seems like a nice fit for automating our workflow
@zx8754 What I'm after is deploying an app without the need to handle the server-side bureaucracy.
shinyapps.io handle this very nicely. But I feel they're somewhat limited in terms of authentication options. I've scheduled a call with their sales rep today and we'll see what they have to say about that.
Thanks for the heads up on the appsilon. I forgot about those guys since I lasted visited their website.
@zx8754 Ah, right. Nice one.
@RonakShah the link in the post is the target, checking for "", not NA, but still same damn ifelse
Yesterday I fiddled around AWS Lambda functions (python). I was able to read contents of one S3 bucket and write to another S3 bucket. A ton of ideas on what to do with this is already bubbling.
The serverless thing is quite appealing to me, because I don't want to care about the server part.
AWS is still a mystery for me.
AWS is super huge and complex. Luckily I have a friend who is certified AWS expert and can break things down to me in simple, easy to understand terms. :)
Yesterday I got support while he was bike riding off a mountain. Literally, while driving.
If that's not remote support I don't know what is.
Soon on the road signs: "Don't ITsupport and drive"
@RonakShah done
@zx8754 thanks :)
@RomanLuštrik might be relevant? curso-r.github.io/auth0/index.html
@zx8754 I have some good experience with code.markedmondson.me/googleAuthR
Authentication in like 3 lines of code.
And you don't have to handle authentication within R at all. Everything is done in the browser.
I.e. there is no server-side databases to handle.
Which might work well for shinyapps.io, because they don't allow persistent storage.
@Jaap I'm in 2nd floor for biostat/epidemio2, are you at the performance session?
I think I'm sitting right behind Terry Therneau :-D
there is sticker for survival package (he's not giving them away though :-( )
like a desert island, it's a nice one
hmmm...this is another dupe stackoverflow.com/questions/57003526/…
I'm having difficulty finding dupes today :/
@Cath Like a hex sticker? :)
@RomanLuštrik yep
A few years ago I got some Simon's cat stickers and put them on my computer. Grew bored of them and took them off. It's nice uniform black again. So soothing.
@RomanLuštrik there are lots of decorated computers here ^^ (but I agree, black is good)
Don't get me wrong, I see and understand how people find stickers appealing, but just like tattoos, it's not something for me.
@Cath I’m indeed in the performance session; I will be on the 1st Floor for picknick up lunch
@Jaap me too, and we're same floor right now so we should spot each other quite easily :-)
10 hours later…
Can someone hammer this stackoverflow.com/q/57003912/680068 with stackoverflow.com/q/22309285/680068 "pass string to ggplot"
@zx8754 k
that's their 2nd post on same issue, instead of reading manuals, they post another question, so posted a wiki answer, and closed. hope they move on and read manuals.
@zx8754 works for me!
@zx8754, nice Matt retweet
@Axeman yeah learning new things everyday with datatable, trying to move away from dplyr.
pretty sure there is a shorter version for dplyr too, without the use of groupby
@zx8754 Not sure? There's add_count and add_tally, but no add_rownumber.
although that could be useful
@Axeman hmm feature request? :D
@zx8754 hmm maybe

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