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delete this answer? exactly a plagiarism stackoverflow.com/a/52490634/4891738
or maybe delete the Q & A altogether
Good morning all
hi .*
@李哲源 yep, one more delete vote to go
sorry, why are we deleting the question?
Maybe deleting the question is easier.
what is the reason for deletion?
@RonakShah ill formulated question + copy-paste answer
@Jaap IMO, it is unfair on OP and answerer as well. The question does not have reproducible example but it is clear from the title what OP wants to do. Besides, with that generalised title there might be so many people who could have landed on that question. As far as answer is concerned, the answerer never tried to hide that he has "copied" the answer, maybe they are not aware about it and we could have made it clear to them by commenting.
@RonakShah hmm, you might be right; voting to undelete
Not the best question in the world, but I agree with Ronak
and have also voted, but it said 12 votes remaining 0_o
Good morning good people :-)
question is back. Thanks :)
@Axeman it is already visible again
@Axeman I think that is from your daily quota of undelete vote maybe or something like that.
@RonakShah needs one last vote
@Axeman some coffee? ;-p
@RonakShah Ooohh that makes more sense
@Cath Yes please, I drink it black! If you can bring it to me in the classroom that would be great.
@Axeman there you go ;-)
@Cath Coming from you, I was hoping it would come with a croissant
argh :-S
there you go, + extra coffe ;-p
user image
haha thnx
@RonakShah yes
@RonakShah voted, though there is good chance it will be closed as too broad there :-/
don't understand the upvotes on the answer when it is not answering the question
@RonakShah I can just tell you my reason: answer said exactly what I was thinking (+ I admit the answerer may play a role there)
@Tensibai lol
`s` <- sapply
x <- 1:5
s(c, function(x) { print(x*2) })
This works, you can rename all functions in R, all but function itself :)
@Tensibai but function is too long ! you need f <- function but there will always be extr characters you don't want.
@Cath function is a special case, as usually var <- function(var) { code } is expected by the interpreter, you can't rename it :/
I know: x <- sapply(y, function(i) blabla(i)) and then use x !! I don't understand why nobody thought of just assigning the result to a variable to make it less verbose to use afterwards ;-p
Well you exemple just call sapply once (unless there's backticks I dont see with chat formatting)
not even, sapply is run right in:
`s` <- sapply
x <- 1:5
`z` <- s(x, function(x) { x*2 })
[1]  2  4  6  8 10
[1]  2  4  6  8 10
But well, I agree that's a crazy requirement from the op
@Tensibai crap ;-)
@Tensibai I was just joking, it wasn't meant to be real code ;-p
verbosity is to be encouraged. better to wrap this whole call to sapply(x, function(x)x) into a function called run_identity_function_on_all_elementsSpacedman 16 mins ago
@Cath I don't think this should be closed.
@RomanLuštrik why ? don't you find it "opinion-based"? Imo it is totally : it's referring to how people want to code / what are their preferences, etc. to it will depend on people (not sure I'm being very clear but I guess you see the point)
They have a clear goal of how to make things less verbose. They are not asking whether this is fine or not, even though that's how we're answering it. :)
@RomanLuštrik I agree on that, I reread the question and it's not giving an opinion or asking for it. Nevertheless the essence of the question is bound to getting opinion-based answers...
SO mantra says questions should not be opinion based, not answers? :>
there is no "opinion-based" flag for answers ;-). I guess this question is on the verge of being opinion-based and when you ask yourself "why do they want this?" then you dive into an opinion-based debate
close as not repro? (as OP had some other loaded gplots) stackoverflow.com/q/25664007/680068
@Cath Spacedman has a good answer though ;-)
@Jaap indeed :-)
both the question and duplicate has been asked by same OP --^ with a gap of 3 years ??
@RonakShah hahaha
@RonakShah new self must be hating old self for not remembering/documenting
@RonakShah memory leak
2 hours later…
Ha, I didn't notice. I just googled for the same error and closed with the first hit. :)
"googled". I mostly use ecosia.
1 hour later…
@zx8754 voted, but I think we can then close it as a dupe of this
on second thought, it is a bit more complicated; so the link I gave is not a correct dupe
it is wrong dupe, but I remember seeing the exact same problem
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1 hour later…
re ^, those cro tables are nice, though i guess not necessary if i already use kableExtra and/or Murdoch's tables package
----^^ potentially very useful for my work where I also have to delever final results in SPSS
2 hours later…
leaning towards close as "read your docs more carefully and/or complain to data provider" stackoverflow.com/q/52504774
3 hours later…
^^^ I'm actually not sure whether this should be a duplicate. The problem is the inverse of the duplicated problem and can be solved using by changing an == to a > in the accepted answer
but other answers use the newer distinct function, which doesn't allow the inverse

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