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good morning :-)
hi @ProcrastinatusMaximus :-)
hi @Cath!
how was the week-end ?
pretty ok; went cycling on Saturday, worked in the garden yesterday morning (with quite some muscle ache as a result) and worked on my thesis
how was yours?
@ProcrastinatusMaximus a well-employed week-end !
@ProcrastinatusMaximus quite good but I didn't spend much time outside, it was a very rainy week-end ;-)
yep :-) now I can rest at the office ;-)
@Cath did you send that to us? It started raining yesterday morning and hasn't stopped since
@ProcrastinatusMaximus let's just say I like to share ;-p
much appreciated ;-)
just noticed some biased voting on a certain question ;-)
@ProcrastinatusMaximus yes I thought of that too, I upvoted the other answer but actually, I hesitated because it's almost the same but with an extra package (and I must admit the fact that I didn't want to wake up someone's rage played a role in my decision...)
ah ok now the other A has 2 upvotes so maybe the rage will stay asleep ;-)
Colonel B has a nice base R alternative as well
@Cath let's give OP some time to improve the Q (but now it is a bit unclear)
@ProcrastinatusMaximus not sure, it's nice but capture also rows when there are more than 2 consecutive values, I don't know if that's desired
and besides it will give more than one value for the rows after more than 2 consecutive values. So, that could be wanted (like, if there are 3 consecutive negative values, it would give 2 values, which is right in a sense of both are after 2 consecutive negative values) or not (should the result be only the last row ? and/or only after 2 negative values ?)
I think the OP should precise the output in case of more than 2 consecutive negative values
good morning @m0nhawk & @zx8754
Good morning
hi @m0nhawk and @zx8754 :-)
hi @ProcrastinatusMaximus @Cath
And, hi all.
Hi everybody!
Hi @coffeinjunky
hi & welcome @coffeinjunky!
@coffeinjunky I guessed you might like it here as you are pretty active on SO ;-) (and thus invited you)
hi @coffeinjunky and welcome !
Yeah, thanks for the invite! Seems like a fun bunch here. If I could, I would invite you all for a cup of coffee... :)
Howdy there
hey @Tens :-)
you're ok with the fuel blockade ?
@coffeinjunky :-)
I'm definitely in need of some coffee
@coffeinjunky Where are you from if I may ask? (I'm from The Netherlands)
Good morning :)
@ProcrastinatusMaximus ah, the good old Netherlands. Have been to Utrecht quite often and really liked it there, though the cafés were always crowded... I am currently living in Stockholm, Sweden.
@coffeinjunky not a bad place either ;-)
hi @StevenBeaupré
@ProcrastinatusMaximus May I ask which city in NL you are from?
@coffeinjunky Maastricht; are you Dutch?
ah, cool. Been to Maastricht once, quite liked it. Good university as well! No, I am not Dutch, but German. I heard you have quite many of us in Maastricht, right?
hey @Steven :-)
Cath :)
Comment ça va ?
pas mal :-), et toi ?
Super merci !
@zx8754 Might not have been a requirement after all ;P
yeah, it's a nice city to live :-)
especially the faculty of economics has a lot of German students (I thought approx 40%)
@Cath For now yes, I'll see by the end of the week
almost every station around here is out of fuel, they say they're gonna block at least till friday :-(
@Tensibai @Cath strike?
C'est vraiment intense cette grève
@ProcrastinatusMaximus yep, kind of (social movement), the refineries are blocked...
Est-ce que vous croyez qu'ils vont renverser la loi travail ?
@StevenBeaupré yes and in this case the movement is causing more damages on the people compared to the government so I really don't see the point...
@StevenBeauprĂ© elle a été signée et je ne pense pas qu'ils reviendront en arrière malheureusement...
Well, it pressures the gov, a lot, indirectly.
Well total has annouced they'll do a stop of Donges Reffinery, 3 days to stop, at least a weak of maintenance before restart (3 more days for the start)
tbh I'm not even sure they care... (but I'm lousy in politics, couldn't be less interested ;-) )
@StevenBeaupré At the point where is our government, I don't think they'll withdraw
I agree with Tens
And as the 'urgency state' has been renewed, they'll send army with tanks to remove the blocus if it last too long
they will ? this would not at all send a "war" message...................................
Ah les joies du militantisme Français :)
It has already happened, but I can't remember which year, was a truck driver strike
Hi @mtoto
hi @mtoto :-)
It's the last resort when the police taking driving licenses is not enough, thoose who thought their trucks won't move have left their gear box when a tank come to move the trucks
But here they had kidnapped a minister and ended up killing him
@Cath: Pour plus de détails sur les évènements: fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crise_d%27Octobre
merci pour le lien :-)
(j'ai un peu honte de mon manque de culture...)
C'est à la même époque où Mesrine était venu faire son tour ici pcq c'était trop chaud pour lui en France. Il a rencontré d'ailleurs des FLQiste en prison.
Hard to find a link about this, was in the 80's IIRC
minor milestone: passed 600 answers :-)
Congrats :)
If I did no mistake:
J'essayais de trouver un lien depuis un certain temps déjà :P
Well, Tanks has been sent in Feb. 1984 and and Jul. 1992
J'ai eu de la peine à trouver une source :p
Google translate is working overtime ;-)
@StevenBeaupré I guessed you wanted to do that ;-)
not yet (we are highly probably going to use it later this year :-) )
@zx8754 I guess attr(E(net), "vnames") is not an option ?
attr(E(net), 'vnames')
[1] "A|E" "B|D" "C|C" "B|D" "A|E"
@Cath that gives suspiciously similar output to the desired output of @zx8754 ;-)
@germcd hi germcd :-) (yes I tried before submitting ;-p )
@ProcrastinatusMaximus doesn't it ? but it seems too easy so I suppose there's a trick in the Q...
@Cath Hi Cath
@Cath looks like an answer to me, but @zx8754 has to judge whether it is satisfactory ;-)
@ProcrastinatusMaximus more like a comment ;-p. Either Tokhir was in "too deep" to see it could work or there is a subtelty in the Q...
@zx8754 fwiw, you say "it looks like it is already in the object" but if you look at igraph::E, you'll see that it just pastes together the two columns in the edgelist
(so it's constructed, not "already" there)
@Cath Looks like an answer to me :)
@Frank Good point, didn't think of checking it.
attr(E(net), "vnames") - don't you think this is not as easy as it should be?
@Cath maybe add as an answer, and comment Frank about pasting on the fly
@zx8754 the only weird thing i see in it is that it's called "vnames" -- those aren't vertex names, so what gives?
i think the reason it doesn't have an extractor is because it should be bundled in with the graph or E object and is not meaningful outside that context
though, i'm not that igraph savvy so i might be missing something
1 hour later…
@eddi sorry for all the comments. i mean that rbindlist(lapply(c(list1, list2), melt, id.var = 'id', variable.factor = FALSE))[, sum(value), by=.(id, variable)][order(-V1), paste(head(variable, 3), collapse = " "), keyby = id] should do the trick if col names are all the op needs
@Frank great point - added to the answer
I definitely missed it within those comments, so thanks for pointing it out.
np, cleaned up my comments now
2 hours later…
@germcd How did the interviews go?
I got a PFO from one of them already. I have a second interview tomorrow from a phone interview on Monday. Recruiter told me I did well on Wednesday but they still had more people to interview (not sure whetherto believe her).
congrats on the baby and the new job.
I missed the baby announcement. Congrats David!
@PierreLafortune tnx
@germcd tnx, wish you the best of luck
Combine your love of Game of Thrones and Data kaggle.com/mylesoneill/game-of-thrones
@germcd what's a PFO btw, I can't find anything that makes sense by Googling
@DavidArenburg It's a rejection email: Please F*** Off
@germcd oh, lol. I thought it's a good thing
got plenty of these
@DavidArenburg hehe, did you think O meant offer.
@germcd yeah was wondering if there is some Proposition/Form/Offer combination there or something
@DavidArenburg I'm think of loading all the rejection emails into R and making a word cloud
I dont think it'll be very interesting
They're all pretty standard
"We are sorry to inform you that unfortunately we decided to accept another candidate. Thank you for your time and we are going to keep your CV if some other relevant position will be open"
I'd like to see which words occur most frequently. My guess would be regret and success
This is pretty much how this sounds in free translation from Hebrew
@DavidArenburg looks like the standard one
sometimes they include 'we wish you every success in the future'
yeah I guess regret is better than sorry
and of course "We wish you the best of luck in your job search"
@DavidArenburg it's like they're the same in every language
gonna be on a train for 8 hours tomorrow. FUN
you thinking of relocation?
Nearly all of my interviews have been for positions in Dublin. I realise that I will have to relocate there to remain in Data Science.
What "plain coin" means in English?
@DavidArenburg what was the context it was said in?
@PierreLafortune "One coin has T on both sides and the other is a plain coin"
"plain" is probably unaltered
or "as-is", "regular"
I was thinking the same
but was wondering if it mean like a "blank"
@DavidArenburg probably means standard

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