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7:00 AM
Hey there
wow your logic in that last comment would half my code...
i think
Just glanced at your updated code. Might be some places to simplify things for your mind.
spawn a process for each item in the list....
7:02 AM
sounds much easier than what I did
An easy way to keep track of that is with a list comprehension. Like:
[spawn_monitor(fun() -> child(SeqItem) end) || SeqItem <- Sequence]
So then you would a process per item doing whatever it does, and a list that corresponds to all of those processes of the form [{Pid, Reference}] -- so you could search through it like a proplist when they return their result or crash.
When either happens, you remove that item from the list and loop again -- once all the processes are dead (assuming you respawn any that crash) you move on to perform your final computation.
im a beginner unfortunately.
the <-
Have you used list comprehensions before?
I do not understand that
7:06 AM
no i have not.
Have you used a map?
i have taken a scheme course in college but i have no dared yet in erlang
Like lists:map(fun(Z) -> Z + 1 end, [1, 2, 3]) should add 1 to each item and return the updated list.
no advanced list stuff yet
Do you know Python or Ruby or Perl or something like that?
7:07 AM
C# java and racket
So in scheme, imagine we have a list like '(1 2 3)
i relly appreciate your help
And a function defined like this (define (plus-one z) (+ 1 z))
7:09 AM
So now (plus-one 10) will return 11.
So think back to our list '(1 2 3) If we (car '(1 2 3)) we get 1 by itself
And the cdr is '(2 3)
oh wow i see how that could be used here
If we think about that, we can do (plus-one (car '(1 2 3)) and get back 2
If we start with an empty list, like (), and cons the result of plus-one... we will get '(1)
the reason I wanted to use message passing was that my threads can not access the list at the same time. That is why I thought message passing with blocking was good
7:13 AM
Normally it would be, if the sequence mattered. But with summation it doesn't.
well i guess I want the first thread to take 1, the second 2, third 3, etc
this is how it would work with blocking anyway
You can I can take a giant list of receipts, split them down the middle, I sum half and you sum half, and add the result to get the total, right?
Completeness matters, not the order.
Right. But we can drop the blocking. We only need to check for completeness.
So if you keep track of the processes you spawn, and make sure each one checks in -- you only block on whether they all checked in or not, not which particular one is finished in what order.
7:15 AM
well each thread(assuming 4) needs to do 1/4 of the work. but that means 1-25, 25-50,50-75,75-100
not just 25 25 25 25
just making sure you understand that.
You can split your list up whatever way you want. In Erlang there isn't anything particularly bad about spawning a 100 processes, even.
(I'm working on a game server that spawns around 25,000 with the current map... not a big deal)
7:16 AM
that is why we are doing erlang in my school
its cool
Anyway, you can divide the list up by its length -- and then accept an arbitrary number, knowing you won't accidentally spawn a billion workers at once (that probably wouldn't work out so well).
can I possibly use the model taht I have now?
Or, just cycle down the list, chopping it up into chunks of a fixed size (never checking how long it is) and stop whenever it is empty.
Sure, you can do that. It needs some changes, though. Like the await function should be rolled into the main loop.
You need to be checking for "I'm done" and "I crashed" messages, and updating your list of current workers instead of waiting for them in a separate function.
oh really?
7:19 AM
Do you have an interpreter open?
i have the official erlang shell
and my call to make_sequence never returns
that is my current bug. no way to tell if anything else doesnt work
Check this out:
Hey = fun(N) -> io:format("I got ~p.~n", [N]) end.
7:21 AM
if you see any glaring fixes let me know. I have really been enjoying programming tonight, but it is very late where i live and I must sleep soon. Assuming I am not able to do the list comprehension on this program, how would you fix this code so that it works
List = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
[spawn(fun() -> Hey(X) end) || X <- List].
Try running those 3 lines and see what you get.
What the line with [stuff(X) || X <- List] is doing is taking 1 item at a time from List, assigning it to X, and building a new list out of it.
oh wow.
In this case we are performing an operation on each item, though, so the return value is the value of that operation.
7:23 AM
i like the list comprehension
spawn/1 returns a Pid, so the list we get back is a Pid that corresponds to each number we sent out.
Now try this:
[{X, spawn(fun() -> Hey(X) end)} || X <- List].
Now we have a list that looks like [{ListElement, Pid}]
yeah i can see that
If we assign that list to a variable, we could use a list function to make the list item a key, and get the Pid back that way:
but you know what man, you are way over my head right now
i am still a noob
7:26 AM
`3> Workers = [{X, spawn(fun() -> Hey(X) end)} || X <- List].
I got 1.
I got 2.
I got 3.
I got 4.
I got 5.
4> proplists:get_value(3, Workers).
The last line I wanted to see what was the worker Pid that was handling the number 3. So -- let's say that this Pid crashed, I would know what value to restart a new worker with.
my workers are NOT going to crash
they do not need to account for that
this is a simple project
a very simple project and I need a queue or counter with blocking.
You don't need blocking per process, you just need to block waiting for a complete result.
Blocking (as in, sequential messaging) defeats the purpose of even using workers at all.
7:29 AM
if there is any way you can help fix my code that I posted on SO please leave me a message there. I appreciate your tutilage and I am in awe of your generosity (your time) but I must go to sleep now. Like I said if you see what is wrong with my code let me know.
i understand that but this is a very simple assignment meant to teach me about message passing and using simple concurrent futures
btw, these aren't futures. They are just concurrent processes.
calling the make_sequences does not return.
make_sequence() ->
spawn(pi, sequence_loop(1), [])
why does that not return to where it was called?
7:32 AM
can i save the text you wrote me? i would like to review it when i have time
You are calling a function where you should be providing an atom.
So its trying to call sequence_loop/1 with an argument of 1 before anything has even been spun up yet.
And get_next/0 is... wait, you're trying to call a function as if its a process.
in accum?
7:35 AM
An easy way to spawn a process, giving it the pid to its invoker looks something like this:
i really have to go. im sorry that my code is so far off from anything working that you can not help me. take care
Looking at your formatting... it looks like you're trying to define methods on objects.
That's not how Erlang works.
Any process can call any function that is exposed to it. Anything in its current module is exposed to it, and anything exported from another module is exposed to it.
There are no methods.

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