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Q: Why is returning a Java object reference so much slower than returning a primitive

Sam GoldbergWe are working on a latency sensitive application and have been microbenchmarking all kinds of methods (using jmh). After microbenchmarking a lookup method and being satisfied with the results, I implemented the final version, only to find that the final version was 3 times slower than what I ha...

do you running on a 32bit machine?
no, it is a 64 bit machine (O/S = Windows 7)
Your colleague is right. It doesn't matter whether you're returning a primitive or a reference (once they take an equal amount of stack words, it doesn't depend on the bus width of architecture), but the fact that you either need to inform GC or perform a checkcast. A reference may be static final, but the data referenced to isn't.
@vathek: I think you're missing the point. The point is that returning the enum is much slower than returning enum.ordinal(). Also, I benchmarked returning an instance int value against returning enum.ordinal() and found that there is no significant difference. I believe that the Hotspot compiler inlines the ordinal() method invocation to return the int value.
The answer is likely to be boring. For example the inlining heuristic could have decided to not inline in one case. Btw, are you really running the benchmark for just about 1ms? That is far too low to get a stable result. Increase by 1000x!
Don't trust benchmarks
I couldn't reproduce your benchmark. This is my results:
Just curious - @SamGoldberg, what implementation do you use?
Benchmarking in Java is difficult, because the JIT has many kinds of optimizations, including method inlining, that it will sometimes employ and sometimes not, for a variety of reasons. I would suggest that the benchmark might be more meaningful if the methods accept a parameter which selects between the code you're trying to test and a larger piece of code which you won't ever actually run, but which will be large enough to prevent the JIT. Otherwise it's possible that the method shown is right on the cusp of what the JITter is willing to inline, and int one gets inlined in this case.
@ZhekaKozlov: what O/S and JDK version? (I have Windows 7 with JDK 1.7_40). Even changing the jmh output to avgt (as you have it) I still see the same difference.
@ZhekaKozlov: I reran same benchmark on Linux with (Centos) Java Hostpot 64 Server 1.7.0_13 and got 2.1 ns/op versus 3.9 ns/op. The difference is not as great as on my Windows machine, but it is still a factor of 2. So I can replicate the difference on 2 different machines so far.
@usr: We are using jmh. See the link in my post. JMH is taking care of dealing with optimization, iterations etc. I am pretty confident that the results are a reasonable measurement.
How long did the test run? If it ran for 1ms there is no way it can be a reliable result. Why not simply increase it my 1000x and not risk anything? No downside.
@usr: I disagree. If the microbenchmark framework claims to support running many iterations, then either it does that, and there's no point trying to hack around it to do the same yourself, or it doesn't do that, and you should throw it out on its ear.
@ruakh you place too much faith in this holy benchmarking framework. See… for example. Microbenchmarking is very, very hard in the presence of excellent optimizers. I would not dare to derive a valid measurement from a 5 CPU cycle benchmark function...
@usr: I have absolutely no faith in that benchmarking framework -- I've never used it -- and you can't possibly have read the comment you're replying to, because it doesn't demonstrate any such faith. What I'm saying is that if the framework claims to run many iterations, and it doesn't actually do that, then the solution is to throw it away and have a good laugh at its expense, rather than to try to hack around its failure to live up to its basic obligations.
First thing, use the latest JMH (1.7.1 at the moment) and recheck the results. There is a lot of factors which can affect a nano-benchmark such as yours, for example an algorithm used by the JMH to reliably consume the values returned from benchmark methods or the way JMH organizes cycle around your code.
@OlegEstekhin: You are correct. JMH 1.7.1 yields almost exactly the same times for both (which is also what ZhekaKozlov found). So it seems the difference is solely JMH's calculation (which is what some other's suspected as well). You should post this as an answer, so I can accept it.
@ruakh: to be honest, JMH is probably the most trustworthy available Java benchmarking framework in existence, because it's the one OpenJDK built and uses; it's "official."
@LouisWasserman: That sounds very reasonable, but I think you should direct your comment to 'usr' rather than to me. :-)

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