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Hello. Thank you for joining.
I figured out the issue. There is a keypress event attached for document
fantastic, so you're able to type in the text box now?
$(document).keypress(function(event) {
									// Play-Pause Video
									if(event.keyCode == 32 && playing == false) {
										playing = true;
									}else if(event.keyCode == 32 && playing == true) {
										playing = false;

									// Vary Play Rate -- Hold down shift and presss 's' or 'n'
									if(event.keyCode == 83 && playingRateNormal == true && rateCount == 1) {
But I need to keep the event function, in that it tells me when a particular key is pressed.
gotcha, well the first thing that stands out to me is the "preventDefault" call on the event.
I bet that's what's causing your issue
but, it sounds like you don't want that to trigger when the user is typing in a text box
Yes! Figured that too!! Thank you.
I have one question related to bootstrap. Could you help me with that too? ;)
sure can
Thank you. When we generate a modal by clicking a button and then when the modal is closed, the button that triggered the modal remains in focus.
How to prevent that?
This causes trouble, when I press space bar. Since button is in focus and on pressing space bar, modal appears again!
I had also posted a query regarding this :…
try calling this.blur() after the click function triggers
Yes, I tried.
ah, hmm.
But that didn't help.
one second
one more second, I think I might've found a solution for you
got it
see this JSFiddle:
this'll prevent the button from triggering when spacebar is pressed and the button has focus
whoops, the $(window).focus() isn't necessary
Please allow me 2 minutes, while I am trying.
no worries
I tried:
where goalb is :
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-primary " data-toggle='modal' data-target='#goal' id='goalb'>Goal</button>
got it, so the issue is that your code that you added is never reached
also, it has to be on keyup, not on keypress
I'd recommend adding a keyup function with just that bit of code added
Doesn't seem to work. When I click the button with data-target='#goal' a modal appears. To close the modal I press,escape. After the escape is pressed the goal button is in focus. So if I press, space bar modal again appears.
could you show your code for that?
just for the bit of code you added, that is
and if I seem a bit distracted, I am..haha, on the phone atm :)
The goal button :
The goal modal :
so, the html really shouldn't affect this behavior, instead this should all be affected by the JavaScript
and the issue with the first bit of code you produced was two-fold:
because you added the focus declaration in an else-if statement with two other checks, it'll never get reached
because you're saying "if the space bar is pressed and it's playing { do this } if the space bar is pressed and it's not playing { do this }"
the second reason is because it's on keypress, which will not prevent the behavior from triggering a click event
so what I'd recommend is to add a $(document).keyup function which does the same test, and see if that works. if not, it might require a little more
unfortunately, I need to leave for a while. I'll check back later
When the modal is closed by pressing escape or by clicking close , (<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>) the button gains focus. We need align a blur event in between.
Sure. No problem.
as far as I can tell, calling blur will not prevent the behavior you're experiencing
the only way that I've found to prevent the behavior is by catching and stopping it when it happens
I will check it and make it work. Thank you for your time. Much appreciated.
You may post the answer to query. I will accept it.

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