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5:31 AM
Q: dictionaryhow to create dictionary like tree in python

M Azhari am beginner in python: can anyone help me there is text files and their content are as follows: text file1: A [ A1: text file2 A1 [ B: -- C: text file3 B[ B1: B2: Textfile4 B1[ b1: b2: -- b3: b4: B2[ d1: d2: d3: d4: -- text...

this all you bb
There's a lot of questions about JSON Lines recently because of things like BigQuery and so many botched attempts at getting the format right on SO
help me please I want to do something for him but lord he cant edit it shit
help me haha
i feel bad honestly
4 hours later…
9:46 AM
7 messages moved from Python
4 hours later…
1 message moved from Python
5 hours later…
1 message moved from Python

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